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Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT) : Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis
Published by Ihsa Institute
ISSN : 20870892     EISSN : 28088212     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis contains articles and scientific papers in the form of research and non-research results, both in government institutions or in the community. This journal focuses on the theoretical and practical study of public policy starting from the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies carried out by the government in dealing with the changing needs and demands of society. Therefore, the publication of this journal as a scientific media regarding issues of public policy, both in the form of legislation, legal government, regional regulations, policy government, and government programs and actions. The publication of this journal aims to disseminate theoretical and practical studies in the field of public policy throughout higher education, government institutions, non-governmental at the Indonesia and the world.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): January: Kebijakan Publik " : 5 Documents clear
Life Of Problem Women (WTS) In Bandar New Village (Case Study Of Three Prostitute Women At The Florida Bandar Baru Hotel) Desi Yulianti
Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): January: Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis
Publisher : IHSA Institute

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This paper wants to know the phenomenon of the life of Women Tuna Susila (WTS) at the florida Hotel in Bandar Baru village. Everyday prostitutes who sell themselves to meet the needs, improve the economic conditions and patterns of interaction created between fellow prostitutes and the surrounding community. Knowing their true conditions, the difficulties of being a prostitute, and the localization places under the bungalows and hotels in Bandar Baru Village. Although the government and local communities do not refuse and do not support prostitution activities. Therefore researchers interested in researching the lives of prostitutes. The technique of selecting information using snowballs technique is a key information statement that is the most important informant in developing and finding for key informants and additional informants key informant is a trader who has been fifteen years of trading around the hotel and bungalows whose customers are mostly prostitutes, who is experienced and knows a lot about the life of prostitutes. This research uses explorative type of research because this research tries to dig up information or problems that are relatively new, and uses data collection techniques through putaka study, observation and interview. Data obtained in the field and then explored with a qualitative approach, until finally draw conclusions from the results of these studies. The results of the study,life.
Implementation Of The Social Assistance Program For The Elderly Participants (ASLUT) In Kwala Bekala Kelurahan, Medan Johor District, Medan City Nirwana Sari
Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): January: Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis
Publisher : IHSA Institute

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Successful of development in education and health benefits is very severe to the problems that arise, this is not only the quantity of the number of elderly increases, also because the lack of elderly need to be considered and protected. Conditions that occur when neglect becomes one of the important things that must be addressed. To overcome this problem, the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia established a program to assist the neglected elderly in fulfilling the needs of living through the Abandoned Social Assistance (ASLUT) program. Key informants in this study were the North Sumatra Social Service officers who worked in the field of social rehabilitation. The main informant in this research is an assistant program of ASLUT, and two elderly people who get assistance program ASLUT. Additional informants in this study is an environmental leader and a neighbor who needs assistance with the ASLUT program. Data technique with literature study, observation, and interview. The data obtained in the field then analyzed by researchers who described with a qualitative approach. The end result can be drawn from the results of these studies. The results showed that ASLUT program implementation was started from data collection, program aid, and program evaluation. Implementation of ASLUT program conducted by communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. And based on the results of research conducted, researchers provide suggestions for ASLUT program counterparts more often. The ASLUT program, in order for the target group to understand the program, additional resources are needed for the program beneficiaries to meet their daily needs with the help. the process of determining the recipients of the program by submitting the authority to the Social Service so that it can assist ASLUT in accordance with the most important needs.
Effect Of Education And Training On Employee Performance At The Education Office Aceh Tamiang Regency Suci Widana
Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): January: Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis
Publisher : IHSA Institute

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This study aims to determine the magnitude of the effect of education and training on employee performance at the Aceh Tamiang District Education Office. This study uses a correlational method using quantitative data analysis and statistical formulas. The sample of this study was the employees of the Aceh Tamiang District Education Office who had attended education and training (Diklat) in 2005-2016, amounting to 82 people. Questionnaires are used to measure education and training variables and employee performance, while interviews and observations are used to support research data. The data analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, normality test, simple regression analysis, significant test and determinant coefficient. The results showed that education and training had a positive and significant influence on employee performance and the effect was in the high category as indicated by the regression equation Y = 22,933 + 0.464X with a significant test (tcount) of 7.736, coefficient of determination (r2xy) of 0.428. Based on the coefficient of determination (r2xy) 0.428, it means that 42.8% of employee performance is influenced by education and training of employees while the remaining 57.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. coefficient of determination (r2xy) of 0.428. Based on the coefficient of determination (r2xy) 0.428, it means that 42.8% of employee performance is influenced by education and training of employees while the remaining 57.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. coefficient of determination (r2xy) of 0.428. Based on the coefficient of determination (r2xy) 0.428, it means that 42.8% of employee performance is influenced by education and training of employees while the remaining 57.2% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
Implementation Of Public Services Policy In Traditional Market Arrangement In Siborong-borong Market, North Tapanuli Regency Pryda R. Hutasoit
Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): January: Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis
Publisher : IHSA Institute

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Traditional markets are places where community activities take place to help survival and the economy. The existence of the buying and selling process in Traditional Markets certainly has a negative side and a positive side as we can see that many traditional markets in Indonesia seem slum, chaotic, dirty, smelly and become a source of traffic jams. The problems that occur in the Siborongborong Traditional Market are not much different from the conditions of the Traditional Market in general. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title Implementation of Public Service Policies in Structuring Traditional Markets at Siborongborong Market, North Tapanuli Regency. The research method used in this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, which explains the phenomenon in depth through data collection. Data collection techniques are interviews, observations and documents related to research. This study uses the indicators proposed by Van Meter and Van Horn covering basic measures and policy objectives (policy objectives), policy sources (resources), inter-organizational communication and implementation activities (communication), characteristics of implementing agencies, social, economic and political conditions, disposition (attitude of implementers). From this research, it can be concluded that the implementation of public service policies in the arrangement of the Siborongborong traditional market has not met the standard of policy targets. The Department of Industry and Trade and UPT Pasar have tried to work in accordance with the existing main tasks and functions, but the problem is the availability of reliable staff. Communication of the Department of Industry and Trade has not been realized properly because the community and implementing agents cannot unite perceptions, while the economic condition cannot be said to be good because perhaps the factor of traders selling adjacent (side) this policy cannot be implemented properly because the community accepts the policy but does not implement the rules that have been made.
Analysis Of Variables Affecting Labor Absorption In Some Of The Convection Industry In Medan City Firmansyah Tarigan
Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): January: Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis
Publisher : IHSA Institute

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Problems welfare of residents in the city of Medan is still a problem that has not been resolved. One reason is that labor problems. The high rate of labor force growth is not matched by the growth of economic sectors such as industry. Industry convection in Medan has good prospects for growth in the future, because the clothing product is a basic requirement. The development of the industry will increase production capacity so as to create employment opportunities. Employment convection industry can not be separated from the internal and external factors that influence. This study to analyze the variables that affect employment in convection industry using data analysis techniques Miles and Huberman. The data obtained in this study originated from interviews, observation, documentation and study of literature from the Central Statistics Agency of Medan, the Department of Industry and Trade of the city of Medan. Based on this research, the variables that affect employment over the differentiated internal variables and external variables. Internal variables that affect employment is a strategic plan, the estimated production and sales, and new ventures. While external variables are technological, geographical, economic and labor market.

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