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Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Published by Universitas Galuh
ISSN : 24604046     EISSN : 28300327     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) focuses on English Teaching and Learning research. This journal includes the following topic areas: 1. English Language Pedagogy 2. ELT Materials Development and Evaluation 3. English Language Assessment 4. Teaching English to Young Learners 5. Language Policy and Planning
Articles 134 Documents
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 6, No 1 (2019): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v6i1.1893


This paper deals with the analysis of free writing technique in teaching writing narrative text. This study was aimed at investigating the implementation of ree writing technique in teaching writing narrative text, the problem encountered by the teacher in applying free writing technique and the teacher’s way in solving the problems occured in implementing free writing technique. Besides, the writer used a case study design as a research design of the study in order to gained the detail information of free writing technique in teaching writing narrative text. Meanwhile, the population in this study was the entire English teacher in a senior high school consisted of six English teachers. The sample of this study was an English teacher in a senior high school who taught writing narrative text through free writing. In determining the sample, the writer used purposive sampling technique. The instruments used in this study consisted of two instruments including classroom observation and interview. The results of data analysis showed that there were some steps conducting by the teacher in teaching English free writing technique. The first one was explaining the material of narrative text. The second one, after the students understood the material, the teacher encouraged the students to write freely in the groups. The last one, after the students were able to write in groups, the teacher encouraged the student to write a narrative text individually with the role of free writing technique. the teacher found difficulties in answering students’ question about the vocabulary that the students did not know. Furthermore, in solving the problem, the teacher encouraged the students to open the dictionary firstly before asking the words to the teacher. In conclusions, the teaching-learning process of writing throuh free writing technique is unfamiliar in Indonesia. It is somethings new for the indonesian teachers. Despite, its advantages of the implementation of free writing technique in the teaching-learning process gives contributions to the students’ development especially toward students’ achievement in writing. The study suggested to the English teacher, the students and also the researcher for further study. Besides, the further researchers are suggested to use various research instruments to gain the richer data.
The Use of Authentic Materials in Enhancing Students’ Listening Comprehension Yayu Sri Rahayu
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v2i2.1860


This study investigates the use of authentic materials in listening comprehension. Listening plays an important role in language learning. Therefore, in teaching listening there should contain real language that is used in the real life. In this regard, three questions are addressed: 1) How do the lecturers implement authentic materials in teaching listening comprehension?, 2) What kinds of authentic materials used by the lecturers in teaching listening comprehension?, and 3) What are the students’ perception on the use of authentic materials in listening comprehension?. The data were collected through several instruments, including classroom observation, interview to two listening lecturers and the writer administered questionnaires to two listening classes at the second grade in English Education Program of Galuh University in Ciamis. The findings revealed that the lecturers implement authentic materials in pre-, whilst-, and post-listening. The lecturers use authentic-listening viewing materials. However from the result of interview the lecturer 1 sometimes uses authentic-printed materials. Moreover, most of the students enjoyed and are interested in learning listening by using authentic materials. Keywords: Authentic materials, listening comprehension, students’ perception
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.545 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v9i1.7572


Anxiety is a strong influence that interferes with the learning process to run well. Zoom cloud meeting is a collaborative, cloud-based videoconferencing service offering features including meetings, group messaging services, and secure recording of sessions. This research implemented a qualitative approach. A case study was applied as a research design. Research data were online classroom observation (non-participants observation) and interviews (semi-structured). The data analysis of this research was transcribing data,  coding, and concluding. The participant of this research was chosen purposively and it is an English teacher and third-grade students in Vocational high. The result from classroom observation determines 5 anxious students’ and it showed that the teacher give an impact on anxious students especially when the teacher adds media such as PowerPoint during classroom interaction through Zoom cloud meetings. Base on the result of the interview concluded that Zoom cloud meetings as a platform give students positive impacts to reduce their speaking anxiety in classroom interaction. This study concludes that Zoom cloud meeting makes the students’ felt easier and be confident to reduce their anxiety in classroom interaction. For further researchers, it is hoped that they will be able to explore more about the effectiveness of using Zoom cloud meeting to reduce students’ speaking anxiety in classroom interaction. 
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v5i1.1883


This study is intended to analyze the Translation Techniques Used in translating the idiomatic phrasal verbs and the most frequent Translation Techniques used by Berliani M. Nugrahani as the translator. The Translation Techniques used in this study are adapted from Molina and Albir in 2002. This study employed a corpus-based with descriptive translation study. The Population was twenty three chapters of the novel which contain idiomatic phrasal verbs. The three chapters of the novel were selected as the sample, they were chapter 1, chapter 4, and chapter 7. In determining the sample, it is based on the consideration of the writer that the chapters contain more idiomatic phrasal verbs than the findings in other chapter, so the data gathered was more rich and varied. The data were obtained from content analysis. The Content analysis was conducted to find out 1) What are translation techniques used by Berliani M Nugrahani in translating idiomatic phrasal verbs found in “Ghostgirl: Lovesick” Novel by Tonya Hurley, and 2) What is the most frequent translation techniques used by Berliani in translating idiomatic phrasal verbs in “Ghostgirl: Lovesick” Novel by Tonya Hurley. Findings from the content analysis showed the translator used 6 out of 18 translation techniques, that are Modulation, Transposition, Establish Equivalent, Reduction, Addition, and Literal Translation. Lastly, the most frequent translation technique used is Transposition with total used 53 (43.45%) and the fewest translation technique used is Literal Translation with total used 1 (0.81%).
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 6, No 1 (2019): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v6i1.1851


This is a study about an analysis of techniques translation in BBC Dwi Bahasa articles. The aims of this study is to analyze the kind of translation techniques used and the most dominant techniques used by the translator in translating BBC Dwi Bahasa articles into Bahasa Indonesia. The Translation Techniques used in this study are adapted from Molina and Albir in 2002.The method applied in the study is descriptive qualitative. The sources of the data in this study are text articles in BBC Dwi Bahasa. The population was all of articles in BBC Dwi Bahasa. Four articles used as the samples to find out the translation techniques used. The writer used content analysis in finding out the data from the text article. From these data identify the techniques of translation, then based on the translation techniques used can be concluded that the result of the study showed that there were eight translation techniques used by the translators, they are : adaptation with 3 data (3,15%), amplification with 4 data (4,21%), pure borrowing with 7 data (7,36%), naturalized borrowing with 23 data ( 24,21%), calque with 6 data (6,21%), literal translation with 7 data (7,36%), modulation with 16 data (16,85%), reduction with 13 data (13,68%) and transposition with 16 data (16,84%). Borrowing translation was the most dominant techniques used in BBC articles especially naturalized borrowing. Based on the result of the study it is hoped that such translation techniques can be considered by those who want to be the translators. Keywords: translation, translation techniques,source language and target language.
THE STUDY OF USING VIDEO LYRIC TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS IN LEARNING PASSIVE VOICE Pebby Pixtilany Nur Saputri; Lilies Youlia Friatin; Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Journal of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.587 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v8i2.6431


This study is aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using video lyric in learning passive voice toward students’ motivation and students’ perception on learning passive voice using video lyric. In collecting the data, the study used qualitative method especially case study; and triangulation method were observation, interview and questionnaire as instruments. This study was conducted at one of Senior High School in Majenang. Purposive sampling was used to select fifty three students as participants. The writer observed the activities in the classroom using naturalistic record and transcribed the conversation using notes. The writer used semi-structure interview and interpreting the answer of interviewee. The last, she gave twelve questions to the students followed by calculating the frequency and the percentage of each statement. The findings revealed that there were several steps used by teacher to give motivation in learning passive voice using video lyric: 1) giving some simulation; 2) asking students to watch some video of song; 3) asking students to sing a song together; 4) asking the students to write the lyric when the teacher explained the the passive voice; and 5) giving a treatment when the students deliver questions. Meanwhile, students perceived learning passive voice using video lyric positively. They joined with peer and other students; they also enjoyed and gave good attitude. Almost all of the students were enthusiastic when the teacher showed the video lyric. They assumed that video lyric was easier to comprehend passive voice in term of structure and formula. In addition, it improved their imagination, increased their critical thinking, creativity, and comprehension of learning experiences using new teaching aids. Using video lyric as teaching aids can help students to keep their interest in learning. It is very important for the teacher to increase their variety tools in learning activities. Keywords: Motivation, Passive voice, Video lyric.
The Implementation of Task – Based language Teaching in Teaching English Speaking Liza Kurnia Abati
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v4i1.1874


This research investigated the implementation of Task – based language teaching in teaching English speaking. It was aimed to know how the teacher implement Task – based language teaching in teaching English speaking, and what is student’s perception on the implementation of Task – based Language Teaching in teaching English speaking. there are three stages in Task – Based Language Teaching such as; pre – task, task – cycle, and language focus or post – task. During the teaching and learning process all of the students had to use English language as well as possible, without being stuck on the use of grammar. In task – based language teaching the use of grammatical structure is less active. This enabled the students feel more confident to speak English in front of their friends, Besides, it gave them a great motivation to learn English. Based on these findings, it is recommended that task – based language teaching cab be applied in teaching speaking. In order to make teaching and learning process more comfortable and enjoyable.Keywords : Task – Based Langauge Teaching, Teaching speaking.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.533 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v9i2.8556


This study is purposed to analyze 1) the kinds of possessive adjective errors which are mostly made by students in their writing tasks; and 2) the causes of possessive adjective errors which are mostly made by students in their writing tasks. A case study is used as a research design which engaged the students at the tenth grade of a vocational school in Singaparna, Tasikmalaya. By means of purposeful sampling technique, 17 students at class X-TKR 1 are selected as the participants of this study. This study uses two instruments namely, the students’ worksheet on writing test and the semi-structured interview. The result shows that ‘his’ and ‘her’ were the kinds of possessive adjective errors which are mostly made by students in their writing tasks. The results also presented that the students make errors in using and in writing possessive adjectives because they are not aware of possessive adjectives, their grammar is still poor which lead to boredom, unmotivated, and uninterested in learning. The strategies or ways applied by the students are effective to overcome their errors in using and in writing possessive adjectives in their writing tasks so that they are able to identify their errors and difficulties, to correct their errors, and to be focus in learning grammar, especially in learning possessive adjectives
The Implementation of Student Peer-Feedback in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text Erlika Argianti Karsudin
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v2i1.1841


This study reports on the implementation of student peer-feedback in writing hortatory exposition text, particularly at the eleventh grade in one of Senior High Schools in Banjar. Peer-Feedback is one of appropriate techniques to support students in learning writing. The writers adopted qualitative approach particularly a case study design as the research design. The writers conducted observation, interview to an English teacher and administered questionnaire for the students as well. In this case, the respondents were selected purposively. The results showed that the implementation of peer-feedback is useful to support and motivate the students to learn well. The students can be active in learning writing. In implementing peer-feedback, they can the students wrote, they analyzed their peer text. After that, they gave comments and revisions by giving circle and underline on their peer text, such as in the mechanics of writing, vocabulary and grammar error.Key words: writing, peer-feedback, hortatory exposition, perception
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 8, No 1 (2021): Journal of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.662 KB) | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v8i1.5231


This study was aimed at finding out teacher’s way in teaching writing news item through Inquiry-Based Learning, its problems encountered by the teacher, and teacher’s ways in overcoming it. A qualitative approach with the type of case study was utilized to collect the primary data involving an English teacher who taught news item text through IBL. Classroom observation and interview were the instruments in this research which were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the research findings, the writer found that the teacher used the steps in implementing IBL as suggested by Lee et al., (2004, p. 23) including planning, creating, processing, sharing and retrieving, and evaluating. The writer also found that the teacher encountered difficulties in guiding the students to find out the information in order to fulfill teacher’s instructions by some questions generated in the white board. To solve that problem, the teacher encouraged the students to communicate intensively in their group. The findings suggest that IBL, as one of the approaches to teaching English, should be applied by the teachers in various ways with the reference to the steps in implementing IBL. Keywords: IBL, news item text, teaching writing

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