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Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya
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Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya (JPPISB) merupakan media jurnal elektronik yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Dharma Andalas sebagai sarana untuk penyebaran dan publikasi hasil penelitian dan pengkajian pemikiran kritis mahasiswa yang orisinil dan up to date. JPPIM memuat artikel bidang Ilmu Sosial Budaya, yang diterbitkan 2 (empat) kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Januari dan juli. Redaksi menerima artikel hasil penelitian skripsi, tesis dan tugas-tugas perkuliahan mahasiswa.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 2 Documents
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Evaluasi penerapan Permendagri No.19 Tahun 2016 Dalam Penatausahaan Aset Milik Daerah Pada Badan Pengelola Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Rara Novita; Fathiah Fathiah; Irni Yusnita
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya - JPPISB
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dharma Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jppisb.v2i1.704


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of regionally owned asset administration in the regional financial management agency of Padang Pariaman Regency in accordance with the Permendagri No. 19 of 2016. The object of this research is the Regional Financial Management Agency of Padang Pariaman Regency. The data used are Primary Data (KIB, FIR, BI) and Secondary (Capital Expenditure Recap and other Documentation). The indicators used in this research are Bookkeeping, Inventory, and Reporting. Data collection techniques using Observation, Interview, and Documentation. The results showed that the Regional Financial Management Agency of Padang Pariaman Regency had carried out the administration in accordance with the Regulation of the Permendagri No. 19 of 2016 has not been optimal.
Strategi Pemasaran Produk Dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan Sari Rahayu
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Sosial Budaya - JPPISB
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dharma Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jppisb.v2i1.705


Marketing strategy is a strategy that used by company in sustainable way to win market competition for long term. This journal aims for company to have product strategy to increase customer satisfaction. Product is a thing that could be offered to customer to be noticed, asked, looked for, purchase, used, consumed by market as a tool for fulfillment or market willingness. Product could give tangible or intangible benefit to satisfy customers potentially. Customer satisfaction is a key factor for business development. Product strategy will have an impact to customer satisfaction. Therefore, satisfied customers will buy product repeatedly and recommend that product to other customers

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