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Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari, Jl. Irian Jaya No.55, Cukir, Kec. Diwek, Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur 61471
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Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
ISSN : 27468127     EISSN : 27752151     DOI :
This journal is devoted to publishing articles dealing with issues and developments in Islamic studies in general, and the relation of Islam and the society in Indonesia from all disciplines: anthropology, culture, education, economy, history, law, sociology, and politics. The journal is published twice a year: December and July.
Articles 26 Documents
The Arab Middle East and Religious Authority in Indonesia Nico Kaptein
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (644.697 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i1.1170


This publication presents a broad overview of the religious relations between the Arab Middle East and Indonesia over roughly the last five hundred years. It shows that the Middle East has always held and continues to hold an extremely important place in Islamic life in Indonesia, but that, especially since independence, Middle Eastern Islam is being engaged with more critically, and that Salafism and other intolerant and radical forms of Islam from the Middle East are being combatted on an ideological level by propagating the specific Indonesian understanding of Islam, called Islam Nusantara.
The Challenge of Legal Marital Law Implementation in Local Context of Indonesia: A Case Study on Marriage Practice in Madura Jamilah
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (571.908 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i1.1174


Marriage serves many purposes for either men or women particularly muslim community. For muslims in rural area, for instance, marriage is an important phase of their life. It can be perceived as natural cycle of life by people. For many, it is also a need to preserve their existences in society. For individuals, marriage is a variously economic ticket, a socializing influence, a form of child care, a means of escape from social constrains and the locus of many other hopes and desires. What is interesting from the point of viewing marriage is the different purposes which marriage is expected to serve man and women in various angles. This article will outline the main issue of legal marital law implementation in local context in Madura which focuses two practices; local marriage procedure and early marriage practice that are mostly different from what have been regulated by the government.
Religious Moderatism versus Conservatism in Indonesia: Controversy of ‘Islam Nusantara’ during Joko Widodo’s Administration Hamdani
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (708.049 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i1.1221


The current trend of social and political fracture among Indonesian people has permeated many aspects of life, including religious domain. While moderate Muslims are still majority, the voice of conservative and also element of radical Muslim groups has shown a great militancy in campaigning for their agenda. Rivalry among those groups in the public discourse is unavoidable. This study examines the contested idea of ‘Islam Nusantara’ in the effort to campaign for moderate and friendly Islam in the early of Joko Widodo’s administration. Since conservative and radical factions have rejected the idea of Pancasila state, accusing of other Muslims of being kafir (apostasy) and the spirit to eliminate local cultures, their counterparts use different agenda and approach. The moderate Muslims use the concept of Islam Nusantara to campaign for the concept of Islam and nationalism, respect for diversity and cultural approaches. This study reveals the different point of view of Muslim groups regarding the concept and practice of Islam Nusantara which has become a controversy since the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) used it as the main theme in the 33rd congress. Although ‘Islam Nusantara’ is not a new term in the discourse of Indonesian Islam, the contestation and consensus have produced a new fragmentation of religious opinions among Indonesian Muslims. This research aims to explore the sociology of knowledge among Indonesian Muslims whose inclination has been devided into two big streams of moderate and conservative wing.
Pendidikan Islam Perspektif Pesantren: Diferensiasi, Aplikasi dan Motivasi Jasminto
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (760.666 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i1.1222


This article discusses several definitions of Islamic education and gives guidelines to clarify the use of the definition. The article describes that the definition depicts the typology of Islamic education and institutions related to it. This will explain the different concepts that depend on the context of Islamic education, especially with regard to pondok pesantren. Later, the article elucidates the theoretical conception of Islamic education based on the Qur’an and hadith. This article argues that the primary motivation of the holistic approach of ‘Islamic education’ of pesantren can be used as the representative of Islamic education in the world that teaches religious moderation.
Reorientasi Maqasid Terhadap Pemikiran Islam Reformis (Studi Pemikiran Maqasid Ibn ‘Ashur) Mohamad Anang Firdaus
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (940.381 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i1.1225


Ibn ‘Ashur is considered as one of the founders of modern Maqasid science which plays a role as a link between the thinking of salaf ulama and contemporary-reformist Islamic thought. This article tries to find the intersection between the maqasid theory and the reformist Islamic movement in the development of the thinking of maqasid Ibn ‘Ashur. This article is written as library research in which the author uses a thematic study of Maqasid as an approach to Islamic studies in three books written by Ibn ‘Ashur, for Searching the correlation of the concept to answer the problems in this study, among others; al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir; Alaysaå al-Subh bi Qarib and Usul al-Nizam al-Ijtima'iy fi al-Islam. And supported by secondary references taken from books and journals related to the research theme. This article finds that Ibn ‘Ashur’s efforts in reorienting Maqasid theory to reformist Islamic thought are seen in the concept of Maqasid al-Qur’an al-’Ammah (objectives general al-Qur'an), which contains the mission of al-Qur'an in efforts to maintain the social system and order of human life. Ibn ‘Ashur's idea regarding the reorientation of the Maqasid theory has succeeded in changing the paradigm of the conservative group so that educational reforms at Zaytunah University can be realized. The main factor that shaped the idea of reorienting maqasid towards reformist thinking was the influence of the Muslim reformist movement and the movement against French colonialism.
Mengapa Jepang Memilih Hadratussyaikh: Analisa Sejarah Ditunjuknya KH. Hasyim Asy’ari Menjadi Ketua Masyumi Muhammad As'ad
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (853.874 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i1.1656


This article seeks to answer why the Japanese chose KH. Hasyim Asy’ari as the chairman of Masyumi during their occupation in Indonesia (1942-1945). The data was collected from library research by scrutinizing paper and academic works that discuss Indonesia from the 1920s to its independence in 1945. This period is important to understand the historical and political conditions of the country at that time. This article also refers to two magazines of Suara MIAI that began publishing in December 1942 and Suara Masyumi Magazine issued from December 1943 onward. This article argues that the Japanese decision to choose Hadratussyaikh was based on political motivation, especially to get the support of the Muslim community for Japanese efforts to fight Allied forces in the Pacific war.
Yasinan Rabu Wage Masyarakat Dukuh Sambong Bojonegoro (Studi Living Qur’an) Laili Nur Hidayah; Adrika Aini
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (730.11 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i2.1715


The Living Quran is a study of the Quranic text that lives in society as a phenomenon by accepting, responding, utilizing or using it. This paper aims to describe the meaning and values contained in the Yasinan Wednesday Wage tradition in Sambong Kedungrejo. This paper uses a ethnographic approach through living Quran reseach accompanied by a qualitative descriptive method, also focuses on Clifford Geerts' Cultural Interpretation theory. Data collection was carried out through field research by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. This tradition was formed to make people believe and pious, as well as strengthen Ukhuwah Islamiyah. The Yasinan tradition is complete with tahlil, prayers, and lectures every Wednesday wage in the mosque or prayer room gradually. There are several symbols in this tradition, so that it creates an aura of truth which then creates a unique motivation and feeling that will look realistic. So this Yasinan tradition becomes the soul satisfying the longing for his Robb. This tradition is wrapped in a unique way without forgetting the concept of preaching Islam. The symbols in this study, namely the reading of Surat Yasin, reciting Tahlil along with the prayer, Qiroah, Chanting Sholawat Nabi, welcome speech and ending with a lecture by local Kyai.
Debating Shari‘a in Contemporary Indonesia Muhammad Latif Fauzi
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1026.27 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i2.1718


The transformation of Sharia into a legal code in different Muslim countries is not an easy process. Let alone in Indonesia, this transformation has included dialogues, conflicts and tensions between multiple groups. In the last two decades, along with the growing up of democratic life, this tension has given rise to the emergence of so-called ‘progressive’ and ‘conservative’ movements. Debates among them continue to rage even more intensely. On the other hand, as this article has argued, the development of Islamic family law in Indonesia has demonstrated the increase in the use of modern approaches to Islamic jurisprudence. Nevertheless, the State authority seems to have a decisive power to intervene the content and to determine the result of the debate. Accordingly, I would like to value all these political and legal processes as an inseparable part of the larger process of a public sphere in the Indonesian reformasi era.
Guru Tasawuf Ḥaḍrat al-Shaykh K.H. M. Hasyim Asy’ari di Makkah Fathurrochman Karyadi
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1170.589 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i2.2034


This article will answer a question who is the Sufism teacher Ḥaḍrat al-Shaykh Hasyim Asy’ari in Makkah? To answer this question, the writer uses primary and secondary data. The first is primary data, the author is guided by the manuscript in the book of Ḥaḍrat al-Shaykh's legacy. A philological approach is needed to read it. While the second is secondary data, the author refers to Snouck Hurgronje's writing which records the activities of the hajj, especially the Javanese community in Mecca. In this study, the authors found data on the name of Syekh ‘Abd al-Shakūr Surabaya as Ḥaḍrat al-Shaykh's teacher in the field of Sufism along with some information related to the teacher that is not often found in the existing literature.
Ibrahim M. Abu Rabi’ Tentang Respon Islam dan Kritik Historis Chafid Wahyudi
Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Tebuireng: Journal of Islamic Studies and Society
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Hasyim Asy'ari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (782.317 KB) | DOI: 10.33752/tjiss.v1i2.2035


This article departs from Ibrahim Abu Rabi's criticism of the negative western view of Islam. Islam has been labeled by the west as radical, terrorist, anti-Western, anti-democratic and others. On the other hand, Abi Rabi' wants to show that there are complexities in Islam, one of which is because of colonialism. As a result, there were various Islamic responses to colonialism. Abu Arabi' noted that there were three responses, namely modernization, nationalism, and religious revivalism. He saw the emergence of Islamic movements as a response to colonialism in several Muslim countries that failed to create good modernization, such as education and democracy. To open up modernization, especially in Islamic education, Abu Rabi' offers a historical criticism approach by understanding inclusive theology, the dominance of texts and religion as social-anthropological facts. The combination of these various approaches becomes Abu Rabi's offer as a historical critique of Islam.

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