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Dwi Wulan Pujriyani
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Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional, Jalan Tata Bumi, No. 5, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman Yogyakarta Kodepos: 55293
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Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan
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Focus and Scope MARCAPADA: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan is a scientific journal that focuses on agrarian-land issues, spatial planning, land management, problems that arise as the causes of a land policy. All terminology refers to the keyword "Policy" which intersects with Agrarian-Land. Land policy issues are built with multidisciplinary analysis, as they relate to scientific disciplines: Spatial, Social-humanities, and Technology. Technically, the Marcapada journal will contain research articles, brief policy studies, and broad land policy thinking. Strategic policy-related issues: Land Use (Land Use) Land Value Land Tenure and Land Tenure Land Development (Land Development) Land Infrastructure (Land Infrastructure) Land Policy Evaluation Policy and Conflict Resolution Spatial Structuring Policy Empowerment Policies and Strategies
Articles 6 Documents
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Strengthening GTRA Institutions in Responding to the Challenges of Agrarian Reform in Rejang Lebong Regency Trisnanti Widi Rineksi
Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (912.363 KB) | DOI: 10.31292/mj.v1i1.10


To accomplish agrarian reform (RA) which aims to improve people's welfare by rearranging the structure of land tenure along with community empo¬wer¬ment, organizational elements with solid synergy are required. The Rejang Lebong Regency Government, BPN, the Alliance of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago (AMAN), and other elements of the Agrarian Reform Task Force (GTRA) supported by the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) have been trying to carry out this mandate since 2017. This paper aims to provide an overview of the implementation of RA, the challenges faced by the RA institutions in Rejang Lebong Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative research. The collected data and information is then analyzed into several categories, namely the settlement of potential land objects for agrarian reform (TORA), agrarian conflict resolution, asset management which is followed up with com¬munity empowerment as outlined in the Kampung Reforma Agraria Project, and the role of RA institutions. The findings in this study are that the implementation of RA in Rejang Lebong Regency, which is fully supported by the commitment of the local government, initiatives from the community, and support from the ministry of vertical institutions (especially the Ministry of ATR/BPN, KLHK, and KSP), answers various challenges that arise, especially in terms of cross-sectoral coordination. However, there needs to be a more operational implementing regulation as a derivative of Perpres no. 86 of 2018 as a supporter and reinforcement of the policies issued by GTRA.
The Sustainability of Paddy Field Tourism: Problems and Control Instruments Novita Dian Lestari
Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (631.731 KB) | DOI: 10.31292/mj.v1i2.11


The growing paddy field tourism trend cannot be separated from the shift in tourist interest towards agritourism. Paddy field tourism is seen as having positive roles. Among others, it can improve the quality of life of farmers, provide educational facilities for tourists, and maintain the indigenous culture of the community. These things indicate the need for efforts to maintain its sustainability. However, recent data show that some paddy fields are beginning to experience physical degradation caused by pressure from tourism activities and developments. This is feared to threaten the sustainability of paddy field tourism. Therefore, it is necessary to imme¬diately take steps to control the spatial use to ensure its sustainability in the future. This study aims to provide suggestions in the form of control instru¬ments for the spatial use and strategies for implementing these instruments in order to support the sustainability of paddy field tourism. The method used was library research with qualitative analysis techniques. The results showed that the incentive-disincentive control instrument met the criteria to support the sustainability of paddy field tourism. However, to support its effectiveness, the strategy of implementing the instrument should be carried out by synergizing spatial planning substance with land data.
Villages in Forest Areas in Java: Agrarian Reform Policy-Social Forestry in Banyuwangi Syarli Syanurisma
Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (851.161 KB) | DOI: 10.31292/mj.v1i2.12


The overlapping claims on forest areas is due to the presence of interested parties in its management from private companies, local communities, local governments, and the State Forestry Public Company (Perusahaan Umum Kehutanan Negara/Perhutani). This triggered tenurial conflicts in forest areas. Recognition of community rights in forest areas can be realized if proposed through the right path and process, by preparing data owned by the community. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the authorization, ownership, utilization, and use of community land in forest areas with the aim to understand the land tenure in forest areas. This article aims to examine the typology of land tenure conflicts in forest areas and identify the authorization, ownership, use, and utilization of community land in forest areas. The method of this study is qualitative with descriptive and historical analysis. Meanwhile, the data collection includes observations, interviews, and document studies. The results of this study indicated that there were 309 land plots claimed by the community in forest areas. The land plots have long been controlled, then became a settlement and agricultural land since 1941. As a result, forest areas that have become settlements are eligible to be released and then followed up with an agrarian reform policy. Meanwhile, for arable land, a social forestry scheme can be proposed.
Ulayat Land and Agrarian Reform Policy in West Sumatra Arif Ihsan; M. Nazir Salim
Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (796.503 KB) | DOI: 10.31292/mj.v1i2.17


One of the objects of Agrarian Reform in West Sumatra is the Ulayat Land. The practice is carried out by changing the status of Ulayat Land to state land through the mechanism of release by Niniak Mamak. Ulayat Land is a plot of heritage land and its natural resources obtained from generations as regulated by local governments both in designation and utilization. This study aims to explain why Ulayat Land is used as a Land Object of Agrarian Reform (TORA) in West Sumatra and why the mechanism of giving is individually and not collectively. With qualitative methods, this study analyzes the process and mechanism of assigning TORA Objects sourced from Ulayat Land to their redistribution. This study found that the determination of Ulayat Land to be state land which was then distributed to the Domo Tribe as one of the solutions offered by the Dharmasraya Regency Land Office and approved by the Nagari Customary Density (KAN). This policy is considered the best solution to save the Ulayat Land of the Domo Tribe, West Sumatra. The author concludes, to keep Ulayat Land maintained, the redistribution mechanism can be used to save Ulayat Land because all control is still under indigenous institutions (KAN). Even de jure, these lands have been redistributed to members of indigenous communities.
Analysis of Land Use Changes Along the Coast of Sidoarjo Regency Due to Rob Floods Muhammad Dhahlan; Niken Ayu Rahma Sudarko; Satria Sukananda
Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1514.546 KB) | DOI: 10.31292/mj.v1i2.18


Sedati Subdistrict is an area that has the largest mangrove forest along the east coast of Sidoarjo Regency. This mangrove forest serves to withstand the waves and prevent the abrasion of sea waves around the coastal area. Unfortunately, some mangroves have suffered damage due to land conversions that triggered rob flood. This study aims to determine and explain the physical conditions before and after rob flood, land use changes, and mangrove growth along the coast of Sidoarjo. This study employed the qualitative method and adopted the image interpretation approach. The satellite image used is Google Earth, showing a high-resolution Geo Eye satellite image (0.41 meters) in panchromatic mode and (1.65 meters) in spectral mode taken in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2021. The authors interpreted the image using a digital method by digitizing and classifying the land use on a scale of 1:20,000. The observation object is the area affected by rob flood. The results indicated that before and after rob flood, there were changes in land use along the coast. Most of the locations affected by flooding are overgrown with mangroves. In addition, sedimentation occurs in those locations because the water carries sand which accumulates to the land so that it forms a channelbar. The authors concluded that there have been changes in land use in the last five years along the coast of Sedati Subdistrict. In 2015, the coastal region was still visible, but in 2017, it disappeared due to the loss of mangroves which caused abrasion. The change in the shoreline occurred very significantly, especially in 2019, which was due to the impact of rob flood.
Land Injection Vs Land Conversion: Seeking the Solution to the Discontinuity of Agricultural Land Provision Dwi Wulan Pujiriyani; Endriatmo Soetarto
Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Marcapada: Jurnal Kebijakan Pertanahan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.506 KB) | DOI: 10.31292/mj.v1i2.19


Land conversion takes place more rapidly than the addition of new land. This paper attempts to investigate these two events by offering a more sensible solution to answer the need for land provision which over time continues to clash with various interests in land. The best solution to land provision is to give recognition to the ‘living space and the farming profession' by stating that the agricultural profession is the noblest profession, the most realistic profession, and constitutionally justified. They are a group of people whose profession is on going, or continuing, and it only requires political commitment as well as recognition of their living space and their profession that farmers and farming are a profession as well as a right to life. Local initiatives such as those emerging in the Kasepuhan community, the Subak tradition in Bali, and the determination of Sedulur Sikep community with their farming traditions should have earned their right not to be ‘disturbed’ but to be let live and get recognition and protection. Protecting these existing and sustainable forms of local farming initiatives is a real manifestation of the solution to the deadlock of the search for new agricultural land that faces various obstacles. Recognition should not only be given to indigenous groups as it has been done, but also to food farmer communities that have independently developed their agriculture in a sustainable manner.

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