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Andan Firmansyah
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Kolaborasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28090438     DOI :
Core Subject : Health, Education,
Jurnal Kolaborasi merupakan jurnal pengabdian masyarakat yang diterbitkan oleh Departemen Pengembangan Informasi dan Publikasi Yayasan inspirasi El-Burhani yang berkomitmen untuk mendiseminasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat termasuk mahasiswa dan dosen. Terbitan kali ini fokus dengan topik-topik penyuluhan, pemberdayaan, pendampingan atau Pengembangan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan.
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Penyuluhan Kesehatan Pencegahan Demam Berdarah Dengue di SD Negeri 2 Sindangsari Sultan Al Adami pradana; Rizky Perdana Susanto; Sukamara Aji Falah; Shofia Siti Adawiah; Sinta Siti Rahma; Tiara Cahya Rinukti; Sari Puspayanti
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.194


Introduction: Dengue virus infection often occurs during the rainy season, which is caused by the bite of the Aedes Aegepti mosquito, geographical and environmental conditions are for the main supporting factors for the spread and breeding of Aedes aegepti mosquitoes which cause an increase in cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The prevention program seeks to reduce the breeding potential of mosquito larvae which are the cause of dengue fever cases. Objective: This Community Service Program aims to increase knowledge, self-management and the environment as an effort to prevent dengue fever from spreading in communities Two sindangsari of public elementary shcool. Method: The health education program's is using the sampling method with 30 people used as a sample that aims to increase knowledge supported by media leaflets, Power Point presentations, animation, discussions, questions and answers, and interviews, covering the preparation stage to individual evaluation. Result: The results of this health counseling activity were that 10 (33.3%) of the total participants who attended the counseling had contracted dengue fever and had been hospitalized. Conclusion: The conclusions of this activity are leaflets, presentations and animated videos as media for prevention education.
Penerapan Self-Management dan PHBS untuk Mencegah Angka Kejadian Diare pada Remaja Wulan Permatasari; Vina Aprelia; Tiya Rizki Novianti; Angga Antofani; Yuda Nugraha; Rini Fitriani; Triman Tresnawan; Dhani Andriansyah
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.195


Introduction: Diarrhea is a condition experienced by a person when the bowel movements are of an abnormal consistency, namely soft or liquid, the frequency of which can occur more than 3 times a day. Even if you have experienced severe diarrhea, the frequency can reach 10 times a day. Severe diarrhea can cause fluid loss and can be life-threatening, especially in children and adolescents who have nutritional deficiencies. Apart from causing fluid loss, there are also complications such as severe dehydration and even death. Objective: This community service aims to determine the effectiveness of self-management in PHBS as a form of effort to improve health and prevent diseases, especially diarrhea in adolescents at SMK Terpadu Al Hasan. Method: The methodology of health education that incorporates self-management. Participants in this counseling are anticipated to be able to apply a complete strategy, particularly in the creation of new behaviors, specifically PHBS in the school setting as well as the community. Result: Based on the results of pre- and post-implementation of Community service regarding the level of knowledge of the participants had increased. this shows that counseling with the application of self-management in PHBS has a positive impact on SMK Terpadu Al Hasan students. there is a significant effect before and after being given counseling. Conclusion: The conclusion from the implementation of health education activities regarding the application of self-management in PHBS in preventing diarrhea in adolescents is going according to plan. This activity is effective and has positive value for the students of SMK Terpadu Al Hasan. This can be seen from the enthusiasm and activeness of the participants in counseling as well as increased knowledge about self-management in PHBS in preventing diarrhea before and after being given counseling.
Upaya Peningkatan Kesadaran tentang Bahaya Merokok melalui Penyuluhan Kesehatan di Pangkalan Ojek Karanggedang Aisah Prihatini; Meida Bintari; Tarisa Dewi; Wiar Sari
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.211


Introduction: Smoking is a factor that can increase the risk of various diseases that can lead to death. Smoking is the activity of smoking cigarettes that is carried out by humans in everyday life and smoking has become part of the needs of some people who have a tendency towards smoking. According to WHO in 2016, Indonesia is ranked at the top as a country with the highest number of smokers in the world, namely 76.2%. The UI demography institute writes that the number of deaths caused by smoking in 2004 was 427,948 people. This shows that 1,172 people per day or around 22.5% of total deaths in Indonesia are caused by smoking. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of health education as a form of effort to increase awareness about the dangers and effects of smoking in the community around the Karanggedang motorcycle taxi base. Method: The method chosen is observational and non-formal, carried out without selecting and determining the characteristics of the participants. Using leaflets as the medium and containing lectures and questions and answers at the end of the event as a form of evaluation whether there were changes before and after counseling was carried out. Result: Based on the results of the initial and final evaluations after the presentation of the material there were significant changes, there was an increase in knowledge which had an impact on the participants' awareness of the dangers and habits of smoking. When the final evaluation is carried out, all participants can answer together the questions asked by the moderator. Conclusion: The conclusion of this health education activity is that the series of activities from start to finish went well, the participants actively asked and answered questions with the team so that interactive communication was established. This activity has a positive effect on efforts to increase public awareness of the dangers of smoking for health. There were significant changes before and after the extension. It is hoped that the implementation of this activity can be a reminder and make them aware of the importance of maintaining health by avoiding smoking.
Pencegahan Breast Cancer dan Cervical Cancer dengan Penggunaan Pembalut Sehat Nabila Nurhaliza; Dwiva Azmar Kurnia; Nursamsi Nursamsi; Enita Anggraeni
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.228


Introduction: Breast cancer (carcinoma mammae) is a type of cancer that can affect both women and men, especially women. This breast cancer grows in the glands, fatty tissue, or connective tissue of the breast. One way to prevent breast cancer is to do breast self-examination (BSE). This behavior can be done by all women. Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor in women that attacks the female reproductive organs, namely the vaginal mucosa and the area around the cervix, commonly known as the lower part between the female reproductive organs and the uterus. Cervical cancer is caused by the HPV virus. One way to prevent cervical cancer is to use healthy pads. Objective: This health education will provide education on prevention of breast cancer with BSE behavior and cervical cancer by using healthy sanitary napkins for female students of SMPN 1 Cikoneng so that they understand and understand how to prevent these two diseases. Method: Counseling was carried out at one of the schools in Ciamis Regency, namely SMP Negeri 1 Cikoneng which was the main target of this counseling. The partners in this health consultation were 61 female students at SMP Negeri 1 Cikoneng. The method used is a quantitative method, seminars and interviews that begin with conducting a survey to explore the level of knowledge of the students about the prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer. Then, preparing material to be delivered in powerpoint form and preparing questionnaires to be worked on by the students. Result: The results of the counseling survey involved 61 participants using interviews in the pre-test and questionnaires in the post-test. The researcher analyzed the completed questionnaires to determine the level of knowledge of students about preventing breast cancer and cervical cancer by using sanitary pads before and after health education activities. Conclusion: Health education Increase awareness of adolescents to pay more attention to sanitary pads during menstruation to avoid cervical cancer and to always perform BSE behavior every month on the 7th-10th from the first day of menstruation so that they know signs of breast cancer.
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Makanan Sehat dan Bergizi pada Ibu Balita dan Kader Posyandu Bojong Kupa Sukamaju Kaler Kota Tasikmalaya Rizka Fikrinnisa; Kosasih Adi Saputra; Andik Setiyono
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.232


Introduction: Nutrition is an important factor in the formation of quality, healthy, intelligent and productive human resources (HR). One of the efforts that can be made to improve the nutritional status of toddlers is by holding a supplementary feeding program. Tasikmalaya city is the second higest prevalence in West Java Province. Cases of stunting are still found in the Indihiang Health Center area about 11.18% with most cases of stunting at the Indihiang Health Center were in the Sukamaju Kaler Village, with 103 toddlers. To create a healthy Indonesian society is to empower the community or cadres and mothers who are willing to voluntarily get involved in posyandu issues. Objective: The purpose of this service was to increase nutrition knowledge and equip the skills of mothers and cadres in preparing a healthy supplemenentary food to prevent stunting. Method: This public service was conducted by lectured about nutrition knowledge and demonstrated healthy and nutritious supplementary food for toddler. Result: There was an increase in nutritional knowledge (p = 0.016) and the participants enthusiastically took part in the healthy and nutritious food-making training. Conclusion: Communities empowerment and utilization of local food in research and community service activities can be a nutritional problem solution especially stunting.
Edukasi Tuberkulosis dan Etika Batuk kepada Masyarakat Somagede, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah Dwi Novitasari; Meli Apriyanti; Muhammad Azra Razi; Leonardo Ekarynansya Ola Belatan Koban; Meilanie Carin Latuihamallo
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.239


Introduction: Since 1992, the WHO has labeled tuberculosis a worldwide emergency. Delays in tuberculosis diagnosis, detection of new cases, and treatment are brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic. In Somagede Village, 20 (90,9%) of 24 TB cases were successfully treated, and there were 1 (4,5%) deaths as a result of TB therapy. Objective: This public service was carrying out these activities as a kind of health promotion in order to increase public awareness of health education regarding TB prevention and prevent the spread of the disease in Somagede. Method: This public service was implemented in three steps, including the permission granted, media disclosure, and the second stage, which is currently based on approval from the government of the Somagede and the letter of duty number UHB/KET/035/1121. At the end of the session, participants' public service actions are evaluated. On June 26, 2022, this health education promotion will take place. The household is the focus. With the aid of a leaflet, PowerPoint slides, notebook, LCDs, projectors, pointers, and speakers, health education methods can be presented through lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and redemonstrations. Result: The number of participants was 30. The execution time is approximately 1 hour, with the group members organized as moderator, presenter, notuensis, observer, documentarian, and facilitator. During the implementation of the public examination, participants actively followed the entire range of activities, properly demonstrated how to wash hands, and discussed the ethics of coughing. Conclusion: Activities are running well, and there is extensive public knowledge about TB disease.
Edukasi Berbasis Self Management Untuk Meningkatkan Self Care Pada Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Susy Puspasari; Cecep Imam Hardiansyah; Gina Nurdina; Herdiman Herdiman; Septa Permana; Tri Antika Rizki Kusuma Putri
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.240


Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus disease is a serious public health problem faced in the world, diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (hormones that regulate blood sugar or glucose), as a result of which metabolic disorders are characterized by sugar levels that exceed normal limits. Self care diabetes consists of independent actions performed by diabetic clients in daily life with the aim to control blood sugar which includes dietary activities, physical exercise, monitoring blood sugar levels, taking medications and foot care. Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) is a diabetes education that can be a place for diabetic patients to get education and maintain the behavior of diabetic patients.  Objective: To improve self care in people with diabetes mellitus through diabetes self management education against Method: This public service was conducted by discussion using booklet as media information Result: All the participants were attend 100% for all sessions. The self care result shos improvement after DSME have been delivered. Conclusion: The results of this community service show an increase in self-care behavior in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus after giving Diabetes Self Management Education. As for educational activities can be carried out by involving more participants and can also involve the patient's family in the educational process with the hope of increasing family support for patients when carrying out self-care.
Penyuluhan Kesehatan tentang Pencegahan dan Penanganan Anemia pada Siswi di MTS Al-Munawwar Aditya Nur Wahyuni; Ade Koswara; Alda Nurani Asmara; Alfi Fadilah; Andini Zharfa Asmarani; Desry Desry; Dina Mega Tresna Irawan Pamungkas
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.199


Introduction: Anemia is a condition where there is a lack of hemoglobin which functions as a means of transporting oxygen throughout the body and can cause problems for the growth and development of adolescents. One of the efforts that can be made to prevent and treat anemia in young women is by conducting health education. Objective: The purpose of this community service is to educate in prevention of anemia in female students at MTs Al-Munnawar, Gegempalan Village, Cikoneng District. Method: This activity was carried out using the health education method to MTs students as many as 31 people who were used as participants. The material presented was regarding the prevention and treatment of anemia, as well as the extension workers also collaborating with public health center in checking hemoglobin. Media counseling using prower point which is used as material for presentation of the material. After the delivery of the material, the participants were evaluated by opening a question and answer session. Results: Based on the results of measuring hemoglobin levels, 22 participants experienced anemia and were less active in carrying out activities. After the presentation of the material, the respondents were able to answer questions about the material. Conclusion: Health education about the prevention and treatment of anemia in students has proven to be useful in increasing the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents in preventing anemia.
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) tentang Jajanan Sehat di MI PUI Cicanggong Kawali Delia Agustina; Imel Puji Astuti; Siti Nur amanah; Sri Nurul Rohimah
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.206


Introduction : Improving health status is strongly influenced by behavioral factors, namely proactive behavior that is useful for maintaining and improving health, preventing the risk of infection, protecting oneself from disease threats and actively participating in community empowerment activities called the Health Promotion Center, since 1996 known as the Behavioral Program. Clean and Healthy Living (PHBS). The health of school children is currently a priority scale, from the results of the 2013 population census it was found that a group of children in Indonesia totaled around 66 million people / 28% of the total population in Indonesia. Elementary school children are an age group that is vulnerable to nutrition and disease, especially infectious diseases. Objective : The purpose of this counseling is to improve the knowledge of grade 4 MI PUI Cicanggong students about healthy and nutritious snacks, as well as efforts to reduce the poor nutritional status of snacks. Method : The methodology of health education that incorporates self-management. Participants in this counseling are anticipated to be able to apply a complete strategy, particularly in the creation of new behaviors, specifically PHBS in the school setting as well as the community. Result : From the results it can be concluded that before carrying out health counseling as many as 6 people (22.2%), participants were able to answer questions before the material was delivered, 15 people did not know (71.0%) participants did not know about healthy snacks, 4 people (14.8 %) participants did not know participants did not know healthy snacks. then after carrying out health education, the knowledge of participants about healthy snacks PHBS increased to 25 people 100%. Conclusion : Increasing knowledge about healthy snacks is a good start to instill clean and healthy living habits in schools. So, after knowing the characteristics of unhealthy snack food and the dangers of unhealthy snack food, it is hoped that students will not buy unhealthy.
Edukasi Isi Piringku sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Heni Heryani; Ayu Endang Purwati; Henri Setiawan; Andan Firmansyah; Rosidah Solihah
Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v3i2.241


Introduction: Stunting if not treated immediately will have a negative impact on the future of the nation. One of the efforts that can be made to prevent stunting is to provide balanced nutrition from an early age in the first 1000 days of life. The contents of my plate is one step to achieve balanced nutrition. One of the efforts to shape eating behavior is to educate pregnant women and cadres about what is on my plate. Objective: The purpose of this community service activity is to provide education about the contents of my plate so that there is an increase in knowledge about balanced nutrition for pregnant women and cadres. Method: Community service activities are carried out in the Village of Aula Pamarican. The method used in this community service activity is lectures using slides and leaflets. The target of this activity is pregnant women and cadres, with a total of 40 people. Community service activities begin with a pretest and end with a posttest to measure the increase in target knowledge. Result: The results of the service show that the average pretest has less knowledge, namely 65%. After education, the average knowledgeable enough is 62.5%. Conclusion: Education The contents of my plate can increase the knowledge of pregnant women and cadres as an effort to prevent stunting.

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