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Birokrasi, Disrupsi, dan Anak Muda: Mendorong Birokrat Muda menciptakan Dynamic Governance Ferdian, Komang Jaka; Faedlulloh, Dodi; Ibrahim, Ibrahim
Jurnal Transformative Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.transformative.2021.007.01.5


Tata kelola birokrasi di Indonesia masih kental dengan nuansa tata kelola tradisional. Di bawah pemerintahan Joko Widodo terdapat momentum perubahan di tubuh birokrasi dengan mengintrodusir Smart ASN sebagai gagasan baru bagi birokrasi untuk melakukan pembenahan yang adaptif terhadap perkembangan era digital. Era digital menjadi penting bagi kelembagaan birokrasi sebagai upaya inovasi pelayanan publik yang cepat tanggap dan mengarah langsung kepada masyarakat. Implementasi teknologi ke dalam tubuh birokrasi tentunya memerlukan anak muda yang lebih memahami teknologi dan tentunya perubahan tersebut akan berdampakpada pola kerja birokrasi. Atas dasar hal tersebut penelitian ini ingin melihat bagaimana anak muda mampu mendorong perubahan di tubuh birokrasi yang berwawasan teknologi. Metode penelitian dalam artikel ini menggunakan desk study dengan teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik library research. Library research adalah teknik yang menggunakan data-data kepustakaan sebagai bahan untuk dikaji dan ditelaah dalam penelitian agar mendapatkan hasil yang objektif.Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasannya agen perubahan yang tepat untuk mengubah sistem kerja birokrasi yaitu anak muda. Sedangkan konsepsi reformasi birokrasi perlu menerapkan flexible working yang akan memunculkan global governance, digital governance dan knowledge based governance. Reformasi birokrasi ini akan mengubah sistem kerja yang mengarah pada pemanfaatan teknologi sehingga birokrat dapat dengan leluasa melakukan inovasi pelayanan yang bermanfaat langsung kepada masyarakat.
Jurnal Sosial Soedirman Vol 2 No 1 (2018): LAYANAN MASYARAKAT DAN RUANG DIGITAL
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial and Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.523 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.juss.2018.2.1.1182


Deforestation is currently a new challenge for Indonesia as a result of massive state enterprises or private actions that land conversion. Indonesian land conversion have an impact on environmental degradation are detrimental to society both in the surrounding woods. Policy at the government's Agrarian Reform Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla to be a solution to reduce land conversion action. This article wants to learn about the agrarian reform policy which has been running 3 years Administration Joko Widodo as well as models of indigenous community-based land redistribution. The method used in this article is a qualitative descriptive approach that describes the results of research, assessment and other references reinforced with empirical data based on literature, documents, and media.This article explains a few things, first, based forest management implemented for the public to support the welfare and maintaining the forest environment. Indigenous peoples in managing and protecting the forests have rules that have been derived from the ancestors. Forest management by indigenous peoples based on the belief give good impact to protect the environment. Second, the government agrarian reform policy Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla in the third year are still encountering a variety of problems that occur are confusion regulation occurs at the level of the central government, where the government issued Presidential Decree 88 in 2017 which is counterproductive to conflict resolution through agrarian reform. Object Land Agrarian Reform is not based on the needs of society but to refer the forest cover in accordance with the Regulations of Forestry, it makes Java, Lampung, and Bali sealed from agrarian reform policies. Agrarian Reform institutions to manage unclear because until now there is no institutional ad-hoc. Implementation of agrarian reform policies led directly by the president and multiple government agencies.
Evaluasi Perbaikan Kebijakan Penegakan Hukum Pertambangan Perspektif Genealogi Hukum dan Kuasa di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan Faisal Faisal; Ndaru Satrio; Komang Jaka Ferdian
Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal) Vol 9 No 3 (2020)
Publisher : University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMHU.2020.v09.i03.p02


Mining has become an attractive and sensitive sector for the public in South Bangka Regency. This research is aimed to analyze the legal genealogy and power for evaluation and improvement of mining law enforcement policies in South Bangka Regency and to analyze the model evaluation and improvement of mining law enforcement policies in South Bangka Regency). This study uses a qualitative method with a socio-legal approach, focuses on the self-concept interaction patterns, the concept of action, the concept of interaction, the concept of objects, and the concept of collective action in the community, to answer the question of the urgency of tracing legal genealogy and power for evaluation and improvements to mining law enforcement policies in South Bangka Regency. The research results suggested that the Geneology study involved revealing the relationship between law and power in the mining law enforcement policies in the South Bangka Regency which are still deemed incompatible with the principles of equality before the law, legal certainty, and legal justice. The evaluation model and improvement of mining law enforcement policies are an important part of improving mining law enforcement policies in South Bangka Regency which are based on the basic idea of state responsibility and environmental sustainability. Pertambangan menjadi sektor yang menarik sekaligus sensifitif bagi publik di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa geneologi hukum dan kuasa untuk evaluasi dan perbaikan Kebijakan penegakan hukum pertambangan di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan serta untuk menganalisis model evaluasi dan perbaikan Kebijakan penegakan hukum pertambangan di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan socio-legal, yang menujukan pusat perhatian pada pola interaksi konsep diri, konsep perbuatan, konsep interaksi, konsep objek, dan konsep aksi bersama dalam warga masyarakat, untuk menjawab permasalahan Urgensi Penelusuran Genealogi Hukum dan Kuasa Untuk Evaluasi Dan Perbaikan Kebijakan Penegakan Hukum Pertambangan di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, studi Geneologi terlibat dalam mengungkap relasi hukum dan kuasa dalam kebijakan penegakan hukum pertambangan di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan yang masih dirasakan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip persamaan di depan hukum, kepastian hukum, dan keadilan hukum. Model evaluasi dan perbaikan kebijakan penegakan hukum pertambangan merupakan bagian penting untuk memperbaiki kebijakan penegakan hukum pertambangan di Kabupaten Bangka Selatan yang berpijak pada ide dasar tanggung jawab negara dan kelestarian serta keberlanjutan lingkungan.
The Long Road to Partnership: Conflict Resolution of Register 45 Mesuji Lampung Komang Jaka Ferdian; Hieronymus Soerjatisnanta
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 20, No 3 (2017): March
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2517.912 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jsp.27209


A known agrarian issue took place in Indonesia, particularly in the area of Register 45 Mesuji Lampung. The granting of natural forest management permit by the government to PT. Silva Inhutani, thus eliminating public access around Register 45 to manage the forest, subsequently lead to conflict in the region. The objectives of this research are, namely: 1) to explain the grounds for partnership in the Register 45 area; and 2) to analyze the partnership program undertaken in Register 45 as an effort of resolving conflict. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach that describes the results of research, assessment and other references reinforced with empirical data through interviews and observations. This study found a number of issues in the partnership agreement formation process, wherein the community was not being involved in the formation process of the partnership provisions, such as the planting process and the profit sharing scheme. The issues found in the implementation stage of the partnership agreement can be observed from an internal factor perspective, which was the unfulfilled expectation to increase acacia planting. Regarding the external factor, there were still many acts of thuggery in the area of Register 45 that interfered with the partnership process. There was also a fundamental problem in the partnership implementation, which was the prevalent lack of aptness in the mapping of community entitled to the partnership, as well as the lack of trust among collaborating parties.
JIPAGS (Journal of Indonesian Public Administration and Governance Studies) Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jipags.v3i1.5480


The tourism sector is an important part of realizing the economic equality of the community, especially those in the Coastal areas that are highly dependent on marine resources directly. Tourism industrialization provides space for investors or capital owners to enter, thus leading to a view of capitalism that raises grabbing resources. Privatization and industrialization of tourism not only have an impact on people's lives but also affect the quality of the environment around tourism sites. Industrial tourism is only felt by a handful of people so that the need for tourism management is environmentally friendly and the welfare of the surrounding community. This article uses descriptive qualitative methods and uses literature studies from various sources. Explanation of the contents of this article finds that tourism industrialization has an impact on community conflict, socio-cultural changes and the formation of power relations. Indonesia can be a pilot from other countries in developing ecotourism. Indonesia is currently an area that has natural beauty that can be used as an ecotourism potential. For example, regions in Indonesia that should be used as ecotourism objects include Minahasa, West Sumatra and Lombok.Keywords: Ecotourism, Tourism Industry, Marine Ecotourism.
JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT (Kajian Manajemen Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah) Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Of Government : Manajemen Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Da
Publisher : rogram Studi Ilmu Pemeritahan Fakultas Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas 17 Agustu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.528 KB)


The local government agreed Boyolali and the Right Way to do the transmigration program Swakarsa Mandiri in 2006 to communities around Mount Merapi. Transmigration of citizens who participated in independent spontaneous transmigration program came from the village Gedongan Boyolali District of Cempaka Boyolali, Central Java. Communities that participate in the program Transmigration Swakarsa Mandiri as much as 25 families. Transmigration people placed in Way Kanan Regency Tanjung Rejo. The method used in the writing of this article is a qualitative descriptive approach which explains in detail about the welfare of the community in the village of Tanjung Rejo transmigration. Data obtained in the form of primary data in the form of an interview to the citizens and the government transmigration village accompanied by direct observation and secondary data such as documents, and literature.This study explains two things: first, to explain the top of people's lives in the village of Tanjung Rejo migrants. Every citizen is given the house and yard area reached 1,250. Very simple house has a yard that can be planted with seasonal agricultural crops such as cassava or another. The Government also provides land area of one hectare to the Community transmigration. Transmigration community also suffered eviction when it first occupied the house as well as manage the land given by the government. Evictions were carried out by indigenous communities as a result of the land the transmigration community is indigenous community land. The second describes the welfare society in Tanjung Rejo Transmigration. Transmigration displaced people's lives through spontaneous transmigration program has not been fully standalone wellbeing intact. The Society migrants did not get the land certificate from the government or government Tanjung Rejo Way Kanan. Community migrants only awarded the Certificate of Land (SKT) by the government. This then resulted in the transmigration prosperous society.  
JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT (Kajian Manajemen Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah) Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Of Government : Manajemen Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah
Publisher : rogram Studi Ilmu Pemeritahan Fakultas Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas 17 Agustu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.364 KB)


Development in the region can be seen with the development in the field of tourism because tourism is a mainstay sector that can be a source of revenue for the region, resulting from the existence of regional autonomy makes some regions in Indonesia are now beginning to optimize the government's performance in exploring the potential of tourism and one of them is Kabupaten Banyuwangi who managed to do development in tourism sector by exploiting local potency in banyuwangi city and tourism has changed the face of Banyuwangi as area which now become references of various government agencies in the country and other countries. It can be seen from the total number of tourists visiting the archipelago reached 3,831,703 people and foreign tourists as much as 78,865 people in 2016.The performance of banyuwangi government in the development of tourism in banyuwangi city can also be seen from the many awards that one of them received is 'The Best Festival City' by the tourism minister of RI for successfully promoting the city of banyuwangi and banyuwangi also became one of the cities that succeeded in developing the concept of tourism that is environmentally oriented tourism activities by prioritizing aspects of nature conservation, socio-cultural empowerment aspects, and local community economy as well as aspects of learning and education.
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52447/polinter.v7i1.4578


Kontestasi pemilihan umum kepala daerah merupakan salah satu tanda keberadaan demokrasi di Indonesia. Persaingan para kandidat dalam kontestasi pemilihan kepala daerah tentunya memerlukan strategi untuk mendapatkan suara masyarakat secara luas. Berdasarkan hasil rekapitulasi angka partisipasi masyarakat di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan hanya 64,77% artinya dibawah target nasional 77,5%. Sedikitnya partisipasi masyarakat tentunya menjadi menarik untuk melihat bagaimana strategi politik pasangan Nanang-Pandu dalam memaksimalkan perolehan suara hingga memenangkan kontestasi pemilahan umum kepala daaerah Lampung Selatan Tahun 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode desktiptif kualitatif dimana data yang diperoleh berupa uraian-uraian yang dapat menjelaskan dan memberikan gambaran atas fenomena yang sedang diteliti. Sumber data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi yang kemudian dihimpun dan dianalisis untuk selanjutnya dilakukan triangulasi sumber sebagai proses keabsahan data. Menangnya pasangan Nanang-Pandu dapat diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan teori SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasangan Nanang-Pandu mampu mengatasi faktor eksternal dan internal selama proses pemilihan kepala daerah. Kedua pasangan mampu memaksimalkan kekuatan (strength) dalam merebut suara pemilih di Lampung Selatan, mampu memanfaatkan peluang (opportunities), mampu mengatasi kelemahan (weaknesses) dan meminimalisir ancaman (threats) yang ada. Keberhasilan kedua pasangan dalam menjalankan strategi tentu saja tidak lepas dari adanya kerjasama tim, partai pengusung, koalisi pendukung, tim sukses dan seluruh jajaran simpatisan. Terlebih pasangan Nanang-Pandu memiliki pendukung yang loyal.  
Strategi Gerakan Pariwisata Mangrove dalam Mewujudkan Perilaku Ekosentrisme Aimie Sulaiman; Komang Jaka Ferdian; La Ode Muhamad Muliawan
Society Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1182.285 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/society.v9i1.243


The ecological damage to the coast of Bangka has forced the community to carry out environmental conservation movements to improve their marine ecology. The environmental movement carried out by the HKm Gempa 01 Group in Kurau Barat Village is an ecocentrism activity that is the antithesis of anthropocentrism behavior that has damaged the environment in the Bangka Belitung Islands. On that basis, this research was conducted to analyze and know the Ecocentrism-based Mangrove Tourism Movement Strategy. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using observation, interviews with purposive sampling techniques, and documents, while the analysis technique uses data triangulation. The results showed that the HKm Gempa 01 Group mobilized three stakeholders, namely the government, the community, and tourists, to manage the Mangrove area based on ecocentrism behavior. The success of the management of the area forms a movement strategy that can pressure three stakeholders to transform anthropocentrism behavior towards ecocentrism behavior in the management of the Munjang Kurau Mangrove area.
The Implementation of the Regional Regulation of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province Number 8 of 2018 concerning Control of Pollution and Environmental Damage (Case Study of Environmental Pollution and Damage in Central Bangka Regency) Ismodi Ismodi; Ibrahim Ibrahim; Komang Jaka Ferdian
International Journal of Regional Innovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Regional Innovation
Publisher : Inovbook Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52000/ijori.v2i1.32


Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2018 aims to protect the environment from pollution and damage in fulfilling the right to a good and healthy environment based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of Regional Regulation number 8 of 2018 in Bangka Regency. In the middle, many economic activities are sourced from the management of natural resources that can damage the environment. This study uses the theory of policy implementation by Merilee S. Grindle which consists of the content of the policy and the policy environment. The research method used is a case study approach, in collecting samples the researcher uses purposive sampling technique, as well as data collection techniques, namely interviews and documentation. The results of the study show that the implementation of Regional Regulation number 8 of 2018 in Central Bangka Regency has not been carried out properly, because it has not been in accordance with the objectives of the regional regulation in decision making, and has not been able to carry out the interests of the regional regulation in stopping pollution and environmental damage, and the strategy taken is not development-oriented. environmentally friendly and sustainable. The Environment Agency of Central Bangka Regency admits that it is difficult to overcome the illegal mining that has occurred in Central Bangka Regency which has occurred in the last 7 years. and the strategies taken are not environmentally sound and sustainable. The Environment Agency of Central Bangka Regency admits that it is difficult to overcome the illegal mining that has occurred in Central Bangka Regency which has occurred in the last 7 years. and the strategies taken are not environmentally sound and sustainable. The Environment Agency of Central Bangka Regency admits that it is difficult to overcome the illegal mining that has occurred in Central Bangka Regency which has occurred in the last 7 years.