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Lux et Sal
ISSN : 27752399     EISSN : 28071328     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion,
Lux et Sal berarti terang dan garam. Metafora terang dan garam digunakan oleh Yesus untuk menggambarkan tugas dan perutusan para murid-Nya (bdk. Mat 5:13-16). Para murid yang telah menerima terang firman Allah dipanggil untuk memancarkannya kepada lingkungan sekitarnya. Dan sebagaimana garam “membantu” makanan menjadi lezat, demikianlah para murid Yesus senantiasa membantu orang lain. Jurnal Lux et Sal merupakan salah satu upaya Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum untuk memenuhi panggilan sebagai terang dan garam dunia itu. Mereka yang “melihat terang” dan “menerima garam” berkat penelitian dalam bidang teologi, seperti teologi sumber, teologi sistematis, dan teologi praktis, mencoba membagikan terang itu dalam rupa refleksi teologis dalam jurnal ini.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AKU PERCAYA AKAN YESUS KRISTUS" : 5 Documents clear
Allah Membangkitkan Dia: Doa Kepercayaan Mazmur 16 Sebagai Nubuat Kebangkitan Yesus Anggoro, Antonius Puri
Lux et Sal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AKU PERCAYA AKAN YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.71 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v2i2.57


The Church learned to believe in God the Father from Jesus. Jesus taught us how to trust the Father in His prayers. Psalm 16 is a prayer of confidence that New Testament writers attribute to Jesus. Jesus, in all his humanity, prayed this psalm with such confidence that he would be able to carry out His Father's will to give Himself as a ransom for many. He died on the cross and went into the grave. Nevertheless, this belief and obedience of Jesus bear the fruit of life. He was raised by the Father and glorified at His right hand. This is conveyed in the teaching of faith by Peter (Acts 2:25-28) and Paul (Acts 13:35). In this formulation, the Church is invited to enter into Jesus' trust in God the Father so that she can share in His resurrection and glory.
Keperdanaan Allah Bapa Dalam Wacana Teologi Kontemporer Laksito, Petrus Canisius Edi
Lux et Sal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AKU PERCAYA AKAN YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.854 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v2i2.58


This article is aimed to discuss the rejection of the primacy of the Father in the doctrinal structure of the Trinity emerging in contemporary theology and tries to defend the necessity of a balanced reflection regarding the unity and the plurality of the above doctrine. The teaching of the Fathers of the Church, particularly formulated in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed and held in the Latin Tradition regarding the primacy of the Father as well as the origin of the Son (“begotten, not made; consubstantial with the Father”) and of the Holy Spirit (“who proceeds from the Father and the Son”), as depositum fidei needs to be well conserved. Precisely expressing more maturely and more completely, the mystery of God revealed through the message of Jesus Christ and reflected by the Church following the teaching of the Apostles, this profession of faith is still an expression of authentic faith in God of Jesus Christ.
Ketaatan Kepada Bapa Sebagai Dasar Kebebasan Moral Kristiani Suwito, Benny
Lux et Sal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AKU PERCAYA AKAN YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.15 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v2i2.61


It is quite often that obedience is misunderstood in moral life. Most people, including Catholics, argue that someone who inclines to obedience is not free. Morevover, some Catholics do not agree that they must obey to the Magisterium because it is frequently seen as human institution. Because of that, this paper wants to scrutinize that obedience is not contrary to human freedom. It clarifies that obedience to God is an obedience to the Magisterium, the teaching of the Church. And it wants demonstrate the truth of the role of the Holy Spirit which guarantees all Christians who obey to God are having moral freedom.
Bonum Coniugum Dalam Perkawinan Joko, Antonius Padua Dwi
Lux et Sal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AKU PERCAYA AKAN YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.451 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v2i2.62


The Catholic Church sees marriage as a living fellowship and an intimate love between a husband and a wife which is held by God and confirmed through His laws. As a consequence, a marriage institution is always a realization of God’s will that is concretely arranged by the ecclesiastical law. This point is confirmed by the Vatican Council II in Gaudium et Spes Constitution art. 48. From this point, the Code of Canon Law 1983, Cann. 1055 defines marriage as an agreement (feodus, consensus, covenant) between a man and a woman in order to establish a partnership of their whole life (totius vitae consortium). This view is different from the view of the Code of Canon Law 1917, Cann. 1012 which defines marriage as a contractus (a contract). Keeping in mind that marriage is a consensus, bonum coniugum (the good of the spouses) occupies an important, special, and equal place with the child’s birth and education. Husband or wife is a certain bonum and value which is cannot be used only as an object or instrument. In conclusion, the Vatican Council II and the Code of Canon Law 1983 immensely highlighted the personalistic and relational aspects of a marriage institution.
Seksualitas Sebagai Ciri Martabat Manusia Dalam Teologi Tubuh Setiawan, Kristoforus Krisna
Lux et Sal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): AKU PERCAYA AKAN YESUS KRISTUS
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.393 KB) | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v2i2.63


This study entitled “Sexuality as a Characteristic of Human Dignity According to John Paul II in the Theology of the Body” was prepared with the background of the author's concern for the understanding of sexuality which has been understood only at the biological level. So, this study presents a review of Pope John Paul II's thoughts on the theology of the body in order to straighten the understanding of sexuality. As a phenomenologicalpersonalistic philosopher and theologian, Pope John Paul II initiated the theology of the body with the foundation of Christian anthropology in order to straighten out the understanding of sexuality that had been considered too reductive. In fact, sexuality actually reveals the characteristics of human dignity as the image of God in its entirety. Sexuality is also an attempt to express the supernatural dimension in humans. This is because sexuality in body theology is also understood from the perspective of creation and salvation theology. Through the framework of this understanding, the noble value of sexuality is increasingly displayed in human life, including through sexual union which is an expression of true love. Through sexuality, the human body is also understood as a sacrament that expresses the divine mystery, thereby further acknowledging that sexuality is not just a biological reality. Based on these descriptions, sexuality is a feature of high human dignity as desired by God since the beginning of creation.

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