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International Politics and Security International Politics and Economy International Organizations and Regime Politics, Media, and Transnational Society
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris" : 7 Documents clear
Circumventing Sanctions: The Impact of Sino-Iranian Relations On Iran Within The Middle-East Power Constellation (Case Study of Iran-Israel Proxy War in Syria) Patricia Patricia; Kinanti Aristawidya; Marchelle Adriani
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v3i2.5120.118-141


Due to its hostile behavior in the Middle East, Iran has been sanctioned severely by the international community. Despite isolation attempts by the international community, Iran is nevertheless regarded as a powerhouse in the regional power constellation, owing to its actions in the Middle-Eastern proxy wars. Acknowledging the anomaly of Iran’s capabilities in spite of heavy sanctions, this research arguably shows how Sino-Iranian relations paves the way for Iran to circumvent sanctions. Subsequent to learning about China’s support for Iran, this research questions if the aforementioned support has an impact on Iran’s actions and status within the regional power constellation. Furthermore, this research also questions the influence of Iran and China’s relations towards the former’s ability in pursuing its aims through the Syrian proxy war against Israel in the account of international sanctions and condemnations. Guided by the concept of balancing by Stephen M. Walt and  an exploitative model of proxy warfare theory, this research finds the Sino-Iranian relations as having a significant effect towards improving Tehran’s capabilities and acquisition of power in the Middle-East power constellation. Moreover, concerning the Iran-Israel proxy war, China’s actions are proven to mainly affect Iran and the Syrian civil war within the political sphere.
Managing The COVID-19 Pandemic: Health and Food Security of Rohingya Refugees at Kutopalong Camp, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh Raudatul Zanah AS; M Hanif Abiyyu Handana
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v3i2.5128.142-153


Research on "Managing The COVID-19 Pandemic: Health and Food Security of Rohingya Refugees in Kutopalong Camp, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh" is a recent study that seeks to explain the managing of COVID-19 from both the Bangladesh government and international organizations to Rohingya refugees in the Kutopalong Camp, Cox's Bazar, which focuses on health security and food security. This study seeks to provide a new, more realistic approach on how Rohingya refugees are handled in Kutopalong Camp during COVID-19 and when COVID-19 ends, of co,urse, by incorporating the concept of health security and food security as the theoretical basis of research. The discussion of this research was obtained using qualitative methods as well as comparing with previous research.
The Impact of AUKUS in Indonesian Perspective: Regional Military Balance and Security Dilemma Alifsar Nurfauzi; Frisca Lampita; Muhammad Rizky Mahendra
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v3i2.6079.90-103


Indonesia in issuing Australia’s plans to pursue nuclear-powered submarines and the launch of AUKUS as a new security grouping between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States aimed at promoting greater defense industry cooperation will be significant considerations for Indonesia. As one of Australia’s major neighboring country, one of Indonesia major concerns will be the significant impact on the region’s military balance. Not only will Australian nuclear-powered submarines will be able to undertake long-endurance, high-speed, stealth operations, but they could be equipped with upgraded missile systems. The Indonesian government viewed the submarine decision ‘cautiously’ and was ‘deeply concerned’ over the continuous arms race and power projection in the region. The aim of this paper is to analyze how Australia’s decision to power up its maritime capability create a security dilemma for Indonesia that left Indonesia ‘jammed’ between two major powers. This could increase the tension in the region. As Indonesia believe the AUKUS will provoke China into developing more sophisticated anti-submarine which would generate anxiety for Jakarta. This could lead into arms race between major powers.The author uses qualitative research to find fact and answer research questions on Indonesia’s concern regarding AUKUS will trigger China and provoke arm race in the region and create security dilemma for Indonesia.
Colonial Legacy and Development: Reflection on Nigeria’s Oil Dependency and Economic Resilience amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Adzraa Andira; Freya Harber
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v3i2.6106.168-182


This paper argues that the lack of economic diversification caused by colonial practices serves as the cause of Nigeria’s dependency towards the oil sector, hence exacerbating their economic condition amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. What began as colonialism with the British Empire has carried out into today’s day and age as Nigeria’s economic vulnerability and dependency on its oil industry. Despite previous experiences in facing crises due to fluctuating global oil markets, it is apparent that the sector of mining and quarrying –including oil– still holds a great proportion of Nigeria’s domestic revenue sources, despite attempts to diversify the country’s economic portfolio. It is clear that Nigeria’s lack of diversification of economic sources as a colonial legacy makes the country more vulnerable towards crisis, especially in the context of COVID-19. Nigeria’s dependency on Oil in the wake of post-colonialism offers a good example of the vulnerable nature of economies that lack diversification. Furthermore, this study uses literature findings as its main source of data. One can also see literature comparison of the concept regarding the impact of neo-colonial frameworks towards former colonies.
Konsep Keuntungan Maksimal Sebagai Alasan Filipina Menggandeng Tiongkok pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Evita Christiana
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v3i2.6129.154-167


Relations between the Philippines and China are filled with conflict and cooperation. The conflict between the two countries can be seen from the conflict in the South China Sea, while the cooperation between the Philippines and China can be seen in the form of investment, loans, and others. With these dynamics, the author then finds an anomaly related to why the Philippines, which is in conflict with China in the South China Sea still wants to cooperate with China during the pandemic of COVID-19. Through this research, the author aims to find out the reasons behind the Philippines' desire to cooperate. The author then argues that the cooperation happens because of the material benefits that the Philippines has received and the benefit of social relations. In doing this research, the author uses rational choice theory from a journal written by Linda K George. By using rational choice theory, the author will further review what choices the Philippines faces so that it prefers to cooperate with China.  
Legalisasi Ganja di Uruguay dan Kanada: Dampak terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Nasional Nada Gavrila Wasisto; Sesilia Rainaputri Jans
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26593/sentris.v3i2.6157.104-117


ABSTRACT The legalization of cannabis has been a trend to be done by countries because it is seen as beneficial in many ways. Marijuana is seen as a drug which has less negative impacts, or can be said “manageable” hence receiving much support from the society to be legalized in a country. Cannabis legalization, either medical or non medical marijuana, is believed to positively impact the welfare of society. Uruguay and Canada are the first and second countries which legalized non medical marijuana through the establishment of a specific marijuana policy to regulate various activities related to marijuana. However, the established marijuana legalization policy has not necessarily proven to give advantages to society. In addition, the impacts of the legalization itself can not only be seen from the fact that the countries have legalized marijuana, rather how the legalization is regulated in the policy. Thus, this research will analyze how marijuana is legalized in the national policy of Uruguay and Canada, and compare the impacts of the policy towards human welfare through the perspective of Social Welfare Theory by Elizabeth Wickenden.   
Critical Summary Bab 8 “Propaganda” Daphne Andrea
Jurnal Sentris Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Sentris
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mahasiswa Pengkaji Masalah Internasional Unpar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Garth S. Jowett dalam salah satu bab di bukunya yang berjudul Propaganda and Persuasion berargumen bahwa propaganda merupakan suatu bentuk komunikasi yang dapat digambarkan sebagai sebuah proses yang sangat rumit dan kompleks. Proses propaganda sendiri dapat dikatakan berupa aliran pesan melalui sistem jaringan yang meliputi agen propaganda, berbagai media, dan jaringan sosial. Propaganda memiliki dampak potensial pada budaya pada titik mana pun selama proses berlangsung, dan tentu saja budaya pada gilirannya berdampak pada proses propaganda.

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