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Journal of Nursing Education & Practice (JNEP)
ISSN : 27989623     EISSN : 27989496     DOI : 10.53801/jnep
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Journal Of Nursing Education & Practice focuses its article in the field of nursing, which is the branch of health sciences. The scope of this journal articles are: Medical and Surgical Nursing Emergency Maternity And Pediatric Nursing Psychiatric Family and Community Nursing Geriatric Nursing Education and Management in Nursing
Articles 6 Documents
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Hubungan Kepatuhan, Derajat Hipertensi dan Status Nutrisi: Obesitas dengan Defisiensi Vitamin D pada Pasien Hemodialisis : Compliance, Degree of Hypertension, and Nutritional Status: Obesity with Vitamin D Deficiency in Hemodialysis Patients Oktika Nurjanah; Susaldi; Sumedi
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Journal of Nursing Education & Practice
Publisher : MPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53801/jnep.v1i4.68


Introduction: CKD (Chonic Kidney Disease) is a gradual failure of kidney function that causes the accumulation of metabolic waste substances (uremic toxins), resulting in decreased kidney function and gradual loss of kidney function over time. Objectives: To determine the relationship between adherence, degree of hypertension and nutritional status with vitamin d deficiency in hemodialysis patients. Method: The population of this study were all patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy in room 1 and room 2 of the Avio Prima Ciledug Hemodialysis Clinic, collecting 30 people. Sampling technique in this research is using total sampling technique. The number of samples in this study were 30 respondents. The research instrument used an observation sheet. This research uses chi square analysis. Result: The results of the study on the value of adherence to vitamin D intake obtained p-value = 0.003. Blood Pressure obtained p-value = 0.045. Nutritional status obtained p-value = 0.047. Conclusion: there is a relationship between the factors of age, type. There is a relationship between adherence to vitamin D intake, pressure, nutritional status and vitamin D deficiency in chronic disease patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Dukungan Sosial Memengaruhi Tingkat Stres Perawat Selama Pandemi Covid-19 : Social Support Affects the Level of Stress in Nurses During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ozi Maijefri; Ahmad Rizal; Lanasari
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Journal of Nursing Education & Practice
Publisher : MPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53801/jnep.v1i4.69


Introduction: Nurses as medical personnel who are directly involved in handling Covid-19 patients are very at risk of experiencing stress. Social support plays an important role in dealing with nurse stress. Objectives: to find out the relationship between Social Support and Stress Levels During the Covid-19 Pandemic at PMI Bogor in 2021. Method: This type of research is a quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used was Total Sampling with a total of 78 respondents. The instrument used is a questionnaire sheet. Analysis of this research using Somer's D test with = 0.05. Result: From the results of univariate data testing, the majority of early adults (26-35 years) were 49 people (63%), with female sex as many as 49 people (62.8%), the majority experienced moderate stress levels as many as 54 people (69.2% ) and have moderate social support as many as 55 people (70.5%). From the results of the bivariate analysis test using the Somers'D test, a p-value of 0.000 (p <0.05) was obtained with a contingency coefficient of 0.720 (0.60 - 0.799). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between social support and nurses' stress levels during the Covid-19 pandemic with the strength between variables at a strong level.
Religiusitas Dapat Menurunkan Tingkat Kecemasan Lansia di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 : Religiosity Can Reduce the Level of Anxiety in the Elderly During the Covid-19 Pandemic Mury Prandika; Saiful Gunardi; Emi Yuliza
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Journal of Nursing Education & Practice
Publisher : MPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53801/jnep.v1i4.78


Introduction: Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling and generally causes physiological symptoms such as sweating, shaking, increased heart rate, etc., as well as psychological symptoms such as panic, tension, confusion, unable to concentrate, and so on.  Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between religiosity and the level of anxiety in the elderly during the covid-19 pandemic at the Tebet District Health Center, South Jakarta.  Methods: This study uses quantitative research methods. The population of this study was the elderly experiencing a level of anxiety during the covid-19 pandemic at the Tebet sub-district health center. The sampling technique used was non-probability sampling. The total population in this study was 50 people. The instrument of this research used a questionnaire. The questionnaire used was a religious relationship questionnaire and an anxiety level questionnaire. This research uses chi-square analysis. Results: Based on the results of the chi square test analysis, the value of = 0.05 > p value = 0.03.  Conclusion: There is a relationship between religiosity and the level of anxiety in the elderly during the covid-19 pandemic, at the Public Health Center, Tebet District, South Jakarta.
Teknik Distraksi Virtual Reality Dapat Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Pasien Hemodialisis: Virtual Reality Distraction Technique Can Impact the Anxiety Level in Hemodialysis Patients Nia Wahda Aprilia; Susaldi; Bambang Suryadi
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Journal of Nursing Education & Practice
Publisher : MPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53801/jnep.v1i4.80


Introduction: Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) is a disease in which the kidneys experience dysfunction due to structural damage (destruction), so that the kidneys have difficulty in maintaining metabolism and electrolyte and fluid homeostasis, which is characterized by the accumulation of metabolic waste products in the body. In general, many patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases have psychological disorders, especially patients undergoing hemodialysis, most of the psychological disorders found are anxiety. Anxiety is a form of worry and discomfort that is being experienced, due to a certain situation. Virtual Reality distraction technique is a non-pharmacological therapy that utilizes advances in technology, distraction is a therapy that is carried out by diverting the patient's attention, the use of Virtual Reality distraction provides a 3-dimensional effect so that it is able to make the patient seem to be in a virtual world. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of virtual reality distraction techniques on the anxiety level of hemodialysis patients. Method: the method in this research is pre-experimental quantitative research with one group pretest-posttest design model. The population in this study were all hemodialysis patients at the Hemodialysis Clinic Avio Prima Ciledug as many as 30 people using a total sampling technique. Data was collected using a standard Zung Self Rating Anxiety Scale questionnaire which consisted of 20 question items that were posed to patients before and after treatment. The test results were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: Based on the results of statistical tests obtained p-value 0.000 < 0.05. Conclusion: There is an effect of virtual reality distraction techniques on the anxiety level of hemodialysis patients.
Peran Keluarga dan Jarak Tempuh Fasyankes Terhadap Kepatuhan Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Dalam Melaksanakan Program Hemodialisis: The Role of Family and Distance to Healthcare Facilities in Chronic Kidney Failure Patient Compliance in Carrying Out Hemodialysis Programs Didih Sutendi; Weslei Daely
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Journal of Nursing Education & Practice
Publisher : MPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53801/jnep.v1i4.81


Background: Hemodialysis is one of the therapies used for chronic kidney failure (CKD) apart from diet and fluid management and kidney transplantation. In addition to the distance from a health facility to the residence of a patient with CKD to carry out HD, there is a role for the family in carrying out the hemodialysis program. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between the role of the family and the distance of health facilities to the compliance of patients with chronic kidney failure in carrying out the hemodialysis program at Leuwiliang Hospital. Methods: The method used in this study is to use the concept of quantitative research using cross-sectional methods, carried out on a sample of 43 patients at Leuwiliang Hospital taken by a total sampling technique. Instrument in data collection using a questionnaire. Statistical test using chi-square. Results: The results showed that the compliance of patients with chronic kidney failure in carrying out the hemodialysis program in the hemodialysis room averaged 79.1%. The average family role is good as much as 81.4%. The average distance for health facilities from far away patients is 69.8%. The results of statistical tests showed that the relationship between the role of the family on the compliance of patients with chronic kidney failure in carrying out the hemodialysis program at the Leuwiliang Hospital (P-Value = 0.006 < 0.05) with an OR value of 12.9 and the relationship between the distance of health facilities and the compliance of patients with chronic kidney failure. in implementing the hemodialysis program at Leuwiliang Hospital (P-Value = 0.699 < 0.05) with an OR value of 0.597. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the role of the family in the compliance of chronic kidney failure patients in carrying out the hemodialysis program at Leuwiliang Hospital and there is no relationship between the distance traveled by health facilities to the compliance of chronic kidney failure patients in carrying out the hemodialysis program at Leuwiliang Hospital.
Hubungan Pola Asuh Dengan Perilaku Seksual Beresiko Pada Siswa-Siswi di SMA Swasta BW Bekasi : The Relationship Between Parenting Patterns and Risky Sexual Behavior Among Students in Private BW High School in Bekasi Elisabeth Daryati Isti; Loviga Jagadita
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Journal of Nursing Education & Practice
Publisher : MPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53801/jnep.v1i4.95


Background: Adolescence is a transition period prone to risky sexual behavior due to social and environmental pandemic situations. These conditions need to consider by the parent when caring for their child's developmental. Types of parenting authoritative, permissive, and democratized can influence their good or risky sexual behavior. Objectives: This study aims to identify related parenting patterns with sexual behavior risk in adolescence at SBW high school. Method: This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach, using a questionnaire via a google form. The study was conducted from December 2020 until January 2021 with 306 respondents in total sampling. Data analysis using Spearman Rho test. Result: The bivariate analysis showed that parenting patterns did not significantly correlate with risky sexual behavior (p-Value 0,864) between male and female students at SBW high school. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that researchers can assess of parenting style with the character of sexual behavior without physical contact with adolescents. 

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