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DISKURSUS Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi
ISSN : 14123878     EISSN : 25801686     DOI :
Founded in 2002 DISKURSUS is an academic journal that publishes original and peer-reviewed works in the areas of philosophy and theology. It also welcomes works resulting from interdisciplinary research at the intersections between philosophy/theology and other disciplines, notably exegesis, linguistics, history, sociology, anthropology, politics, economics, and natural sciences. Publised semestrally (in April and October), DISKURSUS aims to become a medium of publication for scholars to disseminate their novel philosophical and theological ideas to scholars in the same fields, as well as to the wider public.
Articles 6 Documents
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Sensus Fidei Umat Katolik di Keuskupan Agung Jakarta terhadap Isu Homoseksualitas pada Tahun 2022: Sensus Fidei of the Parishioners of the Archdiocese of Jakarta on the Subject of Homosexuality in 2022 Albertus Adiwenanto
DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA Vol. 19 No. 2 (2023): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara
Publisher : STF Driyarkara - Diskursus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36383/diskursus.v19i2.374


Homosexuality is not easily accepted in the Catholic Church. There are at least three major schools concerning the attitude towards homosexuality based on their respective theological methodologies (scientia fidei). The first school is encapsulated in the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons (1986), which rejects homosexual persons and same-sex sexual relationships. The second school is put forward by John J. McNeill (1993), a moralist who embraces homosexual persons and same-sex sexual relationships. The last one is represented by the document of Amoris Laetitia (2016), which accepts homosexual persons but disapproves of same-sex sexual relationships. These three major schools refer to the interpretation of the document Persona Humana article 8 (1975). A survey of 566 respondents was conducted from the 8th to the 15th of November in 2022. The results show that 74.2% of respondents have a form of acceptance in accordance with Amoris Laetitia, 14.5% with the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons, and 5.5% with the thoughts of John J. McNeill. Our study concluded that accepting homosexual persons and rejecting homosexual acts is the reference for ad experimentum moral decisions in the context of the Archdiocese of Jakarta in 2022. Abstrak Homoseksualitas tidak begitu mudah diterima dalam Gereja Katolik. Setidaknya ada tiga aliran yang berbeda sikap terhadap homoseksualitas berdasarkan pandangan teologi (scientia fidei) masing-masing. Aliran pertama terwakili oleh dokumen Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons (1986) yang menolak pribadi homoseksual dan hubungan seksual sesama jenis. Aliran kedua diwakili oleh seorang moralis bernama John J. McNeill (1993) yang menerima pribadi homoseksual dan hubungan seksual sesama jenis. Aliran ketiga terwakili oleh dokumen Amoris Laetitia (2016) yang menerima pribadi homoseksual namun menolak hubungan seksual sesama jenis. Ketiga aliran besar ini mengacu pada penafsiran dokumen Persona Humana artikel 8 (1975). Sejak tanggal 8 sampai dengan 15 November 2022 kami melakukan survei terhadap 566 responden. Hasil survei menunjukkan sebanyak 74.2% responden memiliki bentuk penerimaan sesuai dengan Amoris Laetitia; sebanyak 14.5% responden memiliki bentuk penerimaan sesuai dengan dokumen Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons; dan sebanyak 5.5% responden memiliki bentuk penerimaan sesuai dengan pemikiran John J. McNeill. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa sikap menerima pribadi homoseksual dan menolak tindakan homoseksual merupakan rujukan keputusan moral ad experimentum dalam konteks Keuskupan Agung Jakarta di tahun 2022. Kata-kata Kunci: Homoseksualitas, Persona Humana, Amoris Laetitia, John J. McNeill, sensus fidei, scientia fidei
Sebuah Apresiasi terhadap Perubahan Pasal Hukuman Mati: An Apreciation for the Latest Change on Death Penalty Article in the Indonesian New Code of Criminal Law Clemens Dion Yusila Timur
DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA Vol. 19 No. 2 (2023): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara
Publisher : STF Driyarkara - Diskursus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36383/diskursus.v19i2.376


This paper is meant to show why the introduction of probation in the capital punishment act of the new Code of Criminal Law is a change we should appreciate. This change will expectedly lead Indonesia to be a nation that de facto no longer employs capital punishment. This is a desirable consequence given that, in my view, capital punishment cannot be ethically justified. In this paper, I will show why arguments in defense of capital punishment by appealing to the deterrence effect, the risk of recidivism, the sense of justice, and the principle of retributive justice do not stand up to scrutiny. The irreversible nature of capital punishment further points to the unjustifiability of this form of punishment. Abstrak Tulisan ini hendak menunjukkan mengapa diintroduksikannya masa percobaan dalam pasal hukuman mati KUHP terbaru merupakan perubahan yang layak diapresiasi. Perubahan tersebut berpotensi mengantar Indonesia menjadi negara yang de facto tidak lagi menerapkan hukuman mati. Menurut penulis, konsekuensi semacam ini layak disambut baik lantaran hukuman mati itu sendiri secara etis tidak dapat dibenarkan. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan menunjukkan mengapa argumen-argumen yang ditujukan untuk menjustifikasi hukuman mati dengan merujuk pada efek jera, risiko residivis, rasa keadilan, dan prinsip keadilan retributif tidak dapat dipertahankan. Sifat hukuman mati yang tidak membuka ruang bagi koreksi yang berarti juga meneguhkan tidak dapat dibenarkannya bentuk hukuman tersebut. Kata-kata Kunci: hukuman mati, KUHP, efek jera, keadilan retributif, ruang koreksi
Deconstruction and Religion: Exploring Derrida’s View on Religion: Dekonstruksi dan Agama: Menelisik Pandangan Derrida tentang Agama Arokiaraj Joseph Patrick
DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA Vol. 19 No. 2 (2023): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara
Publisher : STF Driyarkara - Diskursus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36383/diskursus.v19i2.397


In today’s postmodern world, the idea of having absolute theories or absolute truth is rejected. This has also created a problem of how to explain religion, which is an important part of human nature. Most postmodern philosophers think there is an element of spiritual desire in each human being which is seeking the Wholly Other for its fulfilment. Hence in their own way, they have tried to explain this mystical desire in humans. Derrida has been seen as a major contributor towards the philosophy of religion in recent times. Through his project of deconstruction, he has tried to show how deconstruction is deeply religious. Deconstruction of religion is not the destruction of religion but its reinvention. The method of deconstructionism tends to teach us to move beyond the boundaries of philosophical concepts. It creates an attitude of openness towards the Wholly Other that may come or not come but we need to live as if the Other has come. Derrida’s religion portrays well the postmodernist faith. Based on his Jewish background, he finds religion to be like deconstruction, which is waiting for the Really Real or the absolute Truth. He has brought out the mystical aspect of religion through deconstruction. Abstrak Di era postmodern, gagasan mengenai teori yang bersifat mutlak atau ide tentang kebenaran absolut tidak bisa diterima lagi. Hal ini menimbulkan persoalan: bagaimana menjelaskan agama yang memiliki perang penting dalam hidup manusia. Sebagian besar pemikir postmodern sebetulnya percaya bahwa ada kerinduan spiritual dalam tiap manusia yang mencari pemenuhannya dalam Diri Yang Sepenuhnya Lain (Wholly Other). Dengan cara mereka yang khas, mereka berusaha menjelaskan kerinduan mistik ini. Derrida merupakan salah satu pemikir postmodern yang berkontribusi pada Filsafat Ketuhanan kontemporer. Sejatinya proyek dekonstruksi yang dikembangkannya bersifat religius. Dekonstruksi agama bukanlah destruksi agama, melainkan penemuan kembali agama. Dekonstruksi adalah suatu metode untuk melampaui batas-batas konsep-konsep filosofis. Metode ini membuat manusia bersikap terbuka pada Diri Yang Sepenuhnya Lain, hal mana mungkin hadir atau tidak hadir namun memaksa kita menghayatinya seolah-olah telah hadir. Agama yang digambarkan Derrida ini merupakan potret iman postmodern. Bertolak dari latar belakang Yahudi, Derrida mengalami agama sebagai sebuah dekonstruksi, yang masih menunggu Apa Yang Sepenuhnya Nyata atau Kebenaran Absolut. Melalui dekonstruksi ia menyingkapkan aspek mistik agama. Kata-kata Kunci: dekonstruksi, Derrida, postmodernisme, iman, postmodern, agama
A. MacIntyre’s Views on Animal Rationality: A Response to the Relativist Challenge: "Rasionalitas Hewani" menurut A. MacIntyre: Sebuah Tanggapan atas Tuduhan Relativisme Sherel Jeevan Mendonsa
DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA Vol. 19 No. 2 (2023): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara
Publisher : STF Driyarkara - Diskursus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36383/diskursus.v19i2.439


Alasdair MacIntyre is considered one of the most prominent moral philosophers in the contemporary period. Nevertheless, some authors criticize his views on practical rationality as being relativistic. Though there have been authors who have defended MacIntyre through various arguments, none of these authors has referred to one of his later works, namely, Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues (DRA) for addressing the relativist challenge. The paper aims to fill this lacuna. Thus, the principal question to which the paper responds is: Can the views discussed in DRA contribute toward addressing the relativist challenge raised against MacIntyre? Accordingly, through various arguments, the paper demonstrates that MacIntyre’s views on animal rationality, vulnerability, and dependence as well as those concerning the virtues of care and misericordia as discussed in DRA contribute their mite toward addressing the relativist challenge raised against him. Abstrak Alasdair MacIntyre merupakan salah satu pakar filsafat moral terkemuka di era kontemporer. Namun, beberapa pemikir menuduh konsepnya tentang rasionalitas praktis bersifat relativistis. Meski banyak penulis lain telah berusaha membela posisi MacIntyre, tidak satu pun dari mereka mendasarkan diri pada karya MacIntyre yang lebih mutakhir, y.i. Dependent Rational Animals: Why Human Beings Need the Virtues (DRA). Makalah ini berusaha untuk mengisi kekosongan tersebut. Maka, pertanyaan utama tulisan ini ialah apakah gagasan-gagasan yang dikembangkan MacIntyre di dalam DRA dapat dipakai untuk menghadapi tuduhan relativisme terhadapnya. Artikel ini hendak menunjukkan bahwa konsep-konsep yang dikemukakan di dalam DRA, seperti “rasionalitas hewani” (animal rationality), kerapuhan, ketergantungan, kepedulian, dan belarasa (misericordia) dapat dipergunakan untuk menangkis tuduhan bahwa MacIntyre jatuh kedalam relativisme. Kata-kata Kunci: Alasdair MacIntyre, rasionalitas praktis, relativismemoral, rasionalitas hewani, kerapuhan, kepedulian
A Critical Inquiry into Jürgen Habermas’ Hermeneutical Reflection as a Methodology of Social Science: Sebuah Catatan Kritis atas Konsep J. Habermas tentang Refleksi Hermeneutis sebagai Metode Ilmu Sosial Tizar Shahwirman
DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA Vol. 19 No. 2 (2023): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara
Publisher : STF Driyarkara - Diskursus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36383/diskursus.v19i2.443


This paper aims to examine and evaluate Habermas’ thoughts on hermeneutical reflection as a methodology of social science based on his work titled Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften (On The Logic of The Social Sciences). By starting from a theory of action approach focusing on the process of inquiring and understanding intentional action, Habermas developed a hermeneutical reflection approach emphasizing the importance of communicative experience between the researcher and the subject examined. This approach has emancipatory power because it encourages researchers to thoroughly identify the ideological elements of social reality researched. Apart from all the advantages of Habermas’ methodological thought, his thinking should be evaluated critically because there are problematic aspects when viewed through the lens of ontology, methodology/method, and axiology. Abstrak Tulisan ini hendak mengkaji dan mengevaluasi pemikiran Habermas tentang refleksi hermeneutis sebagai suatu metodologi ilmu sosial sebagaimana tertuang dalam karyanya Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften (On The Logic of The Social Sciences). Bertitik tolak dari pendekatan teori tindakan (theory of action) yang berfokus pada proses menelusuri dan memahami tindakan yang disengaja (intentional action), Habermas mengembangkan pendekatan refleksi hermeneutis yang menekankan pentingnya pengalaman komunikatif antara peneliti dan subjek yang diteliti. Pendekatan ini memiliki daya emansipatoris karena mendorong peneliti untuk menelanjangi realitas sosial yang ditelitinya sehingga unsur-unsur ideologis yang mengandaikan begitu saja kondisi subjek yang diteliti dapat teridentifikasi. Namun, terlepas dari segala keunggulannya, pemikiran Habermas ini patut dievaluasi secara kritis karena memuat beberapa hal yang problematik ketika ditinjau melalui kacamata ontologi, metodologi/metode, dan aksiologi. Kata-Kata Kunci: Habermas, refleksi hermeneutis, Teori Tindakan (Theory of Action), kritik ideologi, intersubjektivitas
Denise Ferreira da Silva. Toward a Global Idea of Race Teraya Paramehta
DISKURSUS - JURNAL FILSAFAT DAN TEOLOGI STF DRIYARKARA Vol. 19 No. 2 (2023): Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara
Publisher : STF Driyarkara - Diskursus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36383/diskursus.v19i2.456


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