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Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
ISSN : 27768457     EISSN : 27750760     DOI :
ssues in the study of religions are increasingly interesting to discuss. For that, since Vol. 2. No. May 2, 2022, JCSR Journal of Comparative Study of Religions will focus on contemporary issues in religious studies. JCSR aims to publish original articles, book reviews, and review articles from researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and students. ️ JCSR is a semi-annual journal published in May and November by the Department of Comparative Study of Religions of Faculty of Ushuluddin, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia. JCSR encompasses several topics of study as: ‎- Comparative studies in religion and politics ‎- History of religions ‎- Interfaith dialogue ‎- Philosophy of religion ‎- Psychology of religion ‎‎- Religion and art ‎- Religion and health ‎- Religion and linguistics ‎- Religion and literature ‎- Religion and media ‎- Religious anthropology ‎- Religious ethics ‎- Religious methodological research ‎- Religious phenomenology ‎‎- Religious sociology ‎- Religious tolerance ‎- Rituals on religion ‎- Role of religion in culture and society ‎- Sects ‎- Theology ‎‎- Thoughts, ideologies, and philosophies
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Al-Hiwar baina al-Iman 'inda Nurcholish Madjid Ari Budi Santoso
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v3i1.9668


Interreligious dialogue has been a significant topic in recent years, especially in the effort to create harmony between religious communities. Nurcholis Madjid, a prominent Indonesian Muslim scholar, has advocated for the concept of pluralism in his efforts to promote interfaith dialogue. However, some of his thoughts have been controversial among religious people. Using descriptive and analytical methods, as well as a theological approach, this article aimed to reveal and criticize Nurcholish Madjid's inclusive-pluralist theology. In conclusion, Nurcholish Madjid believes that all religions, including Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and Shabiin, are true as long as they believe in Allah, believe in the Day of Judgment, and do good. He argues that Islam is a universal religion and pluralism is sunnatullah, which means it has been occurring since the beginning of time. While Nurcholish Madjid's approach to interreligious dialogue may seem inclusive and tolerant, it deviates from the core teachings of Islam. According to the Qur'an, Islam is the only true religion, and it cannot be equated with any other faith. Pluralist inclusive theology is not a way to achieve inter-religious harmony but instead creates new problems because it reduces the meaning and identity of religions. As such, a critical evaluation of his thoughts is necessary to understand the implications of pluralism in the context of Islam.
Religious Psychotherapy for Depressive and Anxiety Disorder: A Systematic Review Rihadatul Aisy Mardhiyah
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v3i1.7260


This study aims to determine the effect of religious accommodation on psychotherapy in anxiety and depression disorders. This review systematically examines clinical trials of the integration of religion and psychotherapy for treating patients with depression or anxiety. The results of the studies review shown that psychotherapy using religious alternatives effective for treating depression and anxiety as other types of psychotherapy.  Integrating religion into psychotherapy has shown a variety of results. But some studies shown that religious can support mental illness, and prayer can be alternative to meditation in psychotherapy. Religion and psychotherapy can affect anxiety, depression, suicide, and bipolar in the psychotherapy practice. Religion and psychotherapy can build self-control in people, and religion and psychotherapy can drive people to their well-being. But in the studies shown that in the practice of psychotherapy, the use of religion and spirituality as alternatives to meditation is still separated. This results in many variations of results in studies of religion and spirituality in psychotherapy practice.
The Negation of Divinity in View of Human Emancipation: Nurcholish Madjid Perspective Dimas Prihambodo; Muhammad Kharis Tambusai
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v3i1.7309


The RUU HIP is an abbreviation of the Rancangan Undang Undang Haluan Ideologi Pancasila (the Draft Law on Pancasila Ideology). The RUU was proposed by the DPR RI, Badan Legislatif Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (the Legislative Body of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia). In its development, there was resistance from various groups which led to demonstrations from social groups or organizations. One of the criticisms is the reduction in the value of Pancasila which can lead to the de-emancipation of the Indonesian nation. The conclusion obtained is that the RUU HIP contains efforts to reduce divine values and only leaves human values, namely mutual cooperation. In addition, the interpretation carried out contains inconsistencies, disorientation, and the disintegration of Pancasila. Therefore, the efforts made will depart from the good goals that have been formulated. So that the expected emancipation will be inversely proportional to the de-emancipation of the Indonesian nation.
Digitalization of Knowledge in the Islamic Civilization: A ‎History Paulius Bergaudas
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v3i1.7967


The purpose of this study is first to give a comprehensive historical analysis of the preservation and transmission of knowledge in the Islamic civilization from the time of oral transmission to the contemporary era of digitalization. Such analysis provides us with a particular insight for how Muslims should respond to the digitalization of knowledge in the contemporary era. It presents that knowledge digitalization raises a lot of concerns, such as the increasing laziness of students, and decreasing value of knowledge. Through explanatory analysis of secondary sources on the history of knowledge preservation and dissemination, it has been found that in the digitalization of knowledge is not an unprecedented change, rather, in the history of Islamic Civilization, preservation of knowledge went through four different stages: the writing other than the Quran, writing “words of men,” printing press, and the contemporary era of digitalization. The results of this paper present that conservative Islamic response to the technology which changes knowledge preservation is a critical and rational response. Also, it suggests that today Muslims in general, and scholars in particular, should applaud the digitalization of Islamic knowledge, but keep in control of its possible harms.
Al-Farabi's Concept of Happiness and Its Contribution to Modern Man Kurnia Sari Wiwaha; Dwi Setyo Arini; Resti Ananda Oktaviani
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v3i1.8054


Al-Farabi is one of the Islamic philosophers who also focuses on the study of happiness. Although he is not the first scholar to talk about happiness, his thoughts have contributed to the study of Islamic thought. So that the authors are interested in studying al-Farabi's concept of happiness and analyzing the concept in order to answer the problems of modern humans, especially on the topic of finding happiness. To achieve this goal, the author uses library research by collecting primary sources such as books and scientific journals. Then, describe and analyze the data to find a correlation between al-Farabi's concept of happiness and the problems of mankind today. Thus, the author can provide input on how to take steps so that someone reaches happiness. According to al-Farabi happiness is a good that needs to be achieved. Every happiness is good, and every that is good must be happy. God himself created humans to be happy, so happiness needs to be made a life of goals. Al-Farabi explained that happiness can be achieved when the soul can be implemented optimally.

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