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Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies
Published by Universitas Pakuan
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It publishes original research articles related to all aspects of main, basic, and applied environmental sciences
Articles 126 Documents
The Online Journal System now live for submission and peer-review Dolly Priatna; Kathryn A. Monk
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Volume 1 Number 2 October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (91.22 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v1i2.2588


Producing the first issue of a new scientific journal is an exciting and stressful time for any editorial board. Producing the second issue is more quietly satisfying with different concerns. Everyone was supportive and interested in the launch, but will they now follow up with challenging papers and relevant information to share, and will colleagues use and share this journal?  A significant step forwards in the production of The Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies  (InJAST), is that the Online Journal System is now live. This has meant that, whereas all work for the first issue was undertaken through email communication, for this second issue, all manuscript submissions and their peer-review processes have been managed successfully online.  A major and much appreciated demonstration of support for InJAST is the MoU that has now been signed between the Graduate School of Environment Management in Pakuan University and PERWAKU (Perhimpunan Cendikiawan Lingkungan Indonesia; the Indonesian Association of Environmental Scholars), one of their key collaborations being to publish collaboratively InJAST. The MoU was signed auspiciously on 5 June 2020, the 16th anniversary of PERWAKU and the 46th anniversary of World Environment Day.World Environment Day 2020 sought to “engage governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue… the theme is biodiversity – a concern that is both urgent and existential. Recent events, from bushfires in Brazil, the United States, and Australia to locust infestations across East Africa – and now, a global disease pandemic – demonstrate the interdependence of humans and the webs of life, in which they exist.”Also to mark World Environment Day, Pakuan University and PERWAKU, together with Andalas University, held a webinar focussed on the Protection and Management of The Environment of the Covid-19 Era. This global pandemic has of course affected everyone from all walks of life, and the webinar explored the dangers of over use and destruction of the natural world, the benefits all humans derive from nature for our survival, and the demands for good focussed environmental management. Although incredibly tragic, the pandemic has perhaps focussed governments, businesses and communities alike on our relationship with nature.All such concerns lie within the globally recognised nexus of the nature crisis, the climate emergency, and unsustainable production and consumption. Environmental managers must understand and bring into account a wide array of subjects and approaches, not just science and technology but also social sciences, behavioural insights, economics, policy and regulation, and the arts and humanities, when tackling such problems. In Indonesia, and elsewhere, these challenges include deforestation, habitat loss and air pollution from forest fires, and water and air pollution from industrial and urban development. The second issue of InJAST illustrates this breadth of interest, concern, and focussed research, comprising papers on environmental policy, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, natural resources management, biodiversity of restored habitats, and progression in methodological approaches.As Editors-in-Chief, we are very pleased to see this second issue appear and encourage our colleagues from all sectors to submit their papers covering primary research, reviews, and research into policy and practice.
The first issue of InJAST available in print and online Dolly Priatna; Kathryn A. Monk
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Volume 1 Number 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.691 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v1i1.1977


It is our great pleasure to announce that the very first issue of the Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies (InJAST) is now be available   in  both  print  and  online.  This journal has evolved from the Journal of Environmental Education which started in 2015, and was managed  by the Study Programme of Population and Environmental Education, Graduate Programme of Pakuan University. Because this study programme has now become the Study Programme of Environmental Management,  we have decided to establish this new journal to publish scientific articles covering broader environmental issues that are written by the  Indonesian  students  of  graduate programmes either in Pakuan and other universities or researchers. Meanwhile, the publication and management  of the Journal of Environmental Education will be transferred to another relevant faculty or study programme within Pakuan University.We intend the new InJAST to be  published in English (with abstracts  both in English and Bahasa) so that it can reach a wider readership internationally, and we hope encourage international  environmental students  and scientists working  in Indonesia or on topics of specific relevance to Indonesia,   to disseminate their research results and findings through  this journal.We are pleased to also announce that it has been agreed  in principle that this new journal will be published collaboratively between the Graduate School of Pakuan University and PERWAKU (Perhimpunan Cendikiawan Pemerhati  Lingkungan  Indonesia,  the Indonesian Association of Environmentalist Scholars). A formal Memorandum of Understanding   between  both  parties  will  be signed in the near future.In this occasion, we, as the chief editors of this new journal, would like to express our gratitude  to various parties and individuals who have supported this initiative,  especially to Prof. Dr. H. Bibin Rubini, M.Pd. (Chancellor of Pakuan University), Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Soewarto Hardhienata (Dean of Graduate School Pakuan University), and Prof. Jatna Supriatna, Ph.D. (Chairman   of   PERWAKU  Indonesia).     We would also like to express special thanks to our national and international  colleagues at Pakuan University  and     elsewhere, who have so generously offered their time as members of the editorial board of the journal.Last but not least, we hope that the Indonesian Journal  of  Applied Environmental Studies  (InJAST) will  provide new  colour and perspectives the scientific journals published by Pakuan Univeristy,  and become the vehicle of choice for environmental  science students  and scientists to disseminate of their work.
Sustainable traditional markets development in Bogor District Umar Mansyur
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Volume 2 Number 2 October 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2539.308 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v2i2.2195


Bogor District consists 40 sub-districts and 483 villages, with development policy in the development of Metropolitan Jabodetabekpunjur, which makes the potential to grow rapidly. The increase of GRDP value is indirectly affected by the condition of economic activity, including the existence of economic facilities and infrastructures and its sustainability. The objectives of this research are to identify market development location (environmental aspect), to identify market development feasibility (economic aspect), and to draw up the concept of distributed market development (social aspect). This research uses the methodology of agency and field surveys, observations and interviews using descriptive analysis technique, scoring system, descriptive statistics and strategic decision making. The results obtained from this research: there are 26 sub-district traditional markets and 47 village traditional markets by lacks of 450 markets, under the category of 12 most feasible markets, 16 feasible markets, and 12 unfeasible markets; the first optimization model is achieved by Kemang sub-district while the second position is achieved by Dramaga sub-district and the third position is achieved by Ciawi sub-district; and the development in 2018-2038 by the highest population in Gunungputri and the lowest population in Cariu, under total needs of 280 markets and still lacks of 202 markets.
Prediction of expected genetic gain in progeny test of Samama [Anthocephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.) Havil.] in West Seram District, Maluku Province, Indonesia Ambar Dwi Suseno; Yossa Istiadi; Sata Yoshida Srie Rahayu
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Volume 2 Number 1 April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.263 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v2i1.2862


The research objective is to find out genetic variation, estimated heritability value and the expected genetic gain of Samama [Anthocephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.) Havil.] on variation in  stem diameter and plant height as superior seed producers. The research was conducted in Uraur Village, West Seram Regency, Maluku Province. The trials consisted of 80 families. All of the trials were laid out in randomized complete block designs (RCBD), 4-trees plots with 4 replications (blocks) at spacing of 5m×2m. Data collection was carried out for 2 months (February to March 2020) and was focused on observing growth variations and genetic parameters in the progeny trial block at 4 years of age including plant height and diameter at breast height. The results of this study indicate that there are variations in growth, where the Anova test results show very significant differences in the plant height parameters namely Family (F = 3.417 p 0.01), Block (F = 437.465 p 0.01) and Family and Block Interactions (F = 3.351 p 0.01). The stem diameter parameters also showed very significant differences, namely Family (F = 2.785 p 0.01), Block (F = 353.095 p 0.01) and Family and Block Interaction (F = 2.611 p 0.01). The value of family heritability and individual heritability on plant height characters belonged to a high category with a family heritability value of 0.7213 and individual heritability value of 0.8811, while the stem diameter character for individual heritability was high with a value of 0.4406 but family heritability was moderate with value of 0.5204. The value of genetic correlation was high and positive and generally shows a greater value than the phenotypic correlation. Genetic correlation values ranged from 0.967 while phenotypic correlation values ranged from 0.8944. The highest selection priority was found in the height of the stem with a weight constant of 0.239. Predicted expected genetic gain was 3.0% for diameter parameter and 3.2% for height parameter.Objektif dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan variasi genetik, taksiran nilai heritabilitas serta peluang perolehan expected genetic gain tanaman Samama [Anthocephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.) Havil.] pada variasi diameter dan tinggi pohon sebagai penghasil benih unggul.  Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Uraur Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat Provinsi Maluku. Percobaan ini menggunakan 80 famili. Penelitian ini dibangun dengan desain randomized completely block design (RCBD), jarak tanam 5 x 2 m, 4 ulangan (blok) dan 4 treesplot. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama 2 bulan (Februari sampai dengan bulan Maret 2020) memfokuskan pada pengamatan variasi pertumbuhan dan parameter genetik yang berada di blok uji keturunan pada umur 4 tahun meliputi tinggi dan diameter setinggi dada. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat variasi pertumbuhan, dimana dari hasil uji Anova menunjukkan perbedaan sangat nyata pada parameter tinggi yaitu Famili (F=3,417 p0,01), Blok (F=437,465 p0,01) dan Interaksi Famili dan Blok (F=3,351 p0,01). Pada parameter diameter juga menunjukkan perbedaan sangat nyata yaitu Famili (F=2,785 p0,01), Blok (F=353,095 p0,01) dan Interaksi Famili dan Blok (F=2,611 p0,01). Nilai heritabilitas famili dan heritabilitas individu pada karakter tinggi tanaman memiliki kategori tinggi dengan nilai heritabilitas famili 0,7213 dan nilai heritabilitas individu 0,8811, sedangkan pada karakter diameter tanaman untuk heritabilitas individu tergolong tinggi dengan nilai sebesar 0,4406 namun heritabilitas famili tergolong sedang dengan nilai 0,5204. Nilai korelasi genetik bernilai tinggi dan positif serta secara umum menunjukkan nilai yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan korelasi fenotipik. Nilai korelasi genetik berkisar 0,967 sedangkan nilai korelasi fenotipiknya berkisar 0,8944. Prioritas seleksi tertinggi ditemukan pada tinggi batang dengan nilai konstanta bobot sebesar 0,239. Prediksi expected genetic gain diperoleh 3,0 % untuk parameter diameter dan 3,2 % untuk parameter tinggi. 
Organoleptic testing of coconut midrib ash and alcohol as preservatives of insect specimens Hasan Maulana; Yossa Istiadi; Dolly Priatna
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Volume 1 Number 2 October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (116.407 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v1i2.2193


This study uses a Completely Randomized Design experimental method (CRD) consisting of three treatments with a range of 5 days, 10 days and 15 days, with each treatment uses three insect specimens. The treatments in this study were; P1 (200 mg ash + 200 ml distilled water), P2 (70% alcohol), and P0 (control). To observe the changes in texture, aroma and color in the inspect specimens, 50 panelists were engaged, who were aged between 17-30 years, that were not color blind and/or reporting any ill health at the time of sampling. Panelists observed the specimens for texture, aroma and color.  Resulting data was analyzed using t test, frequency tabulation, histogram data and normality test. The texture testing treatments yielded tcount = 0.02521 (p 0.05) showing no significance between the coconut midrib ash and alcohol preserved samples, with the Ho accepted, so there is no difference in the texture of insect specimens preserved in either coconut midrib ash or alcohol. The aroma test resulted in tcount = 0.00908 (p 0.05) showing again there was no significant difference between insect specimens preserved in coconut midrib ash and alcohol. Thus, the Ho can be accepted, with no difference in the aroma of insect specimens preserved in coconut midrib ash or with alcohol. The color test resulted in a tcount = 0.05635 (p 0.05), giving a insignificant result between insect specimens preserved in coconut midrib ash or alcohol. Thus, the Ho can be accepted, and there is no difference in color of insect specimens preserved with coconut midrib ash or those preserved with alcohol. From the overall results and analysis, we can conclude there is no difference in the quality insect specimens preserved either by coconut midrib ash and alcohol for a maximum 15 days. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari tiga perlakuan dengan kisaran lama waktu 5 hari, 10 hari, dan 15 hari. Setiap satuan percobaan menggunakan tiga spesimen serangga, perlakuan dalam penelitian ini meliputi P1(200 mg abu + 200 ml aquades), P2 (alkohol 70%), dan P0(kontrol). Parameter yang diamati mengenai tekstur, aroma dan warna. Untuk mengamati perubahan tekstur, aroma dan warna yang terjadi, dilakukan oleh 50 orang panelis yang berusia antara 17-30 tahun dengan kriteria tidak buta warna dan tidak sedang dalam keadaan sakit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t, tabulasi frekuensi, data histogram dan uji normalitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengujian tekstur  menghasilkan nilai thitung  = 0,02521 (p 0,05), diperoleh hasil yang tidak berbeda secara signifikan antara perlakuan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dan alkohol terhadap tekstur spesimen serangga. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan tekstur spesimen serangga yang diawetkan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dengan yang diawetkan dengan alkohol.  Pengujian aroma menghasilkan nilai thitung= 0,00908 (p 0,05), diperoleh hasil tidak berbeda secara signifikan antara perlakuan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dan perlakuan dengan alkohol. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan warna spesimen serangga antara yang diawetkan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dengan yang diawetkan dengan alkohol. Dari hasil pengamatan dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan kualitas antara specimen serangga yang diawetkan dengan abu pelepah kelapa dengan yang diawertkan dengan alcohol dalam waktu maksimum 15 hari.
Differences of terrestrial mammal species diversity between natural forest and edge forest areas in Batutegi Protected Forest, Lampung, Indonesia Robithotul Huda; Yossa Istiadi; Dolly Priatna
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Volume 1 Number 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.637 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v1i1.1973


This research is an explorative quantitative survey by testing differences in species of terrestrial mammals found in natural forest (core) and edge forest (ecoton) areas. The data collection was obtained by using camera traps installed for 3 months based on a grid cell 2 x 2 km, with a total of 16 camera traps placed in core area and another 17 were in ecotone. The object of this research was medium (0.3 kg) to large terrestrial mammals. The t test was used to determine the differences the species diversity of mammals between two research areas. The study shows that there are 22 species of terrestrial mammals with a total of 552 individuals, which is distributed in both research areas. In the core area there are 18 species with 237 individuals, while in the ecotone there are 18 species with 315 individuals. Analyses the species richness index was 17.8171 for the core area while 17.8262 for the ecotone area. Similarity index in both study areas ranged from 0.7106 to 1. While the value of diversity index (Shannon-Wiener) in the core area H '= 2.2038 and in the ecotone area H' = 2.0541. Three species with the greatest relative abundance values are Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura), Barking Deer (Muntiacus muntjak), and Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). Based on the t tests of the two research areas, which are core area and ecotone, obtained tcount 0.41365 (p 0.05), it can be interpreted that the diversity of terrestrial mammals species in the core and ecotone areas is not the same.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif survei eksploratif dengan melakukan pengujian perbedaan terhadap jenis mamalia teresterial yang ditemukan di wilayah hutan alam (inti) dan wilayah hutan tepi (ekoton). Pendataan mamalia teresterial menggunakan camera trap yang dipasang selama 3 bulan berdasarkan grid cell 2 x 2 km, dengan 16 camera trap dipasang di areal inti dan 17 lainnya di ekoton. Objek penelitian adalah mamalia teresterial berukuran sedang (0,3 kg) hingga mamalia besar. Uji t digunakan untuk menentukan perbadaan keragaman jenis mamalia teresterial pada dua areal penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 22 jenis mamalia teresterial dengan total 552 individu, yang tersebar di kedua areal penelitian. Pada areal inti terdapat 18 jenis dengan 237 individu, sedangkan pada areal ekoton ditemukan 18 jenis dengan 315 individu. Analisis indeks kekayaaan jenis menunjukkan nilai 17,8171 untuk areal inti dan 17,8262 untuk areal ekoton. Indeks kemerataan pada kedua areal penelitian berkisar antara 0,7106 hingga 1.  Sedangkan nilai indeks keragaman (Shannon-Wiener) pada areal inti H’ = 2,2038 dan pada areal ekoton H’= 2,0541. Tiga jenis mamalia teresterial dengan kelimpahan relatif terbesar yaitu Landak (Hystrix brachyura), Kijang (Muntiacus muntjak), dan Babi hutan (Sus scrofa). Berdasarkan uji beda terhadap dua areal penelitian yaitu areal hutan alam (areal inti) dan areal tepi hutan (ekoton) didapatkan thitung 0,41365 (p 0,05), maka dapat diartikan bahwa keragaman jenis mamalia teresterial di areal inti dan ekoton tidak sama.
Assessing the species diversity in non-conservation areas: A first systematically camera trapping survey in Batang Angkola Landscape, North Sumatra, Indonesia Anton Ario; Sarmaidah Damanik; Ahsan Rabbani; Berto Dionisius Naibaho; Abdul Rojak Hasibuan; Sahiruddin Hasibuan; Muhammad Arif Hasibuan; Ambet Harianja
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Volume 1 Number 2 October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1008.033 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v1i2.2385


Assessing the species diversity in non-conservation areas is crucial to understanding for conservation interventions and management. We used camera trapping to investigate the species diversity in the Batang Angkola Landscape in North Sumatra. The study on species diversity in the area was conducted in 5 months from February to June 2020. The aim of this study is to assess the species diversity in Batang Angkola landscape as a reference for the improvement of the management and policy with a special interest in proving the existence of wildlife species in the landscape. We compiled a species diversity, richness and evenness investigated conducted a test to Shannon wiener analyses. Based on 1,283 photograph at 60 camera traps stations during 2,923 trap days, we identified 27 different species (24 species are terrestrial mammals, 2 species are birds, and 1 species is reptile), including five classified as threatened according to the IUCN. Based on the calculation of the Relative Abundance Indices for each species per 100 trap days, pig-tailed macaque  had the highest RAI (3.63 photograph /100 trap days), followed by wild boar and muntjac were (1.33 and 1.27 photographed/100 traps days respectively). Based on Shannon Weiner analysis shows the analysis of species diversity (H), which showed that in the northern and southern areas it was moderate (2.40 and 2.45 respectively). The level of evenness between north and south areas shows high evenness (0.77 and 0.79 respectively). The level of species richness between north and south shows moderate to high levels in the two areas (3.95 and 4.42 respectively). Our findings suggest that Batang Angkola Landscape supports a high species richness. Continued survey efforts need to be combined with detailed ecological data collection and effective management in the region.Menilai keanekaragaman spesies di kawasan non-konservasi sangat penting untuk memahami upaya pengelolaan dan intervensi konservasi. Kami menggunakan camera trap untuk menyelidiki keanekaragaman spesies di Bentang Alam Batang Angkola di Sumatera Utara. Kajian keanekaragaman jenis di kawasan ini dilakukan selama 5 bulan dari Februari hingga Juni 2020. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji keanekaragaman jenis di bentang alam Batang Angkola sebagai acuan perbaikan tata kelola dan kebijakan, spesifik pada membuktikan keberadaan spesies satwa liar. Data keanekaragaman spesies, kekayaan dan kemerataan yang kami kumpulkan, dianalisis dengan Shannon wiener. Berdasarkan 1.283 foto di 60 stasiun perangkap kamera selama 2.923 hari rekam, kami mengidentifikasi 27 spesies berbeda (24 spesies mamalia darat, 2 spesies burung, dan 1 spesies reptil), termasuk lima jenis yang diklasifikasikan sebagai satwa terancam menurut IUCN. Berdasarkan perhitungan Indeks Kelimpahan Relatif untuk setiap spesies per 100 hari rekam, beruk memiliki RAI tertinggi (3,63 foto / 100 hari rekam), disusul babi hutan dan kijang (masing-masing 1,33 dan 1,27 foto / 100 hari rekam). Berdasarkan analisis Shannon-Weiner untuk keanekaragaman jenis (H) menunjukkan bahwa di wilayah utara dan selatan dalam kategori sedang (masing-masing 2,40 dan 2,45). Tingkat kemerataan antara wilayah utara dan selatan menunjukkan tingkat kategori kemerataan yang tinggi (masing-masing 0,77 dan 0,79). Tingkat kekayaan spesies antara utara dan selatan menunjukkan kategori tingkat sedang hingga tinggi di kedua wilayah tersebut (masing-masing 3,95 dan 4,42). Temuan kami menunjukkan bahwa Bentang Alam Batang Angkola mendukung kekayaan spesies yang tinggi. Upaya survey lanjutan perlu digabungkan dengan pengumpulan data ekologi yang terperinci dan pengelolaan yang efektif di wilayah tersebut.
Biological and economic values of Dipterocarpaceae, the main timber forest product of Indonesia Wahyu Widiyono
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Volume 2 Number 2 October 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (57.645 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v2i2.4016


Dipterocarpaceae is known as a very important tree family both biologically and economically.  Its distribution around the world covers the areas of Peninsular Malaysia, the Philippines, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Maluku to Papua.  Dipterocarpaceae family has a high economic value, such as producing wood, balsam, resin, charcoal, fat, fruit, bark, essential oil, and camphor. Its products have very important roles for domestic use and export needs. As  representatives of Dipterocarpaceae, the economic value of Shorea Roxb. ex Gaertner f, Dipterocarpus Gaertner f, and Dryobalanops Gaertner f will be discussed. Considering the very important role of Dipterocarpaceae, both biologically and economically, it is necessary to handle it sustainably, through the following actions such as conservation of genetic resources, seed physiology, seed handling, seedling ecology, root symbiosis and nutrition, pest and disease, management of natural forest, and plantation, and also non-timber forest product from Dipterocarpaceae. Dipterocarpaceae dikenal sebagai famili pohon yang sangat penting baik secara biologis maupun ekonomis. Penyebarannya di seluruh dunia meliputi wilayah Semenanjung Malaysia, Filipina, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Jawa, Sulawesi, Maluku hingga Papua. Famili Dipterocarpaceae memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi, seperti menghasilkan kayu, balsam, damar, arang, lemak, buah, kulit kayu, minyak atsiri, dan kapur barus. Produk-produknya memiliki peran yang sangat penting untuk kebutuhan domestik dan ekspor. Sebagai perwakilan Dipterocarpace, nilai ekonomi Shorea Roxb. ex Gaertner f, Dipterocarpus Gaertner f, dan Dryobalanops Gaertner f akan dibahas. Mengingat peranan Dipterocarpaceae yang sangat penting, baik secara biologis maupun ekonomis, maka perlu dilakukan penanganan secara berkelanjutan, melalui tindakan-tindakan seperti konservasi sumber daya genetik, fisiologi benih, penanganan benih, ekologi semai, simbiosis dan nutrisi akar, hama dan penyakit, pengelolaan hutan alam, dan perkebunan, serta hasil hutan bukan kayu dari Dipterocarpaceae.  
The occurrence of Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) in an industrial plantation forest area, North Sumatra, Indonesia Pindi Patana; Meta Winda Saputri; King Marpatasino
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Volume 2 Number 1 April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (831.966 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v2i1.3079


Sumatran tiger lives in the remaining forests on the Sumatra island, both in conservation and production areas. There are not many tiger monitoring activities conducted in production forest. Using camera traps this occupancy survey of Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) carried out in a plantation forest area of PT. Toba Pulp Lestari (PT. TPL)  to obtain information and monitor tiger presence in the area.  However, there were no Sumatran tigers captured by the camera traps during the occupancy activities. The existence of Sumatran tiger was proven by the finding of footprints and scrapes. Other species were photographed by the camera traps, such as marbled cat ((Pardofelis marmorata), pig-tailed monkey (Macaca nemestrina), treeshrew (Tupaia sp.), Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), lizards (Eutropis sp.), Hoogerwerf’s pheasant (Lophura hoogerwerfi), wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) as well as birds. It is assumed that the Sumatran tiger didn’t cross the location of research during the camera installation period. However, there are several other reasons why Sumatran tigers weren’t captured by camera traps, such as the camera traps observation time was too short and didn’t cover a larger area, so it lessens the opportunity of encounter with Sumatran tiger.Harimau Sumatera hidup di hutan yang masih tersisa di pulau Sumatera, baik di kawasan hutan konservasi maupun hutan produksi. Kegiatan pemantauan harimau di hutan produksi belum banyak dilakukan. Dengan menggunakan camera trap, survei okupansi harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae) ini dilakukan di areal  konsesi hutan tanaman industri PT. Toba Pulp Lestari (PT. TPL) untuk mendapatkan informasi dan memantau keberadaan harimau di kawasan tersebut. Namun, tidak ada harimau sumatera yang terfoto oleh kamera trap selama kegiatan survei okupansi. Keberadaan harimau sumatera dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya jejak tapak dan cakaran. Selain itu, terdapat ppesies lain yang terfoto oleh kamera trap, seperti kucing batu ((Pardofelis marmorata), beruk (Macaca nemestrina), tupai tanah (Tupaia sp.), musang pandan (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), kadal (Eutropis sp.), sempidan aceh (Lophura hoogerwerfi), tikus hutan (Apodemus sylvaticus) serta burung. Diasumsikan bahwa harimau sumatera tidak melintasi lokasi penelitian selama masa pemasangan kamera. Namun, terdapat beberapa alasan lain mengapa harimau sumatera tidak terfoto kamera trap, seperti waktu pengamatan kamera trap yang terlalu singkat dan tidak mencakup area yang lebih luas, sehingga memperkecil peluang perjumpaan dengan harimau sumatera.
Natural resources management to deliver Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Wahyu Widiyono
Indonesian Journal of Applied Environmental Studies Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Volume 1 Number 2 October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.92 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/injast.v1i2.2188


Indonesia is known as a rich natural resources country, but at the same time has a problem of water shortage, soil degradation, pollution, agriculture and forest production, biodiversity conservation, and mineral and energy sustainability. The national natural resources management planning alignment with SDGs programme, particularly the water resources management,  afforestation programme,  a guide for sustainable management of Indonesia’s biodiversity, government and non-government organizations participant in conservation practice, exploring alternative energy sources to reduce dependence on oil, mainstreaming of SDGs into National Development agenda, National Action Plan, and  SDGs program for Sub-national level. This program was participated by all stakeholders included government, civil society organizations, philanthropy and business society, academics as well as experts. This literature review paper will discuss about the natural resources management to deliver sustainable development goals programme in Indonesian, with specific and focus topics for water and pollution, soil, land product  (agriculture, forest and biological resources), mineral and energy. The objective of this paper was to describe  the alignment of the natural resources management planning and SDGs programme as evaluation to improve their implementation in Indonesia. Though the government has already implemented SDGs program but innovative strategic need to be developed.Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara yang kaya sumberdaya alam, tetapi pada saat yang sama menghadapi masalah kelangkaan air, degradasi lahan, polusi, produksi pertanian dan kehutanan, konservasi keanekaragaman hayati, keberlangsungan mineral dan energi. Rencana pengelolaan sumberdaya alam nasional sejalan dengan program SDGs,  khususnya terkait pengelolaan air, program perhutanian, pengelolaan keanekaragaman hayati secara berkelanjutan, pemerintah dan para pihak yang berpartisipasi dalam praktek konservasi, eksplorasi energi alternatif untuk mengurangi ketergantungan pada minyak bumi, dan pengarus-utamakaan program SDGs ke dalam agenda pembangunan nasional, rencana aksi nasional, dan program di tingkat wilayah. Program ini diikuti oleh seluruh para pihak, termasuk pemerintah, organisasi masyarakat sipil, masyarakat bisnis dan filantropi, kaum akademisi dan para ahli. Studi Pustaka ini akan membahas tentang pengelolaan sumberdaya alam untuk mencapai program pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia, khususnya tentang masalah air, polusi, produsi lahan (meliputi pertanian, hutan, sumberdaya biologi), mineral dan energi. Tujuan penulisan naskah adalah untuk memberikan gambaran keterkaitan antara rencana pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan pelaksanaan program pembangunan berkelanjutan, sebagai evaluasi untuk meningkatkan implementasinya di Indonesia. Meskipun pemerintah telah melaksanakan program SDGs, tetapi strategi yang inovatif perlu dikembangkan.

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