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Poli-Teknologi Journal is a journal, which began publication in 2002, published by the Research and community service Unit of Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. It starts from Volume 1 Number 1 in January 2022 for printed version; ISSN (print) 1412-2782 and ISSN (online) 2407-9103. Poli-Teknologi Journal is a series of scientific publications in applied science and technology area from the perspective of a multi and interdisciplinary studies and it is published 3 times in year.
Articles 101 Documents
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 11 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.756 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v11i1.29


Soil stabilization can be found with added stone dust, which has been applied in the highway Cinere-Jagorawi Section I construction, where the addition of stone dust with comparison 2 : 1, can increase the bearing capacity (CBR value) of soil becoming 30% on soaked condition. The addition of stone dust is not effective because the based of requirement the CBR value is designed only 6%, so the amount of stone dust will be minimized. In the site of building works, the gradation of stone dust can be classified either in well graded or poorly graded. So, if the stone dust on those gradation variations have been added, it will influence the value of design CBR. Therefore, the aims of this research is to know the different influences by adding stone dust between well graded and poorly graded, also is to know the percentage of adding stone dust effectively and efficiently from both gradations, to reach the design CBR value amount of 6% on soaked condition, this amount is based on technical requirement as a sub-grade. These problems can be solved by doing experiment research to models that made of soil and stone dust mixture which percentage addition between 5% and 25% , either well graded or poorly graded. Based on that research can be concluded : 1) addition of stone dust either well graded or poorly graded will influence significantly to design CBR value. By addition more stone dust will increase the design CBR value, 2) there is no different significantly to design CBR value of stone dust addition content of 5% to 25%, between well graded and poorly graded, and 3) to reach the design CBR value 6% is needed stone dust addition approximately 20%. Keywords : Stone Dust, Design CBR Value, Soaked, Well Graded and Poorly Graded. Abstrak Stabilisasi tanah dengan cara penambahan stone dust telah diaplikasikan pada pembangunan jalan tol Cinere-Jagorawi seksi I, dimana penambahan stone dust dengan perbandingan 2:1 dapat meningkatkan daya dukung (nilai CBR) tanah dari 2,15% menjadi 30% dalam kondisi soaked. Penambahan stone dust ini kurang efisien karena nilai CBR disain yang disyaratkan hanya sebesar 6%, sehingga jumlah stone dust yang ditambahkan bisa diminimalisir. Disamping itu pada kondisi di lapangan, gradasi stone dust dapat digolongkan dalam “well graded” maupun “poorly graded” , sehingga apabila stone dust yang memiliki perbedaan gradasi tersebut ditambahkan kemungkinan akan memberi pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap nilai CBR disain yang dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan stone dust yang bergradasi “well graded” dan “poorly graded” serta mengetahui persentase penambahan stone dust yang efektif dan efisien dari kedua gradasi tersebut guna mencapai nilai CBR disain sebesar 6% yang merupakan salah satu persyaratan sebagai subgrade. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan melakukan penelitian dengan metode eksperimental terhadap benda uji yang terbuat dari campuran tanah dan stone dust dengan kadar 5%- 25% baik yang bergradasi “well gradaed” maupun “poorly graded”. Dari penambahan tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa : 1) penambahan stone dust baik dengan gradasi “well graded” maupun “poorly graded “ memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap besarnya nilai CBR disain, dimana semakin tinggi kadar stone dust, semakin tinggi pula nilai CBR yang dihasilkan, 2) tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap nilai CBR disain akibat penambahan stone dust dengan kadar 5% - 25% antara yang “well graded” dan “poorly graded”, 3) untuk mencapai CBR disain sebesar 6% diperlukan penambahan stone dust sebesar 18,7 %. Kata kunci : Stone Dust, Nilai CBR Disain, Soaked, Well Graded dan Poorly Graded.
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 11 No. 1 (2012)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.039 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v11i1.30


The need of the advanced infrastructure facilities, such as long-span concrete bridges , high-rise concrete buildings should be considered as the new concrete development. Improving the quality of concrete can be done with a material change or replacement of some materials with steel slag. The recent time many industry take a part in using waste material from Cilegon steel. In Indonesia, high quality concrete compressive strength can be achieved a maximum strength about 60 MPa. Concrete properties will decrease as a result of the added material strength of cement, aggregates, and the presence of pores. Water cement ratio reduction (w/r) and the addition of admixture as silicafume often used to modify the composition of the concrete and reduce pores. W/r reductions result in reduced porosity and the pores of the concrete, but workability concrete also be difficult to do. In order to make concrete workable the used superplastisizer is the best solution to do. Small water cement ratio 0.2 and superplasticizer intramix kind High Range water reduction at a dose of 1.8% can produce high-performance concrete. In the cement composition 1217kg, 243kg of water, sand 446kg, 545kg steel slag, superplasticizer silicafume 24l 85kg and obtained high quality concrete with compressive strength of 588.53 kg/cm2 in slump flow with the weight of 2230kg/m3 64mm. Principles of compaction without using a vibrator to use a substance without reducing the quality of the concrete risers. Small factors of w/r requires careful stirring using a saturated aggregate surface is helpful meaning in manufacture high quality concrete. Keyword : High Strength concrete, superplasticizer, steel slag, water cement ratio, slumpflow.
Volume 10, Nomor 3, September 2011, Hlm. 215- 313 Volume 10 No 3 September 2011, Hlm. 215- 313
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (51.63 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.35


Jurnal Poli Teknologi mempublikasikan hasil penelitian ilmiah di bidang Teknologi dan Ilmu Terapan Jurnal Poli Teknologi terbit secara berkala setiap empat bulan ( Januari bidang Teknik Sipil , Mei bidang Teknik Elektro, Komputer dan September bidang Teknik Mesin/Grafika )
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.366 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.36


The traditional way of long drying time for drying grain is drying under the sun. Since the weather conditions that can not be controlled need to designed the Continuous Grain Dryer to dry the grain that does not depend on weather conditions. This designed dryer uses heater to improve air temperature which hot air is exhaled by force using a fan to the tube extruder. Extruder is functioning to move grain the initial entry to exit, extruder was driven continuously by a motor with rotational speed 1400 [rpm]. From this research can be concluded that the drying time effect on grain moisture content linearly. The longer the drying time the lower the moisture content of grain. In this study, the processing time or drying time is used to dry wet grain as much as 60 kg with a moisture content of 27% to 14% is 4 hours 56 minutes.Listen Keyword: Grain, Dryer Abstrak Cara tradisional dalam pengeringan gabah adalah penjemuran dibawah sinar matahari. Kelemahanya adalah waktu pengeringan relatif lama dan kondisi cuaca yang tidak dapat dikendalikan. Rancang bangun Mesin Pengering Gabah kontinyu merupakan alternatif untuk mengeringkan gabah yang tidak bergantung kondisi cuaca. Alat ini menggunakan Heater yang berfungsi memanaskan udara yang kemudian udara panas tersebut dihembuskan secara paksa menggunakan Kipas menuju tabung Ekstruder. Ekstruder berfungsi mengalirkan gabah dari awal masuk sampai keluar dari tabung, Ekstruder tersebut digerakkan oleh motor dengan kecepatan putar 1400 [rpm] dan beroperasi secara kontinyu. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa waktu pengeringan berpengaruh terhadap kadar air gabah secara linier. Semakin lama waktu pengeringan maka semakin rendah kadar air gabah. Pada penelitian ini waktu proses atau waktu pengeringan yang digunakan untuk mengeringkan gabah basah sebanyak 60 kg dengan kadar air 27 % menjadi 14 % adalah 4 jam 56 menit. Kata Kunci : Gabah, Mesin Pengering
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.021 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.37


PV directly converts solar radiation into electricity. Most of the solar radiation not converted into electrical energy, but reflected or converted into heat energy. This causes the temperature of PV cells rise and consequently decreases the efficiency of electrical energy conversion. The high working temperature of the PV can be used for heating water, so that the working temperature of PV can be derived and finally electrical energy conversion efficiency can be improved. The aims of the research are to produce solar energy water heater with solar cells as an absorber. This solar water heater can be divided into three functional units, i.e. solar panels, water tanks and circulation pipes. The results of this research are solar energy conversion tool that can generate electrical energy and hot water simultaneously. It also showed that upper surface temperature of solar cells in solar cells that were given water cooling will decrease, but the efficiency of solar cells are not bigger due to absorber plate attached directly to the solar cell element. Absorber plate absorbs the sun's heat radiation perfectly so that the absorber plate temperature increases. This tool can generate hot water temperature ± 40 º C as much as ± 50 liters in five hours during good weather conditions. This is already sufficient for the household. Keywords : Solar cell, Solar water Heater ABSTRAK PV secara langsung mengubah radiasi matahari menjadi listrik. Sebagian dari radiasi matahari tidak dikonversikan ke energi listrik, tetapi terpantulkan atau diubah menjadi energi panas. Hal ini menyebabkan kenaikan suhu kerja sel PV dan akibatnya menurunkan efisiensi konversi energi listrik. Tingginya suhu kerja PV dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memanaskan air, sehingga suhu kerja PV dapat diturunkan dan akhirnya efisiensi konversi energi listrik dapat ditingkatkan. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan alat pemanas air energi surya dengan sel surya sebagai absorber. Pada pemanas air tenaga surya ini dapat dibagi atas tiga unit fungsional, yaitu: panel surya, tangki air dan pipa-pipa pengalir/sirkulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah alat konversi energy surya yang dapat menghasilkan energy listrik dan air panas secara simultan. Selain itu didapatkan pula suhu permukaan bagian atas sel surya pada sel surya yang diberi pendingin air akan menurun, akan tetapi efisiensi sel surya tersebut tidak bertambah besar disebabkan pelat absorber menempel secara langsung pada elemen sel surya. Pelat absorber menyerap dengan sempurna kalor radiasi matahari sehingga suhu pelat absorber bertambah. Alat ini dapat menghasilkan air panas bersuhu ± 40ºC sebanyak ± 50 liter dalam waktu lima jam pada saat kondisi cuaca cerah. Hal ini sudah mencukupi kebutuhan rumah tangga. Kata Kunci : sel surya, pemanas air energy surya
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.063 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.38


Energy auditing conducts several activities to find out the patterns of energy consummption and to identify them in order that any energy saving potencies are revealedd properly. The energy saving is done comfortably and healtily. The research includes direct counting on any energy consummption used in lighting lamps and computer. Therefore, the energy consumpion can be easily identified. The research reveals several fact lighting lamps findings as follows. Lighting lamp can be ordered based on its energy saving [Watt] on account of full consumtion of lighting intensity of 200 Lux within room of 2x2 m2. The results are ordered: Tube Lamp (TL) Ballast Electromagnetics + capasitor [7W], Tube Lamp Ballast Electronics [9W], Lamp LHE [11W], Tube Lamp Ballast Elektromagnetik [15W], blazing Lamp clear glass bening [75W], blazing Lamp white glass [100W]. Energy consummption computers CPU monitor LCD 17” 10 units condition active [760W], condition stand by [254W]. Energy consummption computers CPU monitor tube 14” - 15” 10 units condition active [1132W], condition stand by [632W]. Key words : Lighting lamps, computers, energy audit, action, energy saving. ABSTRAK Audit energi melakukan kegiatan dengan maksud untuk mengetahui pola penggunaan energi listrik dan mengidentifikasinya sehingga dapat mengungkap dan menentukan berbagai potensi penghematan energi yang layak dan dilaksanakan secara wajar dengan memperhatikan kenyamanan dan kesehatan. Dalam penelitian ini melakukan pengukuran langsung pada berbagai jenis lampu penerangan dan komputer sehingga dapat diketahui besar konsumsi energi pada peralatan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menyampaikan data berbagai jenis lampu penerangan. Lampu penerangan diurutkan dari konsumsi energi/daya yang paling hemat [Watt] yang didasarkan pada kebutuhan kuat intensitas cahaya 200 Lux dan luas ruangan 2x2 m2 adalah sebagai berikut; Lampu TL Ballast Elektromagnetik + kapasitor [7 W], Lampu TL Ballast Elektronik [9 W], Lampu LHE [11 W], Lampu TL Ballast Elektromagnetik [15 W], Lampu Pijar kaca bening [75 W], dan Lampu Pijar kaca putih/dop [100 W]. Konsumsi energi 10 unit Komputer CPU monitor LCD 17” kondisi aktif [760 W], kondisi stand by [254 W]. Konsumsi energi 10 unit Komputer CPU monitor tabung 14” - 15” kondisi aktif [1.132 W], kondisi stand by [632 W]. Kata kunci: Lampu penerangan, komputer, Audit energi, tindakan, hemat energi.
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (936.939 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.63


Early Warning System for Maintaining the Machine in Cement Industry, is an application which is designed for being applied on management system for maintaining machine in a cement industry. By using this application could be gained an accurate information as early warning that a machine has to be periodically maintained. The information as an out put of the application will be sent 3 days before maintaining process executed. By this system the maintenance operator can be properly warned, so can be reduce posibilities the machine getting damage because of careless factor. Also could be expected that productivity will be increased as well as reduce overhead–cost for maintenance. This early warning system is designed by applying database principles, and by combining the Unified Modeling Language, Zachman Framework concept as well as using Graphical User Interface will be produed an application named by SIsPeD which be divided into 7 scenarios i.e. Login Admin, Login User, Setting User ID and Password, Change Password, Entry Data Resource, Edit Data Resource and View Data EWS. From the design application after coding process will be created early warning for maintaining the machine which operated by client-server concept in the intranet net-work. Key-words Machine, Periodical Maintenance, Early Warning System. ABSTRAK Sistem Peringatan Dini Perawatan Mesin Di Industri Semen, merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang dirancang untuk diterapkan pada sistem manajemen perawatan mesin di suatu industri semen. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini dapat diperoleh informasi yang akurat berupa peringatan dini (early warning) bahwa suatu mesin sudah waktunya untuk dilakukan perawatan berkala. Informasi sebagai output dari aplikasi ini diberikan 3 hari sebelum proses perawatan dilakukan. Dengan sistem ini diharapkan dapat membantu mengingatkan operator perawatan mesin, sehingga dapat mengurangi kemungkinan kerusakan suatu mesin akibat kelalaian melakukan proses perawatan. Dengan sistem ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan produktifitas mesin serta mengurangi biaya yang tidak seharusnya dikeluarkan akibat kelalaian perawatan. Sistem Peringatan Dini ini dirancang dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip perancangan database, dan menggabungkan dengan metode Unified Modeling Language, konsep Kerangka Zachman serta menggunakan aplikasi Graphical User Interface akan dihasilkan suatu rancangan aplikasi yang diberi nama SIsPeD yang simulasi operasinya dibagi ke dalam 7 skenario yaitu Login Admin, Login User, Setting User ID dan Password, Mengganti Password, Menambah Data Resource, Mengedit Data Resource, dan Melihat Data EWS. Dari rancangan aplikasi ini setelah melalui proses coding akan dihasilkan peringatan dini perawatan mesin yang dijalankan dengan konsep client-server pada jaringan Intranet. Kata kunci : Mesin, Perawatan Berkala, Sistem Peringatan Dini
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.095 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.64


Currently, the use of chemical inhibitors has been limited because it can pollute the environment. In line with the concern for environmental health, this research studied the effectiveness of corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1M HCl solution by extracts of black rice husk. Results obtained from the method of weight loss and potentiodynamic polarization shown that extracts of black rice husks act as mixed-inhibitor effectively in an acidic environment, where the cathodic inhibition effect is more dominant. Inhibition efficiency of black rice bran extracts was increased with increasing concentrations of inhibitors, and achieve optimum efficiency value of 91% with the addition of 2000ppm extract on day six. Keywords: Black Rice Husk, Corrosion inhibitors, Mild Steel, 1M HCl. ABSTRAK Saat ini, penggunaan inhibitor kimia telah dibatasi karena dapat mencemari lingkungan. Sejalan dengan kepedulian akan kesehatan lingkungan, penelitian ini mempelajari efektifitas penghambatan korosi mild steel dalam larutan 1M HCl oleh ekstrak sekam padi hitam. Hasil yang didapatkan dari metode weight loss dan potentiodynamic polarization menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak sekam beras hitam bertindak sebagai mixed-inhibitor dalam lingkungan asam secara efektif, dimana efek inhibisi katodiknya lebih dominan. Efisiensi penghambatan ekstrak sekam beras hitam ini meningkat dengan peningkatan konsentrasi inhibitor, dan mencapai nilai efisiensi optimumnya 91% dengan penambahan 2000ppm ekstrak pada hari ke enam. Kata kunci : Sekam Padi Beras Hitam, Inhibitor Korosi, Mild Steel, 1M HCl
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.814 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.65


Vibration caused by misalignment of induction motor is detected by using Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) and piezoelectric sensor. Measurement is done with alignment and misalignment. Vibration signal is presented by using LabVIEW trhough Data Aquisition (DAQ) Card and by monitoring variable of, voltage, current, electric power and motor speed. Vibration analysis is done by perceiving frequency and amplitude of signal with alignment and misalignment. Vibration analysis is done by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Wavelet Transform (WT). Calculation of energy consumption is done with alignment and misalignment. Keywords : misalignment, vibration, induction motor, MEMS, piezoelectric, LabVIEW, Fast Fourier Transform, Wavelet Transform. ABSTRAK Vibrasi akibat misalignment pada motor induksi dideteksi menggunakan sensor Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) dan piezoelektrik. Pengukuran dilakukan saat kondisi alignment dan misalignment. Sinyal vibrasi ditampilkan menggunakan LabVIEW melalui Data Aquisition (DAQ) Card. Dilakukan pengamatan tegangan, arus, daya listrik dan putaran motor. Analisis vibrasi dilakukan dengan mengamati amplitudo dan frekwensi sinyal untuk kondisi alignment dan misalignment. Analisis vibrasi dilakukan menggunakan Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) dan Wavelet Transform (WT). Dilakukan perbandingan konsumsi energi saat alignment dan misalignment. Kata Kunci: misalignment, vibrasi, motor induksi, MEMS, piezoelektrik, LabVIEW, Fast Fourier Transform, Short Time Fourier Transform, Wavelet Transform.
Jurnal Poli-Teknologi Vol. 10 No. 3 (2011)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.2 KB) | DOI: 10.32722/pt.v10i3.66


Practical activities in mechanical engineering laboratory requires adequate facilities and infrastructure. There are several obstacles to implement metallographic laboaratory. One of obstacles is the lack of equipment microstructure image viewer that can be documented for analysis. The activities of metallographic laboratory are unsatisfactory. To answer these problems, this study provides a solution to design and make equipment can document the image of the metallographic microstructure. In principle, the design and manufacture of this equipment is to change the video signal of microscop image of microstructure sensed by the camera into a digital signal by the video card device. Motor with the adjuster is used to set the microscope focus. The image of microstructure can be observed, stored in a storage media (hard disc/flash disc/CD), and can be printed. The results of this study showed that the converter equipment of microstructures of the microscope image to the computer has successfully been designed and fabricated. The image obtained is better in quality and texture. Microstructures analysis can be easier and reduces analytical error. The image of microstructures can be stored, processed, transferred and printed properly. Using the motor adjuster to set the focus of the microscope improves work efficiency. Key words: metallographic, microstructure, metallurgical-microscope. ABSTRAK Selama ini pelaksanaan praktikum, khususnya praktikum metalografi dihadapkan pada kendala, terutama kendala peralatan untuk penampilan gambar yang dapat didokumentasikan untuk keperluan analisis. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini memberikan solusi, yaitu dengan merancang dan membuat peralatan yang dapat mendokumentasikan gambar struktur mikro dari hasil proses metalografi. Pada prinsipnya, peralatan yang dirancang dan dibuat adalah bahwa spesimen yang diteliti melalui mikroskop akan diindera oleh kamera, dirubah sinyalnya dari sinyal video menjadi sinyal digital dengan piranti video card. Sedangkan pengaturan fokus digunakan motor penggerak yang dikopling dengan adjuster pada mikroskop. Dengan peralatan tersebut, gambar struktur mikro dapat diamati dan diolah langsung, disimpan dalam media penyimpan (hard disk/flash disk/CD), maupun dapat dicetak dengan menggunakan printer. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa dengan peralatan pengkonversi gambar struktur mikro dari mikroskop ke komputer yang telah berhasil dirancang dan dibuat, gambar struktur mikro lebih baik dalam kualitas gambar maupun teksturnya. Hal ini akan lebih memudahkan untuk analisis dan mengurangi kesalahan analisis. Gambar struktur mikro juga dapat disimpan, diolah, ditransfer dan dicetak dengan baik menggunakan printer yang sudah disiapkan. Penggunaan motor dalam proses pengaturan fokus mikroskop gambar juga mempermudah operator dalam proses pengambilan gambar, yang berarti lebih meningkatkan efisiensi kerja. Kata kunci :metalografi, struktur mikro, mikroskop metalurgi.

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