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Jurnal Inovasi Pembangunan
ISSN : 23545704     EISSN : 2622190X     DOI :
Development Innovation Journal published starting from volume 01 of 2013 when it was still under the Bappeda Lampung Province in the Field of Research and Development under the name Journal of Development Innovation. Then since the enactment of Local Regulation of Lampung Province No. 3 of 2014 Regional Research and Development Agency of Innovation Lampung Province was formed on August 8, 2014. Field of Publication and Information one of the main tasks is the journal and journal title changed from Journal of Development Innovation to Journal of Innovation and Development. Furthermore, based on Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2016 Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangnovda) Lampung Province again changed into Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda) Lampung Province, Division of Science and Technology oversees Sub Division Data Dissemination and Publication Kelitbangan as a manager of journals and the name of the journal was again changed to Journal of Development Innovation. Focus and Scope Development Innovation: Jurnal Kelitbangan (JIP) is a journal that provides a source of scientific information aimed at researchers, research institutions, government agencies, and stakeholders in all fields. JIP publishes original research manuscripts, reviews articles, studies, and case studies that focus on research: Public Culture Government Information and communication technology Social and Cultural Rights Health Economics Agriculture Technique Education Energy Transportation Tourism
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Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Abstract: Reduction of ASR by FA, ​​SF, BP, evaluated using concrete prisms and mortar bars. Concrete prisms were casted in accordance with RILEM AAR-3, while mortar bars were made according to JIS A 1146. Both specimens were stored in the control room 40oC 100% R.H. Mixture of concrete and mortar using aggregate in pessimum proportions. The test results show that the effectiveness of FA at the level of 25%, SF10%, and BP10% can reduce expansion. Concrete pore size distribution with FA, SF, and BP looks better than control concrete. UPV results using FA25 and SF10 tend to be higher compared to other mixtures. Keywords: ASR, mineral, mitigation, pessimum proportion, single
Padi Hirida Perbandingan Kinerja Padi Sawah Inbrida dan Hibrida Beras Putih dengan Penambahan Unsur Mikro Boron pada Media Tanam Muhammad Ikhwan Alrasyid
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Rice production needs to be increased continuously. The increase can be done by assembling superior varieties and the addition of boron. The purpose of this study was to analyze the response of boron administration, analyze hybrid and inbred differences, as well as genetic diversity and broad-sense heritability in the rice population under study. The study was conducted at the Integrated Field Laboratory and Laboratory of Seed and Plant Breeding University of Lampung, February - June 2017. The hybrids used were crossing of CSG1 and Ciherang, Gendut and CSG3, Gendut and CSG2, and Ciherang and CSG2. while the inbreds used are female elders from each of these hybrids. The study was compiled based on a factorial completely randomized group design, data tested by Barlett and Levene for homogeneity of variance. The ranking is being done using the Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD). The magnitude of genetic variance and broad-sense heritability were assumed based on the expected Mean Squared on the results of the analysis of variance. The results showed that rice that was applied with 3 ppm of boron did not show any significant difference, hybrid rice had higher yields than inbred rice, there were genetic variations and broad-sense heritability seen in plant height: σ2g = 203.6 *; h2BS = 96.29 *; KKg = 13.34%, and weight of filled grain per clump: σ2g = 353.38 *; h2BS = 98.58 *; KKg = 53.06%.
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Edible films as food wrapping plastics made from corn starch and plasticizers as result of liquefaction of banana stem are prepared to evaluate the effect of adding plasticizers on mechanical characteristic, functional groups, and water resistance. The starch formulation: plasticizer that is used in this research is 4: 0, 4: 2, 4: 3, 4: 4, 4: 5, 5: 0, 5: 2, 5: 3, 5: 4, 5: 5, 6: 0, 6: 2, 6: 3, 6: 4, 6: 5, 7: 0, 7: 2, 7: 3, 7: 4, 7: 5 (gr / gr), the size of banana stem for the liquefaction process passes 200 mesh sieve and the time for stirring the process of making edible film is 30 minutes at 135 rpm. To find out the characteristics of edible film, several analyzes were carried out, such as mechanical characteristic test (tensile strength, percent elongation and modulus young), water absorption and FTIR. The highest tensile strength, elongation and the highest modulus young in this research were obtained in starch: plasticizer formulations in a row of 6: 0, 7: 5, and 4: 0, with values ​​of 16.76 MPa, 14.29% and 511.34 Mpa. Films with these values ​​are in accordance with edible film standards. Adding the liquefaction plasticizer also affects the water resistance of the film, where the more plasticizer is added, the less water is absorbed by the film. The results of the analysis with FTIR showed that the wavelength did not change significantly. It means that the result of starch film is a physical blending process because no new functional groups were found.
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Abstract: Supposedly, mineral resources are a very important source in sustaining the Indonesian economy. However, for 74 years Indonesia has managed abundant mineral resources, evenly distributed welfare has not been felt by the community. There is often a rejection of the community against mineral resource management activities. With these facts, of course there are problems in managing mineral resources in Indonesia. One of the problems that will be examined in this study is the sociological aspect of the management of mineral resources in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by collecting data through observation and documentation. After conducting research, it can be concluded that: (1) The mastery of mineral technology in Indonesia is still not optimal, this causes the management of mineral resources in Indonesia is not optimal. (2) Optimization of the management of mineral resources has resulted in state revenues from managing mineral resources to date. (3) Management of mineral resources opens up employment opportunities while increasing the escalation of conflict in the surrounding community. (4) Management of mineral resources has caused environmental damage and caused health problems for the surrounding community. (5) Increasing the economy of the surrounding community as a result of the management of mineral resources in Indonesia is not significant.
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Abstract: The art of photography continues to develop over time, a rapidly growing development has an impact on the high interest of the community in the world of photography. Many of them make photography as a form of media for creativity or hobbies and there are those who make it as a place to earn income. But not a few of these photographers who do not know some of the spots or locations of photos in the city of Bandar Lampung, which has aesthetic value when combined with the concept presented. Information limitations in the form of access routes or roads that can be taken to the location are also an important highlight. With this, the effort of that matter is by utilizing the development of information technology, to make an application that will help the community in finding the desired location or spot for photos. The results of this study in the form of an application that can provide information about the spot or location of photos in the city of Bandar Lampung, which is equipped with a guide in the form of maps that have been given the A-Star algorithm to determine the nearest route to the location or photo spot.
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Abstrak: Setiap bagian dari tanaman ubikayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz) dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi berbagai produk yang dapat dikonsumsi langsung atau dijadikan tepung dan dapat juga diambil patinya sebagai bahan baku industri. Sehingga input produksi dalam budidaya ubikayu harus diperhatikan, seperti contohnya penambahan pupuk yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan tanaman, tidak hanya pupuk makro, tetapi pupuk mikro juga sangat diperlukan. Walaupun dibutuhkan dalam jumlah yang sedikit tetapi peranan unsur hara mikro sangatlah penting dan tidak dapat digantikan dengan unsur hara lainnya. Penambahan unsur hara mikro dapat menggunakan pupuk mikro sintetik seperti Zincmicro yang mengandung B, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, dan Cl. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian hara mikro terhadap pertumbuhan, sebaran, dan kadar pati ubikayu. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Sulusuban, Kecamatan Seputih Agung, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dalam Strip plot yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan Zincmicro (0, 20, 40 kg/ha). Pengaplikasian Zincmicro dilakukan pada 4 Minggu Setelah Tanam (MST) ubikayu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pemberian unsur hara mikro mampu meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, dan jumlah ruas ubikayu; (2) pemberian unsur hara mikro berpengaruh pada distribusi ubi yaitu bobot per ubi dengan kisaran 0-100 g terbanyak pada perlakuan 20 kg/ha, diameter ubi dengan kisaran 20,1-40 cm terbanyak pada perlakuan 40 kg/ha, panjang ubi dengan kisaran 10,1-20 cm terbanyak pada perlakuan 20 kg/ha; (3) pemupukan Zincmicro mampu meningkatkan kadar pati. Kadar pati tertinggi secara konsisten diperoleh ketika diaplikasikan 40 kg/ha, hal ini nampak pada umur tanaman 7, 8, dan 9 Bulan Setelah Tanam (BST).
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Lkpd) Berbasis Model Children Learning In Science (Clis) Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi (Hots) Pada Kelas Ix mela mardayanti
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megembangkan lembar kerja peserta didik berbasis model children learning in science untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS), mengetahui pendapat para ahli, respon pendidik dan peserta didik terhadap lembar kerja peserta didik ini dan juga melihat peningkatakan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian R&D dengan model pengembangan 4D. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : 1) Produk akhir yang telah dihasilkan pada pengembangan adalah lembar kerja peserta didik dengan skor rata-rata dar ahli media sebesar 91,25%, ahli materi 90,33% dengan kriteria sangat baik, 2) Kemenarikan produk ini untuk peserta didik pada uji coba kelompok kecil dengan persentase sebesar 83,33% , uji coba lapangan dengan persentase sebesar 86% dengan kriteria sangat menarik. 3) Respon uji coba produk ke pendidik terhadap lembar kerja peserta didik ini dengan persentase sebesar 86% dengan kriteria sangat baik. 4) Kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi peserta didik meningkat setelah menggunakan lembar kerja peserta didik ini. Bahan ajar berupa lembar kerja peserta didik berbasis model pembelajaran children learning in science sudah baik dan menarik untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar IPA serta sudah mampu meningkatkan kemapuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) peserta didik.
Inovasi Pembangunan : Jurnal Kelitbangan Vol 8 No 01 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Balitbangda Provinsi Lampung

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Industri makanan di Indonesia dapat dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yakni: besar, menengah dan kecil. Pada industri makanan berukuran kecil, pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan limbah masih belum dilaksanakan dengan baik. Salah satu industri berukuran kecil yang diminati adalah industri rumah tangga pembuatan risol mayonais. Untuk mengetahui jenis dan pengelolaan limbah yang telah dilakukan oleh industri rumah tangga pembuatan risol mayonais maka dilakukan observasi ke tempat pembuatannya, serta wawancara dengan pemilik usaha. Hasil dari observasi dan wawancara menunjukkan bahwa dalam industri ini, limbah yang paling banyak dihasilkan adalah cangkang telur. Adapun pengelolaan limbah yang dilakukan oleh pemilik industri rumah tangga risol mayonais selama ini masih sebatas membuang cangkang telur ke tempat sampah. Padahal cangkang telur masih kaya akan kalsium dan fosfor sehingga limbah cangkang telur masih berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan. Salah satu metode pemanfaatan limbah yang dapat dilakukan adalah membuat pupuk berbahan dasar cangkang telur. Pembuatan pupuk cangkang telur cukup mudah dan hanya membutuhkan peralatan yang sederhana, sehingga cocok untuk diaplikasikan pada industri skala kecil dan menengah.

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