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The Community Engagement Journal
ISSN : 26216817     EISSN : 26216817     DOI :
Berfokus pada kumpulan artikel pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh dosen dan civitas akademika
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 1 (2019)" : 5 Documents clear
Pengenalan Pendidikan Literasi Keuangan Bagi Anak Usia Dini Pada Kelas Binaan Jurusan Akuntansi Di Buper Meinarni Asnawi; Cornelia Desiana Matani; Kurniawan Patma
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.329 KB) | DOI: 10.52062/.v2i1.2149


This community service aims to introduce financial literacy programs for early childhood. Literacy education is important for early childhood so that they are accustomed to financial management well in the future. In Indonesia financial literacy education is still something that is very rarely done, both in the family and school circles, the provision of education about financial literacy has not been done seriously and planned. Service is expected to benefit the knowledge of simple financial management for early childhood through the "saving" pattern. Dedication material is focused on how to introduce the concept of money, utilization and when to do shopping. Financial literacy education will be conducted for pre-school and elementary school children aged 5 - 12 years from study group students and playing in Waena Bupers formed by students majoring in accounting. The teaching method is carried out by the mentoring method by the Teaching Team. The teaching method uses simulation and learning using financial literacy education film media as well as the movements and songs of Ayo Menabung. The simulation of saving is done by practicing saving using piggy banks that are distributed to students. Assistance from the teaching team is carried out continuously with the introduction of financial literacy education that can benefit early childhood and will benefit themselves, their families and society in the future.
Valuasi Ekonomi Kawasan Birdwatching Repang Muaif Marsi Adi Purwadi; Hendra Kurniawan Maury
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.552 KB) | DOI: 10.52062/.v2i1.2150


The objectives of the activities of the Economic Evaluation of the Repang Muaif Birdwatching Area in Jayapura Regency are to: 1) Increase the knowledge and understanding of the community about the functions and roles of the Repang Muaif Birdwatching Zone in Jayapura Regency; 2) The creation of an equal role of the community in the development of the Repang Muaif Birdwatching Area in Jayapura Regency. The area to be carried out in the study area is the Economic Valuation of the Repang Muaif Birdwatching Area in Jayapura Regency. Where the results of the implementation of science and technology are from the results of the pree test conducted, it was found that out of 21 participants who attended this training, 76.19 percent of participants did not understand the concepts and rules regarding the economic valuation of forest ecosystems. While the rest, which is as much as 23.81 percent, have known the concepts and rules related to the economic valuation of forest ecosystems. Whereas from the post test results, it was found that out of 21 participants who attended this training, 15.08 percent of the participants still did not understand the concepts and rules regarding the economic valuation of forest ecosystems. While the rest, which is as much as 84.92 percent have known the concepts and rules related to the economic valuation of forest ecosystems. In addition, the participation of the community in forest conservation is very important, it can be seen from the many participants who want to attend this training activity. Where of the 25 participants planned as participants in this training, 21 participants attended the training and 4 participants did not take part in the training.
Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Pembuatan Bakso Ikan Dan Perhitungan Laba Usaha Bagi Mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi Uncen Sarlota Arrang Ratang; Mesak Iek
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.298 KB) | DOI: 10.52062/.v2i1.2151


The objectives of the activity are: students Make a visit to the location of partner making fish meatballs, students Hold a practice on how to make hygienic fish meatballs, students Hold a practice on how to record financially in a simple manner (perhitunagn business profits) so that they are able to manage financial business well. is the demonstration method that is carried out is divided into two types, namely demonstration of methods and demonstration of results. Demonstration method is a training technique in the form of activities to show in real terms how to apply the technology of making fish meatballs that have proven to be beneficial for the use of fish and / or business. This entrepreneurship training activity can be carried out well and run smoothly in accordance with the planned activities even though not all participants of the activity are able to master the material conveyed due to limited time and this activity is only at the socialization stage or introduction to how to practice meatballs from fish and make a report on operating income. This activity was welcomed very well as evidenced by the active participation of students in this activity starting from the beginning of the activity until finally the activity never left the place of activity.
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Potensi Lokal Di Kampung Tablasupa Distrik Depapre Kabupaten Jayapura Transna Putra Urip
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.195 KB) | DOI: 10.52062/.v2i1.2152


This community service aims to provide an understanding of the potential of the local economy. By providing knowledge and empowering businesses based on the local potential in motivating the community to develop their creativity in developing their local resources, through increasing the creativity of the community's economic business based on local potential. Through, identified local potentials in the regian, such as 1) coastal tourism potential, namely Harlem, Amai, Sarebo and Kitikipa and Tablasupa village settlements as separate tourism objects 2) capture and aquaculture 3) plantations 4) livestock and 5) mining and 6) industry pure coconut oil ( VCO). The empowerment of strategy that needs a comprehensive strategy with the concepts of micro, mezo and macro.
Pelatihan Akuntansi Pemerintahan Bagi Guru Akuntansi Di Kota Dan Kabupaten Jayapura Sylvia Christina Daat
The Community Engagement Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.591 KB) | DOI: 10.52062/.v2i1.2153


State financial reformation, which was followed by the issuance of Accrual-based Government Accounting Standards (SAP), and the Village Law that strongly influenced the teaching skill of government accounting in Indonesia. This development requires the availability of competent human resources to participate directly and actively in managing government finances so that good governance in government sector is achieved. Human Resources who are competent in managing state finances are produced from educational institutions where the teacher is one of the factors that has the most significant contribution. Therefore, in relation to the development of government accounting today, it is necessary to conduct government accounting training for accounting teachers. The implementation of Community Service activities is carried out by using lecture methods, tutorials, and discussions. Activities have been carried out properly as expected. The training activities were carried out with the number of 25 (twenty five) participants in accounting teachers in SMA and SMK in Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, and Keerom Regency. The training was carried out with tutorial and discussion methods as much as 60% of all training and problem training / practice activities as much as 40%. Participants feel they have benefited from the activities they have carried out.

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