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DINAMIKA ILMU: Jurnal Pendidikan
ISSN : 14113031     EISSN : 24429651     DOI :
FOCUS DINAMIKA ILMU provides scientific article of education that developed in attendance through the article publications, book reviews, original research report, reviews, and scientific commentaries in Islamic education. SCOPE DINAMIKA ILMU encompasses research papers from researcher, academics, and practitioners. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: Teaching and Learning in Islamic Education English Language Teaching in Islamic Context Arabic Language Teaching Curriculum Devepment Material Development
Articles 11 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu" : 11 Documents clear
Phonetic Symbols through Audiolingual Method to Improve the Students’ Listening Skill Zuhrotun Samawiyah; Muhammad Saifuddin
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.663 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.155


Abstract:Phonetic symbols present linguistic feature to recognize how the words are pronounced or even spelled. While learning English, difficult words are sometimes found because here English is a foreign language with which students often face. In that case, these words might bother the students’ understanding. Obviously, the students were expected to develop their listening skill. It is because listening is one of the English language skills. To enhance the students’ listening skill needs appropriate and effective way. Phonetic symbols were applied in this research to give the students clear input and understanding toward English words. Moreover, these phonetic symbols were applied within audio-lingual method that it provided repetition, memorization, and drills through audio media. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) design. The objective of this research was to improve the students’ listening skill through phonetic symbols applied within audio-lingual method. The instruments used were observation and test. Based on the observation, the result showed that the students were encouraged to identify spoken words based on phonetic symbols. They were able to differentiate phonetic symbols used that helped them to identify words on spoken text. Meanwhile, the result of test showed that there were 30 students of 40 students who achived the passing grade, 75. The percentage of students’ achivement test met the target of this research success that was 75% of the students got score ≥ 75. Thus, it can be concluded that phonetic symbols applied in audio-lingual method successfully improved the students’ listening skill.Keywords: Phonetic symbol, Listening skill, Audio-lingual Method
Learning from Fables: Moral Values in Three Selected English Stories Mukhlash Abrar
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.794 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.250


Fable is not just a fun story, but more than that, it has moral lesson(s) inside of the storyline. This research tries to portray ethic value(s) in three selected English fable stories as well as to let the readers know that they can learn something from the fables. With this study, the researcher also correlated the value(s) to real life and Islamic views. To achieve the research objectives, the researcher employed qualitative research design with descriptive analysis as an attempt to provide an in-depth and comprehensive explanation of the data. The data of this study, gotten from the researcher’s random survey on Primary and Junior High Schools students on January –June 2015, are three selected English fable stories entitled “The Rabbit and the Turtle, The Fox and the Goat, and The Monkey and the Crocodile”. The results indicate that each fable has, at least, a moral lesson in its narrative, among others: Never underestimate the weakest opponent, Never give up is the key of success, Think first before doing an action, Being smart helps better in life, and Trust is the basis of relationship.
The Application of Fishbone Diagram Analisis to Improve School Quality Slameto Slameto
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (696.967 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.262


The research problems are: 1) What steps are to take in a program development aimed at improving the quality of school using a fishbone analysis? 2) Is the program model using fishbone analysis  effective and efficient in meeting the school’s needs to improve its quality? This is research and developmental which comprises 3 phases, namely Preliminary Study, Model Development, and Evaluation/Model Testing. The qualitative data come from the input of management experts and the result of interviews/FGD with stakeholders. The quantitative data are obtained from the assessment of management experts on the product draft, the observation sheets for the field study on the standards of education, and the try out. Data analisis on the validation result uses a descriptive analysis technique. Data from the questionnaire are analyzed by descriptive statistical technique. The results are: 1) the developmental steps in the school quality improvement program by way of fish bone analysis have gone through 6 phases, 2) the research product using fish bone diagram has proved to be simple, applicable, important, controllable, as well as adaptable. Furthermore, it is communicable, so that it has been effective and efficient in meeting the school’s needs for making its educational quality improved.
Teaching Media in the Teaching of Arabic Language to Non-Native Arabic Speakers Rais Abdullah
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (619.124 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.294


Learning media has demonstrated its superiority in helping educators or teachers in the process of conveying the message of learning more quickly and easily caught by the students. The media play a role in enriching the learning experience of students, increase their attention to the lesson, minimize differences in perception between teachers and students as well as to help resolve personal differences between students. The teaching Arabic to non-native speaker would be more interesting and easier to learn, remembered, understood and practiced by the students, if taught through the media. This article aims to explore the benefits, importance and role of instructional media in teaching Arabic to non- native Speaker
The Interesting Teaching and Learning of Malay Language to Foreign Speakers: Language through Cultures Mazlina Baharudin; Siti Ajar Ikhsan
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.777 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.295


The interesting teaching and learning of Malay languages is a challenging effort and need a relevant plan to the students’ needs especially for the foreign students who already have the basic Indonesian Malay language variation that they have learned for four semesters in their own country, Germany. Therefore, the variety of teaching and learning strategies should be considered by the teachers to make teaching and learning become interesting, effective and not boring. Basic effectiveness of a language program was the factors of socio-culture, the style of teaching and learning, the students, and the characteristics of the program. This paper however focused on the socio-cultural factors (learning of cultures) and the activities program that enable to generate excitement and effectiveness in the teaching and learning of Malay language as a foreign language. In the teaching and learning process found that the more we gave the activities to the students, the more the students acquired the meaning of the lessons. In this study, the selected respondents were the two groups of students from TWG, Konstanz, Germany who have followed the Malay Language and Culture Program in the Languages, Literacies and Translation Center, University of Sains Malaysia, Penang, in 2011. The first group was started in March to June, and the second group in September to November. The research was based on formal and informal observations and interviews. This paper also discussed about the outdoor activities program used as curriculum in the teaching and learning process that gives an interesting environment to foreign students
The Effect of Mind Mapping on EFL Students’ Idea Development in Argumentative Writing across Gender Differences and Learning Styles Ary Setya Budhi Ningrum; Mohammad Adnan Latief; Gunadi Harry Sulistyo
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.574 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.296


The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of mind mapping as a strategy in generating ideas before writing on the EFL students’ idea development in argumentative writing as perceived from their gender differences and learning styles. By conducting an experimental investigation at university level in Indonesia, two existing TOEFL classes at the State Islamic Studies (STAIN) in Kediri were selected by a lottery to group 1: using linear notes (N=41), and group 2: using mind mapping (N=41). For analyzing the data, Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were utilized by using students’ TOEFL score as the covariate variable. The result findings indicated that there is no significant difference on the students’ idea developments in writing between the control and the experimental groups. These result also revealed that there is no significant difference on the students’ idea development in writing between gender differences, and among the students’ learning styles. Furthermore, there is no significant interaction between treatment and gender differences, and there is no significant interaction between treatment and learning styles.
Improving the EFL Learners’ Speaking Ability through Interactive Storytelling Marzuki Marzuki; Johannes Ananto Prayogo; Arwijati Wahyudi
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.224 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.307


This present research was aimed to improve the EFL learners’ speaking ability and their classroom activities through the implementation of Interactive Storytelling Strategy. Therefore, this study was directed to explore the beneficial of Interactive Storytelling that closely related to the EFL learners’ everyday activities at their home and school. The subject consisted of 22 of Junior High of Indonesian EFL learners. A Classroom Action Research in two cycles had been conducted within 6 meetings for every cycle. The meetings were focused on the interactivity and communicative ability among learners. The research result showed that the learners’ speaking ability improved from 17 or 72,27% passed in Cycle 1 to 22 or 100% passed the criteria of success in Cycle 2. It also showed that their classroom activities improved from 8 or 36,36% who were very active (VA) and 14 or 63,64% who were active (A) to 18 or 81,82% were very active (VA) and 4 or 18,18% were active (A). In conclusion, the implementation of Interactive Storytelling Strategy increased the EFL learners’ speaking ability and their classroom activities.
The Role of English Debating Tournament in the Face of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Husnawadi Husnawadi; Syamsudarni Syamsudarni
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.865 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.353


Since its establishment in the late 2015, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) with English as the official language has forced its participating countries to improve the quality of English language teaching, in the hope to prepare their people to be globally competitive. The lack of English proficiency, however, remains the main challenge across the country members.  English forensic or debating tournament has been proven to bring about globally competitive individuals in terms of being highly competent in English together with having higher order thinking skills. Grounded in Indonesian context, this paper presents (1) typology of English debating tournaments in Indonesia, (2) how English debating improves the language competence and critical thinking skills by drawing on some of respective research, (3) An example of its practice in an EFL classroom in Indonesia and its principles, (4) and its implications on the teaching of English in Indonesian.
A Study of the Problematic Status of Teaching Arabic in Iran: An attempt to Activate Teaching Arabic in Iran Hossein Shamsabadi
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.382 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.381


Many have spoken of Arabic as the language of the Holy Quran and the medium of the Islamic civilization drawing on its status and importance, its role, and its peculiar characteristics.. The current study touches upon the problems and challenges inflicting Arabic in Iran. As such the main objective of the current study is to both maintain the importance of Arabic in Iran and to find solutions for such problems and challenges. Arabic can help the learners dramatically, as it is such a powerful means toward social development. The researcher has not only attempted to address the many problems and obstacles in the path of teaching Arabic in Iran, but to propose solutions focusing on a comparative methodology that would deal with the limitations imposed on both teachers and learners, the well/ill-receptions of this language and it learners in Iran, and such issues as lack of motivation among learners.
Self-efficacy in Arabic Writing Nadwah Daud; Farhanah Ghazuddin; Nik Hanan Mustapha
Dinamika Ilmu Vol 16 No 1 (2016): Dinamika Ilmu
Publisher : UIN Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.757 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v16i1.413


The study aimed to determine the level of self-efficacy in writing skill among learners at International Islamic University Malaysia. The respondents were 200 learners from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at this university. The instrument used was adapted from previous studies that measured writing self-efficacy. The results show that most learners had high level of self-efficacy in writing as well as its elements. However, in the writing process, the study discovers moderate level of self-efficacy among these learners. In terms of gender differences, there was no significant difference in self-efficacy between both male and female learners. Male learners reported higher level of self-efficacy in overall writing skill as well as its process and elements. When it comes to the level of study, the result indicates a significant difference between beginner and advanced learners. The advanced learners displayed greater level of self-efficacy than their counterparts in all parts of writing.

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