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Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Published by Universitas Galuh
ISSN : 24604046     EISSN : 28300327     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) focuses on English Teaching and Learning research. This journal includes the following topic areas: 1. English Language Pedagogy 2. ELT Materials Development and Evaluation 3. English Language Assessment 4. Teaching English to Young Learners 5. Language Policy and Planning
Articles 7 Documents
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The Implementation of Task – Based language Teaching in Teaching English Speaking Liza Kurnia Abati
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.1874


This research investigated the implementation of Task – based language teaching in teaching English speaking. It was aimed to know how the teacher implement Task – based language teaching in teaching English speaking, and what is student’s perception on the implementation of Task – based Language Teaching in teaching English speaking. there are three stages in Task – Based Language Teaching such as; pre – task, task – cycle, and language focus or post – task. During the teaching and learning process all of the students had to use English language as well as possible, without being stuck on the use of grammar. In task – based language teaching the use of grammatical structure is less active. This enabled the students feel more confident to speak English in front of their friends, Besides, it gave them a great motivation to learn English. Based on these findings, it is recommended that task – based language teaching cab be applied in teaching speaking. In order to make teaching and learning process more comfortable and enjoyable.Keywords : Task – Based Langauge Teaching, Teaching speaking.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.1875


This study examines the effectiveness of students’ metacognitive strategies in improving students' skills in writing exposition text.The main problems of this study are: “what metacognitive strategies are used by the students in mastering writing exposition text?andwhich metacognitive strategies are dominantly used by students in mastering writing exposition text?.” The purposes of this study are to find out what metacognitive strategies are used by the students in mastering writing exposition text and to find out which metacognitive strategies are dominantly used by students in mastering writing exposition text.  The present study employs a case study method.The population in this study was all the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Baregbeg in the academic year 2013/2014consisting of 4 classes of 88 students.The study took one class as a sample of the research. The sample of the study was XI IPS 1 consisting of 25 students.The instruments used to collect data were writing test and questionnaire. The result of this study revealed that the students like using metacognitive strategies in learning English. Based on the collected data it can be drawn that it is indicated by the students’ score of metacognitive strategies. Based on the conclusion, this study suggests that the use ofstudents’ metacognitive strategies in writing exposition textshould be implemented during teaching and learning process in class in order that the students can learn it step by step until they understand how to write exposition text.The present study suggests that the use of students’ metacognitive strategies in learning writing exposition text should be given to students during teaching and learning English writing. Keywords: Metacognitive strategies, writing exposition text.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.111


ABSTRACTThis research presents regarding the analysis of flanders interaction in analyzing teachers students interaction in EFL classroom based on 2013 curriculum. This study aimed at describing the kinds as well as analyzing the characteristic of teacher-students interaction in EFL classroom that implements 2013 curriculum. This study employed a qualitative approach, descriptive research design in particular. In analyzing the data, this study was analyzed by means of Flanders Interaction Analysis. Flanders Interaction Analysis is a system that aims to measure the classroom interaction which has 10 ctegories, namely accepting feeling, praising and encouraging, accepting or using ideas of students, asking questions, lecturing, giving directions, criticizing or justifying authority, student-talk response, student-talk initiation and silence (Walsh, 2011). To obtain the data, the researcher conducted classroom observation in two English classess of Peminatan program (Optional program) at the tenth grade in one of Senior High School in Ciamis which implements 2013 curriculum. The findings of this study revealed that the kinds of teacher-students interaction occured in both classes were teacher talk, student talk and silence. Due to teacher talk gained highest percentage in all classroom observation of both teachers, classroom interaction was dominated by teacher talk through emphasizing on asking question. In case of teacher A, from the total of teacher talk (72.29%), teacher A used asking question (27.56%). While in the case of teacher B, from the total of teacher talk (64.93%), teacher B used asking question (25.97%). In term of characteristic of teacher-students interaction, the characteristic in both classes was content-cross Based on the finding above, it could be inferred both teachers used asking questions and lecturing to interact with the students.Key word: Flanders Interaction Analysis (FIA), EFL classroom, 2013 curriculum 
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.1876


This study investigated the use of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique in teaching reading recount text at the eighth grade of a junior high school. Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique is one of techniques which is derived from cooperative learning method that includes four simple steps: dividing and numbering off students into a group, giving a problem, putting heads together, and calling up the numbered-heads (Slavin, 2005). This study was conducted in qualitative approach, particularly case study. The data were obtained from several sources including classroom observation in four sessions and interview to an English teacher and six students at the eighth grade of a junior high school in Ciamis. The result showed that based on the classroom observation and interview, the use of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique was useful and appropriate to attract students’ attention in learning reading, in this case the students could more increase their reading ability. As result of findings of this study, Numbered Heads Together (NHT) is recommended to be used in teaching and learning process to increase students’ reading ability.
Teachers Questioning Techniques for Classroom Interaction In English Speaking Class Erna Irmayanti; Andi Rustandi
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.305


ABSTRACTEnglish is a main subject in Chinese English classes, which requires plenty of practice, needscooperation between theteacher and students in class to jointly fulfill the verbalcommunication and the teaching-learning procedure. Classroom questioning, the skill of theelicitation method of teaching that is student-oriented and advocated today, gives an incentiveto communicative activities in English. Raising questions effectively is a major method of theteacher who guides his students to think actively, fostering students’ ability of analysis andcreation. It is also an essential way for the teacher to output information and obtain feedback,and an important channel to exchange ideas between the teacher and students. Therefore, theteacher must pay great attention to the skill of asking questions in English class. Eachquestion must be presented to accomplish the teaching objective and task. Only in this waymay the English teachers ask question effectively and improve the skill of questioning so asto make contribution to our Chinese English education. To begin with some elementaldefinitions, this paper discusses some basic knowledge of questions, and then explores theskill of questioning in English class about the preparing, designing, controlling andevaluating of questioning. Finally the benefit of the skill is studied with abundant teachingcases. The paper analyzes tentative in English class by integrating theory with practice. Thus,the skills of questioning are further understood in English classes.Keywords: English teaching, Questioning, Skills, Interaction teaching.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.1872


This article reports on the implementation of translingual approach in writing descriptive text, particularly at the tenth grade of a senior high school in Ciamis. This study aimed at investigating the implementation of translingual approach in teaching writing descriptive text and figuring out the teacher’s reasons of implementing translingual approach. A qualitative approach, particularly case study design, was employed in this study. In this study, the samples were chosen purposively. The selected samples were one class at the tenth grade students and one English teacher. The data of this study were obtained from several sources, including classroom observations and interview with the teacher. The results of this study showed that in teaching writing descriptive text by means of translingual approach, the teacher employed the two basic procedures of the instruction model in implementing translingual approach. With regard to the results, the researcher concludes that the implementation of translingual approach in teaching writing descriptive text has supported the teaching-learning process in the classroom. The impact of this approach stresses more on learning process than the goal of learning, makes the teaching-learning goal could not be achieved optimally in short time because its process takes time consuming.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.1873


This paper deals with the analysis of the CIRC technique in teaching reading comprehension on descriptive text. This study was aimed at investigating how the teacher apply CIRC technique in teaching reading descriptive text and the students’ perception on the way of CIRC technique applied by the teacher of reading descriptive  text. The basic theory of CIRC technique itself was from Slavin  (2005). The writer used a case study design as a research design of the study in order to gained the detail information the CIRC technique in teaching reading comprehension on descriptive text. The population in this study was the entire English teachers and all of the students at the eleveth grade in one of the senior high school in Ciamis consisted of four English teacher and 253 students. The sample was an English teacher and 30 students. The instruments used in this study consisted of three instruments including classroom observation, questionnaire and interview. The results of data analysis showed that the teacher has implemented the elements of CIRC technique including basic activity, direct teaching, and language art (David, 2002, p. 12. In conclusion,  the implementation of CIRC technique was effective in motivating and enjoying the students during the teaching and  learning process. The study suggested to the English teacher, the students and also the researcher for further study. Besides, their further researchers are suggested to use various research instruments to gain the richer data.

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