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Journal of English Education Program (JEEP)
Published by Universitas Galuh
ISSN : 24604046     EISSN : 28300327     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) focuses on English Teaching and Learning research. This journal includes the following topic areas: 1. English Language Pedagogy 2. ELT Materials Development and Evaluation 3. English Language Assessment 4. Teaching English to Young Learners 5. Language Policy and Planning
Articles 5 Documents
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Young Learners’ Language Learning Strategies in Learning Speaking Yeni Nurwahidah
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v5i2.1889


This study is aimed at analyzing what kinds of language learning strategies are used and mostly used by young learners in learning speaking at the fourth grade of an elementary school in Ciamis. Furthermore, the qualitative method used by the writer was case study to identify the used of language learning strategy in learning speaking. In this case, the writer used purposive sampling as the sampling technique to take the sample. All the students at class IV were choosen as the sample of this study cosisted of 20 students. This study used observation and questionnaire as the research instruments. The result from the observations were some strategies are used by young learners they are memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, and affective. Meanwhile, from the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) showed that the students at the fourth grade of MIS Utama Ciamis was low. It means that generally, the used of learning strategies when the students learning speaking is less. From the questionnaire, there was metacognitive strategy are mostly used by the students in learning speaking. Based on these findings, this  study concludes that the students in the age of young learners learned English more slowly, and  they used metacognitive strategy more than other strategy. Hence, the teacher must be slow and clear in giving explanation about the material in teaching and learning process.
An Interpersonal Metafunction Analysis of Some Political Advertisements Lu’lu Atul Maknunah
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v5i2.1890


This study presents the interpersonal metafunction analysis of some political advertisements. The advertisements consist of nine selected political advertisements and they contain of 31 clauses to analyze. This study is conducted to find out the result to the research question this study, which is saying “how is interpersonal metafunction represented in political advertisements”? In this study, the writer uses textual analysis with use the Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) as the research instrument. The analysis of all political advertisements in this study consists of mood system, to which two kinds of mood system belong which consist of declarative, represented 22 times (70%) and Imperative used 9 times (30%). There is no interrogative mood system found.  Besides, there are three modalities found in the data analysis consisting of modal “will”, “may” and “should”. The first modal is “will” represented two times. The second modal is “may” which is used once and the last modal is “should” which is also presented once.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v5i2.1891


This paper deals with an analysis of interpersonal meaning in public speeches of Obama’s speech to find out how is interpersonal meaning constructed in Obama’s speech. This study employed a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) method based on van Dijk framework (2000) and Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) based on Halliday’s framework (1994). The sample was one speech text of Obama’s speech on Osama bin Laden death. This study used textual analysis as the instrument.  This study indicates that: (1) concerning mood system, it is found that declarative mood was the most frequent. It has 96 clauses (97%), while imperative mood has 3 clauses (3.0%), and there was no interrogative mood found in the speech, in speech functions, statement has 96 clauses (97%), while command has 3 clauses (3.0%) and there was no question in the speech. (2) Regarding modality, the probability of modalisation are ‘can’ and ‘will’ is median value, the modal of inclination in modulation is ‘would’ is low value and obligation of modulation is ‘should’ is median value, (3) In relation to pronoun system, this study found that pronoun “I” was found 9 times (15.3%), “we” was found 26 times (44.1%), “our” was found 18 times (30.5%), “they” was found 4 times (6.78%), “us” and “he” was found once (1.7%) in the speech. An analysis of power and ideology also to measure power relation between speaker and audiences. The power is unequal (formal). Besides, from ideology side, the speaker was successfully presents some logical ideologies and ideas by explaining the reasons in attacking the United States.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v5i2.1892


This study reports negotiation strategies used by the teacher in teaching speaking, particularly at a senior high school class. Meaning negotiation is a process that the speakers go through to reach a clear understanding of each other. In this regard, two questions are addressed: (1) How is negotiation strategies implemented by the teacher in teaching speaking ? (2) What type of  negotiation strategies is most preferred by students? To get the data the researcher administered interview and conducted classroom observation to one teacher and 34 students at class IPA 1 in tenth grade of SMAN 1 Ciamis.A transcript of the teacher and students interaction was taken as the main source of data. the researcher analyzed the data by using Pica and Doughty theory (1987) namely; comprehension check, confirmation check, clarification request. The result show that there are three categories in negotiation strategies used by the teacher in teaching speaking . Namely requests (38.09%), comprehension check (33.33%), and the last confirmation check (28.58%). The results  indicates that the  conversational adjustment like confirmation checks, comprehension checks and clarification requests implemented by the teacher in teaching speaking. Among these categories, clarification requests were the most frequently used  strategies in teaching speaking.
Journal of English Education Program (JEEP) Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Journal Of English Education Program
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/(jeep).v5i2.1888


This study is concerned with the teacher’s ways in implementing socio-constructivism-based classroom management and the students’ perceptions about the implementation of socio-constructivism that was applied by the teacher. Socio-constructivism is learning approach where the students construct their own knowledge and mental models as a result of their own experience and thinking by means of interacting with their environment (Gagon et al., 2006) as cited in Kaya and Donmez (2010). This study used a case study and applied qualitative approach involving one English teacher and three students including the students from low, middle, and high achievement. Observation and semi-structured interview were used to collect the data from the participants. The findings showed that the teacher implemented socio-constructivism-based classroom management in some ways. First, the teacher encouraged the students to find out the information about theme of teaching material. The second way is creating the product that was some text based on the theme given. The third ways is processing that the students worked in groups. The next way is sharing and retrieving. In this way the students share the information in their groups. The last way is evaluating which in the teacher asked the students to make the summary from each group presentations and gave correction to the students’ performance in presenting the PowerPoint. Moreover, data from interview showed that the students were enjoy, enabled to work cooperatively in groups, help each other to find out the information, and the different perceptions of the student from low achievement that he found the difficulties in translating the language and lack of vocabulary.

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