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AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment)
ISSN : 25810405     EISSN : 25810405     DOI :
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) publishes papers on innovative applications, development of new technologies, and efficient solutions in agriculture, engineering, computing, economic, social, information technology, food, energy, and scientific research to improve knowledge and practice in the field of purposive community change: Rural and community development, geography and regional planning, rural cooperatives, community health; capacity building, social work, community empowerment, sustainable development, human resource development; social capital, economic development, urban studies, student community service activities, and relevant subjects. The Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Energy (SAFE-Network) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment). The objective of AJARCDE is to provide a forum for studying and applying research in community development and empowerment studies. This unique interdisciplinary journal covers a range of research methods, including: - Case studies - Comparative studies - Community-based participatory or action research - Examine community problem - Policy Analysis - Program evaluation - Survey research - Theory and model development
Articles 40 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)" : 40 Documents clear
Analysis of Inflation and Rupiah Exchange Rate on Mudharabah Savings at Sharia Commercial Banks Mesis Rawati wati; Wewis Gilang Sari; Febri Rahmita; Selvi Purwaningsih; Herliza Agustin; Yolanda Effendi; Siti Aisyah; Ridha Fauzana; Tisa Amelia; Rayzul Hawari; Andriawan; Awaluddin
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.296


Inflation is one of the macroeconomic symptoms associated with a decline in the exchange rate (money). Inflation has always been a heated topic of discussion in various economic circles. This indicates that the effects of the economic crisis depend on the nature of each group's income and fortune. The condition is severe if the income is stable or rising but less than the inflation rate. Their material well-being improves if their income grows faster than the inflation rate. This study examines the impact of inflation and the rupiah exchange rate on Islamic banking Mudharabah savings. The data utilized are time series data from the Sharia Banking Statistics Report and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) published by Bank Indonesia. This research method falls under the category of library research, namely searching for research data or information by reading scientific journals, reference books, published financial statements, and other library-accessible support materials for this paper. The findings of this study indicate that the variables Inflation and Exchange Rate have a significant effect on Mudharabah Savings simultaneously.
Characteristics of Analogue Rice Based on Taro (Colocasia sp.) From Mentawai Islands Regency with a Mixture of Mocaf and Soybean Flour (Glicine max l.) Joni Frengki Samosir; Anwar Kasim; Fitriani Kasim
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.290


Research on the manufacture of taro-based analogue rice with a mixture of soy flour and mocaf as a food diversification in an effort to reduce the large consumption of rice in Indonesia has been carried out. The purpose of this study was to obtain the most appropriate formulation of a mixture of taro, soybean flour, and mocaf for making analog rice. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method where the treatments used were different formulations of soybean flour at 4 levels (10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) and mocaf flour at 4 levels (40%, 30%, 20%, and 10%). The results showed that the closest analog rice formulation in terms of chemical and physical characteristics based on the SNI Standard for rice was found in formulation C, namely 50% taro, 30% soybean flour, and 20% mocaf. The chemical characteristics of the analog rice are starch content of 37.72%, amylose 14.88%, amylopectin 22.84%, protein 14.09%, fat 10.64%, dietary fiber 22.70%, energy value of 407.63 kcal, 2.92% ash, 63.87% carbohydrates, and 8.48% moisture content. The best physical characteristics of analog rice are hardness (130.36 N/cm2), medium length and shape, and one thousand grain weight (15.93 g).
Durian Village Development Strategy as an Alternative to Increasing the Economy of the Community of Wonosalam Village, Jombang Regency Risqi Firdaus Setiawan; Hamidah Hendrarini; Heri Susanto
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.297


In Wonosalam Village, Jombang Regency, Kampung durian possesses various natural and human resources that can serve as the foundation for local economic growth. This study seeks to assess the potential and business development strategy for durian in Wonosalam Village, Jombang Province. Internal and external analysis using the IFAS and EFAS matrices yielded a total score of 2,729 for strengths, 0.49 for weaknesses, 2.23 for opportunities, and 0.63 for threats. This demonstrates that the strength and opportunity factors greatly impact the Wonosalam Durian village's development. Moreover, the SWOT matrix analysis yielded the highest results in the strategy, namely Strength and Opportunity; therefore, in the development of Wonosalam durian village, it is possible to implement a strategy that focuses on enhancing quality and expanding durian product offerings.
Life Cycle Assessment of the Solok Rice Production System in the Gunung Talang District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Shabrina Nashya Aswin; Alfi Asben; Novizar Nazir
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.299


Solok rice is an important agricultural commodity that contributes significantly to the economic prosperity of the West Sumatra region. As indigenous knowledge from West Sumatra, the development and preservation of Solok rice can stimulate a nationwide increase in rice production. The cumulative effects of the entire sequence of activities comprising Solok rice production will impact environmental quality due to increased output. Therefore, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)-based environmental impact assessment of Solok rice production is necessary. The analysis results indicate that the total greenhouse gas emissions from Solok rice production equal 1.94 kg CO2eq per kilogram of rice. The subsequent potential effects include acidification at a rate of 0.06 kilograms of SO2-equivalent per kilogram of rice and eutrophication at a rate of kilograms of PO43-equivalent per kilogram of rice. The calculation of net energy yielded a Net Energy Value (NEV) of 18.36 GJ and a Net Energy Ratio (NER) greater than 1. To mitigate emission values in the land and environment, the current system improvement emphasizes fertilizer consumption, increasing the use of organic materials, and instituting production waste recycling.
Characteristics of Vinegar from Black Sticky Rice Tapai with Different Cooking Methods Wiwit Juita Sari; Alfi Asben; Novelina
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.300


This study aims to (i) determine differences in the cooking method of steaming and cooking method of boiling on the characteristics of vinegar from black sticky rice tapai, (ii) to determine the antioxidant and anthocyanin activity of vinegar from black sticky rice tapai using the steaming method and cooking method of boiling, (iii), to determine the cooking technique that produces the best product based on organoleptic testing and also to find out the results of consumer acceptance tests on vinegar from the best black sticky rice tapai with commercial products. The treatment in this study was the black sticky rice cooking technique by steaming and boiling. The data obtained were analyzed using paired t-test. The results showed that the use of the steaming method and the boiling method had a significant effect (P<0.05) on several characteristics of the vinegar produced from black sticky rice tapai, such as acetic acid content, alcohol content, sugar content, anthocyanin content, pH, and antioxidant activity. The total anthocyanins produced in vinegar from black sticky rice tapai using the steaming method were 20.22% and 20.14% for the boiling method, and the antioxidant activity of vinegar from black sticky rice tapai using the steaming method was 92.52% and 92.11% for the boiling method. Based on the organoleptic test, the best product obtained from the highest average preference of panelists for vinegar from black sticky rice tapai was the boiling method with parameters of color, aroma, and taste. Furthermore, in the consumer acceptance test, vinegar from black sticky rice tapai had a higher average preference value compared to commercial products with each parameter, such as color (4.04), aroma (3.92), and taste (3.88).
The Influence of Consumers Behavior on Wedang Uwuh Tea Bag Purchasing Decision Kartika Shanindita; Fitria Naimatu Sadiyah; Endah Puspitojati
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Wedang Uwuh is a traditional drink typical of Yogyakarta made from various natural spices (ginger, second wood, nutmeg leaves, cinnamon leaves, clove handles, and other herbs). A large number of wedang uwuh industries in Yogyakarta cause fierce business competition.The study aimed to determine the influence of consumer behavior on the purchasing decisions of wedang uwuh Tea Bag, both partially and simultaneously. This research was a quantitative associative study with a descriptive approach. The sample selection used purposive sampling with Roscoe's theory, with a sample size of 50 respondents. Data were collected through interviews using a guided questionnaire. The influence of consumer behavior on purchasing decisions was analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression, Classical Assumption Tests, t-tests, F-tests, and Coefficient of Determination. The results showed that consumer behavior, including cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors, collectively influenced the purchasing decisions of brewed uwuh tea bags at CV Dewi Makmur. However, individually, cultural and personal factors had a significant influence on the purchasing decisions of brewed uwuh tea bags, while social factors and psychological factors did not have an impact on the purchasing decisions of wedang uwuh Tea Bag.
Analysis of the Areca Nut Agroindustry Value Chain in Padang Pariaman Regency Idil Saputra; Santosa; Hasbullah
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.303


There are two chain structures consisting of main actors and supporting actors. The structure of the first chain is Farmers → Small Collectors, → Large Collectors → Exporters. At the same time, the second chain structure is: Farmers, → Home Industry, → Collecting agents. Areca farmers get an added value of IDR 1,647.12/kilogram with an added value ratio of 71.80%. Small collectors get an added IDR 994.46/kilogram with an added value ratio of 22.10%. Prominent collectors get an added value of IDR 702.67/kg with a value-added ratio of 13.01%. The home industry obtains an added value of IDR 16,634.07/kilogram with an added value ratio of 79.21%. Farmers get a marketing margin of IDR 1,794.19/kilogram. Small collectors earn a marketing margin of IDR 1,500/kg. Collector traders earn a large marketing margin of IDR 900/kg. The home industry earns a marketing margin of IDR 18,000/kilogram.
The Effect of Cassia Vera Additional in Physico Chemical Properties of Instant Powder Drink Meniran Extract With Stevia Sugar Sweetener Nia Boru Ritonga; I Gusti Riani; E Nuriza Khairunnisa; A Sari Utami; M Tika Handayani
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.305


This research was aimed to know the characteristic of in addition meniran extract (Phyllanthus niruri) physico-chemical in instant drink powder and know the best quality of addition meniran. This research was used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) that consists of 5 treatments and 3 repetitions. The data were analyzed statistically by using ANOVA and followed by Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) on the level 5%. The treatment in research the addition of meniran extract by 0,2 g; 0,4 g; 0,6 g; 0,8 g; and 1,0 g. The observations to the result of instant powder of drink which produced were physical analysis such as timing soluble, insoluble water content. The chemical analysis which were observed such as water content, ash content, total sugar, total polyphenol, total antioxidant activity, and lignan compound (filantin). The microbiological analysis was total plate number and organoleptic test (color, smell, flavor and appearance). The result of this research showed that the difference the concentration of the adition of meniran extract were significantly on the analysis of ash content, total polyphenol, total antioxidant activity, total plate number, organoleptic test and it was not significant to the timing soluble, insoluble water content, water content, and total sugar. Based on organoleptic test, the best product in instant powder of drink was in the treatment C (the addition of meniran extract by 0,6 g) with a rate of 4,30 of color, 4,30 of smell, 4,50 of flavor and 4,50 of appearance. The result of physico-chemical analysis instant powder of drink of treatment C (the addition of meniran extrac by 0,6 g) the value of the analysis of timing soluble by 65,60 second, insoluble water content by 1,31%, total sugar by 20Brix, lignan content (filantin) + , and total plate numbers 1,1 x 103 cfu/ml.
Estimation of Edamame Flour Shelf Life Using the Critical Moisture Approach Ahmad Maulana Fikri Handoyo; Ulya Sarofa
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.309


This research aimed to estimate the shelf life of edamame flour products using the Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) with the critical moisture content approach in various types of packaging. This research was conducted in two stages, the first stage was in the process of making flour, then the second stage was estimating the shelf life. Shelf life estimation was carried out with two repetitions on three different types of packaging materials, those are polypropylene plastic, metalized plastic and aluminum foil. Then the data obtained will be analyzed utilizing simple linear regression using Microsoft Excel. Based on the results of estimating shelf life using the critical moisture content approach, it can be seen that edamame flour with polypropylene plastic packaging has a shelf life of 172 days, metalized plastic packaging has a shelf life of 585 days, and aluminum foil packaging has a shelf life of 229 days. Based on research results, it can be seen that the critical moisture content affects the shelf life of edamame flour and the best packaging for storing edamame flour is using metalized plastic packaging.
The Effect of Foaming Agent and Maltodextrin Concentrations on the Characteristics of Bidara Fruit Powder Drink, Strawberry and Butterfly Pea Flower Nanda Mazidatu Zulfa; Ulya Sarofa
AJARCDE (Asian Journal of Applied Research for Community Development and Empowerment) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asia Pacific Network for Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy (SAFE-Network)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29165/ajarcde.v7i2.313


This research aimed to determine the effect of the concentration of foaming agent and maltodextrin on the characteristics of bidara fruit powder drink, strawberry, and butterfly pea flower. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors and three replications. Data analysis used ANOVA followed by Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) at 5% confidence level. The first factor was the concentration of the foaming agent (egg white) (5% (F1), 6% (F2), 7% (F3)). The second factor was the concentration of maltodextrin 7.5% (M1), 10% (M2) and 12.5% ​​(M3)). Parameters observed included moisture content, ash content, yield, pH value, antioxidant activity, vitamin C, solubility, color, and organoleptic analysis including taste, aroma and color. The results of the treatment of egg white and maltodextrin concentrations had a significant effect on water content, yield, pH, antioxidant activity, vitamin C, solubility, and color. The best treatment in this research was bidara fruit powder drink with a concentration of foaming agent (7%) and 12.5% ​​maltodextrin with 35% water content, 0.88% ash content, pH 5.95, 68.86% antioxidant activity, vitamin C 141 mg/100g, color L 3.15, a -0.20, b -2.55 and yield 25.33%, taste score 3.94 (like), aroma 1.19 (very dislike ), color 4.38 (like), and anthocyanin content 8.60 mg/L.

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