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MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah
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Core Subject : Engineering,
Manajemen IKM merupakan Jurnal Pengembangan Manajemen Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Industri Kecil Menengah (MPI) Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB sejak September 2006, memuat kegiatan dunia usaha kecil menengah (UKM), khususnya IKM beserta instansi yang terkait seperti perbankan, departemen teknis dan usaha swasta besar dan petani/nelayan. Manajemen IKM terbit setiap 6 bulan sekali (Februari dan September) dan ditujukan sebagai wadah untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dari kajian tugas akhir mahasiswa MPI, khususnya yang terkait dengan pembinaan dan pengembangan IKM. Namun demikian, tulisan yang diterima Manajemen IKM terbuka bagi berbagai kalangan yang memiliki ketertarikan dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan IKM, baik itu peneliti, penyuluh, maupun pengusaha. Dengan diterbitkannya jurnal ini, maka kedepannya diharapkan lebih dipahami potensi, kendala dan pengembangan IKM melalui pendekatan holistik dan sinergi yang dilihat dari faktor-faktor ekonomi, manajerial dan faktor-faktor lainnya seperti kemitraan. Perintisan jurnal sebagai berkala ilmiah berwawasan nasional dimulai sejak Februari 2006 dengan nama Jurnal MPI dengan No. ISSN 1907-3127 yang memuat 9 judul artikel pada setiap edisi. Mulai terbitan edisi September 2009, judulnya dirubah menjadi Jurnal Manajemen IKM dengan No. ISSN 2085-8418. Jurnal Manajemen IKM selama ini mampu menjadi sarana penyebarluasan informasi ilmiah kepada para dosen atau peneliti lainnya, maupun masyarakat pengguna, serta sarana pengembangan.
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Search results for , issue "Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Magister Profesional Industri Kecil Menengah" : 1 Documents clear
Strategi Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah dalam Mengembangkan Usaha Mikro (Kasus LKMS BMT KUBE SEJAHTERA Unit 20, Sleman-Yogyakarta) Dian Pratomo; Musa Hubeis; Illah Sailah
MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah Vol. 4 No. 1 (2009): Jurnal Magister Profesional Industri Kecil Menengah
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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This research is done in Microfinance Institute (LKMS) Baitul Mal wat Tanwil (BMT) Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) Sejahtera unit 20 at Mlati subdistrict, Sleman Regency, Special District of Yogyakarta. The aim of this research is (1) identifying basic needs of micro enterprise, (2) identifying how far LKMS BMT towards the development of micro enterprise and (3) defining strategy needed in developing capacity of LKMS BMT and Micro Enterprise. Methods taken in this reseach are collecting data and analysis method. Primary data are taken distributing questionnaire to 100 BMT customers, secondary data are taken from literatures, journals, bulletins, and seminar journals. Quantitative data analysis is done by analyzing the chi square, while the qualitative ones using Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). From the result of this research it is obtained that BMT is giving chances by giving finance to the customers to make new enterprise. It is detected from the enterprises which are owned by the customers have brief period, that is less than 1 year (36%), 1 - 5 year (32%), over 5 year (32%). It is proved that they are interested to make new business along with the presence of BMT that offers fair and profitable profit sharing. From the aspect of total income before joining the BMT, is gained that their income in common is less than Rp. 200.000 (40%). After joining BMT the income in major raise between Rp. 200.000 - Rp. 2.999.999 (96%). This significant improvement shows that capital given by BMT is effectively used by the customers, and they are able to organized the capital well to make good profit. Here, BMT role as assistant, BMT is guiding and directing, technically and the management of the enterprise. So than the members do not feel that they are fighting by themselves, but together with BMT. From the analysis of internal and external strategic factor total score with IFAS total score = 2,9 and EFAS = 3,2, are gained IE matrix shown the growth condition, then implementation strategy is necessary; increasing capital credits for micro enterprise/industry, costs of customer’s saving such as administrative cost and interest cost should be eliminated, so that the customers are not oppressed by unnecessary cost, minimizing cost in costing process such as administration process, offering unique costing packages that is not offered by other costing package in other finance institution that has interesting profit sharing, choosing location closed to customers characterized by their enterprises, such as market place. There is BMT employee who is taking debitor deposits to the place of each debitor, if necessary. Advertorial is done by putting advertorial page in local paper. Testimony is gained through meeting with customers of the enterprise group. Sales force is necessary because not any customer is able to come, ask, and making transaction in the BMT office.

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