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SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi
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Jurnal SPEED adalah majalah ilmiah untuk menampung publikasi riset yang dilakukan oleh dosen, guru dan praktisi agar bisa di kritisi banyak masyarakat sehingga menadpat kemanfaatan dalam kehidupan. Scope jurnal diantaranya adalah ilmu komputer, pemrograman, pendidikan, ebussines dan lingkup disekitarnya
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Pembuatan Video Profil Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Sudimoro Berbasis Multimedia Asrofi - Universitas Surakarta
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.96 KB) | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v4i1.412


ABSTRACT: Multimedia is one right way to convey information in the form of audio and video, multimediaable to produce something more interesting and alive. One of them is a multimedia application to visualizeVideo Profile / Company profile. Junior High School 1 High School Sudimoro is standing first in Sudimorolocated on highway Sudimoro No. 05 Sudimoro, since the establishment of these schools have neverbeen made in the form of information delivery media video so that there is minimal public information, butthe school is able to compete, compete, create, interact and communicate sesusai with the developmentof a global world.The problem is how to create an interesting profile video using multimedia computer. The aim of this studyis to promote and memamaparkan Vision and Mission SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro. The benefits of research,among others for the writer can gain knowledge about the process of video pembutan good profile andinteresting. For schools that is the profile video SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro so easy to present information tothe community and promoting the public. For additional campus is an information and reference readingsthat can add insight for the students who will prepare research reports.The methodology used is the literature study, observation, interviews, analysis, design, Shooting, Editing,Testing and Implementation. The results achieved in the manufacture of video profiles using multimediacomputer includes documentation, promotion and media delivery vision and goals SMP Negeri 1Sudimoro make it more widely known to various circles of society.Keyword: Video ProfileABSTRAKSI : Multimedia adalah salah satu cara yang tepat untuk menyampaikan informasi dalambentuk audio dan video, multimedia mampu menghasilkan sesuatu hal menjadi lebih menarik dan hidup.Salah satunya penerapan multimedia untuk menvisualisasi Video Profil / Company profile. SekolahMenengah Pertama Negeri 1 Sudimoro adalah Sekolah Menengah yang berdiri pertama di Sudimoroyang terletak di jalan raya Sudimoro No. 05 Sudimoro, sejak berdirinya sekolah tersebut belum pernahdibuatkan media penyampaian informasi yang berbentuk video sehingga masyarakat minim akan adanyainformasi, tetapi sekolah ini mampu bersaing, berkompetisi, berkreasi, berinteraksi dan berkomunikasisesusai dengan perkembangan dunia global.Adapun masalahnya yaitu bagaimana membuat video profil yang menarik dengan menggunakankomputer multimedia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempromosikan dan memamaparkan Visidan Misi SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro. Manfaat dari penelitian antara lain bagi penulis dapat memperolehpengetahuan tentang proses pembutan video profil yang baik dan menarik. Bagi sekolah yaitu adanyavideo profil SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro sehingga mudahnya menyajikan informasi dan melakukan promosikepada masyrakat umum. Bagi kampus merupakan suatu tambahan informasi dan referensi bacaansehingga dapat menambah wawasan bagi para mahasiswa yang akan menyusun laporan penelitian.Metodologi yang digunakan yaitu dengan Studi pustaka, Observasi, Wawancara, Analisis, Perancangan,Pengambilan Gambar, Editing, Uji Coba dan Implementasi. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam pembuatanvideo profil menggunakan komputer multimedia meliputi dokumentasi, promosi dan media penyampaianVisi dan tujuan SMP Negeri 1 Sudimoro supaya lebih dikenal berbagai kalangan masyarakat luas.Katakunci : Video Profil
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (375.579 KB) | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v4i1.369


Abstract : Dome Housing of New Nglepen, a museum of Earthquake occurred in 2006 which is located in Sengir Prambanan Yogyakarta has been attracting many visitors from all area in Indonenesia even from abroad. This tourism spot has a weakness in their publishing system that causes people are not aware of the existence of a Unique tourism spot. So far, they use a natural publication system which is conducted through casual conversation (word of mouth). It has been encouraging the author to design a profile website to enable global publication throughout the world. The purpose of this research is to buid a profile website for Dome Housing of New Nglepen which will be functioned to introduce the Dome Housing of New Nglepen to all people all over the world that this is one of the most interesting tourism spots in Indonesia. The author expects that it will increase the foreign exchange of Indonesia. The methods used in this research are collecting primary data, collecting secondary data, design, programming, testing, implementation and maintenance.
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.773 KB)


Abstraksi – Peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan salah satu unsur konkrit yang sangat penting dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Sejalan dengan itu, hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan adalah masalah prestasi belajar. Masalah umum yang sering dihadapi oleh peserta didik adalah masih cukup banyak yang belum dapat mencapai prestasi belajar yang memuaskan.Proses pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 3 Jepara tidak hanya melalui pertemuan dikelas, tetapi juga menggunakan media pembelajaran yang berbasis multimedia. Namun pembelajaran yang diberikan melalui multimedia bersifat satu arah.Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas, maka penulis membuat bahan ajar berbasis multimedia interaktif Tentang PowerPoint aplikasi ini menyajikan materi secara interaktif disertai animasi, audio, video dan lengkapi dengan evaluasi berupa latihan-latihan soal. Hasil yang dicapai dari pembuatan Media Pembelajaran ini adalah bahwa siswa dapat memahami mata pelajaran TIK khususnya materi PowerPoint. Dengan penerapan aplikasi ini dapat memudahkan proses belajar mengajar dan meningkatkan kualitas prestasi belajar.Kata kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Multimedia Interaktif, PowerPoint 2007
Sistem Informasi Akademik Sekolah Dasar Al-Muhajirin Barehan Sidoharjo Pacitan Dwi Sugiarti - Fakultas Teknologi Informatika Universitas Surakarta; Indah Uly Wardati -Fakultas Teknologi Informatika Universitas Surakarta
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (769.675 KB) | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v4i1.284


ABSTRACT: In this time as according to age development has happened rivalry based oninformation. in the world of also make use information to mengefisien academic processes exist indepth. one of [the] applications in education world use information system in course of the academic.elementary school al-muhajirin one of the school not yet use information system in course of theacademic, like student data, teacher data, data matapelajaran, value data. As to the problem not yetused it information system in the academic process, aim from this watchfulness produces academicinformation system. Benefit from watchfulness among others speed up in course of data collection,speed up processing process and data livelihood so that report presentation can on time, produceaccurate data. watchfulness method that used interview method, literature study method, systemsanalysis, system planning, implementation, verification.Result from this watchfulness author can produce elementary school academic informationsystem Al-Muhajirin Barehan Sidoharjo Pacitan. later can useful for the academic process.Keyword: Academic Information System
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.512 KB)


Abstract: Activities of TB surveillance at Sukoharjo District Health Office only resulted three indicators of P2TB although the sources of the TB data had been available completely. This condition caused the problems for Head  of the Distric Health Office to know coverage of services, to extend coverage of program, and to know the result of treatment. Therefore, It needs the information system that could overcome the problems. The aim of research is the develop information system of TB surveillance to support the evaluating of P2TB.This was an applied research using a qualitative method and applying the plan of system by steps of FAST (Framework for the Application of System Techniques). Research design was Pre-Experimental using The Group Pretest-Posttest. The Subjects were Head of the District helth Office, Head of Sub department of Prevention and Eradication. The Objects were the procedure and the structure of information system of TB surveillance. Data analysis divided into two methods as follows: Content Analysis was used for in-depth interview data and Descriptive Analysis was used for evaluating the old and the new system.The result of the research shows that information system development of TB surveillance has to be done based on the aspects of a technique, an operation, a schedule, and an economic. The problems in the old system were simplicity, accurateness, and representative. Those problems were caused by input on the system (redundancy data, and file saved separately), process (indicator had not been calculated by Management System of data Basis ), and output (displayed in table, the reports did not adjust a necessity on the management level).The new system could  overcome the old system’s problems and weaknesses. It could be used to support the evaluation of P2TB. The total considered average in the old system was 2,29 and the total considered average in the new system is 4,27. The new system could result seven indicators of P2TB, which could be used for a basic of evaluating of program. Therefore, head of the District health Office could make a policy with using the new system. The weaknesses of the new system are as follows: It could not be used for the Health center level, and could not result information about monitoring of drinking a mediine.Key Words : Information System,TB Surveillance 
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (328.509 KB)


Abstract : In an era of globalization growing technological developments, especially computer technology with centralized data archiving documents in the case.But not all schools have the facilities and infrastructure. As MTs are Gembong district. Starch, for this archive there are still using manual methods such as still using paper media as the main archive, which we often find difficult to find files because the data one by one so it takes a long time to find the record, and often the file is not found because the number of records that exist for many - years.From this research can facilitate archival system that runs there and minimize difficulties beam search, as the availability of Digital Archive Backup DataKeywords: Archives, Information Systems
Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosis Hama Dan Penyakit Tanaman Padi Adhinta Nicho Pratama .; Sukadi .
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.243 KB) | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v4i1.205


ABSTRACT – Agriculture has an important meaning for human life, for human life, as long as it is also agriculture will still be there. That's because food is the most basic human needs in addition to air and water. Food is the result of the farm where each year the need for food is increasing as human populations continue to grow. In particular, rice is the result of the rice plant is used as a staple food of man. This often happens, a lot of losses caused due to a plant disease to be diagnosed late and has reached the stage of severe and lead to crop failure.In this study will be an expert system application that provides information on pests and plant diseases can diagnose the symptoms of plant diseases, especially rice, as well as providing a solution to overcome, which will be used to reduce or minimize the risk of crop damage. Implementation of an expert system is built using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and for data storage using microsoft acces 2007.Keywords: Expert System, Disease Diagnosis, System. 
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v4i1.347


Abstrak : Transformasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, dapat memudahkan guru untuk menyampaikan materi dan menambah minat belajar pada siswa, sehingga siswa dapat aktif dalam belajar secara mandiri baik di rumah maupun di sekolah. Penerapan media pembelajaran sebaiknya dikenalkan pada anak mulai usia dini, yaitu pada anak setingkat sekolah dasar. Potensi yang dimiliki agar dapat digali secara maksimal. SDN Dempelrejo masih menggunakan cara pengajaran konvensional, yakni guru menerangkan secara langsung. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah menganalisis permasalahan yang ada, dilakukan dengan wawancara terhadap guru dan siswa. Dari hasil analisis diambil kesimpulan, kemudian dirancang sistem yang sesuai dengan materi SD Kelas 3 tentang Gerak Benda. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terwujudnya media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia pelajaran IPA bahasan Gerak Benda. Hasil penelitian dapat menjadi fasilitas bagi guru dalam menyampaikan materi dan siswa menjadi aktif dalam belajar secara mandiri baik di rumah maupun di sekolah. Kata kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Gerak Benda, Multimedia. 
PEMBUATAN WEBSITE PROFIL SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 03 KALISORO Pringgo Winoto -Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Surakarta; PEMBUATAN WEBSITE PROFIL SEKOLAH DASAR N -Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Surakarta
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v4i1.413


ABSTRACT: Today many people are familiar with even use the internet in everyday life, so that in thesearch for community information is also often take advantage of the Internet media. KalisoroElementary School 03do not have the media to deliver information quickly and accurately, so far indelivery of information is still using banner of course this will take a lot of time and cost. This is one ofthe obstacles to improving the quality of education in public elementary school 03 Kalisoro .In this research, the website will be made regarding the profiles of public elementary school 03Kalisoro, to promote elementary school 03 Kalisoro with an attractive appearance and can beaccessed easily from anywhere via the Internet. That way elementary school 03 Kalisoro will be moreknown and unknown by the general public to view the profiles that are online.The method performed in the study include: literature, observation, analysis and design, websitecreation, implementation. Elementary School District 03 Kalisoro already have a website, so thatpeople can find information about the 03 State Primary Schools Kalisoro online.This website is therange of information provided not only the wider community but from all corners capable of knowingElementary School 03 Kalisoro with more complete and clear through the internet.Keywords : Website Profil
Pembuatan Website Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Delanggu Dengan Menggunakan Php Dan MySQL Medi Suhartanto .
SPEED - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 4, No 1 (2012): Speed Januari 2012
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonwsia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55181/speed.v4i1.368


ABSTRAKSI: Dengan makin berkembangnya teknologi informasi dan pemanfaatan internet sebagai media informasi, maka pada proyek Kerja Praktik ini akan dilakukan pembuatan website sekolah  SMP Negeri 3 Delanggu Klaten sebagai media informasi secara online berbasikan web dengan menggunakan php dan database MySQL yang akan menggantikan sistem lama yaitu secara manual. Karena sistem ini bertujuan sebagai sumber informasi sekolah SMP Negeri 3 Delanggu maka sistem ini dibuat secara sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Sistem ini memiliki fasilitas-fasilitas antara lain adalah Home, Profil Sekolah, Fasilitas Sekolah, Data Karyawan, Berita, Kesiswaan yang meliputi unit kegiatan dan prestasi, Galeri Foto dan yang terakhir buku tamu.         SMP Negeri 3 Delanggu sekarang sudah memiliki website sebagai sarana promosi dan publikasi kepada masyarakat umum dengan alamat situs Sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat yang ingin mencari informasi seputar SMP N 3 Delanggu tanpa harus datang kesekolah. Dengan adanya website tersebut maka kesalahan-kesalahan dalam penyampaian informasi akan lebih mudah diperbaiki. Dengan website SMP N 3 Delanggu informasi-informasi sekolah dapat dilihat disegala penjuru dan tidak terbatas pada salah satu wilayah saja.Kata kunci :  Pembuatan Website Sekolah, PHP,

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