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Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah
ISSN : 19781326     EISSN : 27214397     DOI :
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Articles 8 Documents
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Pergaulan Remaja Menurut Pandangan Islam Irwanto
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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This increasingly advanced era with a variety of modern sophistication, especially the development of IT (Science and Technology) is not balanced with the teachings of Islam, then what will happen is the moral and moral destruction of children, especially teenagers. This can be seen from their association that has abandoned religious norms, such as gathering between men and women without limits, many young women who do not wear the hijab, getting away from worship and always close to disobedience. So Islam has provided rules for teenagers to get along and have morals, so that later they can minimize the associations that violate religious norms..
Pesantren: Dinamika dan Perkembangan Dalimunthe, Rasyid Anwar
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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The establishment of the Islamic Boarding School was also initially initiated by Wali Songo, initiated by Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim who is from Gujarat India. During the Dutch colonial era, in various ways the colonialists tried to discredit Islamic education managed by natives, including pesantren. Ki Hajar Dewantara alone as the National Education figure and the first Minister of Indonesian Teaching Education stated that Islamic boarding schools are the basis of national education, because they are in accordance with the spirit and personality of the Indonesian people. pesantren education today has received the same attention from the government, especially the Ministry of Religion. At present it has become a separate directorate, namely the directorate of religious education and Islamic boarding school which aims to optimally improve the services of Islamic boarding schools to the community.
Implementasi Program Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (Ppk) Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Lubis, Rahmat Rifai
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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The Character Building Strengthening Program, hereinafter abbreviated as PPK, is an educational movement under the responsibility of the education unit to strengthen the character of students through the harmonization of the process of heart, taste, thought, and sports by involving and cooperating between education units, families, and the community as part of the National Mental Revolution Movement (GNRM). In the implementation of the program of character education strengthening carried out in three ways namely Intra-Curricular, co-curricular, Extracurricular. In the intraarticular scope of course through the material of Islamic religious education itself, in that material there are spiritual values that basically teach the goodness to students. of course in this case in line with the program of strengthening the character education itself. In extra-curricular activities, such as Pesantren Kilat, Da'wah institutions, fostering Islamic talent and so on.
Pengaruh Karakter, Pola Asuh dan Masalah Orangtua Terhadap Perilaku Anak Di Sekolah Dewi, Chandra
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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Discussing about children, is an interesting discussion for parents and educators because behind it all there are unique facts relating to children's behavior and their correlation with children's problems. What happens at home or at school. Families, especially mothers are the first madrasas children before studying in formal and non-formal educational institutions, so the family must have a greater role in terms of being responsible for educating children. The role of parents must be able to meet the psychological and physical needs of a child so that the child as the holder of the line can be a person that his parents can be proud of. Good interaction between parents and children can create a conducive relationship and will greatly affect children's development in terms of cognitive and emotional. The problem is, has this matter become an important priority for parents? This is where the author feels the need to do research because many see the fact that it happens precisely the attitudes and behavior of parents become a problem trigger for children in behaving in their social environment, especially the school environment. The author would like to see how much "Influence of Character, Parenting Style and Problems of Parents on Children's Behavior in Schools" so they can provide input to parents and educators how to overcome these problems because children are the future assets of parents. Children are also the assets of the nation which is a new generation and human resources that have an important role as the successor to the ideals of the nation's struggle. This is background, the writer who also acts as a parent and educator feels that he has responsibility for the future of the nation and state in the future in the hands of our children. The better the child's personality, the better the nation's future. Conversely, the bad personality of the child will also be bad for the life of the nation to come.for children in behaving in their social environment, especially the school environment. The author would like to see how much "Problems of Parents' Influence on Child Behavior in Schools" so they can provide input to parents and educators how to overcome these problems because children are the future assets of parents. Children are also the assets of the nation which is a new generation and human resources that have an important role as the successor to the ideals of the nation's struggle. With this background, the writer who also acts as a parent and educator feels that he has responsibility for the future of the nation and state in the future in the hands of our children. The better the child's personality, the better the nation's future. Conversely, the bad personality of the child will also be bad for the life of the nation to come..
Menyatukan Hukum Islam dan Adat Jawa Atas Harta Waris Bagi Anak Angkat Irma, Ade
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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The status of adopted children in Islamic law and Javanese customs is still an interesting phenomenon to be studied in Islamic studies, especially to know the legal consequences of two dimensions, namely Islamic law and Javanese customs. Indeed, children are mandates that can be nurtured both physically and mentally by both parents. A child is worthy of life with all the needs sought by both parents as a form of responsibility. However, these conditions often cannot be felt by some children because one or both of their parents died. On that basis, it can cause a child's life condition no longer like a child in general who still has biological parents. Another problem arises from the possibility that both parents are not economically capable to finance their children's lives. Thus, other children are taken to be adopted by other people. Child adoption ultimately has legal consequences for inheritance. In time the adopted child can be counted as a person who has the right to get the property of the adoptive parent after death and the existence of the adopted child has a position of inheritance. The method in this study uses a review of pure literature using analytical content. The final results of non-finalWriting indicate that according to Javanese custom, adoption of a child does not break the child's relationship with biological parents and adopted children nor are they biological children of adoptive parents, but adopted children are entitled to inheritance from their parents and also from people adoptive old man. Whereas according to Islamic law, cannot accept the existence of adopted child status over his position of inheritance from adoptive parents.
Lafaz Ditinjau Dari Segi Hakikat Dan Majaz (Wacana Pengantar Studi) Baidawi, Ahmad
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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The essence and majaz are two words in the form of mutadhayyifan or relative term (relative terminology), in the sense of being two words which are always side by side and each word will enter into one of them. The scholars give different meanings to the words true and majaz. The difference is only in the formulation while the understanding is close together. What is meant by essence is a lafaz which is used according to its origin for a specific purpose. The purpose of lafaz was formulated by language transfer is to facilitate understanding in the use of the language. Whereas what is meant by majaz is First; Lafaz does not show the true meaning as desired by a language. Second; Lafaz is not according to its true meaning borrowed to be used in giving meaning to what is meant. Third; between the target of the meaning of lafaz used with the target borrowed from the meaning of lafaz there is a connection. In relation to law, the nature and essence are the same in terms of providing legal understanding. Legal conclusions can be drawn from a lafaz based on the intrinsic meaning created for that lafaz, whether lafaz is general or specific, an order or prohibition. Likewise, the legal conclusion can be drawn from a lafaz based on the meaning of majazi lent for lafaz.
Hak Khiyar Dalam Perlindungan Konsumen Menurut Mazhab Syafi’i Dan Hukum Positif (Studi Kasus Jual Beli Buku Bersegel di Toko Buku Pustaka 2000 Kecamatan Lubuk Pakam) Nasution, Leni Masnidar
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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Among muamalah activities is buying and selling. Today the practice of buying and selling is growing apart from all kinds of things one of them is a book. Nowadays, the sale of books is packaged with plastic seals so that it attracts buyers. One of these books was sold at the Bookstore Pustaka 2000 in Lubuk Pakam District. The practice of buying and selling is bizarre for some consumers / buyers. When further investigated, the vulnerability of neglected consumer rights makes the pattern of buying and selling in the shop contradict with Islamic law and Positive Law. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach using analytic descriptive method, the implication of which is by describing the author's analyzes of phenomena that occur in the midst of society within the object of research based on Islamic normative theory, especially according to the perspective Syafi'i school and Positive Law. According to the view of the Shafi'ite school in several Majmu books' Syarah al- Muhazzab and the book Nihayatu az-Zain Fi Irsyadi al-Mubtadi'in that every consumer and seller in trading activities has the same position before Islamic law. The practice of buying and selling books in the store according to the author's observations practically ignores consumer rights. Lack of socialization of knowledge and understanding of consumer protection, especially the right of khiyar according to Islamic law and positive law is the main factor why the practice of buying and selling books that are still wrong. This research concludes according to the author that buying and selling in the store is contrary to the concept of khiyar and positive law. In addition, the standard clause by the store according to the analysis of the writer does not apply the concept of khiyar and neglects the rights of consumers so that it is null and void.
MAQÂSHID AL-SYARI’AH (Wacana Pengantar Studi) Imam Muhardinata Muhardinata, Imam
Al-Fikru: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Juni (2019)
Publisher : STAI Serdang Lubuk Pakam

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Since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, Maqâshid al-Shari'ah has be-come a consideration as a basis in establishing the law. Such efforts, then car-ried out also by the friends. Such efforts are clearly seen in several legal provi-sions carried out by Umar Ibn al-Khattab r.a. This Maqâshid al-Syar'iah study then gained a place in the science of usul al-fiqh, which was developed by the ushul in the application of qiyas, when talking about masalik al-Illah. Such studies are seen in several works of ushul al-fiqh, such as Ghiyas al-Umam fi Iltiyas al-Zulam with the concept of the term al-Masalih al-'Ammah by Abdul Malik al-Juwayni, one of the early contributors to the Maqâshid al-Shari'ah theory, ar-Risalah by al-Shafi'i, Al-Mustasfa by al-Ghazali, al-Mu'tamad by Abu al-Hasan al-Bashri, and others. This study was then developed broadly and systematically by Abu Ishaq al-Syathibi who later called his name al-Syathibi or as-Syathibi. In its continuation, Maqâshid al-Syari’ah has instead become a discussion that is less popular or even ignored in many reference books that talk about usul al-fiqh. The search for the topic of Maqâshid al-Shari'ah is not easy to obtain. So far the discussion of Maqâshid al-Shari'ah has been more identified with Abu Ishaq al-Syathibi or as-Syathibi. At least the books of usul al- fiqh salaf, especially those of the Islamic scholars of as-Syafi'i who discussed Maqâshid al-Shari'ah or even ignored them in their subject matter, were due to the relevance of this discussion to the theol-ogy which he believed. This debate about Maqâshid al-Shari'ah is not only relat-ed to theology, but also related to the success of Maqâshid al-Shari'ah as a source of legal development. The methods of developing Islamic law based on Maqâshid al-Shariah such as istihsan and mashlahah al-mursalah are disputed development methods.

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