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RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. RETAIN publishes articles within the scope of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
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Using Metacognitive Strategy of Across Gender and English Proficiency in Junior High School
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This article contains study about strategies that students use when they read English text. The purpose of this study is (1) to know the differences student’s metacognitive reading strategy in low, middle, and high level of English proficiency (2) to know the differences metacognitive awareness of Male and Female in reading comprehension. The subject of this study is second grade junior high school student. The sample is 25 Male students and 25 Female students in different class and teacher. This study presents ex post facto study to compare level of English proficiency and across gender with Metacognitive Awareness. The data collected by using Formative score in class and Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategy Inventory (MARSI) test. The researcher also interviews the students to complete the data. This study use one way ANOVA analysis to analyze different English Proficiency and Independent sample t-test analysis to compare data of across gender in metacognitive awareness of reading strategy.  
Self-Efficacy In Relation To Students’ Reading Comprehension
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract In this globalization era, students must have the ability to read because reading is the key to student success in learning. Reading has become the language skills to be acquired by the students to support their learning. Reading is quite hard to do for some students because it needs concentration and a supporting environment. Nowadays, students are only read to find specific information and ignore the other information. Many different factors are influencing students in reading, such as students’ self-efficacy, the belief that people can do some tasks at different levels of knowledge and skills. It takes main roles in the academic achievement and reading comprehension of the students. Therefore, this article examines the relationship of self-efficacy and students’ reading comprehension. Keywords: reading comprehension, self-efficacy, reading self-efficacy
Supplementary Reading Materials in Teaching Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Pemahaman membaca merupakan salah satu kemampuan siswa dalam membaca yang memiliki pengaruh dalam mendukung tujuan membaca. Dalam kegiatan membaca, tuntutan siswa tidak hanya agar dapat membaca teks yang ada, tetapi mereka juga harus menguasai seluruh isi teks yang mereka baca. Salah satu dari beragam jenis teks yang harus mereka pahami adalah teks naratif. Teks ini dapat berupa kisah nyata dan imajinasi yang tentunya menarik untuk dibaca. Namun, siswa sering bosan dengan kurang beragamnya cerita yang ada. Terkadang, mereka juga hanya disuguhkan serangkaian cerita tanpa ilustrasi atau gambar yang akan membuat siswa antusias dalam membaca teks. Untuk mengatasi kebosanan dan kurangnya antusiasme siswa dalam membaca dan memahami teks naratif, mengembangkan dan menambahkan materi teks naratif adalah suatu hal yang bisa dilakukan. Materi tambahan adalah kegiatan menambahkan materi dalam membaca untuk meningkatkan minat siswa dalam membaca yang diharapkan dapat mempengaruhi pemahaman siswa dalam memahami teks naratif. Pengembangan materi ini dapat dilakukan dengan menambahkan berbagai jenis cerita seperti dongeng, legenda dan mitos, misteri, dongeng, romansa, pengalaman pribadi, dan jenis teks naratif lainnya yang lebih menarik dengan cerita yang lebih beragam. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini akan membahas pengembangan bahan bacaan dalam pembelajaran narrative text dan perannya dalam pemahaman membaca siswa. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan materi, materi tambahan, pemahaman membaca. Abstract Reading comprehension is one of the students’ abilities in reading that gives influence in supporting the purpose of reading. In the reading activity, the students are not only required to be capable of reading the available passage, but they must also master the contents of the text they are reading. One of the many kinds of texts that they must understand is narrative text. This text is in the form of a true story and imagination which is certainly interesting to read. However, students are often bored with less diversity of stories. Sometimes, they are also only presented with a series of stories without illustrations or pictures that will make students enthusiastic to read the text. To overcome boredom and students' lack of enthusiasm in reading and understanding narrative text, developing and adding the material of narrative text is something that can be done. Supplementary material is the addition of material in reading to increase students' interest in reading which is expected to influence the students’ understanding in comprehending narrative texts. The development of this material can be done by adding various types of stories such as fairy tales, legends and myths, mysteries, fables, romance, personal experiences, and other types of narrative texts that are more interesting with more diverse stories. Therefore, this article discusses the development of supplementary reading material in teaching of narrative text and also its role in the students' reading comprehension. Keywords: Development material, supplementary material, reading comprehension. 
Flipped Classroom in Teaching Speaking
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Tujuan dari penulis pada artikel ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam penerapan flipped classroom sebagai pembelajaran aktif pada proses belajar mengajar. Penulis menggunakan flipped classroom karena flipped classroom adalah pembelajaran yang menggunakan teknologi, media atau aplikasi. Dengan menggunakan flipped classroom, proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih mudah dan siswa dapat mengakses materi yang mereka pelajari diakses dimanapun dan kapanpun menggunakan teknologi, media, atau aplikasi. selain itu, pembelajaran dapat dilakukan bertatap muka dan pembelajaran online. Dalam artikel ini, penulis mencoba memberikan beberapa informasi tentang apa yang dibutuhkan guru dalam pengemplimentasian flipped classroom dalam proses belajar mengajar. Penulis juga menuliskan beberapa aktifitas, teknologi, media atau aplikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam flipped classroom. penulis juga memberikan beberapa keuntungan dan tantangan dalam menggunakan flipped classroom untuk guru dan murid dalam proses belajar mengajar. Kata Kunci: Flipped Classroom, Teknologi dalam Pembelajaran, Mengajar Berbicara Abstract The author's purpose in this article is to provide the reader with information what is needed in the implementation of flipped classroom as active learning in teaching and learning. The writer uses flipped classroom because flipped classroom is learning that uses technology, media or applications. By using flipped classroom, the teaching and learning process becomes easier and students can access the material they are learning wherever and whenever they use technology, media, or applications. In addition, learning can be done face to face and online learning. In this article, the author tries to provide some information about what the teacher needs in experimenting with flipped classrooms in the teaching and learning process. The author also writes several activities, technologies, media or applications that can be used in a flipped classroom. The author also provides several advantages and challenges in using flipped classroom for teachers and students in the teaching and learning process. Keywords: Flipped Classroom, Technology in learning, Teaching Speaking 
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This study aims to discover learning strategies as well as test-taking strategies used by students who have successfully passed the Test of English Proficiency (TEP). The study intends to give an example of  a strategy that the other students, especially those who have not passed TEP yet, can imitate in order to aid them in both developing their English skills as well as passing TEP. The data were collected through an in-depth interview and analyzed by using the qualitative analysis model. The result revealed that the participants utilized various learning strategies to help to improve their English abilities and various test-taking strategies to assist them in passing TEP. For further findings, related to the issues, the researcher suggested to investigating the connection between learning strategies, test-taking strategies, and students’ learning style and whether they affect students’ achievement in the context of the test of English Proficiency.
The Correlation between EFL Students’ Listening Self-efficacy and Their Listening Performance
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Listening skill, compared to other skills is the most basic skill due to its ability to intertwine with four other skills. However, many EFL students have difficulties in improving their listening performance. One of the factors is Self-efficacy in Listening. Many studies have been conducted about Self-efficacy recently. This study focused more on listening Self-efficacy in Senior High School students. This study was conducted to find the correlation between EFL students’ listening self-efficacy with their listening performance in senior high school levels. This research was conducted quantitatively to 140 tenth graders in one of a state senior high school in Lamongan. This research used two instruments to find out the data of this study. Those are Practice Test for the TOEFL® Junior™ Standard Test to determine the listening performance of the participants and a self-developed Listening Self-efficacy questionnaire with small adaptation from various similar questionnaire. This questionnaire consists of 30 questions in a form of five-points Likert Scale. Then, Spearman Rank Correlation was used to find the relationship between EFL Students’ Listening Self-efficacy and their listening performance based on the results from the listening test. The result of this study showed that there was no significant correlation between each groups of listening self-efficacy with their listening performance (r: -0.038). Based on the result, it can be concluded that listening self-efficacy did not have any correlation with EFL Students’ listening performance in Senior High School levels. Keywords: Listening Performance, Self-efficacy
Self-Regulated Learning among SMK Students
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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This study aimed to investigate SMK students' SRL in enhancing language learning. Self-Regulated Learning itself is the strategy that empowers understudies to assume responsibility for comprehension of information from the teacher by directing their own particular manner of learning. The method of this study was qualitative with basic interpretative design to measure students’ awareness of the existence of SRL and its benefit. The participants of this study were grade 10th students of SMK Negeri 1 Pungging, Indonesia, which consist of 31 students, who have studied English. The questionnaire was applied to measured two aspects; students’ awareness and the ownership of SRL and kinds of SRL components used by EFL learners, using Likert Scales. In addition, the interview was used to explore the benefits of using SRL. The result showed that all of the participants reported moderate to low levels of SRL use (64.3%), meanwhile, (74.4%) of students were using reflect on what worked as the most component of SRL. Furthermore, based on the interview the students get advantages of applying self-regulated learning during the process of studying. To sum up, this study showed that all students employ SRLs, whether they realize or not.
Enhancing EFL Student’s Reading Comprehension Using Online-Based Reciprocal Teaching Strategy
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstrak Dalam peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman bacaan berbahasa Inggris, banyak strategi yang sudah diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satunya adalah Strategi Pengajaran Timbal Balik yang dikembangkan oleh Palinsar dan Brown (1984) dalam bentuk pembelajaran tatap muka. Namun, sejak adanya penyebaran virus corona, hanya sedikit informasi tentang bagaimana menerapkan pembelajaran timbal balik menggunakan pembelajaran daring. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan apakah pembelajaran timbal balik berbasis daring dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi anotasi efektif dalam peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman bacaan berbahasa Inggris. Sejumlah 69 siswa EFL menengah atas berpartisipasi sebagai subyek dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisa akhir dari pre- dan post-test pemahaman bacaan menyatakan bahwa adanya peningkatan dalam kemampuan pemahaman bacaan siswa setelah pengaplikasian pengajaran timbal balik dibantu dengan aplikasi anotasi. Anotasi membantu pengajaran timbal balik dengan menyediakan situasi kolaboratif untuk mendiskusikan teks menggunakan pengajaran timbal balik tanpa batasan waktu dan tempat, memfasilitasi materi bacaan dengan model bermacam-macam serta membantu siswa dalam menelaah dan memperbaiki pemahaman mereka terhadap bacaan berbahasa Inggris. Keywords: pembelajaran daring,pembelajaran timbal balik, pemahaman bacaan. Abstract In fostering English reading comprehension of Foreign Language (EFL) students, many teaching strategies have been implemented in the learning processes. One of the strategies is Reciprocal Teaching Strategy (RTS) which advanced by Palinsar and Brown (1984) in the form of direct instruction. Nevertheless, since coronavirus is spreading, little was known about how to perform RTS for teaching reading comprehension of English passages in the online classroom. Therefore, this research aims to find out whether online-based RTS integrated with an annotation app is beneficial toward students’ reading comprehension enhancement or not. A total of 69 EFL students at the secondary level participated as subjects in this research. The final analysis result of pre- and post-reading comprehension tests reported that there is an enhancement in reading comprehension of the EFL’s students after applying RTS supported by annotation tools. The annotations reinforced RTS by constituting a collaborative circumstance for discussing the passages using RTS without limitation of time or setting, facilitating reading substances in various forms, and supporting students to correct their comprehension of the texts. Keywords: online-based learning, reciprocal teaching strategy, reading comprehension
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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There are many EFL learners think that idioms are very difficult to understand both from speaking and writing due to caused by several factors namely: the lack of new vocabulary, different cultural backgrounds and strategies which are being faced by EFL leaners. In general idioms look easy to learn or understand. However, this is not the case. An idiom is a combination of words whose meanings are integrated and cannot be interpreted directly, but can be interpreted together with sentences. Lazar (1996) states that figurative language is an area often neglected in the teaching of vocabulary. This study refers to EFL learners’ perceptions on idioms usage in daily use which makes learners difficult in understanding and using an idiom. Quantitative research was used in the process of collecting data and asking EFL learners to answer the questionnaires to identify their perception toward the usage of idioms in terms of speaking in their daily life. The subject was chosen among 35 EFL learners of ESC in English department from State University of Surabaya.  Findings of this research are classified into two terms those are the idioms usage in manner and hardship. Manner refers to how EFL learners percieved their strategy in comprehending idioms in  daily usage. While hardship refers to how EFL learner’s challenges in comprehending idiomatic expressions.  Based on the result, EFL learners’ perceptions of idioms usage in daily conversation that most of the students have no strategy, have never practiced idioms in speaking and have difficulty, they consider that the idioms are difficult to apply in daily conversation. Meanwhile, some of them have their own strategies in overcoming difficulties and applying idioms in daily use. Their strategies are learning through social media, poetry, novels, films and google translation. The researcher suggests that EFL learner need to learn about idioms deeply regarding to the influence and importance of the idioms daily usage in conversation. Key words: Idioms, EFL learners, Perceptions, Strategies
Self-Regulated Learning on Students’ Oral Presentation Performance in Academic Speaking Class
RETAIN Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
Publisher : RETAIN

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Abstract Self-regulated learning (SRL) has been proven to have positive effects on students’ learning outcomes. Since oral presentation performance skills have benefits for students’ academic and career fields, this study aimed to investigate students’ self-regulated learning through oral presentation performance. Additionally, 20 English education students in one of the academic speaking classes in UNESA were selected. This study was under Zimmerman cyclical theory of self-regulated learning, which involves three phases; forethought, performance, and reflection. Hence, this study was to investigate how the students were planning, monitoring, and also evaluating their oral presentation performance. This study was conducted after the students have finished their first presentation performance. Afterward, an interview was given to obtain data from students’ responses. The result of the study showed that most of the students have goals to decrease anxiety, and verbal learning style was highly used to learn the material of presentation. Therefore, the students read their notes, which is one of the ways to self control their speech from any disruptions during the presentation performance. Besides, replay the video recording, and self-motivating helped them to evaluate the progress of oral presentation performance. Keywords: Self-Regulated Learning, Oral Presentation Performance

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