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DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science
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DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology and Computer Science is an international peer-reviewed biannual journal (June and December) published by Pustaka Timur Publisher. It is dedicated to interchange for the articles of high-quality research in the field of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science. The journal publishes state-of-art papers in fundamental theory, experiments, and simulation, as well as applications, with a systematic proposed method, sufficient review of previous works, expanded discussion, and concise conclusion. As our commitment to the advancement of science and technology, the DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology and Computer Science follows the open access policy that allows the published articles freely available online without any subscription.
Articles 32 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021" : 32 Documents clear
Determining The Best Coffee Menu Using AHP Method On Khobu Coffee Dio Arif Pranoto; Miftahul Jannah
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Khobu Coffee is a business unit that sells various coffee menus to its customers every day. The various coffee menus have their characteristics according to the interests of the infringer who buys or orders from the available coffee menu. In fact, in determining the best coffee menu used at Khobu Coffee, based on the survey results, the author has not used a system that can select the best coffee menu based on coffee beans from the menu. Therefore we need a system that can assist in supporting decision-making more quickly, precisely, and accurately. One of them is using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method because this method is one method that can perform multiple and detailed criteria with a comprehensive framework and consideration of the hierarchical process which is then calculated for each criterion in determining the best coffee beans. The criteria used are taste, price, aroma, body (thickness level), and acidity (acidity level). The programming language used in building the system is PHP with MySQL. The results of the implementation of the system that has been built show that the AHP method can provide objective decisions in determining the best coffee beans.
Application of the C.45 Algorithm in Measuring the Satisfaction Level of Hotel Visitors Rosmalina Purba; Fricles Ariwisanto Sianturi
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Hotel visitor satisfaction is one of the most important things in assessing the level of service by the hotel to its visitors. The purpose of this study was to determine the satisfaction of hotel visitors based on service criteria (very good, good, good enough, not good), facilities (good, pretty good, not good), quality (high, medium), and classification (first class, business, economy) hotel rooms by applying the C.45 Algorithm method. to visitors who expressed satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In The Crew Hotel, the criteria have not been measured with certainty, so the management is still manually determining visitor satisfaction so it is less effective. Thus, the author tries to measure the four criteria by applying the processing of the questionnaire dataset given to visitors, when staying, either in writing or asking visitors. using the C4.5 algorithm in measuring the level of satisfaction of visitors to The Crew so that a decision tree is formed. to advance the development of The Crew Hotel and improve service at the hotel. After the calculation is done manually, then the proof is done using an application designed by the author according to the existing rules.
The Best Nurse Selection Decision Support System At Dr. Hospital. Hadrianus Sinaga Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method Lamtiar Purba; Agustina Simangunsong
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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In this study, the authors conducted a study to apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in the Selection of the Best Nurses and build applications in the application of the method. A nurse is a person who cares for and cares for other people who have health problems. But in its development, the understanding of nurses is getting wider. At this time, the notion of nurses refers to their position as part of health workers who provide services to the community in a professional manner. Decision Support System (DSS) is part of an interactive computer-based information system that is useful for supporting decision-making. The results of this study are the results of the final calculation or ranking, the best nurse chosen is A01 - Lenny M. Simbolon with a value of 0.342. so that the researcher concludes to apply the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method in the decision support system for selecting the best nurse at RSUD Dr. Hadrianus Sinaga must follow the AHP work steps by comparing the values of each criterion to produce a criteria comparison matrix, Criteria Priority Weight Matrix, Criteria Consistency Matrix and then determine the location comparison scale value based on each criterion. After finding the weight of each criterion against the predetermined alternative, the next step is to multiply the weight of each criterion by the weight of each alternative, then the results of the multiplication are added up by the line. So that the total global priority is obtained. To build a decision support system for selecting the best nurse using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, the authors first analyze system requirements, perform calculations using the AHP method, design systems with UML.
Decision Support System Of Provision Of Assistance To Unable Students In SMP Pab 6 Lubuk Pakam With Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method Desi Kristina Giawa; Miftahul Jannah
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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This research is based on the observations and experiences of researchers, that the provision of student assistance still does not cover all students who need it and supports the government's commitment to increase education participation rates in poor districts or cities and to remote areas. In addition, the expanded and enlarged assistance for underprivileged students will be able to suppress students from poor families/communities dropping out of school. Provision of Special Assistance for Underprivileged Students which is intended for students who are economically disadvantaged to pay school fees at SMP PAB 6 Lubuk Pakam. The number of criteria used to determine the provision of assistance makes it difficult to make decisions to assist underprivileged students. In addition, the assessment process is not always decided based on calculations that take a long time, so the determination of the provision of assistance to underprivileged students at SMP PAB 6 Lubuk Pakam still experiences many obstacles and delays. For this reason, a decision support system was built using a method that was appropriate to the existing problems. Therefore, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used. This method is a framework for making effective decisions on problems by simplifying and accelerating the decision-making process by breaking the problem into its parts, arranging these parts or variables in a hierarchical arrangement, assigning numerical values to subjective judgments about the importance of each variable, and synthesizing them. these considerations determine which variable has the highest priority and act to influence the outcome of the situation. Decision Support System (DSS) with this AHP method can solve problems in determining assistance for underprivileged students. With the SPK assistance for underprivileged students so I can simplify and speed up decision making. SPK assistance for underprivileged students only provides recommendations for decisions to the school, for the next process, it is handed back to the school.
Application of Cryptography in Document Encryption Using Android-Based Rijndael Method Dedek Kurniawan; Roy Fanry Siahaan; Hasanul Fahmi
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Document interception is the most feared thing by communication network users at this time. Currently, documents are very easy to be stolen, because the level of security of the document itself is often forgotten so that advanced security is needed in securing the document. One of the documents that will be secured is a PDF (Portable Document Format) file because the advantage is that it can be opened on any computer or even a smartphone without any changes to the data or contents. However, since the conversion from PDF to Word, many files have been manipulated so that PDF is very important to be safe. The increase in data theft, data piracy, and misuse of the data resulted in losses for the owner of the data, information, and documents. Cryptography is a good solution in securing data, cryptography has two techniques, namely encryption, and decryption where encryption is to change the data to be not understood while decryption returns the original data. There are many cryptographic algorithms such as Rijndael, Serpent, Twofish, MARS, RC6, MRC6, RSA, and others, Rijndael algorithm supports key lengths of 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits. Lock length and block size can be selected independently. The encryption and decryption tests were carried out using the Android platform with the implementation carried out on an image measuring 300 x 300 pixels. Rijndael algorithm has image encryption speed is 174% faster. So, it can be concluded that the Rijndael Algorithm has advantages in doing encryption and decryption very quickly and better.
Product Layout Design Analysis at Nurasiah Minimarket With FP-Growth Algorithm Eka Bagus Sugara; Adli Abdillah Nababan
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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With today's technological advances, the need for accurate information is needed in everyday life. Computerized information systems make it easier for organizations to collect and store various data in a large-scale database. One of the fields that are engaged in marketing companies that are currently developing with technology media is the field of commerce or more precisely, minimarkets. Minimarkets currently process a lot of data every day starting from purchase data, sales data, and transaction data, with the advancement of Information Technology, business people must be able to develop strategies to face competition with similar business actors so that the profits from each transaction increase. The layout of the goods is needed by the seller because if the goods are not neatly arranged according to the type of product, the goods will make it difficult for buyers to find the goods to be purchased, thereby reducing the number of goods to be purchased by consumers. Therefore, a system is needed to build an appropriate item layout pattern to increase sales transactions at minimarkets. in it, there is a procedure called Market Basket Analysis to seek knowledge in the form of relationships between items in a data set and display it in the form of patterns that explain consumer habits in shopping. The application of data mining with association functions can help determine the appropriate pattern in sales so that it can help Nurasiah Minimarket in making sales.
Bone Disease Diagnosis Expert System (Orthopedics) Using Forward Chaining Method Siti Hartini; Roy Fanry Siahaan
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Diseases or disorders of the bones can occur due to various things. One of them is a broken bone caused by an accident. There are also bone abnormalities that occur due to infection, joint disorders, attitude errors, and physiological disorders. However, many people do not realize the early symptoms of the bone disease they are experiencing so that the disease becomes more severe. Moreover, people's knowledge is minimal about the bone disease. Therefore, an Expert System is needed which aims to diagnose diseases of human bones to help patients to get early treatment of the disease they are experiencing. To overcome the problems described above, one of them is by building an expert system. With the help of computer technology, this expert system is expected to help make it easier to diagnose the symptoms of bone disease. To diagnose bone disease, this expert system uses the Forward Chaining method by entering disease data and symptoms. So that this expert system can make it easier for users to get information about symptoms and bone diseases. So that it can help the community in finding suggestions and solutions for bone diseases.
Application of Exponential Smoothing Method for Forecasting Clothing Sales at Ria Clothing Stores Fiahati Laia; Hasanul Fahmi
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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Forecasting is one of the methods in data mining that can be used as the most important tool in effective planning, especially in the economic field. Forecasting the right product sales will be realized if a plan and analysis are made to determine how much sales volume must be achieved. Ria Busana is having problems not being able to increase profits and experiencing excess or shortage of inventory. In addition, sales data processing uses a manual system, resulting in sales continuing to experience losses. One of the forecasting methods based on time series cycles is to use the Exponential Smoothing method, this method is a continuous improvement procedure for forecasting new objects of observation by focusing on lowering a higher priority for forecasting than older observations.
The Application of the Naive Bayes Method for Determining Food Aid Recipients in Bandar Selamat Subdistrict, Kec. Medan Tembung Muhammad Bayu Habi Yasa; Agustina Simangunsong
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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The method of selecting candidates for basic foodstuff recipients who still uses conventional methods is that in terms of data storage it is still in paper form, this will certainly have an impact on processing, storing, and searching for stored data if it is matched with newly obtained information or guidelines. This study conducted data processing using data mining to classify the eligibility of recipients and non-recipients of basic food assistance with the classification method using the Naïve Bayes Algorithm. It is hoped that the data generated from the data mining process can be used as evaluation material for the government. In addition, to prevent beneficiaries who often do not refer to the criteria of poor families and cheating by certain parties, a system is needed that can predict the appropriateness of food receipts that can provide alternative decisions and reduce the level of cheating in the selection of basic food recipients.
Implementation Of Decision Support System In Determining The Location Of Public Wifi Installation Using The AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) Method Wilfrida Handayani Panggabean; Miftahul Jannah
DISTANCE: Journal of Data Science, Technology, and Computer Science Vol 1 No 1 (2021): December : 2021
Publisher : Putaka Timur Publisher

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In order to facilitate the community, the Deli Serdang Regency Government through the Deli Serdang Regency Communications and Information Office (Kominfo) has installed public wifi networks in public places that can be accessed for free by the public. in accordance with the amount provided by the Department of Communication and Information of Deli Serdang Regency because the budget is limited every year. Currently, choosing the right and strategic location in determining the Installation Location of Public Wifi is still done manually by conducting site surveys, so it takes a long time. For this reason, it is necessary to use technology in the field of decision support systems that provide information to help deal with existing problems. The method used is the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. The criteria used are Distance from the Office of Communication and Informatics, Strategic Location, Economy, Visitors and, Place Convenience. The Decision Support System is then applied using PHP programming and MySQL database. It is hoped that this Decision Support System will make it easier for the Department of Communication and Information of Deli Serdang Regency to determine the Location of Public Wifi Installation.

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