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Journal of Information Systems and Management
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Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) are international journals with peer-review, which emphasizes the aspects of theory, research, and intellectual development of the information systems in organizations, institutions, economy, and society. Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) is intended to be dedicated to the development of a sustainable knowledge related to the application of information technology in the organization and management, and moreover to increase economic and social welfare. Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) encourage the publication of articles that reflect the breadth and interdisciplinary field that integrates the disciplines of information systems and technology with social issues, contextual and management, based on research using appropriate research methods. Topics include: • Design and Implementation System • Information Systems and Change Management • Decision Support System • E-Learning • E-Commerce • Information Technology • Methodology and Software Development • Knowledge Management • Network Economics • Healtcare Information System • Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology • Virtual Teams • Workflow And Process Management • other topics related to systems and information technology
Articles 19 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023" : 19 Documents clear
The Relationship Between Social Media Addiction and Fear Of Missing Out Lailil Mukarromah Ahmad; IGAA Noviekayati; Niken Titi Pratitis
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.423


The development of social media which is increasingly widespread and massive in all regions of the country and throughout the world community, including in Indonesia has penetrated various areas of life and can lead to higher social media addiction, which will also have an impact on the fear of missing out. Thus, this study aims to identify the relationship between social media addiction and the fear of missing out. The population in this study included men and women aged 18-40 years. With certain criteria set by the researcher. The sample in this study was 131 people. Validity test using an item discrimination test, and reliability test using Cronbach alpha. This research is quantitative, the method used is linear regression with the help of the Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 for Windows. The results of the analysis of social media addiction have a significant relationship to fear of missing out.
Innovate to Liberate: Akselerasi Kreativitas Siswa dalam Pendidikan Crisvin; Masduki Asbari; Jacelyn Valencia Chiam
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.424


The aim of this study is to identify the role of the teacher's paradigm in enhancing student creativity within the "Merdeka Belajar" (Freedom to Learn) program. The research report utilizes a qualitative descriptive methodology through participant observation, as data was obtained by listening to the spoken narrative on the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, titled "Simultaneously Innovate, Realize Freedom to Learn," presented by Minister Nadiem Makarim. The research findings demonstrate that the teacher's paradigm, acting as a facilitator and driving force in implementing the "Merdeka Belajar" program, significantly positively impacts student creativity. The "Merdeka Belajar" program effectively supports innovative learning through Android-based applications accessible without internet data restrictions and underscores the importance of a humanistic approach and differentiated learning to create an educational ecosystem that nurtures student creativity. This research initiative stems from the Indonesian government's efforts, particularly the Ministry of Education, to enhance educational quality through the "Merdeka Belajar" program. Spearheaded by Minister Nadiem Makarim, this program aims to provide students with learning freedom, reduce overly dense curricula, and encourage creativity and innovation in the learning process.
Quo Vadis Pendidikan Indonesia: Kurikulum Berubah, Pendidikan Membaik? Iik Jihan; Masduki Asbari; Siti Nurhafifah
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.431


The aim of character education is related to the mental formation and attitudes of students. However, if observed carefully, the main goal of character education can be said to have failed or not been achieved, this can be seen clearly from the results of the learning carried out by teaching staff for students as recipients of the lessons. This study report uses a descriptive qualitative method by taking notes because the data source was obtained by listening to oral narratives from the Bina Putera Institute's YouTube channel entitled "There is a disease in the world of education. Curriculum Changes, Education Improves?” explained by Zulfikri Anas. The results of this study explain that the Merdeka Curriculum does not focus on how much curriculum but rather focuses on students. This research began with the emergence of a problem where the large number of curricula provided by teachers, not all students were able to understand and implement character in everyday life.
Strategi Pembelajaran Berdiferensi: Akselerasi Meningkatkan Potensi Peserta Didik Rusmala Siringoringo; Masduki Asbari; Cesilia Margaretta
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.436


Abstract - The Merdeka Curriculum is synonymous with learning that supports students, as well as differentiated learning. Differentiated learning is really needed by students to carry out a learning approach that allows teachers to meet the individual needs of each student in the class. The aim of this research is to provide learning experiences that are relevant, challenging, and appropriate to the individual's level of understanding and learning style.In this study report, a qualitative descriptive method was used by listening because the data source was obtained by listening to oral narratives from the YouTube channel Young Teacher Notes entitled "Theories, Examples and Illustrations of Differentiated Learning Strategies in the Independent Curriculum". The results of this research explain that in differentiated learning students also have the freedom to increase their potential in accordance with the student's learning readiness, interests and learning profile. With Differentiated Learning, students will be able to interact with the process and results they obtain, and have good self-regulation, so that they will obtain optimal learning achievement. Teachers also demand to facilitate students according to their needs, because each student has different characteristics, so they are not given the same treatment in the learning proces Keywords: Curiculum,Freedom to learn,differentiated learning,Education.
Implementasi Kurikulum yang Memberdayakan Konteks? Arinta Kintan Larasati; Masduki Asbari; Putri Hafizhah Pinandita; Adhinta Darusancia Anggaini Putri
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.442


The aim of this study is to find out how the curriculum is implemented in the archipelago. As has been said, Indonesia has many islands and regions, so the implementation of the curriculum in each region is different. The need for education in developing an applicable curriculum, in order to improve the quality of human resources in the future. This study report uses a descriptive qualitative method by taking note-taking because the data source was obtained by listening to oral narratives from the YouTube channel Teacher Learning Stories entitled "Curriculum Implementation that Empowers Context by Najelaa Shihab". The results of this study explain that in implementing the curriculum it is necessary to hold educators' meetings so that they can exchange ideas about the state of education in Indonesia. Basically, implementing an appropriate curriculum requires the role of educators who are able to understand students. The curriculum has a very important meaning and is always related to education. If the curriculum can run well and correctly, then the learning process will run well too.
Perubahan Paradigma Kepemimpinan Sekolah Thamara Safitri; Masduki Asbari; Ahlul Bae'atun Nisa; Fitri Fatmawati
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.458


The purpose of writing this article is about school leadership 2.0. It explains how the thinking of a leader can change at any time including in this new era. The changes that occur cannot be separated from the rapid development of technology in all fields. The writing of this article uses a descriptive qualitative method by doing simak catat because the source of data obtained by listening to oral narratives from the Youtube channel KEMENDIKBUD RI entitled "Minister Nadiem Makarim talks about School Leadership" presented by Nadiem Anwar Makarim B.A., M.B.A. The results of this study explain that the mindset of today's leaders must be different from before because the digital revolution makes changes so fast that it cannot predict all changes but is expected to make changes with useful competencies.
Pendidikan yang Memerdekakan, Memanusiakan dan Berpihak pada Murid Silvia Wardani; Masduki Asbari; Kholid Ibnu Misri
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.479


The aim of this study is to find out about the new innovation from the Minister of Education and Culture, namely the Driving Teacher Program, which is expected to be able to produce as many agents of transformation as possible in the educational ecosystem who are able to produce students with global competence and Pancasila character. This study report uses a descriptive qualitative method by taking note-taking because the data source was obtained by listening to oral narratives from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's YouTube channel entitled "Siniar #PojokDikbud: Education that is liberating, humanizing and pro-student." which was explained by the host named Dea Rizkita and the resource person, namely the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Mr. Iwan Syahril. The results of this study explain that the Teacher Mobilization Program is a program to create an education that is liberating, humanizing and pro-student. As an educator, you must be a role model, you must motivate, and you must be an empowerer. The empowerment must lead to the independence of the students. Judging from the KEMENDIKBUD logo "Tut wuri handayani" this is a commitment that as a teacher we must create independent human beings, which is actually what is desired by the philosophy of the Father of our education, namely Mr. Ki Hajar Dewantara, which is very appropriate in our current era.
Peran Guru dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan: Penting dan Genting! Reggy Maulansyah; Dila Febrianty; Masduki Asbari
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.483


The aim of this study is to find out that teachers are a component in improving the quality of education. This study report uses a descriptive qualitative method by taking notes because the data source was obtained by listening to oral narratives from Prof. Prof.'s YouTube channel. Dr. Dasiem Budimansyah entitled "Teachers are the Most Important Component in Improving the Quality of Education" which he explained. The results of this study explain that the most important component in improving the quality of education is the quality of the teacher profession. Quality education will never be realized without teachers who are competent and managed efficiently so that their performance is professional. With the help of school leaders aimed at developing the leadership of teachers and other school personnel in achieving educational goals in the form of encouragement, guidance and opportunities for the growth of teachers' skills and abilities such as guidance and reform efforts in education and teaching. As well as learning organizational culture and training activities. To achieve its goals, this approach must be carried out in a directive, collaborative or non-directive manner, taking into account the level of conceptual maturity and commitment of a teacher.
Pendidikan Melalui Permainan: Membangun Kreativitas dan Inovasi pada Generasi Digital Indah Meilita Meilita; Masduki Asbari; Lelono Surya Timur
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.629


freedom to explore, collaborate and create solutions. This study report uses a descriptive qualitative method by taking notes because the data source was obtained by listening to an oral narrative from the Bukalapak YouTube channel entitled "Education through games" explained by Aranggi Soemardjan. The results of this study show that innovative approaches to education can provide freedom in learning to prepare the generation of digital natives to face a dynamic and opportunity-filled future.
Merdeka Belajar: Solusi Awal Transformasi Pendidikan Indonesia? Vira Rizki Amalia; Masduki Asbari
Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA) Vol. 2 No. 5 (2023): October 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.4444/jisma.v2i5.630


The purpose of this study is to find out the independent learning method that can be implemented in schools and to find out the assessment system in the Merdeka Belajar program as a school graduation requirement. This study report uses a descriptive qualitative method by taking notes because the source of the data was obtained by listening to an oral narrative from the CNN Indonesia Youtube channel entitled "Nadiem Makarim's Solution to Overcoming Indonesia's Education Problems" presented by the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim . The results of this study explain that the Merdeka Belajar program is one of the first steps to start transforming Indonesian education with a process of creativity and innovation in each school, because in the world today and in the future, uniformity is not something that can improve the quality of education in Indonesia, therefore it is necessary to create new breakthroughs that can make education in Indonesia creative, innovative and collaborative.

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