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Linda Dwi Eriyanti
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Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Published by Universitas Jember
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Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies (JFGS) adalah jurnal akademik yang dikelola oleh Pusat Studi Gender, Universitas Jember. JFGS diciptakan untuk mengembangkan wacana dan analisis ilmiah tentang isu-isu gender dan feminisme di tingkat nasional dan internasional. JFGS menampung artikel-artikel dengan pendekatan empiris dan diskursif dengan memberikan kebebasan pengembangan keilmuan dalam kerangka feminisme dan perspektif gender. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjadi forum dialog antara akademisi, pakar, praktisi dan aktivis feminis. Juga untuk membangun dan menciptakan pengetahuan baru yang berpihak pada keadilan dan kesetaraan dalam kerangka kemanusiaan. Fokus JFGS adalah pada fenomena di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Berbagai pendekatan dalam kajian feminisme dan gender sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan dari lintas disiplin ilmu, baik eksakta, ilmu sosial maupun humaniora. Penekanannya lebih pada perspektif dan pendekatan; perspektif Feminisme dan Gender.
Articles 7 Documents
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Does ASEAN Protect Minority Groups During Pandemic? Yusnan Hadi Mochtar
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i1.29472


The COVID-19 pandemic discourse in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) context is very state-centric. Many analysts also offered militaristic and economic views. Sadly, the discussion related to minority groups is underexplored. This paper aims to fill the literature gaps by identifying multi-stakeholder efforts in the region in protecting the groups during the pandemic. It matters to examine because ASEAN has political complexities particularly when it comes to the issue. It is important to notify that minority groups refer to refugees, indigenous people, and other vulnerable groups. This research used the library research method by collecting data from journal articles, official reports, news, and public discussions. This paper also consists of three layers of analysis; (1) how the member states in ASEAN region protect the groups during a pandemic; (2) how the civil society organizations (CSOs) promote and advocate their rights; (3) and it also provides policy recommendations for policymakers to aware more on this issue.
Pengantar Editor Linda Dwi Eriyanti
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i1.29959


Relasi Gender pada Keluarga Pengrajin Gula Kelapa di Desa Lojejer Kecamatan Wuluhan Kabupaten Jember Maginda Pungky Maulana; Rokhani .
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i1.26636


The patriarchal culture that is still inherent in the life of the people of Lojejer Village also makes men's power in decision making often carried out without comparing how big the roles played by men and women. This study aims to find out the gender relations and to find out gender issues that occur in the coconut sugar craftsman family in Lojejer Village. Determination of the location in this study was carried out purposively (purposive method). This research is a qualitative research. The method of determining the informants used was purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using interview, observation, and documentation methods. The analysis used is the Havard analysis and also the Miles and Huberman analysis. The results of the research conducted show that the division of productive roles between husband and wife dominates each other, the reproductive role is dominated by the wife, and the social roles of husband and wife have the same roles. Husbands and wives exercise access to and control of resources, while the access and control of the benefits obtained is dominated by the wife. The gender issue that occurs in the family of coconut sugar craftsmen is the dual role played by the wife, however this has become normalized by the local community (culture), so that there is no compulsion felt by women. The efforts made by the coconut sugar craftsman family in minimizing the form of gender inequality, namely by good cooperation, being aware of each other's obligations and understanding each other in solving problems.
Perlindungan Hukum Perempuan Korban Pelecehan Seksual Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia Ditinjau Dalam Prespektif Viktimologi Dida Rachma Wandayanti
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i1.29473


The lack of literature and understanding of law enforcement agencies regarding victimology in Indonesia is an important question of how so far legal protection for women victims of sexual harassment in the criminal justice system. Several internal policies regarding how to handle women's cases in each agency have been made, but they need to be reviewed regarding their implementation of the rights of women victims of sexual harassment. Victimology as a comprehensive and in-depth study of victims needs to be the foundation of the Indonesian criminal justice system. In this study, we want to see to what extent victimology is used in the Indonesian criminal justice system in looking at the cases of women victims of sexual harassment. The research is a social legal research with a descriptive analytical approach. The results of the study indicate that sexual harassment as a type of sexual violence in Indonesia has not fully used victimology studies. For example, it has not been regulated through valid legal policies, law enforcement has not had a perspective on women, and the results of court decisions against victims of sexual harassment have not fully protected women's rights.
Transformational Leadership on Women's Leadership in Islam Kana Safrina Rouzi; Halim Purnomo; Muh. Mustakim; Faisal Bin Husen Ismail
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i1.29200


This paper describes a transformational leadership review of women's leadership in Islam. This study aims to explain leadership concepts that combine women's leadership qualities (gentleness, balance, courage, feelings of compassion, wisdom and integrity) with several characteristics in transformational leadership theory which include moral, self-confidence, vision, environmental orientation, inspiring and charismatic and then integrate with the Qur'anic text on leadership in Islam. This review results that women adopt a participatory and democratic leadership style which is the character of transformational and Islamic leadership.
Budaya Patriarki Dalam Pembungkaman Perempuan Pada Film “ The Stoning Of Soraya M” (Kajian Komunikasi Gender) Nurul Fatonah; Susi Andrini
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i1.29477


This study aims to examine the meaning of patriarchal culture in silencing women in the film "The Stoning Of Soraya M." The method used is qualitative with the semiotic approach of Charles S Pierce and the communication theory of Gender (Standpoint Theory), Sandra Harding and Julia Wood which interpret the symbols or signs of treatment and the texts in the film for analysis. The results of this research indicate that the patriarchal culture in the film "The Stroming Of Soraya M," women are in the lowest position compared to men.
Diskursus Pangan, Ekofeminisme dan Food Sovereignty di Era COVID-19 Wahyu Eka Styawan
Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Feminism and Gender Studies
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jfgs.v2i1.29184


During the COVID-19 pandemic, many sectors experienced shocks, not the food sector. In the food sector, there are still many problems facing difficulties from the presence of the COVID-19 wave. Some of the contributing factors are the transformation of agriculture from traditional to modern. Since the introduction of the green revolution, food has led to an intensification framework ranging from global agricultural food production and a focus on productivity, such as requiring farmers to grow monocultures. This condition causes land degradation, environmental degradation and biodiversity so that in the long term food security is threatened. Quantity-based intensification also causes local wisdom of farmers' agriculture, such as farmers' attachment to the ecosystem, the ability to produce local seeds, and the determination of subsistence factors, one of which is the barn system. On the other hand, besides having an impact on the ecological aspect, it also has an impact on gender, which in the end leads to women's injustice. Several notes in previous research have found that agricultural intensification resulted in a gender burden in farmer households, as well as an increased burden on female farmers. The disconnection of farmers from the ecosystem, the threat of ecological cracks and gender climate change, are links that cannot be separated, because they affect each other. This paper will describe and analyze the problem of food insecurity; pay attention to gender and ecological gaps using ecofeminism and food sovereignty approaches as an effort to reconstruct the existence of food insecurity; and learn from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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