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RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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ABSTRACT Writing patterns are different among cultures if the language styles are also different, especially between English and Indonesian. However, some studies found that Indonesian students are capable of writing by using English pattern when they are taught in a writing course. Long after they have not been taught the English pattern, their writing patterns changes. This study reports that change. It is a qualitative content analysis study on 40 argumentative essays, written by 20 students of State University of Surabaya, which were analyzed. The results of this study show that the rhetorical developments of students’ essays become less linear after two years. This means that their study in an English writing course has successfully teach them to write following the English logic. Yet, these students cannot maintain their linear pattern over time. Key words: Rhetorical development, Writing pattern, Argumentative essay ABSTRAK Pola tulisan antar budaya berbeda jika gaya bahasa mereka berbeda pula, terutama antara Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Meski demikian, beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa Indonesia mampu menulis menggunakan pola Inggris ketika diajarkan pelajaran menulis bahasa Inggris. Sekian lama setelah mereka tidak diajarkan pola tulisan bahasa Inggris, pola tulisan mereka berubah. Penelitian ini membahas perubahan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode konten analisis kualitatif pada 40 esai argumentasi yang ditulis oleh 20 mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa langkah retorika mereka berkurang linearitasnya setelah dua tahun. Ini membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran menulis bahasa Inggris mereka berhasil membuat membuat siswa menulis menggunakan retorika Bahasa Inggris. Tetapi, siswa-siswa tersebut tidak mampu mempertakankan pola linear mereka selang beberapa waktu. Kata Kunci: Susunan Retorika, Pola menulis, esai argumentasi
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak TOEFL adalahujian yang dikelolaolehEducational Testing Sevice (ETS -, sebuahperusahaanswasta yang terletak di Princeton, New Jersey, yang mendirikan TOEFL, dandigunakanuntukmengevaluasikemampuanaslibahasaInggrispembicara non natifbahasaInggris (Gear, Jolene: 2009). KemahiranpembicarabahasaInggrisyang bukannatifdinyatakandalambentukangka (skor). Skortersebutditerimadenganmengambiltes TOEFL. Tesitusendiri, termasuksemuakegiatan yang berkaitandengantes TOEFL, ditanganioleh ETS, dan / ataulembagaapa pun yang telahditunjukoleh ETS. Namun, ETS tidakmenetapkannilai yang diperlukanuntukmasukkeuniversitastertentu, perguruantinggi, sekolah, ataudepartemen. Keputusan yang dibuatolehlembaga-lembagapendidikanindividu (Hinkel, Eli: 2004). TOEFL Paper-Based (PBT) adalahtespensildankertas (J. Sharpe, Pamela: 2008). Inimenuntutkertassebagai media danpensilsepertimenulisalat. Kertas-kertastersebutadalahlembarpertanyaandanjawabansementarapensil yang digunakanuntukmenjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaandenganmenyilangkandan / ataumengarsirpilihanjawaban di lembarjawaban. Hal inisepertitestertulisbiasa yang sangatumum di sekolah-sekolah, khususnya di Indonesia. Irham Ali Saifuddin (2007) mengatakanbahwa PBT adalahtes TOEFL yang paling umumdandigunakan di negaraini. Kota tempatpenelitiandilakukan, Gresik, menggunakan PBT. SehinggapenelitianiniadalahtentangpengajaranTOEFL PBT. PenelitianinimerupakanpenelitiandeskriptifkualitatifdanbertujuanuntukmendeskripsikanInstruktur TOEFL RAM English Course dalammengajarkanpersiapan TOEFL. Penelitimenggunakan Survey, Kuesioner, danWawancarasebagaiinstrumenpenelitianini. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwainstruktur TOEFL RAM English Course memilikimetodesendiridalammengajarpersiapan TOEFL. Responsiswajugapositif. Merekamendapatpeningkatannilai di pos-testerakhirtentusajadibandingkandenganpra-tesmereka. Kata Kunci: Pengajaran, TOEFL, persiapan, PBT, RAM English Course. Abstract TEOFL is an examination that is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS –, a private company that is located on Princeton, New Jersey, that found TOEFL, and is used to evaluate a nonnative English speaker’s proficiency in the English language (Gear, Jolene: 2009). The proficiency of the nonnative English speakers is expressed in the form of number (score). The score is received by taking the TOEFL test. The test itself, including the all activities related to the TOEFL test, is handled by ETS, and/or any institutions that has been designated by ETS. However, the ETS does not establish the scores necessary for admission to particular universities, colleges, schools, or departments. The decisions are made by the individual education institutions (Hinkel, Eli: 2004). The Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT) is a pencil-and-paper test (J. Sharpe, Pamela: 2008). It demands papers as the media and pencils as writing tool. The papers would be the question and answer sheets while pencils are used to answer the questions by crossing and/or shading the multiple choice answer in the answer sheet. It is like the ordinary written tests that are very common in schools, especially in Indonesia. Irham Ali Saifuddin (2007) said that PBT is the most prevalent and used TOEFL test in this country. The city where the research was conducted, Gresik, uses PBT. So that the research was about TOEFL PBT Teaching. This is a descriptive qualitative research and this research aimed to describe the TOEFL Instructor of RAM English Course teach the TOEFL preparation. The researcher used Survey, Questionnaire, and Interview as the instrument of this research. The results of the study showed that the TOEFL instructor of RAM English Course has his own method in teaching TOEFL preparation. The students’ response is also positive. They got increased score in the last post-test of the course compared with their pre-test Keywords: Teaching, TOEFL, preparation, PBT, RAMEnglish Course
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract Pusparini, AulyaHadi. 2015. Utilizing “Time Pie” to Teach Speaking of Daily Activities to the Eighth Graders of SMP Negeri 46 Surabaya. Language and Literature Department, Surabaya State University. Advisor: EstiKurniasih, S.Pd.,M.Pd. Keywords: Time Pie, speaking, daily activities, eighth graders, students’ performance. This research was done to describe how the English teacher implemented “Time Pie” in teaching speaking of Daily Activities to the eighth graders of SMPN 46 Surabaya and to describe the students’ performances toward it. The design of this research is qualitative research. To obtain those kinds of data, the researcher used field notes and video recordings as the research instruments. The result of this study shows that the implementation of “Time Pie” done by the English teacher of SMP Negeri 46 Surabaya ran well. However, he skipped one stage of five stages that the English teacher must follow to teach English speaking to the students. The skipped stage was Responsive stage. It was still fine to skip this stage, because he still did the activity in the Interactive stage. It is similar with responsive stage, but the length and the complexity of this stage is quite harder. Besides, the English teacher of SMP Negeri 46 Surabaya applied “Time Pie” introduced by Rivera one by one. It seemed that the teacher missed one thing, which is he must ask the students to draw a big circle in the middle of a piece of paper and divide it according to the percentage of each activity. It was still fine because the students were still able to read their “Time Pie” and to find out which activity that they spent often and occasionally. While for the students’ speaking performance, the students of SMP Negeri 46 Surabaya are successful speakers. They chose the right vocabularies to transfer their ideas. Through “Time Pie”, the students could practice their oral skill to talk about their Daily Activities. From the students’ speaking performance, it is known that the students were able to use the correct grammatical features, the correct choice of vocabularies and they are fluent in talking about their Daily Activities. Based on the students’ speaking fluency, the students of SMP Negeri 46 Surabaya in class VIII˗F can be categorized into three categories. Those are Very Good, Good and Fair category.
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract This study deals with teacher explanation in the frame of scientific approach classroom interaction. The objectives of this study are: (1) to find out the presence of teacher explanation in the classroom interaction, (2) to examine the amount of contribution of the teacher explanation to the classroom talk, and (3) to investigate the implication of the contribution to the students’ talk. The research design of this was case study research. An English teacher and the second year students of a senior high school in Bojonegoro were observed and recorded during the teaching learning processes. The classroom talks which have been recorded then transcribed and analyzed to answer the objectives of this study. The analysis data employed Analysis of Speech Units (AS-Units) and Conversation Analysis. There were three findings in this study, first, there was teacher explanation during teaching learning process, which was found in the observing, questioning, exploring, and analyzing stages. Second, the teacher explanation was dominating over classroom talk, which was proved by the highest contribution of informative mode over the other intentions found in the classroom interaction (24.96%). Last, the implications of this contribution to the students’ talk. First implication was that teacher explanation to the students’ talk in the frame of scientific approach. Second was that the students did not produce longer sentences since the teacher took up major portion of the interaction. It was proved by in one turn the teacher has produced three to four AS-Units meanwhile the students only produced one AS-Unit. Third, implication was that the students did not produce target language in the classroom since the teacher always asked the Indonesian words of the English expression of teacher’s utterance during the explanation. Keywords: Classroom Interaction, Teacher Explanation, student talk. Abstrak Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan penjelasan guru di kelas yang menggunakan Pendekatan Ilmiah. Tujuan penelitian ini diantaranya adalah: (1) melacak keberadaan penjelasan guru di setiap interaksi di kelas, (2) mengetahui jumlah kontribusi penjelasan guru terhadap jumlah ujaran di kelas, (3) mengetahui implikasi kontribusi tersebut pada ujaran siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus sebagai desain penelitian. Seorang guru bahasa inggris dan sejumlah siswa kelas XI salah satu SMA di Bojonegoro telah diobservasi dan direkam selama proses belajar mengajar sebagai sumber data dari penelitian ini. Setiap ujaran didalam kelas telah direkam untuk kemudian ditranskripsikan dan dianalasis guna menjawab tujuan penelitian ini. Data analisis yang dipergunakan adalah Analysis of Speech Units (AS-Units) dan Conversation Analysis. Ada 3 hasil yang telah didapatkan setelah pengambilan data, yang pertama, penjelasan guru ditemukan selama kegiatan belajar mengajar, diantaranya pada tahap mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan, dan menganalisis. Yang kedua, penjelasan guru terbukti mendominasi ujaran di kelas, hal inii dibuktikan oleh tingginya kontribusi mode informative diantara semua mode (24,96%). Yang terakhir, implikasi dari kontribusi ini. Implikasi pertama adalah, pengaruh kontribusi ini pada ujaran siswa di setiap langkah di pendekatan ilmiah. Implikasi yang kedua adalah siswa tidak berbicara lebih panjang karena guru telah menjelaskan semuanya. Hal ini dibuktikan, pada satu kali giliran berbicara guru memproduksi tiga sampai empat AS-Units, sementara siswa hanya memproduksi satu AS-Units sebagai responnya. Implikasi ketiga adalah siswa tidak banyak berbicara dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris, hal ini dikarenakan guru selalu bertanya bentuk bahasa Indonesia dari setiap kata bahasa inggris yang diucapkannya selama guru menjelaskan. Kata Kunci: Interaksi kelas, Penjelasan Guru, ujaran siswa.
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Membaca merupakan salah satu keahlian yang harus dikuasai oleh pelajar dari semua tingkatan pendidikan. Itu dikarenakan, dalam sistem pendidikan kita, hampir dari semua materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk tulis; buku, jurnal, paper, dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk mengetahui pembahasan materi tersebut, memahami ide pokok dan informasi yang terdapat dalam materi tersebut adalah sebuah keharusan. Singkatnya, pemahan adalah inti dari membaca. Brown (2003) menyatakan pembaca non-natif harus meningkatkan schemata-latar belakang informasi dan pengalaman budaya- yang isinya sesuai dan formal untuk membuat interpretasi dengan efektif. Sementara itu terdapat sebuah strategi membaca yang memanfaatkan pentingnya latar belakang pengetahuan sebagai prinsip utama dalam penggunaannya yang disebut strategi KWLQ (Know, Want to know, Learned, Question) yang sesuai untuk diaplikasikan bagi pelajar non-natif seperti orang Indonesia. Strategi ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu memahai teks informasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Meneliti penggunaan strategi KWLQ dalam memahami report teks, kemampuan membaca murid sehubungan dengan penggunaan strategi dan respons murid sehubungan dengan penggunaan strategi. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada murid-murid kelass XI IBB di SMA WACHID HASYIM 2 TAMAN. Ada tiga macam data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini,. Pertama adalah hasil dari observasi yang dituliskan dalam field note selama proses belajar dan mengajar menggunakan strategi KWLQ. Kedua adalah hasil dari KWLQ chart murid-murid dan hasil dari soal latihan membaca mereka yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan mereka dalam memahami text. dan yang terakhir adalah hasil dari wawancara terhadap beberapa murid. Semua data di deskripsikan secara kualitatif kemudian hasilnya dianalisis untuk membuat kesimpulan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa strategi KWLQ di implementasikan dengan sukses di dalam kelas. Hamipr dari seluruh murid mampu membuat chart KWLQ yang baik, dan strategi ini mampu membantu murid dalam memahami teks report yang dibuktikan dengan melihat dari hasil chart dan soal latihan membaca murid. Selain itu, murid-murid memiliki respon yang positif terhadap penggunaan strategi ini, ini dikarenakan mereka merasa bahwa strategi ini membantu mereka untuk mencatat informasi penting dalam teks yang membantu mereka memahami teks dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Membaca, Pemahaman, Strategi KWLQ, Teks Report Abstract Reading is a very important skill that must be mastered by learners from all education level. It is simply because, in our education system, most of the materials are in the written form; Books, journal, paper and many others. In order to get what the materials are about, it is a must to comprehend the idea and also the information within. In short, comprehension is the core of reading. Brown (2003) stated second language readers must develop appropriate content and formal schemata—background information and cultural experience—to carry out the interpretations effectively. Meanwhile there is a reading strategy that uses the importance of background knowledge as its main principle which is called “KWLQ (Know, Want to know, Learned, Question) strategy which is very suitable to be applied for the second language learners like Indonesian. This strategy was intended to help comprehending information text. This study was qualitative descriptive research, observing the use of KWLQ strategy in comprehending report text, the students’ reading ability toward the use of the strategy, and their responses toward the use of it. This study was conducted to the eleventh grade students of IBB class in SMA WACHID HASYIM 2 TAMAN. There are three kinds of data which collected in this study. The first data is the result of the field note during the teaching and learning process using KWLQ strategy. The second data is the result of the student’s KWLQ chart and their reading exercises which are used to measure their ability in comprehending the text. And the last data is the result of interview which was conducted to several students. All of the data was described in a qualitative way, then, the result of the data was analyzed to draw the conclusion. The result shows that KWLQ strategy was successfully implemented in the classroom. Most of the students were able to make a good KWLQ chart, and it did help the students in comprehending report text which was proven by looking at the result of their charts and reading exercises. Moreover, the students have positive responses toward the use of this strategy since they felt that this strategy helped them to record any important information in the text which made them comprehend the text well. Key Words: Reading, Comprehension, KWLQ Strategy, Report Text .
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rehearsal, feedback, dan engagement dalam Cooperative Learning Time Token telah di implementasikan dalam proses belajar dan mengajar materi berbicara. Dengan demikian, tujuan dari peneitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana guru mengimplementasikan Cooperative Learning Time Token dalam proses belajar mengajar kemampuan berbicara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena secara mendalam dengan menggunakan kata-kata. Maka dari itu, instrument utama dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti itu sendiri. Untuk membantu pengambilan penelitian, peneliti menggunakan cacatan lapangan dari proses observasi. Peneliti memilih seorang guru sebajai subjek penelitian ini merujuk pada pengalaman guru tersebut yang telah menggunakan tehnik-tehnik Cooperative Learning dalam proses belajar mengajar, salah satunya adalah Cooperative Learning Time Token. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah proses rehearsal, feedback, dan engagement dalam Cooperative Learning Time Token cukup berhasil di implementasikan. Aktivitas rehearsal yang di lakukan oleh guru untuk mempersiapkan murid-murid sebelum melakukan aktivitas. Sedangkan aktivitas feedback di laksanakan untuk memberi kesempatan pada guru untuk memberikan masukan kepada murid-murid mengenai performa mereka dalam aktivitas. dan yang terakhir, aktivitas engagement menunjukkan bagaimana guru membuat aktivitas yang di lakukan menjadi lebih hidup lagi dengan cara mengatur bangku menjadi huruf “U” sehingga murid-murid lebih mudah untuk mengikuti jalannya aktivitas. Kata Kunci: Cooperative Learning, Time Token, Berbicara, Teks Deskriptif, Rehearsal, Feedback, dan Engagement. Abstract This research aimed to describe how the teacher implement rehearsal, feedback, and engagement during Cooperative Learning Time Token in the teaching of speaking. The design of this research is descriptive research which aimed to describe the phenomenon in depth by using words. Therefore, the researcher is the main instrument of this research. The researcher also used field note to gain the data during the observation. The researcher use the teacher as the subject since she has already implemented many of Cooperative Learning technique, including Cooperative Learning Time Token. The result of this research was the rehearsal, feedback, and engagement activities during Cooperative Learning Time Token was going fairly well. The rehearsal was done by the teacher to prepare the students before doing the activity. The feedback activity gave the teacher chance to advising the students regarding the performance. And the engagement activity showed how the teacher make the activity live by arranging the chair into “U” shape to make the students easier to follow the activity. Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Time Token, Speaking, Descriptive Text, Rehearsal, Feedback, and Engagement.
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapanteknik jigsaw dalam pengajaran berbicara teks deskriptifoleh siswa kelas sepuluhSMAN 1 Krembung, bagaimana kemampuan berbicara siswa setelah penggunaan teknik jigsaw, dan bagaimana respon siswa terhadap penggunaan teknik jigsaw. Dalam hal ini, jigsaw digunakan sebagai teknik dalam pengajaran teks deskriptif karena jigsaw memberikan banyak kesempatan kepada siswa untuk melatih kemampuan berbicara mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif sebagai desain penalitian. Peneliti menggunakan alat penelitian lembar observasi lapangan, hasil kerja siswa, dan wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua kali pertemuan. Peneliti mengambil subyek siswa dalam kelas X-1SMAN 1 Krembung. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan dideskripsikan melalui kata-kata. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa guru dapat menerapkan teknik jigsaw berdasarkan teori dari Aronson, E, & Patneo, S (1997)dengan sangat baik. Guru sangat baik dalam membimbing dan memfasilitasi siswa untuk menerapkan teknik jigsaw. Sementara itu, hasil kerja siswa menunjukkan bahwa mereka mampu berbicara lebih baik dari pertemuan pertama ke pertemuan berikutnya. Mereka mencoba untuk berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggris, meskipun mereka membuat beberapa kesalahan. Dan hasil wawancara yang diberikan kepada siswa menunjukkan efek yang positif. Teknik ini membuat siswa aktif berpartisipasi. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari para siswa yang aktif ketika mereka berdiskusi di kelompok awal dan kelompok ahli. Siswa berusaha untuk menyampaikan materi mereka dan melakukan yang terbaik. Kata Kunci: teknik jigsaw, berbicara, teksdeskriptif Abstract This research aims to investigate the application of jigsaw technique for teaching speaking of descriptive text to the tenth graders students, the students’ speaking result after applying jigsaw technique, and the students’ responses toward the application of jigsaw technique. In this case, jigsaw technique is used to for teaching speaking of descriptive text because this technique encourages many opportunities for the students to practice their speaking ability. This research used descriptive qualitative as a research design. The researcher used observation checklist, students’ speaking task, and interview to collect the data.The observation was conducted two times. The researcher took X-1 class of SMAN 1 Krembung as the subject of the study.The result of the study would be described in the form of words. The result of observations showed that the teacher followed the procedure of jigsaw technique related to Aronson, E., & Patneo, S (1997) for teaching speaking well. She wasquite good when guiding and facilitating the students to apply jigsaw technique. Meanwhile, the result of students’ speaking task showed that the students had better performance from the first meeting to the next meeting. They tried to speak using English, although they made some mistakes. And the result of interview given to the students showed positive effect. Jigsaw technique made the students participate actively. It is viewed from the students when they discuss both at expert group and home group discussion. The students try to deliver their material and do the best. Key Words:jigsaw technique, speaking, descriptive text
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Adanya penggantian kurikulum membuat guru-guru di Indonesia diminta untuk menggunakan berbagai model pembelajaran dari pemerintah. Salah satu modelnya yaitu pembelajaran proyek, atau dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris dikenal dengan project work. Project work sudah dikenal sebagai model yang tepat untuk pengajaran menulis. Karena baik project-work dan menulis sama-sama menekankan pada proses. Selain itu, dengan kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa Indonesia dalam menulis, model ini bisa dijadikan solusi. Tugas yang menarik dalam Project work bisa memotivasi siswa dan membantu dalam menulis. Salah satu tugasnya yaitu dengan membuat buku GO Pop-up. Buku ini mirip dengan buku pop-up yang dijual dipasaran, tapi dilengkapi dengan graphic organizer. Sayangnya, setelah dua tahun pelaksanaan kurikulum ada guru yang masih bingung dalam menerapkan model-model ini. Mereka membutuhkan prosedur yang jelas dalam menerapkannya. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melakukan penelitian ini untuk mendiskripsikan penerapan project work yang sudah dilakukan guru dengan mendorong siswa kelas sebelas membuat buku GO pop-up untuk pengajaran menulis teks report. Selain itu, peneliti juga akan mendeskripsikan kualitas tulisan siswa yang dihasilkan dalam penerapan model pembelajaran project work ini. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dasar. Guru dan siswa kelas bahasa dari SMA N 1 Kertosono merupakan subyek penelitian ini. Data didapat dari pengamatan yang ditulis dalam catatan lapangan, dan dari hasil tulisan siswa. Setelah melakukan empat kali pengamatan dalam penerapan Project work, peneliti kemudian menganalisis data yang didapat. Dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti dapat mengambil kesimpulan antara lain. Pertama, Project work bisa digunakan dalam pengajaran menulis teks report. Walaupun ada langkah yang tidak berurutan dan ada hal yang dilupakan oleh guru yaitu memberi rubric penilaian menulis. Langkah yang tidak berurutan tidak berpengaruh pada siswa dalam mengerjakan proyek tersebut, akan tetapi kesalahan guru karena tidak memberi rubric sangat berpengaruh pada hasil tulisan siswa. Kedua, dari langakh-langkah Project work, siswa dapat belajar tentang proses menulis, sehingga diharapkan, dapat melatih siswa untuk bisa menjadi penulis mandiri. Terakhir, project work dapat meningkatakan kreatifitas, kemampuan berfikir kritis, pemecahan masalah, dan kermampuan kerja sama siswa. Kata Kunci : menulis, Project work, buku GO Pop up Abstract Due to the reformation of the curriculum, Indonesian teachers are demanded to use various models suggested by the government. One of the models is Project-based Learning, which in English teaching and Learning known as Project work. Project work has been known as a right model to teach writing. As both writing and project work, emphasize on the process, this model could be a solution to the difficulty of Indonesian students in writing. The interesting tasks demanded by Project work could motivate and help students to write. One of the tasks is creating a similar GO Pop-up book. This book is like a commercial pop-up book, but completed by a graphic organizer. Unfortunately, until the second year of the application of the 2013 curriculum, some teachers are still confused in implementing the model. They need practical procedures in applying them. Therefore, the researcher conducted this study to describe the implementation of project work by encouraging students to create a similar GO-pop up book as students’ project to teach writing of a report text to the eleventh graders. Moreover, the researcher would also describe the students’ writing quality during the implementation of project work. This study belonged to basic interpretative study. The teacher and the students from language program of SMA N 1 Kertosono were as the subject. The data were gained from the result of observations documented in field notes, and from the students’ compositions. After conducting four observations toward the teaching learning process used Project work, the researcher, then, analyzed the data. From the result of the study, the researcher could draw several conclusions, which are as follows. First, Project work could be well implemented to teach writing of a report text, even though there were disorganized steps and there was one thing being missed by the teacher to give a writing rubric. The chaotic steps applied did not affect the students, as they were still able to follow the activities. Meanwhile, the missing of the writing rubric made the quality of the students’ compositions did not change to be better although there was proofreading activity. Second, by the steps applied, the students could learn the process of writing, which hopefully, could train them to be independent writers. At last, Project work could increase students’ creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration skills. Keywords: writing, project work, GO Pop-up book
The Implementation of Group Investigation Technique in Teaching Reading of Descriptive Text to the Seventh Graders of SMPN 2 Sidoarjo
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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ABSTRACT The students are expected to have skills of the English language such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking that must be taught to the students through the chosen themes. From those four skills above, reading is the focus of this research. The students should have some purpose or aims from reading that is for getting knowledge and get the meaning of the text. For that reason, a suitable atmosphere of teaching and learning process and a proper technique to conduct the teaching would affect students understanding in reading. Group investigation technique as one of cooperative learning method is an alternative way of organizational approach that allows a class to work actively and collaboratively in small groups and enables students to take an active role in determining their own learning goals and processes. The research design used in this research is a qualitative research. The purpose of this research was to find the description of the implementation of group investigation technique in teaching reading. First, the researcher used observation checklist and field note to answer the first research question. Second, the researcher used interview to answer the second research question. Last, the researcher used reading task to answer the third research questions. According to the observation result, the researcher made conclusion that the group investigation technique can be implemented in the classroom. It could be seen from the students’ task results in the group investigation technique. The students also agreed that the technique was appropriate to be used to teach English in the classroom. Group investigation can be implemented as a technique to teach reading descriptive text to the seventh grader students in SMPN 2 Sidoarjo because this technique is able to make the students more interested in study English. After the implementation of the technique, the students reading comprehension were good. The response of the student towards the technique showed that through group investigation they can communicate and interact more when learning English. Keywords: Group Investigation, Reading, Descriptive, Qualitative Research ABSTRAK Para siswa diharapkan memiliki keterampilan berbahasa Inggris seperti membaca, menulis, mendengarkan, dan berbicara yang harus diajarkan kepada siswa melalui tema tertentu. Dari keempat keterampilan tersebut, membaca adalah fokus dari penelitian ini. Para siswa harus memiliki beberapa tujuan atau bertujuan dari membaca itu adalah untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan mendapatkan makna dari teks. Untuk itu, suasana yang cocok dalam proses belajar mengajar dan teknik pengajaran yang tepat untuk melakukan pengajaran dapat mempengaruhi pemahaman siswa dalam membaca. Teknik kelompok investigasi sebagai salah satu metode pembelajaran kooperatif adalah cara pendekatan terorganisasi alternatif yang memungkinkan kelas untuk bekerja secara aktif dan kolaboratif dalam kelompok kecil dan memungkinkan para siswa untuk mengambil peran aktif dalam menentukan tujuan dan proses pembelajaran mereka sendiri. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjabarkan tentang pelaksanaan teknik kelompok investigasi dalam mengajar membaca. Pertama, peneliti menggunakan checklist pengamatan dan catatan lapangan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang pertama. Kedua, peneliti menggunakan wawancara untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang kedua. Terakhir, peneliti menggunakan penugasan membaca untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian ketiga. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, peneliti membuat kesimpulan bahwa teknik kelompok investigasi dapat diimplementasikan di dalam kelas. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil penugasan siswa melalui teknik kelompok investigasi. Para siswa juga sepakat bahwa teknik ini cocok digunakan untuk mengajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas. Kelompok investigasi dapat diimplementasikan sebagai teknik untuk mengajar membaca teks deskriptif untuk siswa kelas tujuh di SMPN 2 Sidoarjo karena teknik ini mampu membuat siswa lebih tertarik belajar bahasa Inggris. Setelah pelaksanaan teknik tersebut, pemahaman membaca siswa jadi baik. Tanggapan siswa terhadap teknik menunjukkan bahwa melalui kelompok investigasi mereka dapat berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi lebih ketika belajar bahasa Inggris. Kata Kunci: Kelompok Investigasi, Membaca, Deskripsi, Penelitian kualitatif
RETAIN Vol 3 No 2 (2015): Volume 3, nomor 2, Mei-Agustus 2015
Publisher : RETAIN

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English is an important and compulsory in High school since it is used as foreign language in Indonesia. In learning foreign language, there are four language skills that must be mastered by the students. One of the most important skills is reading. The aims of this study are to describe how the implementation of Student Team Achievement Division in teaching reading news item text to the students of eleventh graders, and to find out how the students’ response toward the implementation of Student Team Achievement Division is.This study is a descriptive qualitative research. The subject is the students of XI-MIA SMAN 1 Kedamean in the academic year 2014/2015. The instruments which are used in this study are observation checklist, field note, interview, Questionnaire. The researcher collects the data through observation in the classroom when the teaching learning process process, gave the students questionnaire and interview the teacher in the last meeting. The result of observations and interview are described in the form of words, The result of the study during observation show the students are able to implement the techniques. In the third meeting, they get higher score than the first score in the first meeting. The students point out that it is very useful to help them comprehend the text. In line with the result, Student Team Achievement Division can motivate the students and make them interested in reading.