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Lux et Sal
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Core Subject : Religion,
Lux et Sal berarti terang dan garam. Metafora terang dan garam digunakan oleh Yesus untuk menggambarkan tugas dan perutusan para murid-Nya (bdk. Mat 5:13-16). Para murid yang telah menerima terang firman Allah dipanggil untuk memancarkannya kepada lingkungan sekitarnya. Dan sebagaimana garam “membantu” makanan menjadi lezat, demikianlah para murid Yesus senantiasa membantu orang lain. Jurnal Lux et Sal merupakan salah satu upaya Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum untuk memenuhi panggilan sebagai terang dan garam dunia itu. Mereka yang “melihat terang” dan “menerima garam” berkat penelitian dalam bidang teologi, seperti teologi sumber, teologi sistematis, dan teologi praktis, mencoba membagikan terang itu dalam rupa refleksi teologis dalam jurnal ini.
Articles 5 Documents
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Paroki menurut Hukum Gereja
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Gereja yang Satu, Kudus, Katolik, dan Apostolik
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i2.112


The term "parish" refers to a part of a diocese. According to the 1983 Code of Canon Law (CIC) canon 515, a parish is composed of the following essential elements for its existence: a congregation of Christian faithful, a place of worship where Christians can gather or be found, a territory or area, and a pastor responsible for the parish. Although parishes are generally territorial in nature, if it is considered beneficial, personal parishes may be established, which are determined on the basis of rite, language, nation of the Christian faithful of a particular territory, and also on other grounds (canon 518). In modern times, parishes no longer emphasize territorial areas, but rather emphasize parishes as the Church, the People of God.
Tatanan Hirarki Gereja yang Apostolik dalam 1 Klemens
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Gereja yang Satu, Kudus, Katolik, dan Apostolik
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i2.113


The apostolicity of the Church is the continuation of Christ's mandate, who from the beginning established the apostles as the successors of His work of salvation in the world. The continuity of the office of apostle becomes Tradition that is preserved as an expression of uninterrupted shepherding. Since the Ancient Church, the Church's hierarchical order has developed to take on a stable form so that today the ordained carry out their mission to serve the people of God. The First Letter of Clement is one of the earliest evidences after the era of the apostles that emphasizes the important role of the community leader who is chosen and appointed specifically in their function and role as part of the members of the Body of Christ.
Notae Ecclesiae: Dari Fungsi Eklesiologis ke Teologis
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Gereja yang Satu, Kudus, Katolik, dan Apostolik
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i2.114


Unity, holiness, catholicity and apostolicity, or in Latin known as Notae Ecclesiae, are formulations of faith regarding the Church, confirming her essential attributes that make the Church the Church. In history, these attributes have made their contributions for the teaching of faith, for the apologetical tasks and, lately, as principles and criteria in doing Catholic theology. Thus, evidently, presenting the Church’s mysteries in their essential aspects, these notae have flexibility to be used as theological instruments in dogmatics, catechesis, apologetics, and even in theological methodology. Seeing these facts, it is hoped that dealing with these marks of the Church there are inspirations for further development for theology and also for the life of the Church.
'Yang Satu' dan Tanggung Jawab terhadap 'Yang Lain': Kritik terhadap Egologi dari Sudut Pandang Etika Levinasian
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Gereja yang Satu, Kudus, Katolik, dan Apostolik
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i2.115


This text wants to show that the idea of unity can be a serious problem in a multicultural society. In a multicultural society, there are many differences that cannot be relativized. In this kind of situation, The Other cannot simply be merged into The One. According to Levinas, there is a long history that shows that The One tries to absolutize itself and eliminate The Other. This condition appears in Platonism and Christianity. Facing this situation, Levinas offers an ethical attitude towards The Other as a willingness to take absolute responsibility. The method used in this research is the metaanalysis method. From this research, we show that in Levinas’s Ideas, the worship of The One is the root of disrespectful attitudes towards The Other in its otherness. From there, this research shows that Levinas’s Idea of responsibility towards The Other which appears in the ethics of the face is an alternative idea to fight the authoritarianism that posibly arise from the idea of unity.
Kebebasan Sejati sebagai Dasar Kekudusan: Refleksi Soal Kebebasan dalam Rangka 30 Tahun Penerbitan Ensiklik Veritatis Splendor
Lux et Sal Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Gereja yang Satu, Kudus, Katolik, dan Apostolik
Publisher : Institutum Theologicum Ioannis Mariae Vianney Surabayanum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57079/lux.v4i2.117


True freedom is an important foundation for the Church's call to holiness. True freedom is the fruit of a person's lived experience of knowing God as the highest truth and desiring God as the highest good. Veritatis Splendor, an encyclical by Pope John Paul II on truth and freedom, emphasizes that human freedom does not have an end in itself but is always dependent on divine truth. This is shown in the attitude of obedience to the law of God, which is a manifestation of God's love and wisdom. Conscience plays an important role in human obedience to God because it is there that a person meets God personally. True freedom is then revealed in moral actions in everyday life where each person is called to imitate the act of martyrdom as moral perfection. The encyclical itself states that martyrdomis a prominent example of the Church's holiness.

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