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Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
ISSN : 27768457     EISSN : 27750760     DOI :
ssues in the study of religions are increasingly interesting to discuss. For that, since Vol. 2. No. May 2, 2022, JCSR Journal of Comparative Study of Religions will focus on contemporary issues in religious studies. JCSR aims to publish original articles, book reviews, and review articles from researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and students. ️ JCSR is a semi-annual journal published in May and November by the Department of Comparative Study of Religions of Faculty of Ushuluddin, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia. JCSR encompasses several topics of study as: ‎- Comparative studies in religion and politics ‎- History of religions ‎- Interfaith dialogue ‎- Philosophy of religion ‎- Psychology of religion ‎‎- Religion and art ‎- Religion and health ‎- Religion and linguistics ‎- Religion and literature ‎- Religion and media ‎- Religious anthropology ‎- Religious ethics ‎- Religious methodological research ‎- Religious phenomenology ‎‎- Religious sociology ‎- Religious tolerance ‎- Rituals on religion ‎- Role of religion in culture and society ‎- Sects ‎- Theology ‎‎- Thoughts, ideologies, and philosophies
Articles 5 Documents
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Reconstructing the Original New Testament: A Critical Analysis of Bart D. Ehrman's Arguments on Textual Errors and Manuscript Transmission
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v4i01.8949


This study aimed to discuss the thought of Bart D. Ehrman, an American New Testament Scholar, regarding this idea of the contradiction in his research into the New Testament in many of his books, which was considered controversial and initiated a heated debate among theologians and other scholars. This research employed a library research method by analyzing various written sources such as books, articles, and scientific journals that discuss Bart D. Ehrman's thoughts on the contradictions in the New Testament. The nature of this research is qualitative, where the researcher analyzes and interprets textual data to understand Ehrman's thoughts and their implications for New Testament studies. Ehrman affirmed that since its initial copying process, the Bible had been using the hand-copying method, resulting in many errors in the manuscript. Up to the number of copyists who copy back the wrong copy and make new mistakes; eventually, many copies of the New Testament exist today, but none of these copies are known to be copies of the original book, nor copies of the first copies. Instead, they are copies of copies of other copies that have been scattered long after the original writing period. Which undoubtedly contains very many errors and differences in each copy. Mistakes that arise because they are intentional or unintentional. This study concluded that, according to Ehrman, it has been very tough to reconstruct the original text of the New Testament. Nevertheless, even so, he still stated that it was a big mistake deciding to stop learning the texts of the New Testament.
Polygamy in Mormonism: History, Conflicting Doctrines, and Contemporary Perspectives
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v4i01.10951


Polygamy is considered the most sacred and crucial doctrine in Mormon belief, revealed to the founding prophet of Mormonism for dissemination to humanity on Earth. In practice, polygamy has reached remarkably high levels, sparking controversy since the 18th century and engendering conflicts between the Mormon Church and the governments of the regions where they reside, causing disadvantages for Mormon followers settled in those areas. This article provides a detailed examination of the practice of polygamy within the Mormon Christian doctrine, deemed the most sacred tenet in their faith. Employing a qualitative approach, the research analyzes literature using a historical method to explore the history of polygamy in Mormon teachings. Additionally, an in-depth analysis is conducted to comprehend the definition, legal basis, conditions, and purposes of polygamous practices within the Mormon community. The research findings indicate a high population level of polygamous practices in the early 18th century, where one man could have dozens of wives. Despite being prohibited in the 19th century, Mormon adherents vehemently maintain this practice. Based on analyses from various sources, this research discovers that polygamy within the Mormon community is regarded as the highest form of marriage. This is due to the overarching goal of Mormon beliefs: to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. The more polygamous practices, the more individuals born, seen as a contribution to fulfilling the Kingdom of God. The primary principle for engaging in polygamy is to have as many wives as possible, with the aim of liberating unborn spirits.
Kenabian Muhammad SAW dalam Perspektif Orientalisme: Sebuah Analisis Kritis
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v4i01.10956


The urgency to reassess the Western Orientalism concept is currently recognized by the Islamic community. Orientalism, with its aim to investigate the East and its entire civilization, is a movement with a relatively long history. Originating from concerns about the diminishing role of the church in Western society post-Renaissance, Orientalist thinking stems from a perspective seeking to emphasize studies on the civilizations of the Eastern world. Orientalist thought not only addresses the Eastern world in general but tends to be highly critical of Islam and the civilization developed within it. Therefore, this paper attempts to examine the aspect of Western Orientalist diabolism in scrutinizing and developing criticisms regarding the Prophethood of Muhammad SAW. This represents a thought model synonymous with the Orientalist movement. In its analysis, the researcher presents some unfounded accusations of Orientalism, also providing critiques to address these accusations.
A Comparative Study of Altruism in Christian and Islam
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v4i01.10959


This article compares the concept of altruism in Islam and Christianity, with the specific aim of identifying their similarities and differences. The research methods employed are descriptive, comparative, and analytical within the qualitative context of literature review. Altruism itself is a philosophy that advocates the spirit of assisting others. In societal life, altruism teaches prioritizing collective interests (of others) over personal interests. When a follower of altruism is asked to help, they assist the person without discrimination. In the context of Christian teachings, altruism is at the core of Jesus' teachings found in the Gospels, particularly in the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain. From biblical traditions to medieval Christianity, the tension between self-affirmation and self-worth values is sometimes debated in terms of “unbiased love,” as expressed by Paul through his phrase “love seeks not its own interests.” Meanwhile, in Islam, altruism is known as īthār, meaning “preferring others over oneself.” The significance of īthār lies in the sacrifice for a greater good; in Islam, the practice of īthār is considered an action reaching the highest level of nobility.
Penebusan Dosa dalam Kekristenan: Analisis Teks Suci Bible
Journal of Comparative Study of Religions Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Comparative Study of Religions (JCSR)
Publisher : Departement of Comparative Study of Religions

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/jcsr.v4i01.11092


Sin has been a frequently discussed topic in the context of Christianity. The concept of inherited sin is viewed as a barrier between humans and God. Christians believe in the redemption of this sin through the sacred blood of Jesus Christ. This concept was prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament. This research focuses on the fundamental question regarding the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus, which, over time, evolved from the practice of redemption through priests to the inclusion of indulgences. The objective of this study is to examine and comprehend the sacredness of Jesus Christ's blood, which is the centerpiece of Christian belief, where His blood is seen as the means of sin redemption. A critical descriptive analysis method is employed to explore these the means of sin redemption. A critical descriptive analysis method is employed to explore these viewpoints, revealing various dilemmas arising from Paul's interpretation of this concept. The research findings indicate that the concept of sin in Christianity is a core element of Christian faith, wherein inherited sin can only be absolved through the sacrificial blood of Jesus. However, contemporary Christian teachings have undergone transformations that alter original aspects of the doctrine, where Paul's interpretations, seen as introductions to Christian teachings, influence the original meanings and give rise to the practice of indulgences, which have become part of the evolving Christian doctrine.

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