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Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
ISSN : 28093852     EISSN : 28092716     DOI : -
ambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by department of Aninal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Gorontalo State University twice a year in Juli and Desember. This journal contains articles on community service with the scope of Agriculture; Husbandry; Fishery; Socio-economic community; Community empowerment; Application of Science and Technology for the Community; Appropriate Technology for the Community; Natural Resources and Community Conservation; and etc. Publisher:Department of Animal Husbandry, Gorontalo State University
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 24 Documents
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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Strengthening the Village SDGs is a government program to provide the value of a prosperous life for today's society, by increasing all potential in achieving goals both in terms of social, economic and environmental comprehensively in the realization of community welfare. Empowerment of management and processing of natural and environmental resource potential which is the community's foundation in cultivating economic resilience for quality and equitable growth which is one of the seven development agendas in the president's vision and mission with the policy direction of the 2020-2024 RPJMN. The implementation of the Village SDGs can be realized if the entire community can play an active role in developing village economic resilience.Therefore, it is necessary to have "Community Empowerment through the Development of Village SDGs for Improving Welfare, Living Standards Grow Evenly". The State University of Gorontalo has participated in the success of the SDGs activities. One of the areas that was used as the location was Moahudu Village through the Thematic Village Community Service Program (KKN) activities. The Thematic Village Community Service Program activities in Moahudu Village are building the livestock sector with a work program for cattle farming counseling, technical guidance on animal feed technology, cattle health services and planting superior forage forage.
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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yang memiliki potensi hasil perikanan yang sangat baik. Produksi hasil tangkap ikan yang melimpah memberikan pengaruh positif bagi masyarakat khususnya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan harian. Namun hal tersebut belum dapat memberikan sumbangsi kesejahteraan yang lebih dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat Desa Buladu terhadap pemanfaatan berbagai hasil perikanan serta teknik pemasarannya. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat perlu dibekali pengetahuan dan kerampilan dalam mengolah dan memasarkan berbagai hasil tangkap perikanan tersebut melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan dan pelatihan yang di fokuskan kepada para kelompok Wanita pesisir di Desa Buladu dengan memanfaatkan ketersediaan bahan baku yang melimpah melalui inovasi produk-produk hasil olahan ikan yang memiliki keterjaminan kontinyuitas dan bernilai ekonomis. Metode yang diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian ini yaitu persiapan dan pelaksnaan yang meliputi sosialisasi, pelatihan (demosntrasi) dan sharing pendapat sebagai langkah dan usaha untuk dapat menjadikan peningkatan ekonomi yang besar, modern dan berdaya saing tinggi di Desa Buladu sesuai dengan pencapaian SDGs dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi desa serta mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat desa guna peningkatan kesejahteraan.
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of the Limbatihu Village community in making alternative animal feed from banana gedebok. The specific target to be achieved is to increase livestock production through the provision of fermented feed from banana stems. Provision of alternative feed from the banana tree is expected to increase the body weight of livestock in a short time. This program also aims to utilize agricultural residues that can be used as alternative animal feeds that contain high crude fiber and nutrients. The method used in community service is to empower the community through simulations and demonstrations. The main target is the farmers in Limbatihu Village. Based on direct observation, it can be seen that the farmers in Limbatihu Village are quite enthusiastic in making fermented banana gedebok as an alternative to animal feed. Key words : Fermentation, Banana Gedebok and Livestock
Kompos Berbahan Dasar Lumpur Sawit menggunakan Microbakter Alfaafa (M-11) Bagi Masyarakat Sri Suryaningsih Djunu
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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The purpose of this service is to increase the knowledge and skills of farmers in utilizing palm oil waste to be used as organic fertilizer or compost. Service participants are directed to carry out each technological process themselves in processing palm oil waste into compost. The result of the pre-test was that 15,00% of the participants had knowledge in waste management. The post test results illustrate that 98.00% of participants can understand the activity. In the activity of making compost from oil palm mud using mycobacteria alfaafa (M-11), there were 5% of participants who had knowledge about composting. After counseling in the form of practice, 95.00% of participants were able to make and carry out composting activities. Making compost based on palm oil sludge in Pangeya village, Wonosari sub-district, Boalemo district can add insight and knowledge of farmers and ranchers about how to handle palm oil sludge that pollutes the surrounding environment. Keywords: Compost, palm oil sludge, knowledge
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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Community empowerment is a process in which people, especially those who lack access to development resources, are encouraged to increase their independence in developing their lives. The main superior products in Huhak Village are fish and shallots which are cultivated by farmers. The prospect of onion farming is said to be quite bright. Through this shallot processing training, apart from helping the marketing of shallot farmers, it can also reduce the unemployment rate in the area around the industry. The target is the realization of a processing and marketing system that is able to guarantee price stability and the availability of quality shallots independently. Training activities for youth cadres of Huhak village, Pagimana District, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi Province went smoothly and in accordance with the expected target, namely increasing public awareness about the function and role of village youth cadres in terms of seeking community agricultural products, especially in processing red onions in packaging so that these expectations can be achieved well.  
Pemanfaatan Cangkang Telur Ayam Sebagai Pupuk Organik diDesa Ombulodata Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara Siswatiana Taha; Muhamad Mukhtar; Syukri I Gubali; Srisukmawati Zainuddin
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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This service will be addressed to the residents of Ombulodata Village, Kwandang District, North Gorontalo Regency. Several activity programs have been carried out at the location of the activity, namely the Introduction and Processing of Eggshell Waste into Organic Fertilizer, Eggshell Waste Collection, Eggshell Waste Processing into Flour, and Organic Fertilizer Production. The method used in empowering the target partner group is a learning technique in the form of providing theory and simulation to village residents who are target partners and then direct practice with students and villagers. Ombulodata village has the most agricultural land compared to other villages in Kwandang sub-district. the local government provides assistance in the form of more fertilizer to each farmer group. but often insufficient and even damage the plant. Another potential possessed by Ombulodata village is, if you observe the area around Ombulodata village, the availability of land with fruit, chili and tomato plants is quite a lot
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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The purpose of the Thematic Village Community Service Program is to increase the knowledge and skills of the community in processing and utilizing surrounding food crops into food that has high economic value. The output that will be produced is in the form of processed food derived from ginger and moringa. The Thematic KKN-Thematic to build this village has been carried out in Bubode Village, Tomilito District. Several program activities that have been carried out at the location of the activity are the program for making Garbage Trays, Village Boundaries and PKK Hearts. The method used is empowering the target group including learning techniques in the form of providing theory and simulation to the target community and then direct practice with students and the community. Keywords: SDGs, Community Empowerment
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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Lumpur sawit adalah limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses pemerasan buah sawit untuk menghasilkan minyak sawit yang kasar. Lumpur sawit yang dihasilkan industry pengolahan sawit masih belum dimanfaatkan secara ekonomi. Dari kandungan nutrisi lumpur sawit menunjukkan bahwa masih banyak potensi limbah yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak. Tingginya kandungan lemak dan energi mengindikasikan bahwa lumpur sawit merupakan bahan pakan sumber energi. Dengan melihat kandungan nutrisi limbah sawit diikuti dengan masyarakat yang kurang teredukasi mengenai pengolahan limbah kelapa sawit, sehingga terpikirkan semestinya masyarakat diberikan pelatihan sebagai upaya dalam pengolahan limbah pertanian dengan baik. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah Memberikan motivasi dan meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap penanganan limbah hasil produksi pengolahan kelapa sawit yang dapat menimbulkan polusi khususnya bagi warga sekitar dan memberikan keterampilan kepada masyarakat petani ternak tentang teknologi pemanfaatan limbah hasil pengolahan kelapa sawit. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berlokasi di Desa Pangea Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Boalemo. Kelompok sasaran untuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah masyarakat di desa Pangea Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Boalemo.Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini memberikan hasil bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat kelompok tani tentang teknologi pengolahan pakan asal limbah hasil pertanian/perkebunan dan meningkatnya keterampilan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan limbah hasil pertanian/perkebunan. Keywords; Pakan Ternak. Lumpur sawit, Kelompok Tani-ternak
PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS PENGELOLAAN SUMBERDAYA LOKAL BERBASIS SDGs DESA TONGKONUNUK. SULAWESI TENGAH muhammad sayuti; Hasanuddin hasanuddin; Eduart Wolok; Sunardi Sunardi; Syarifuddin Achmad
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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Sustainable Development Goals (TPB)/Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are development that maintains sustainable improvement of the economic welfare of the community, development that maintains the sustainability of community social life, development that maintains environmental quality and development that ensures justice and the implementation of governance capable of maintaining improving the quality of life from one generation to the next. The objectives of implementing the Village Thematic Community Service Program to Build UNG in Tongkonunuk Village are as follows: 1) Assist in providing the Tongkonunuk village community database through data collection on SDGs. 2) Assist in implementing the health protocol in the Tongkonunuk village community. 3) Helping the community to have a clean and healthy environment through clean Friday activities. 4) Help provide clean and healthy water for the people of Tongkonunuk village through the installation of clean water pipes. 5) Help reactivate the village youth forum (Karang Taruna) Tongkonunuk Village. This method is systematically carried out by assisting village officials in terms of capacity building and management to accelerate the achievement of sustainable development by looking at the SDGs topology applied by Tongkonunuk village, Pagimana sub-district, Luwuk district
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Limehu dalam Mengelola Lingkungan Menuju Desa Pelangi Meylan Saleh; Evi Hasim
Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS) Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jambura Journal of husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve
Publisher : Jambura Journal of Husbandry and Agriculture Community Serve (JJHCS)

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The disasters that occurred in Indonesia, including in the Gorontalo region, were not only deforestation, but the waste problem became a complicated and difficult problem to deal with. Public awareness of the importance of keeping the environment clean is still low. The imbalance in the structure and function of the material cycle occurs due to natural processes or human actions. Flood disaster is one of human activities, including throwing garbage in any place. Therefore, a strategic approach in waste management is needed. The location of Limehu village is also included in a flood-prone area, so this village requires many activities that can reduce the impact of flooding. One of the activities that will be carried out is recycling household waste in the form of used towels/carpets which are transformed into beautiful and simple flower pots. Key words: environment, empowerment, flower pots,

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