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Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 28298225     EISSN : 28280458     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Social,
Fokus penerbitan artikel riset pada jurnal Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies : 1. Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman 2. Pendidikan Islam 3. Pemikiran Islam 4. Hukum Islam 5. Islam politik 6. Ekonomi Islam 7. Ilmu dakwah 8. Komunikasi Islam
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 10 Documents
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Hakikat Pendidik Menurut Hadis Nabi Isropil Siregar
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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The position of educators according to Islam is noble because they are the successors of the Prophet's task in conveying knowledge based on the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. Therefore, educators are obliged to form noble personalities and have commendable traits as desired by Islam because educators are qudwah and also good uswah for students
Hadits-Hadits Tentang Perintah Kewajiban Mendidik Dan Berpendidikan Saleh Adri; Harli Harli
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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This study aims to examine the Hadiths Concerning the Obligation to Educate and Be Educated. The research method using library techniques is library research carried out by reading, studying and recording various literature or reading materials that are appropriate to the subject matter, then filtered and outlined in a theoretical framework. The results of the research in the form of educating laws are mandatory. The argument is in one hadith from Abu Daud No. 495. Education is also mandatory. Based on the hadith of Sunan Ibn Majah no. 224. Education is very important, based on the hadith of Sahih Bukhari no. 100. There are many other hadiths which state about the obligation to educate and be educated, with the limitations of this paper, I will suffice only 3 hadiths.
Analisis Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dan Karakter Siswa Yang Berilmu Menurut Syeikh Az Zarnuji Dalam Kitab Ta’lim Muta’allim Ihsanul Hakim; Ahmad Fuadi; Syahrul Kodrah
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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Permasalahan pada penelitian berdasarkan kemerosotan moral secara global pada umumnya banyak terjadi di dunia pendidikan bangsa negara Indonesia ini. Bahkan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir terdapat kasus kekerasan hingga pembunuhan yang dialami oleh guru, dimana pelaku dari tindakan kejahatan tersebut tidak lain adalah muridnya sendiri. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian studi tokoh (Life Story) dengan pendekatan deskripsi analisis. Metode pengumpulan data dengan cara menelaah dan kajian- kajian terhadap pustaka yang berupa data verbal dalam bentuk kata dan bukan angka. Sehingga pembahasan dalam penelitian ini dengan cara mengedit, mereduksi, menyajikan dan selanjutnya menganalisis. Hasil penelitian bahwa analisis guru pendidikan agama Islam menurut Syekh al-Zarnuji berupa guru harus ‘alim, wara’, dan lebih dewasa dapat dipandang masih relevan. Guru sebagai seorang pendidik memang harus orang yang ‘alim (ilmuwan) sebagai landasan keilmuannya, harus orang yang wara’, berwibawa, santun, penyabar sebagai landasan moralnya, dan harus orang yang lebih dewasa sebagai landasan bahwa guru sebaiknya adalah orang yang lebih berpengalaman dibanding dengan siswanya. Sedangkan karakter siswa yang berilmu menurut Iman al-Zarnuji yang terdapat dalam kitab Ta`limul Muta`allim yaitu karakter sabar, tabah dan tekun, anjuran untuk bersikap berani, tidak menuruti hawa nafsu, mencari teman yang baik, menghormati ilmu dan guru, bersungguh-sungguh dalam belajar, banyak mengulangi pelajaran yang sudah diajarkan oleh guru agama Islam.
Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Proses Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di SMP Swasta Al-Maksum Stabat Maisyarah Maisyarah; Muhizar Muchtar; Ahmad Fuadi
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Improving Student Learning Processes in Islamic Religious Education Subjects at Al-Maksum Stabat Private Middle School. Learning and teaching activities in the classroom are expected to be able to shape student personalities, especially personalities to be motivated in participating in learning activities to memorize verses of the Koran so that students will be better able to deal with certain conditions that require the ability to memorize to practice the subject matter they get at school. The presentation of teaching materials should be packaged in an attractive way and the material delivered in an innovative and creative way, so that teaching activities in the field of Islamic Religious Education can run effectively and efficiently. The role of teachers in the field of Islamic Religious Education is very important in improving students' ability to memorize the Koran, namely through an effective and efficient learning and teaching process. What is the role of the teacher in the subject of Islamic Religious Education in class VII of Al-Maksum Stabat Private Middle School? How is the learning process of Islamic Religious Education for class VII students of Al-Maksum Stabat Private Middle School? Is the role of the teacher able to increase the learning process in the subject of Islamic Religious Education in class VII Al-Maksum Stabat Private Middle School?. The conclusions in this study are: The role of professional teachers in the field of Islamic Religious Education can increase the intensity of moral development for class VII students of Al-Maksum Stabat Private Middle School has been fulfilled by the fact that even in carrying out teaching and learning activities online during the covid 19 pandemic. The role of the teacher the field of moral studies is still carried out by conducting active communication with students using online media or Smart Phone device applications.
Implementasi Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Keagamaan Dalam Penanaman Pengetahuan Agama Siswa MAN 2 Langkat Tri Widya Wati, Zaifatur Ridha, Nurmisda Ramayani
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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Aim study this is for knowing Implementation of Religious Extracurricular Activities in Inculcating Religious Knowledge of Man 2 Langkat Students . Method study this is The type of this research is qualitative research. The data sources for this research were school principals, teachers, religious extracurricular coaches and religious extracurricular participants. Data collection in qualitative research was obtained using observation, interviews, methods of literature and documentation. The results of the research show Implementation activity extracurricular religion in MAN 2 Langkat this done outside of school hours that is when go home school . As for Form activity Extracurricular religion at MAN 2 Langkat are KKD and LPTQ. In its implementation, KKD is held once a week on Thursday after school starting at 15:00 – 17:00 WIB. Implementation of LPTQ at MAN 2 Langkat is carried out every Friday at 14:00 – 17:00 where in its implementation LPTQ is divided into 5 areas, namely, recitation, tahfiz, Kaligradi, Syahril and Fahmil Qur'an. The cultivation of religious knowledge that was implanted in MAN 2 Langkat was instilled through religious activities held at this madrasa. Starting from the activities of reading the Koran in the morning, congregational midday prayers, reciting the Yasin Tahtim and the overall prayer tahlil which are held every Friday in the field. Besides that's a teacher too very role in give understanding religious student through the PAI learning process . The Implementation of Religious Extracurricular Activities in Inculcating Religious Knowledge for MAN 2 Langkat Students is carried out well where the values stated in each activity are internalized in the students' personalities and then emerge characters that can be embedded in their daily lives. Another thing that distinguishes students who take religious extracurriculars is the comparison between students who take religious extracurriculars and those who don't. It is very much different from the attitude, behavior, manners and politeness which is very good because it has also been accompanied by activities that are religious in nature which involve things that are prohibited. especially adab, in practicing religious teachings more than others, it can be seen from the prayer times, students who take part in these religious activities are on time compared to others often missed.
Masuknya Islam Ke Nusantara Muhammad Basri, Aprilia Wilujeng
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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Sejarah masuknya Islam nusantara berkutat pada perdebatan 4 (empat) teori penyebarannya, diantaranya teori Gujarat, Makkah, Benggali, dan China di mana pengambilan datanya merujuk dari tentang Singgahnya pedagang-pedagang Islam di Pelabuhan-pelabuhan Nusantara, Sumbernya adalah berita luar negeri terutama Cina, Adanya komunitas komunitras Islam di beberapa daerah kepulauan Indonesia. Sumbernya, disamping berita-berita asing juga makam-makam Islam dan Berdirinya kerajaan-kerajaan Islam. Kemudian, Islamisasi berkembang melalui beberapa cara, di antaranya melalui jalur Perdagangan, Perkawinan, Tasawuf, Pendidikan, Kesenian dan Politik dan dakwah. Jalur tersebut diejawantahkan oleh kerajaan kerajaan Islam di nusantara yang ditopang dengan kebudayaan. Sebab itu, masuknya Islam di nusantara tidak merusak tatanan kebudayaan melainkan mengakomodir yang direkonstruksi formulasinya dalam ajaran Islam.
Peran Pengasuhan Dalam Membina Kedisiplinan Santriwati Di Asrama Putri Pondok Pesantren Modern Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Medan Nurasmanissa, Ahmad Sanusi Luqman, Nurmisda Ramayani
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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This study to aims to Determine the Role of Parenting in Fostering the Discipline of Students in The Dormitory of the Ar-RaudlatulHasanah Medan Islamic Boarding School,. The Objectives of this research are as follows: to find out the role of parenting in the dormitory in overcoming discipline, to find out the obstacles and efforts to improve the discipline of female students at PondokPesantren Modern Ar-RaudlatulHasanah Medan. This research belongs to the type of descriptive qualitative research, meaning that the writer will try to describe the method of data collection derived from observation, interviewrs and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction analysis techniques, data presentation, data verification of drawing concludion. Research found that the role of parenting in fortering the discipline was as follow : being a corrector, being an inspiratory, being a motivator, being a guide. The obstacles in increasing the discipline of students toward discipline, the student’s awareness of discipline. The efforts made to overcome the constraints of implementering discipline are : collaboration between parents/ guardians and increasing coordinations between caregivers. The results of the Islamic Boarding School Ar-RaudlatulHasanah Medan so that female students can better apply the discipline that has been enforced.
Upaya Meningkatkan Social Attitude Melalui Model Pembelajaran Value Clarification Technique (VCT) Pada Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak Kelas VIII Pondok Pesantren Modern Babussalam Teluk Bakung Indah Fadila, Ahmad Sanusi Luqman, Nurmisda Ramayani
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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The Value Clarification Technique (VCT) learning model is a variable that is used to improve the social at titude of class VIII students at the Babussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School, Teluk Bakung. The subjects of this study were 24 class VIII students of Babussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School. This research was conducted in two cycles, where each cycle consisted of four stages, namely planning, action, observing, and reflection. Using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Before conducting action research, it begins with the pre-cycle stage, at this stage the researcher makes observations about the results of the evaluation of Akhlak Aqidah learning. From the analysis of the data that the researchers obtained, it was known that the initial conditions were that in class VIII there were problems, namely the social attitude of students in learning Aqidah Akhlak was low and they did not reach the KKM 75 target set by the madrasah. In the pre-cycle implementation, the average score of students with learning mastery (57.5%) was obtained. Then carried out the first cycle, from the classroom action research data that the researchers found there was an increase in the average score in the first cycle with a learning completeness score (58.75%), but there were still many students who had not achieved completeness. Continued to cycle II action, in this action there was a significant increase, namely the completeness of learning outcomes (88.75%). This shows that the Value Clarification Technique (VCT) learning model that the researchers used was able to improve students' social attitudes in the Akidah Akhlak subject, even though it had not yet reached 100%.
Penggunaan Aplikasi Qara’a Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an Pada Siswa Kelas X MAS Al-Maksum Stabat Salsal Bila, Ahmad Sanusi Luqman, Nurmisda Ramayani
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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The main problem in this study is how the use of the Qara'a method can improve the ability to read the Koran correctly according to the rules of makhraj and tajwid and produce correct reading skills in Class X MAS Al-Maksum Stabat students. This study aims to make students able to read the Koran correctly, so it is hoped that reading the Koran will become a routine activity for students, so that a generation of the Koran is formed in Class X MAS Al-Maksum Stabat students. This type of research is class action research (Class Action Research) which consists of two cycles using the Qara'a method. The results showed that the results of the pre-test or pre-test showed data including the class average score of 60.00 with the percentage of completeness in the class of 27.28%, thus there were still around 72.72% of students who had to get the same influence. intensive from the Qara'a method, in cycle II the average score of students became 70.00 with the overall percentage of completeness being 77.78%, or out of a total of 36 students there were still 8 students who were categorized as having not reached the standard of reading Al-Qur' Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of the Qara'a application to improve the ability to read the Koran in class X students of Mas Al-Maksum Stabat has increased.
Analisis Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam Dalam Syair Tuan Guru Syaikh Abdul Wahab Rokan : (Studi Karya Pendiri Tariqat Naqsabandiyah) Ushmatul Hayah, M. Yusuf Abdullah, Khairuddin YM
Khazanah : Journal of Islamic Studies Volume 1 Nomor 4 November (2022)
Publisher : Pusdikra Publishing

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Lantunan munajat yang dibiasakan oleh tuan syaikh ini merupakan tehnik untuk mengetuk hati para jamaah agar lebih mendekatkan diri kepada Allah swt dengan pendekatan persuatif yakni menyentuh hati para jemaah. Dengan demikian kandungan yang terdapat dalam setiap syair munjat memiliki nilai-nilai edukasi yang mendalam. Nilai edukasi tersebut dapat tercermin dari perilaku dan keseharian masyarakat Babussalam Besilam yang senantiasa menjaga shalatnya, menjaga perilaku dan adab serta tata krama yang mencerminkan nilai yang luhur telah tertanam melalui peran dan kontribusi Syaikh Abdul Wahab Rokan yang dalam hal ini lewat karya-karya dan peninggalannya telah mempengaruhi pola pikir dan perilaku masyarakat. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut diatas maka peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian mengenai nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam yang terdapat didalam syair tuan guru Syaikh Abdul Wahab Rokan. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskripsi teoritis berdasarkan teknik pengumpulan data secara kualitatif yakni melakukan observasi dan wawancara dengan narasumber untuk menggali informasi terkait dengan judul penelitian tersebut. Setelah penulis melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber yaitu Syaikh Dr. Zikmal Fuad, M.A., sebagai tuan guru Besilam saat ini dan ustadz Khalifah Zuhral, S.Ag yang merupakan tokoh agama sekaligus tokoh masyarakat di Desa Besilam. Maka, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwasanya Nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam yaitu akhlak tasawuf dalam bait syair munajat digambarkan melalui kedalam bahasa pengarang sayang mendalam mengenai kedekatan hubungan seorang hamba kepada sanga pencipta. Nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam tersebut tergambar dalam bentuk nilai kesucian (al-fitrah), nilai kearifan (al-hikmah) dan nilai memberi nasihat.

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