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The Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues (CSI)
Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 27233456     EISSN : 27752895     DOI : 10.19184
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues is an open-access journal that does not charge fees for authors or institutional subscriptions. CSI is managed by Advanced Studies on Socio-Economic Development based at the University of Jember. CSI is primarily focused on issues related to: a. economic and sustainable development, b. media and communication, c. youth and marginal communities, d. feminism and woman rights, e. postcolonialism and social movements, f. social transformation, g. political rights, h. religious practices, i. health care systems, minority rights and identity, j. peasantry and land rights, k. tradition and indigenous rights, l. social changes, demographic and labour, m. alternative educational systems, n. tourism and heritage, o. demography and working-class, p. bureaucracy, and good governance, q. conflict, and peace, r. environmental and conservation, s. and various additional cultural articulations issues in the local or global context.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues" : 6 Documents clear
Security-Development Nexus Jamilu Ibrahim Mukhtar; Ahmad Salisu Abdullahi
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues
Publisher : Advanced Studies on Socio-Economy Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/csi.v2i1.25815


The article investigates the nexus between security and development in Nigeria. To do that, the article reviewed some security challenges in Nigeria and examined how they undermine the developmental aspiration of the country. Security of life and property is tied with the fundamental human rights partly because both security and freedom are indicators of development and partly because lack of individual and group freedom is squarely implicated on their ability to do everyday life activities within the context of all social structures- political, economic, socio-cultural, and religious. The paper adopted Conflict theory and Amartya Sen’s (1999) Development as Freedom thesis to explain the nexus between security and development in Nigeria. The article finds that there are different cases of security challenges in Nigeria, such as kidnapping, terrorism, cultism, political violence, and assassination of some serving and retired political leaders, as well as religious priests. The nexus between the two concepts is practical because the absence of security in a country will not allow a country to develop. The article concludes that the developmental challenges of Nigeria can be attributed to the myriad security challenges in the country. Thus, the article recommends that policy formulations on national development should not focus only on increasing GNP and GDP of the country’s economy as a strategy for development, but should design security measures as criteria for national development. Keywords: Security, Development, Security Challenges, Security-Development Nexus
Editor’s Introduction: Securing The Society Dien Vidia Rosa
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues
Publisher : Advanced Studies on Socio-Economy Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/csi.v2i1.30253


Ensuring the Rights of Vietnamese Migrant Workers in the Context of the Covid - 19 Pandemic Nguyen Thi Hong Yen; Tran Thi Thu Thuy
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues
Publisher : Advanced Studies on Socio-Economy Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/csi.v2i1.27916


Broke out since December of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has become a global challenge that seriously affected the development of various economies in the world, including Vietnam. According to the Ministry of labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (MOLISA), more than 5,000 migrant workers have to return home and risk losing their jobs and income. In addition, the migrant workers who still stay abroad are also subject to myriad difficulties in their lives and health situation, underemployment and reduced income, discrimination, prejudice and xenophobia etc. To clarify the legal and practices issues regarding protecting the rights of Vietnamese migrant workers in the context of COVID-19, the article focuses on analyzing (i) the status of Vietnamese migrant workers and the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on this group; (ii) the regulations of Vietnam related to the rights of migrant workers; (iii) the policies have been adopted by the Vietnamese Government to protect the rights of Vietnamese migrant workers during the pandemic, and (iv) recommendations for implementation of policies and laws to ensure the rights of Vietnamese migrant workers in similar circumstances. Keywords: Human Rights, Migrant’s Rights, Covid-19 Pandemic, Vietnamese Migrant Worker, Labourer’s Rights.
The Struggle for Independence in Guinea-Bissau Carlos Eduardo Sangreman; Rui Jorge Semedo
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues
Publisher : Advanced Studies on Socio-Economy Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/csi.v2i1.27599


The realization of the process of armed struggle for national liberation in the so called Portuguese Guinea and, consequent unilateral proclamation of the State of Guinea-Bissau in September 1973 was possible from outside the Guinean borders, through an important and strategic contribution made by the Republic of Guinea- Conakry which in 1958 had already achieved national independence. This article intends to observe the capital of the neighboring Republic of Guinea as a symbolic structuring space in the construction of ideological antagonisms based on the sociocultural and political dispute around "unity and against unity" within the African Party for Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC). The fundamental purpose is to understand the extent to which the environment generated in Conakry contributed to the cohesion or weakening of the recommended desiderates, but above all to the legacy of inherited conflicts that influenced the post-independence state building process in Guinea-Bissau. It is worth mentioning that the empirical framework is the PAIGC, the sociopolitical segments that make up its internal structure and other protagonists of the process. Keywords: Conakry, PAIGC, Unity and Conflicts, Guinea-Bissau.
Food Estate Program Law Politics Ditta Wisnu
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues
Publisher : Advanced Studies on Socio-Economy Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/csi.v2i1.28051


This study aims to determine the implications of the food estate program on the fulfillment of the rights of the Dayak people of Central Kalimantan and the legal policy of the preparation and implementation of the National Economic Recovery Program (NERP) through the Food Estate in Central Kalimantan in line with the principles of human rights and traditional values of the Central Kalimantan Dayak. The type of research used in compiling this research is empirical normative juridical research. This research is descriptive. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data collection techniques through interviews while secondary data obtained through library research. Primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that: First, the Food Estate Program in Central Kalimantan, which is one of the national economic recovery programs (NERP) has had a significant impact on the indigenous Dayak people of Central Kalimantan who have ties to forests, land and rivers as well as causing vertical and horizontal conflicts in their lives’ implementation. Second: the Central Government and Local Governments in formulating regulations and policies, on the one hand, have the enthusiasm to pay attention to the customary values and traditions of the Dayak indigenous people of Central Kalimantan but are weak at the implementation stage, causing conflicts due to the issuance of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation and its derivative regulations that put forward the principle of omnibus law which aims to create a quality business and investment climate without paying attention to the principles of human rights, ecological justice and the customary values and traditions of the Dayak people of Central Kalimantan. Keywords: Legal policy, Human Rights, Ecological Justice.
The Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations Law and its Role for Social Movement in Ethiopia Brook Kebede Abebe
Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Journal of Contemporary Sociological Issues
Publisher : Advanced Studies on Socio-Economy Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/csi.v2i1.24935


Civil society organizations (hereinafter called CSOs) are separate entities from the government organizational structure, and they are formed by people who have common needs, interests and values. They are important for organizing social movements at the local and/or international levels. CSOs in Ethiopia have existed as informal community-based organizations and self-help associations. However, formal civil society organization has started to exist with a legal personality recently. In Ethiopia, for a decade and more, as a result of the adoption of the 2009 repressive CSO law, civil society organizations did not entirely take part in their role in the country’s social movements and in the promotion and protection of human rights. However, the said law on several occasions has faced strong criticism from national and international CSOs. Accordingly, recently, in January 2019 the Ethiopian Government amended the preexisting law and enacted a new proclamation, Proclamation 1113/2019. Thus, this paper focuses on the newly promulgated CSO legislation and its role for social movements in Ethiopia, as there are changes made in the system of the CSOs and their activities. Therefore, the paper basically examines the peculiarities of the new Ethiopian CSO law in relation with its role for social movement in Ethiopia. By assessing the positive and the down sides of the new CSO legislation, it investigates the possible contribution of the new Proclamation. It also critically scrutinizes the role of the new CSO law in accelerating and promoting the social movements in Ethiopia. Keywords: Civil Society, CSO, Social Movement, New Proclamation, Ethiopia, NGO.

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