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Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences (OAJJHS)
Published by Sagamedia Indo Press
ISSN : 27982033     EISSN : 27981959     DOI : 10.53801/oajjhs
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Open Access Jakarta Journals of Health Science accepts related writings: surgical medical nursing, Emergency nursing, mental nursing, maternity nursing and children, community nursing, family and elderly nursing management. we are also accepts all writings with various disciplines of science with the terms of the core points remaining in the path and scope of the world of nursing.
Articles 5 Documents
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Minyak Zaitun dapat Menurunkan Pruritus pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Isnaini; Agus Purnama; Rindu
Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences Vol 1 No 01 (2021): Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Sagamedia Indo Press

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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease of the body due to an absolute or relative disruption of insulin production. The incidence of diabetes is increasing every year. The disorder that is often experienced by sufferers is itching (pruritus). One of the efforts to reduce pruritus is non-pharmacological with olive oil because it can keep the skin moist. Objective: To determine the effect of olive oil on reducing pruritus in diabetes mellitus patients. Methods: Quasy experimental research design with One group pre-test-post test design. Population and sample of 20 respondents, with total sampling technique. Data were collected using a checklist sheet and analyzed the Wilcoxon test. Results: Before giving olive oil, most of the moderate categories were 12 people (60.0%) and after giving olive oil, most of the light categories were 15 people (75.0%). The results of statistical tests obtained ρ = 0.000. Because ρ <0.05 Conclusion: There is an effect of olive oil on reducing pruritus in diabetic patients.
Konsentrasi Belajar pada Anak Sekolah Dasar dapat di Pengaruhi oleh Sarapan Pagi dan Status Gizi Fitri Susilowati; Nur Eni Lestari; Nurul Ainul Shifa
Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences Vol 1 No 01 (2021): Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Sagamedia Indo Press

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Introduction: Concentration in learning is still often a problem experienced by school children. Factors that affect one of them is breakfast and nutritional status. . Objective: This study aims to find out the relationship of learning concentration with breakfast and nutritional status in elementary school children. Method: The design of this study uses quantitative with Cross Sectional approach. The population of this study was all elementary school children in grades VI and V. Samples in this study used total sampling with a total of 103 respondents. This research instrument uses instruments modified by researchers that have been conducted validity and reliability tests. This study used Chi Square. Result: School children who do breakfast are 62 (60.2%), school children whose normal nutritional status is 88 (85.4%), and school children whose concentration of learning is 60 (58.3%). Statistical test results obtained the value P Value = 0.000 < α (0.05), and the value P Value = 0.441. Conclusion : There is a relationship between breakfast and concentration of learning in elementary school children, and there is no relationship between nutritional status and concentration of learning in elementary school children.
Senam Otak dapat Meningkatkan Fungsi Kognitif Lansia Penderita Demensia Khairil Umam; Bambang Suryadi; Wesli Daeli
Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences Vol 1 No 01 (2021): Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Sagamedia Indo Press

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Introduction: Vulnerable population includes someone with an advanced age, an elderly person is someone who has reached 60 years of age. Objective: to determine the effect of brain exercise in the elderly on cognitive function with dementia in social institutions. Method: The research design used in this study was astudy quasi-experimental involving 15 elderly people with dementia in one of the social institutions in the Ciracas area. The instrument used was a questionnaire by comparing the pre-test and post-test results. Result: 7 (47%) elderly with moderate cognitive impairment were given before brain exercise and there were 8 (53%) elderly with mild cognitive impairment after brain exercise. The results of the Paired Sample t-test showed that there was an effect before and after giving brain exercise to elderly people with dementia (pre-test mean t = 19.73, post-test mean t = 20.87; p =0.009). Conclusion: From the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is an effect of brain exercise in the elderly on cognitive function in people with dementia.
Senam Hipertensi menurunkan Tekanan Darah Lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 3 Achmad Marsaidi Primadi; Budi Mulyadi
Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences Vol 1 No 01 (2021): Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Sagamedia Indo Press

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Introduction: Throughout the world of hypertension is a serious problem, besides because of its high prevalence and cinderung increases in the future, with increasing age it is more at risk of increasing the blood pressure of an elderly person who has reached the age of> 60 years slowly functionally weakened then continued age is susceptible to diseases such as hypertension. Regular movement exercises are important for the elderly so that blood flow returns smoothly and increases oxygen supply. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hypnosis exercise on elderly blood pressure. Method: Methods used in this study is quasi-experiment (onegroup pre-test and post-test) on 16 respondents with paired sample analysis t test. Result: The results showed that there was an effect of hypertension exercise on blood pressure in the elderly (p value = 0,000). Gymnastics can be applied as one of the programs to control elderly blood pressure. Conclusion: hypertension gymnastics is proven to lower blood pressure in the elderly so that this intervention can be used as a supporting therapy in the management of hypertensive patients
Insomnia dapat Meningkatkan Resiko Depresi pada Lansia Mochamad Fadly Aditya Ari Saputra; Irma Herliana
Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences Vol 1 No 01 (2021): Open Access Jakarta Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Sagamedia Indo Press

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Introduction: Depression is an emotional condition that is usually characterized by extreme sadness, feelings of meaninglessness and guilt, withdrawal from others, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, loss of interest and pleasure in activities that are often carried out. Insomnia is a condition in which a person has difficulty sleeping. Objective: to determine the relationship between insomnia and depression in the elderly. Method: observational with cross-sectional approach. The study population was 32 people, the sample was taken by purposive sampling method of 32 elderly people who fit the criteria. The instruments used were the KSPBJ-IRS and the Geriatric Depression Scale Result: more than half of the elderly who experienced insomnia were 59.4% and more than half of the elderly who experienced depression were 17 people, 54.1%. The results of the study were based on the Chi- Square statistical test with a significance level of 95% (α = 0.05), the p value = 0.00, which is smaller than α (0.05). Conclution: There is a significant relationship between insomnia and depression in the elderly.

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