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Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal (BIoEx Journal)
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Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published in January, May and September by BIAR Publisher. BIoEx Journal welcomes research paper in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, medical sciences, argicultural sciences and other related fields which is published in both online and printed versions.
Articles 12 Documents
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Effect of Feeding Fermented Catfish Pellets with Probiotics on Population Growth of Water Fleas (Daphnia Magna) Cantika Glodia; Sucahyo
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.736


D. magna as feed has advantages: easy to digest, the size is in accordance with the larval mouth opening, has 42.65% protein in the form of nutrition, contains a number of digestive enzymes, does not degrade water quality and can be cultivated in bulk. In this study, commercial catfish pellets fermented with probiotics were used as feed for D. magna. The probiotic that is often used in aquaculture is EM4 (Effective Microorganism 4). EM4 is able to play a role in increasing protein levels and with the right dose, EM4 becomes the main determining factor in growth productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the good duration of EM4 fermentation in population growth of D. magna. This study is an experimental study (CRD), using D. magna as a test animal, with 5 different treatments. The results of the density of D. magna which were given different treatments gave different results. The highest density was found in treatment 3 and the treatment that had the lowest density was in treatment 5. The results of the Nonparametric test (Friedman-Test) showed significant results (P=0.00<0.05). Significantly different treatments were in treatment 3 and 5, while treatment 2 and treatment 4 had no significant difference. The results of the study the highest specific growth rate obtained was in treatment 4 of 0.223%/day, then followed by treatment 3 of 0.211%/day, while other treatments were relatively lower. Thus, feeding in the form of catfish pellets fermented with EM4 on the population growth of Daphnia magna gave a significant effect on treatment 3 and treatment 5 with the highest specific growth rate in treatment 4.
Survey on Knowledge and on some Cases of Monkeypox: A Zoonotic Disease Endemic to Ubangian Eco-region of Democratic Republic of the Congo Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua; Ruphin Djolu Djoza; Jeff Iteku Bekomo; Colette Masengo Ashande; Clarisse Falanga Mawi; Emmanuel Kitete Mulongo; Dorothée Tshilanda Dinangayi; Damien Sha Tshibey Tshibangu; Muhammad Ridwan; Pius T. Mpiana
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.737


The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge on Simian Orthopoxvirosis or Monkeypox in 180 people (129 males and 51 females) using the stratified probability sampling method. The majority of the respondents were (are): 35-50 years old (45.00%), with secondary education (43.33%), farmers (40.56%) and married (80.00%). The disease appears every year, thus demonstrating its endemic nature (98.33% of the respondents); 58.3% of the respondents said that the disease appears very often during the dry season, on the contrary, 40% of the respondents said that the disease appears during the rainy season. However, 1.7% of respondents said that the disease occurs every other season. The majority of respondents (81.1%) said that the cause of the disease is the consumption of bush meat, followed by wild vegetables (3.3%), fish (2.8%), livestock (2.2%) and caterpillars (1.7%) respectively. 65.2% of the respondents use Manihot esculenta to treat the disease locally, and followed by the leaves and wine of Raphia sese (13%), Morinda morindoides (13%) and Myrianthus arboreus (8.7%). Between January 17 and September 10, 2020, 40 cases of monkey pox were admitted to HGR of Businga (Maximum age: 42 years, minimum age: 1 year, average age: 13.3 years). 28 patients were male and 12 female. It is therefore advisable that surveillance be organized in wild animals and bush meat exposed on the market to ensure that they are not contaminated with Monkeypoxvirus. It is thus needed to establish a veterinary laboratory in Nord-Ubangi Province.
Effects of Compost and Buckling on the Rejection Capacity of Plantain (Musa sapientum L.) under the Eco-climatic Conditions of Gbado-Lite, Democratic Republic of the Congo Molongo Mokondande Médard; Koto-Te-Nyiwa Ngbolua; Muhammad Ridwan; Taffouo Victor Désiré; Songbo Kwedugbu Médard; Litucha Bakokola Joseph; Okungo Lotokola Albert; Monde-Te-Kazangba Godefroid
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.748


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of compost and buckling on the plantain (Musa sp. cv. AAB, var Ngbangele) offshoot power under the conditions of Gbado-Lite in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The experimental device chosen was that of complete randomized blocks comprising 3 repetitions and 4 plots 3 m long. The plots were arranged so that the flamed cultivars were adjacent depending on the substrates including T0: control substrate or unamended plot; T1: substrate from sawdust; T2: substrate from rice husk; T3: substrate from slush. Each plot contained 10 sample suckers of plantains. The greenhouse was installed after applying the buckling technique. It was observed that a bulb produced an average of 4 weaned suckers in the control bulbs; 8 suckers weaned on bulbs installed on substrates originating from slush; 9 suckers weaned on bulbs planted on substrates made from sawdust and rice husk. The releases installed on the control plot experienced a post-buckling recovery rate of 66.7%; those planted on sawdust and rice husk gave 83.3% and the subjects planted on the substrate from slush experienced a recovery rate of 80%; these results showed that the flame suckers adapted to the greenhouse conditions. In view of these results, it should be noted that this technique remains a major asset for the production of healthy suckers and in large quantities.
Influence of Additives on the Viscoelastic Behavior of Asphalt Concrete Saad Issa Sarsam
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.751


Implication of mineral additives into the asphalt concrete mixture can influence the viscoelastic behavior; change the density, gradation, and strength properties. In the present investigation, fly ash and silica fumes were added to the asphalt concrete mixture. Slab samples were compacted with the aid of laboratory roller, and then beam specimens were sawed from the slab samples. The asphalt concrete beam specimens were subjected to repeated flexural stresses through the four-points bending test at 20℃ and under 400 micro-strain level until failure. The influence of the additives was monitored and compared. It was concluded that the phase angle, flexural stiffness, and the fatigue life declines while the cumulative dissipated energy increases after implication of the additives. However, the silica fumes additives exhibit a significant impact on the viscoelastic properties as compared with the control or the fly ash treated mixtures.
Multi-agent Intelligent Ensembles with Professional Competencies, Pattern Recognition and Decision Making Evgeny Bryndin
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.752


Each competence is exercised by an intellectual agent with a competent functional professional image. Intellectual agents form an ensemble with clever ethical artificial intelligence. The use of an ensemble with intelligent ethical artificial intelligence in various environments is carried out by synergistically adjusting the interaction of intelligent agents based on data from a specific environment obtained by an analytical competent intellectual agent. Modeling holographic processes of the human psyche based on artificial intelligence of machine learning with Fourier transformation using full parametric sequences of necessary and sufficient data of holograms of target objects solves the problem of their unambiguous detection in different environments and in different conditions. An ensemble of intelligent decision-making agents is a cognitive information system that makes a decision based on an objective analysis of available data in difficult situations, in an interactive mode, taking into account performance criteria and resource-time constraints. Decision-making criteria are functionalities that express preferences and allow ranking the quality of decisions. Decisions are made on the basis of rules. Decision rules are a set of logical constructs used to produce a decision based on criteria, data, and knowledge. An ensemble of intellectual agents with professional competencies, pattern recognition and decision-making fully model the abilities of the human psyche.
Essay of Different Proportion of Protein on Growth of juvenile Distichodus antonii schilthius 1891.l. In vivo in Kisangani (D. R. Congo.) Munganga Kabate Serge; Osombause Sango Joël; Kalala Gaëtan; Ngalya Benga Nathalie; Monsengo Mbabruki Franco; Ebwa Joël; Serkali Maliba
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.753


The present work was carried out in 201 at Facultural Institute of Agronomic Science of Yangambi in the province of Tshopo (RDC) and focuses on the Essay of different proportion of protein on growth of juvenile Distichodus antonii schilthius 1891.l. In vivo in Kisangani (D. R. Congo.) The objective pursued by this work was of study the performance of growth of juvenile of Distichodus antonii schilthius vivo in. Methodology and results: It resulted from the study that Distichodus antonii has doubled weight during all the experience. According to the t test of STUDENT calculated between the gain of body mass of fish fed with the food R1 continent 300% of protein and the R2 continent 25 % of protein showed a non significant difference (P<0,05). The SGR (Specific Growth Rate ‘‘SGR’’) appeared meaningfully and significantly correlated to the fed. The results of mortality rate during this experience did not seem being correlated to the different diet but rather to the manipulation of fish and other experimental protocols artefacts. The protein content of the carcasses of Distichodus varied of 117, 40% for the food R1 and 135, 84% for the food R2. The diet R2 appeared performing compared to the diet R1 according to body protein gain by unit of consumed protein and for the weight gain by unit of consumed protein by Distichodus antonii.
Evolution of the Soil Report Carbon / Nitrogen in Relation with the Severity of the Bunette Groove of Cassava (SBM) in Three Agrosystems of the Yakonde Set (Y2) in the Reserve of the Biosphere of Yangambi, DRC Kombele M; Kombele B; Ofeka L; Kolela B; Motosia A.; Bati S; Bohula F.; Kombele F
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.754


The occupation of earth, dominated by the peasant fields of Obama cassava in forest zone on the Yakonde set (Y2) in Yangambi in Congolese central pan (RDC), change quickly and the forest fragmentation bound to the roving agriculture on the giblets-burnt lands became one of the processes dominating the landscape dynamics. In addition to the machete and the ax, fire remained for the agriculturists of the region an excellent means to get rid of the cut vegetation and also to lead physical and chemical modifications quickly in the superficial layers of soil. To put in evidence, the evolution of the values of the C/N report of soil in report to those of the severity of the brunette groove of cassava (SBM) that rages currently in Yangambi (CWAVE project), three agrosystèmes of the Yakonde set (Y2) have been chosen: the secondary forest (FS), the forest recrû (RF) and the grassy fallow (JH). In every in every different type of forests, an extent of 50m x 50m was there cut, arranged and without use of fire and the cuttings healthy and infected of SBM of the cassava of the Obama variety have been planted in lines simple oriented north-south in under-parcels in repeated at random two blocks. In 19 pedological pits of the experimental site, 76 pedological samples have been appropriated in two slices of soil: 0 - 20 cm and 20 - 40 cm of depth. The total organic nitrogen of soil has been measured out by the Kjeldhal method and the carbon, by the method to the bichromate of potassium by humid way and to cold weather (Kombele, 2004, Kakuni, 2020). as for the severity of SBM, she/it has been determined by observations on symptomatic leaves and without the symptoms according to the methods of Sseruwagi and al. (2005) and Mware and al. (2009). The results gotten to four months of age of Obama cassava show that the middle values of the C/N are raised more in the grassy fallow (JH) with 8,76±3,43 and a severity of the SBM of 2,7, consistent of those of the secondary forest (FS) with 7,26±3,37 the C/N and a severity of the SBM of 2,4, those of the forest recrû (RF) with 5,28±3,02 the C/N and a severity of the SBM of 2,1.
Impact of Anthropization on the Contents Made of Copper and Zinc in the Urban Soils: Case of the Concession of the Airport of Simi-simi in Kisangani in the Province of the Tshopo in RD Congo Kombele M; Kirongozi F; Ugencan D; Bati Y; Kombele B; Ofeka L; Lifafu H; Bohula F.; Kombele B. F
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.755


The present survey had like goal to value the impact of Anthropization on the contents made of copper and in zinc of the urban soils in the concession of the airport of Simi-simi suited in the Common Makiso city of Kisangani, Province of the Tshopo in Democratic Republic of Congo. In every substation, the investigatings have been made besides by the polls to the auger or less 60cm of depth. The samples of soil have been appropriated in: 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40 -50 and 50-60 cm, giving a total of 18 prompt samples thus by substation and 126 prompt samples reduced to 42 composites for all 6 substations as well as the station-reference (witness) that is the concession of the IFA-Yangambi in the PK41 on the Ituri road. The elements traces metallic copper and zinc have been analyzed and have been measured out by the method of ammonium acetate to the atomic absorption spectrophotometer in presence of EDTA to pH7. Middle content made of most elevated copper is of 782,78 µg/g under station of pure and weakest corn that is 328,42µg/g in relation to all other occupations of soil. Middle content made of more elevated zinc in the dense forest (reference) with 62,98±23,57µg/g and weaker in the cassava-peanut substation with 44,59±23,62µg/g by report others occupation of soil studied in our zone of survey. The impacts of anthropisation are negative to the level of zinc, it observes itself so much in the substations that in their respective slices, what means that the activities practiced in the site of the airport of Simi-simi drew on the reserves of their soil made of zinc more that in copper, although in weak quantities that for this last.
Modeling and Analysis of Asymmetrical Faults for Relay Settings in Electric Power Protection System Learning Abd. Hakim Butar-Butar; Agus Junaidi; Marwan Afandi; Sempurna Perangin-Angin; Rahmaniar
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.757


This study examines the analysis of Asymmetrical fault, namely single-phase ground faults for e-jobsheet products based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or utilizing computer programs for study. A study of short-circuit faults in the electric power system, is used to solve problems in the field of reliability and protection. the electric power system, namely the handling of single-phase short-circuit faults to ground which, if not neutralized, cause equipment damage to the electric power system. Parameters from modeling and analysis of asymmetrical faults are used for setting the Ground Fault Relay or often known as the Ground Fault Relay (GFR). The research study begins with modeling the interconnection system in the form of a reactance diagram, then modeling it with the bus impedance matrix equation, to determine the magnitude of the short circuit impedance value on the diagonal matrix. Then calculate the fault current of a single-phase short circuit to ground. From these results it is determined to determine the amount of the relay setting. The results showed that the asymmetrical fault current was 3.0 Pu with a setting time value of 2,45 seconds. The results of the study are used for learning relay settings. The simulation program was validated by experts, with a very good category with an Aikensv index of 0.872.
Evolution of the Stock of Total Organic Carbon of Soil under the Culture of Cassava (Manihot Crantz esculenta) Installed in no Incineration in a Forest Fallow of the Yakonde Set (Y2) in Relation to the One of the Old Surrounding Secondary Forest of the Re Kombele M; Motondo M; Motosia A; Kolela B; Ugencan D; Lifafu H; Kakuni J; Kombele F; Kombele FM
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Britain International of Exact Sciences Journal, September
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/bioex.v4i3.758


The objective pursued in this work is to try to put in evidence the ecological role of the cassava culture installed by no burning of the biomass on the management of the stock of total organic carbon of soil. Thus, an extent of 0,48 ha has been delimited and has been subdivided in 24 parcels in which were installed 24 pedological pits and where 48 samples of soil that means 24 samples no - unsettled and 24 unsettled others, were appropriated in the slices of 0-20 and 20-40 cm of depth these samples served for the determination of the total organic matter, the total organic carbon, the obvious density and of the stock in carbon of soil to seven months of age of the culture of five varieties of cassava. Five cultivars of cassava to know Disanka, Obama, Zizila, Me vuazi and Nsansi have been installed in a fallow forest enhancement by no - incineration of the biomass and an old secondary forest taken like reference, situated in the Yakonde set (Y2) in the Tray Isalowe in Yangambi, RD Congo. The results gotten during our experimentation reveals a relative an impact in the management of the stock of soil carbon by the different cultivars of cassava, with the exception of the Zizila varieties (T3) and Nsansi (T5) in relation to the old secondary forest taken like witness even though that, the analyses statistical attest non meaningful differences between the worth of carbon stock observed so much in soil under the different varieties of cassava that under the old secondary forest. Nevertheless, the no - incineration decorated the most suitable fashion of enhancement of soil in general in the optics of the lasting management of the stock of organic carbon of soil in the agrosystèmes of the tropics and of the region of Yangambi in particular.

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