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Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan
ISSN : 16931505     EISSN : 2477796X     DOI :
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan is a reputable journal published by the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, The State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo (IAIN Ponorogo), Indonesia. The focus of this journal deals with a broad range of topics related to education in Islamic civilization. Cendekia invites scientists, scholars, researchers, as well as professionals to publish their research in our journal. This journal publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research articles reviewed by the leading experts in the fields. The incoming papers will be selected based on great scientific studies, valuable new insights, and captivating the community in education in Islamic civilization.
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Cendekia: Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.988 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i2.196


Abstract: The role of religious education in actualizing justice and peace in Indonesia has been going on for a long time, along with the advent of Islam in Indonesia. However, it does not mean the role is completely finished. It is widely asserted that there were still anarchic action, injustice, intolerance and other destructive actions happened. In this void, the study on the role of religious education in actualizing justice and peace is interesting to do. This research was aimed at seeking the new light on Islamic education that could be used as standards for the development of religious education in efforts to achieve peace in Indonesian. This study used a qualitative approach by employing in-depth interviews, participation observation, and documentation as data collection methods. The  results of  this  study  revealed  that  firstly,  religion has a  fundamental role  in  the existence and continuity of  Indonesian. Secondly,  in  the era of regional autonomy and reformation, it was found that there was any significant improvement of the quality of religious education in which it was implemented consistently. Thirdly, in post-reformation, religious education took essential role as a place to build moral values of human resources to realize a sense of justice and peace in Indonesia. ملسلا لوخد للخ ديعب نامز ذنم ايسينودنإ ف ملسلاو ةلادعلا قيقت ف ةينيدلا ةيبتلا رود ناك :صخلم ةلابلا مدعو ،فنعلا ةرهاظ ءوشنب كلذو .دلا اذه لإ فقوتي ل رودلا اذه نإف كلذ مغرو .ايسينودنإ ف ةيبتلا رود ف ةساردلا لازت لو .يمدتلاو داسفلا ةيلمع لإ ةهجوتلا ةطشنلاو ،حماستلا مدعو ،ةلادعلاب ةيبتلا ف ديدلا ءوضلا ءاطعل ةساردلا هذه تيرجأ .اهب مايقلل ةقيش ملسلاو ةلادعلا قيقت ف ةيملسلا ف ملسلا  قيقحتل  ةينيدلا  ةيبتلا  ةيمنتل  ارايعم  يه نوكت  نأ  نكيو  ،ةيملسلا  ةيبتلا  ةصاخو  ةينيدلا ةظحللاو ،ةقيمعلا ةلباقلا قيرط نع اهتانايب عج بولسأو ،ةيفصو ةسارد ةساردلا هذه عونو .ايسينودنإ بعشلا ةيرارمتساو دوجو ف لاّ عف رود نيدلل )1 : ةيلاتلا جئاتنلاب ثحبلا ىتأ .ةبوتكلا قئاثولاو ،ةكتشلا )3 ،رارمتساب اهتدوج تّ قرت ةينيدلا ةيبتلا عقاو نإ حلصلاو ةقطنلا ةيللقتسا رصع فو )2 ،يسينودنلا ىتح ةيقتلا ةيرشبلا دراولاو ةيركلا قلخلا ةيمنت عضوم ةينيدلا ةيبتلا تحبصأ ،يحلصلا رصعلا دعبو.ايسينودنإ ف ملسلاو ةلادعلا تققت
Cendekia: Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (624.291 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i2.698


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memecahkan permasalahan writing mahasiswa dalam melahirkan dan menguraikan ide-ide, yang selanjutnya dapat memperbaiki keahlian menulis mereka. Penelitian ini diselenggarakan kepada mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris semester 5 FKIP Unlam angkatan tahun 2011-2012 dengan jumlah mahasiswa adalah 20 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan teknik process writing adalah efektif dan selanjutnya memperbaiki kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis example essay. Perbaikan tersebut ditunjukkan dengan skor penulisan example essay yang diperoleh mahasiswa. Ada 85 persen atau 17 mahasiswa yang mendapatkan skor antara 73-79 dan sisanya 15% atau 3 mahasiswa yang memeroleh skor 80 atau lebih dari itu. Secara rata-rata, skor menulis mahasiswa adalah 75.2. Karena kriteria ketercapaian keberhasilan adalah ketika mahasiswa mencapai skor minimal 70, maka tidak ada mahasiswayang dikategorikan gagal. Keberhasilan ini juga didasarkan pada hasil kuesiner yang menunjukkan rata-rata 80 persen atau 17 mahasiswa yang memiliki pandangan personal positif terhadap implimentasi teknik process writing. Akhirnya, studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan teknik process writing adalah efektif dan berhasil dalam memperbaiki kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis.
Cendekia: Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.802 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i2.199


Abstract: The idea of the program concentration was originated from public complaints of Madrasah users. They were less satisfied with the competence of the alumni who did not master the field of Islamic studies. Hence, Department of Islamic Education (PAI) ought to have strategic policies to establish new specific programs in accordance with the curriculum as a subject  in schools and Madrasah. Unlike  in public school that serves PAI as religious subject, Madrasah serves Al - Quran - Hadith, Aqidah Akhlaq, Fiqh and Islamic Cultural History. This should be responded by faculty to cope with the needs of Madrasah users by establishing the new programs such as: 1 ) Islamic Education ( PAI ), prepared to be a teacher of Islamic religion in schools, 2 ) Al - Qur’an-Hadith program, 3 ) Aqidah Akhlaq program, 4 ) Fiqh Program and ( 5 ) Cultural History of Islamic studies program, which are prepared to become the teachers in Madrasah. عنتقي ل .ةينيدلا سرادلا يجرل عمتلا ىواكش نع ةتان داولا فينصت ىلع زيكتلا ةركف نإ :صخلم ةيلك ف(  ةيملسلا  ةيبتلا  مسق  نإف  اذل  .ةيملسلا  داولا  ىلع نولوتسي  ل نيذلا  يجرلا  ةءافكب  ءلؤه .ةينيدلا سرادلاو )ةماع( سرادلا ف يساردلا جهنلا بسانت تلا ةديدلا ماسقلا حاتتفا هيلع ىغبني )ةيبتلا ةديقعلاو ،ثيدلاو نآرقلا ةدام ةينيدلا سرادلا فو ،ةيملسلا ةيبتلا ةدام )ةينيدلا يغ( سرادلا ف نوكت ةيبتلا مسق )1 : يه اديدج اهحاتتفا يغبني تلا ماسقلا نإف ،ةيملسلا ةفاقثلا خيراتو هقفلاو ،قلخلاو مسق )5 ،هقفلا مسق )4 ،قلخلاو ةديقعلا ةسارد مسق )3 ،ةيثيدلاو ةينارقلا ةساردلا مسق )2 ،ةيملسلا .ةينيدلا سرادلا ف يسردم لبقتسلا ف بلطلا نوكيل ،ةيملسلا ةفاقثلا خيرات
Cendekia: Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (599.591 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i2.278


Abstract: The problem of poverty has happened for long times and it seems to be more complicated and endless matter. Because of poverty, many children cannot proceed to study and even they should work to help parents earn for living. Therefore, it needs high effort and commitment to overcome this problem and it should be done deliberately and continuously. This study attempted to investigate the role of education in poverty alleviation in Indonesia. The data was collected by employing in-depth interviews and analyzed using phenomenological models. The results showed that: ( 1 ) the level of education could cut the chain of poverty; ( 2 ) in general, the results of this study found that there were a foster care program for children from economically-challenged families,  educational empowerment that emphasizes children from economically-challenged families as a central point of empowerment in the development process, and providing opportunity for talented children from economically-challenged families to proceed higher study in  reputable universities, (3) conducting research to select students who will be given a scholarship, based on academic experience and the background of parents.  في دلاولأا نم يرثك سردي لا رقفلا بسسب .ةياهنلا اله سيل نأكو دهعلا ةيمدق ةيضق رقفلا ةيضق :صخلم لصاوتلما يعاملجا مزعلا دوجو نم دبلا اذل .شاعلما ىلع لوصحلل )نولمعي( مهءابآ نودعاسي لب سرادلما ميدقت في مهسيل رقفلا ةيضق ىلع ءاضقلا في  ةيبترلا رود في ثحبلا ةساردلا هذه تلواح .ةلكشلما هذه للح ةلباقلما قيرط نع اهتانايب عمتجو ايسينودنإ في ثحبلا اذه يرحأ .ةيبترلا قيرط نع رقفلا ةيضقل للحا لبس يوبترلا ىوتسلما نأ )1 : ىلع ثحبلا جئاتن تلد . يجولونمونيفلا ليلحتلاب هليلتح بولسأ امأو ،ةقيمعلا ةساردلا نع ينعطقنلما دلاولأا ينضتح جمانرب كانه نأ ىلع ةساردلا تلد ةماعو )2 ،رقفلا ةلسلسل عطاق مايقلا )3 ،ةييمداكلأا مهتاردق ةيمنتل ةمدقتلما تاعمالجا وأ سرادلما في ملهاخدلإ ةلوالمحاو ةيرقفلا رسلأا نم مهئابآ ةيفلخو ةييمداكلأا مهابرخ بسح ةيساردلا ةحنلما ىلع نولصحيس نيذلا بلاطلا هاتج قيقد ليلحتب مهتاهمأوKeywords: Pemberdayaan, pengentasan  kemiskinan,  pendidikan Islam.
Cendekia: Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (643.663 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i2.201


Abstract: Madrasah is an educational institutions have developed varied , with the times . Most madrasah became public educational institutions distinctively Muslim ,most complete knowledge of religion taught in public schools because of the number of hours of very few studies , some still remain committed madrasah as an institution that  studies  the  Islamic  sciences  . Then  this madrasah  is referred  to  the Madrasah Salafiyyah . Generally, these types of madrasah teach Islamic sciences which writes by Ulama Salaf, so if it is associated with the development of science and technology in  this globalization era has missed most of  the material  , but  in  fact  this kind of madrasah still exist with a variety of activities . This can happen because the madrasah managers capable of adapting to changes in the global era . Old tradition that is still well maintained in order to fortify the negative influence of the various cultures that can undermine Islamic values   . Similarly, the maintenance of the values   as the basis for the formation of character with more emphasis on the primacy of worship and devotion to duty as a parent and teacher glorify ukhrawi approach continue to be preserved . Thus madrasah salafiyah will be more in demand , due to appear in the form of a new face, but the values    still follow the previous scholars. ضعب حبصأف ،نامزلا مدقت بكاوت اعونتم  – ةيملسإ ةيوبرت ةسسؤمك – ةينيدلا ةسردلا تن :صخلم ةيبيرجتلا مولعلاب ةينيدلا داولا تلمكأ رخلا ضعبلاو ،ةيملسإ ةزيب ةزيمتلا ةماع ةيوبرت ةسسؤم سرادلا نم ثلاثلا عونلاو .طقف ةيملسلا مولعلا سردت لازت ل تلا ةسردلا رخلا ضعبلاو ،ةليلق اهتصح ددع نل ءاملعلا فيلأت ةيملسلا بتكلا سردت – ةماع – ةسردلا هذه لثم نإ . ةيفلسلا ةسردلاب يمسلا وه ةسردلا ةمئاق  سرادلا  هذه نكل  ،ةرخأتم اهداوم ضعب  ناك ،ايجولونكتلاو مولعلا  مدقتب  نروق  ول  ىتح ،يفلاسلا ىلع ةسردلا تظفاحو ،ةلوعلا رصع ف تايغتلا عاونأب ةسردلا جمد ىلع رداق ةسردلا هذه مظنم نل ،ةتباث كولسلا نيوكتل ميقلا ىلع كلذك ظفاتو .ةماّ دلا تارّ ثؤلا نع ةيملسلا ميقلا ظافل ةلاصلا ةيدقلا ميقلا نوكتس ،اهلك هذهب .يورخلا لخدلاب يملعلاو نيدلاولا ماركإ بوجوو ةيدوبعلاك ةدابعلا حور لإ هاتلاب.لاصلا فلسلل ميقلا تعبتا اهنكل ديدج هجوب ترهظ اهنل ،بلطلا تابغر عضوم ةيفلسلا سرادلا هذه
Cendekia: Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol 11, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (777.455 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i2.279


Abstract: The tourism resort as a social environment and mass media as a non- social environment will affect student learning outcomes. Studies on those effects on learning achievement seem to be essential to do. By employing descriptive and explanatory methods, this study attempted to investigate the influence of tourism and mass media exposure on student achievement. The results showed that firstly, the average exposure to tourism was at a high level with the score of 144 laid on the high range of 138-160; secondly, mass media exposure was in the rate of high level with the score of 141  between the range of 138-160 (high); thirdly, student achievement on average was at a moderate level with the score of 75 laid between the range of 56-75 (moderate); the fourth, there was any significant effect of tourism exposure on student achievement at the high level with the value of r = 0.66 ranging between .61 to .80 (high); the fifth, there was any significant effect of mass media exposure on student achievement at the high level with the value of r = 0.71 ranging between .61 to 0 , 80 (high); the sixth, a significant difference between mass media and tourism exposures on student achievement was at the high level of closeness with the score value of r = 0.75 laid between 0.61 to 0.80 (high). امهيرثأت امله  -ةيعامتجلاا يرغ ةئيبلاك - ملاعلاا لئاسوو - ةيعامتجلاا ةئيبلاك - ةيحايسلا ةئيبلا :صخلم اذه فشتكا .اباّ ذج اعوضوم بلاطلا ملعت ةجيتن ىلع امهيرثأت في ةساردلا نوكتو .بلاطلا ملعت ةجيتن ىلع ةجيتن ىلع )اعم(  ملاعلإا لئاسوو يحايسلا روهظلا يرثأت ىدم ينايبلاو يفيكلا ثحبلا بولسأب – ثحبلا ةجيتنلاب ةيلاعلا ةجردلا في ةلداعلماب ةيحايسلا ةباصلإا تناك )1 : ةيلاتلا جئاتنلاب ةساردلا تتأو .بلاطلا ملعت 141ةميقلاب ةيلاعلا ةجردلا في ةلداعلماب ملاعلإا لئاسو ةباصإ تناك )2 .)ةيلاع( 160-138 ينب نوكت 144 ينب نوكت 75 ةميقلاب ةطسوتلما ةجردلا في نوكي ةلداعلماب بلاطلا زانجإ )3. )ةيلاع( 160-138 ينب نوكت ةجردلا في بلاطلا ملعت زانجإ ىلع ةيحايسلا ةباصلإا نم ىنعم وذ يرثأتلا دجوي )4 .)ةطسوتم( 75-56 لئاسو ةباصإ نم ىنعم وذ يرثأتلا دجوي )5 ،)ةيلاع(  0,80-0,61 ينب نوكت  0,66 = r ةميقلاب ةيلاعلا ، )ةيلاع(  0,80-0,61 ينب نوكت 0,71 =r ةميقلاب ةيلاعلا ةجردلا في بلاطلا ملعت زانجإ ىلع ملاعلإا ةجردلا في بلاطلا ملعت زانجإ ىلع )اعم( ملاعلإا لئاسو و ةيحايسلا ةباصلإا ينب ىنعم وذ يرثأتلا دجوي )6.)ةيلاع( 0,80 – 0,61 ينب نوكت  075=r ةميقلاب ةيلاعلا

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