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International Journal of Regional Innovation
Published by Inovbook Publications
ISSN : 27226255     EISSN : 27225739     DOI :
International Journal of Regional Innovation (IJORI) is a journal aims to be a peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of information. We publish original research papers, review articles and case studies focused on Innovations in technology, social, policy, research, product, health, rural, financial, bureaucratic, public service, as well as related topics. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two referees. IJORI is managed to be issued four times in every volume
Articles 5 Documents
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Community Social Confflict and Production Suction Vessels (KIP) in matras Waters, Sungailiat District, Bangka Regency Ronaldy Escobar
International Journal of Regional Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Regional Innovation
Publisher : Inovbook Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52000/ijori.v2i1.31


This study aims to obtain information, to what extent the Community Social Conflict and Production Suction Vessels (KIP) in Matras Waters, Sungailiat. The phenomenon of social conflict that occurs in the community due to mining activities, especially Tin mining in Bangka Belitung, is increasingly happening and is in the spotlight of various media, especially what is happening in the Sungailiat Mat waters, where social conflict problems arise due to marine tin mining activities carried out by Suction Ships. Production (KIP) causes various problems, namely conflicts that occur in the Matras community. As is known, Matras waters are one of the fishing areas for people who work as traditional fishermen, and Matras waters are also one of the mainstay tourist destinations in Sungailiat, so it is very unfortunate if the existing marine ecosystem is damaged as a result of the sea tin mining activities carried out by this Production Suction Vessel, and the damaged marine ecosystem will have a profound impact on life. Matras community whose economic source depends on existing marine products. Based on the results of initial observations, researchers are interested in researching the problem of Social Conflict that occurs related to the existence of Sea Tin mining activities carried out by Production Suction Vessels in the Matras waters. The purpose of this study is to find out how the dynamics of conflicts that arise related to the problems of operating the Production Suction Vessel in the Matras waters. This research uses conflict theory from Ralf Dahendorf which assumes that the first task to analyze conflict is to identify various roles of authority, and differences in interests between groups that affect conflict can occur, so researchers use conflict theory from Ralf Dahendorf to see the dynamics of conflicts that occur related to the operation Production Suction Vessel (KIP) in Matras waters. The method used in this research is qualitative using a case study approach which intends to describe the results of the study and try to find a comprehensive picture of a situation, and the data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, documentation. Sources of data used in the study came from primary and secondary data, and analyzed through 3 stages, namely data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The findings in this study indicate that there are 4 stages of conflict dynamics that occur related to the operation of the Production Suction Vessel in the Mats waters, namely, the first pre-conflict stage, the second confrontation stage, the third crisis stage/conflict peak, and the fourth post-conflict stage.
The Implementation of the Regional Regulation of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province Number 8 of 2018 concerning Control of Pollution and Environmental Damage (Case Study of Environmental Pollution and Damage in Central Bangka Regency) Ismodi Ismodi; Ibrahim Ibrahim; Komang Jaka Ferdian
International Journal of Regional Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Regional Innovation
Publisher : Inovbook Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52000/ijori.v2i1.32


Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2018 aims to protect the environment from pollution and damage in fulfilling the right to a good and healthy environment based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of Regional Regulation number 8 of 2018 in Bangka Regency. In the middle, many economic activities are sourced from the management of natural resources that can damage the environment. This study uses the theory of policy implementation by Merilee S. Grindle which consists of the content of the policy and the policy environment. The research method used is a case study approach, in collecting samples the researcher uses purposive sampling technique, as well as data collection techniques, namely interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that the implementation of Regional Regulation number 8 of 2018 in Central Bangka Regency has not been carried out properly, because it has not been in accordance with the objectives of the regional regulation in decision making, and has not been able to carry out the interests of the regional regulation in stopping pollution and environmental damage, and the strategy taken is not development-oriented. environmentally friendly and sustainable. The Environment Agency of Central Bangka Regency admits that it is difficult to overcome the illegal mining that has occurred in Central Bangka Regency which has occurred in the last 7 years. and the strategies taken are not environmentally sound and sustainable. The Environment Agency of Central Bangka Regency admits that it is difficult to overcome the illegal mining that has occurred in Central Bangka Regency which has occurred in the last 7 years. and the strategies taken are not environmentally sound and sustainable. The Environment Agency of Central Bangka Regency admits that it is difficult to overcome the illegal mining that has occurred in Central Bangka Regency which has occurred in the last 7 years.
Contestation of Marga Primodialsm in Pakpak Bharat Regency Elections (Study on The Election of The Regent and Vice Regent of Pakpak Bharat Regency in 2020) Jekki Tumangger; Ibrahim Ibrahim; Ranto Ranto
International Journal of Regional Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Regional Innovation
Publisher : Inovbook Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52000/ijori.v2i1.33


Primordialism is a view or understanding that holds fast to things that are brought from childhood. Primordialism is one of the factors that often becomes a tool in political battles. Likewise in the Pakpak Bharat Regency area, clan primordialism is an inseparable part of every regional head election. The history of the government of Pakpak Bharat Regency shows the magnitude of the influence of local clans in winning candidates for regional heads. This research was conducted to find out how much influence the clan had in the 2020 Pakpak Bharat district election and how the process of fighting for primoerdialism took place. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The technique used in data collection is by conducting interviews and document data from various agencies. Interviews were conducted to find out how the community's perspective on the influence of the struggle for clan primordialism in the elections of Pakpak Bharat Regency. Then the document data obtained from the agency/institution is supporting data regarding the history, culture and population of the people of Pakpak Bharat Regency. The results of this study describe the clan contestation in the 2020 Pakpak Bharat Regency election and the consequences of this contestation in the life of the Pakpak Bharat Regency community. The position of regional head which has always been won by the Berutu clan for the last 15 years has made its own strength and pride for the Berutu clan, and being the strongest political opponent in the last 10 years was the Tumangger clan and the clan political battle was repeated in 2020 and was won by the Tumangger clan and broke the chain of victories of the Berutu clan for the last 15 years. The contestation of clan primordialism led to clan political wars and reduced harmony between different clan groups.
Incubation and Innovation Design As A Potential Development Effort for Palembang City Citra Istighotsah; Fuji Nurhasanah
International Journal of Regional Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Regional Innovation
Publisher : Inovbook Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52000/ijori.v2i1.39


This research is about the Innovation Incubation of Palembang City. Where, decentralization or regional autonomy has provided opportunities for local governments with their authority to try to strengthen public services in favor of the public interest. This research is considered important because incubation is a very important issue in determining the success of an area. The population in this study are areas that carry out incubation and innovation by utilizing their potential. While the subject in this study is the city of Palembang. The results of this study indicate that the activity of preparing the incubation and innovation plan for the City of Palembang is carried out through a series of activities, namely, the preparation of identification of regional potentials, the preparation of the incubation program, the preparation of the social and digital innovation program and the formulation of activities and action plans. The Government of Palembang City received two awards from the Ministry of Home Affairs as a Very Innovative City at the Innovative Government Award and the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemen PANRB RI). Namely the award for Top 45 Public Service Innovations 2020. In addition, with the emergence of an integrated innovation ecosystem, regions can make facilities to improve community welfare through public service facilities, empowerment and community participation, and increasing regional competitiveness.
Optimization of Reporting by Using Technology in Order to Create A Reliable Archives Management Effectiveness in Padang City and North Aceh District Adi Suhendra
International Journal of Regional Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Regional Innovation
Publisher : Inovbook Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52000/ijori.v2i1.40


This research is about Compilation of reports conducted by local governments in Padang City and North Aceh District. This research is considered important because the implementation of the activities of preparing reports is the result of reports on the implementation of activities and the achievement of the performance of government administrators. The population in this study is an area that has made innovations related to administrative innovation by utilizing technology. Meanwhile, the research subject is the innovation created by the City of Padang called the Report Submission innovation through the Regional Development Management Information System (SIMBANGDA) and the innovation in the Tapem Section of North Aceh Regency called Report Compilation Through "Ledis Go" (Digital Cabinets Based on Google Drive). The results of this study indicate that the innovations created by the city of Padang and also the district of North Aceh have succeeded in facilitating the preparation of reports by utilizing technology and successfully achieving the goals that have been designed. With the innovation of Report Submission through the Regional Development Management Information System (SIMBANGDA) in the City of Padang, it provides several benefits, including the timely submission of development activity reports, accelerating program and activity reports according to targets. Third, program activity reports are timely, accurate, transparent and accountable or can be accounted for, as well as the achievement of Padang City targets. Meanwhile, the innovation of Reporting Through “Ledis Go” (Digital Cabinets Based on Google Drive) in the Tapem Section of North Aceh Regency has succeeded in achieving the main goal, namely the realization of data collection, processing, and storage that is easily accessible anytime and anywhere, so that the preparation of reports in the field of autonomy others can be done quickly. Where, this innovation program has succeeded in producing output in the form of softcopy data that can be accessed directly through the Google Drive application, thus facilitating the preparation of LKPJ.

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