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Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning
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Chalim Teaching and Learning Journal multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, the scope of this journal is in learning and instruction area which provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific researches in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigation. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults, and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction.
Articles 18 Documents
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Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengawasan Kinerja Guru Dan Proses Pembelajaran Anang Yuswanto; Afif Zamroni; Hasyim Asy’ari
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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Data collection techniques used in this study include structured interviews, observation and documentation with the data subject of the MI Madrasah principal Alhikmah Ngareskidul Gedeg Mojokerto. Data analysis was carried out during data collection, and after collection within a certain period. As a test of the validity of the data, a credibility test is used or a trust test for the data presented by the research results. The results of the study indicate that supervision has been carried out in teacher performance and the learning process at MI Alhikmah Ngareskidul Gedeg Mojokerto supervision of attendance discipline, learning planning discipline, learning implementation discipline, and learning outcomes assessment discipline. In addition, the principal has also carried out supervision in the completeness of teacher administration and the ability of teachers to master the use of information technology. Supervision of the learning process includes monitoring the planning, implementation and assessment of learning. As a suggestion, school principals are expected to play a more active role in Madrasah Working Groups (KKM) and motivate teachers to be more active in participating in KKG (Teacher Working Group) activities.
Program Pembelajaran dalam Pembentukan Kompetensi Bahasa Asing dan Teknologi Informasi Siswa Diah Atika Pramono; Hasyim Asy’ari; Afif Zamroni; M. Ali Haidar
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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Based on the results of data source analysis, it is known that the foreign language competency establishment program focuses on the English and Arabic learning programs. The program is divided into co-curricular, intra-curricular, and extracurricular. Co-curricular activities stand in the form of habituation, which is the English morning program for Class X, also Muhadatsah Lughatil Arabiya and Shobahul Lughah for Class XI. Intra-curricular is filled with English and Arabic language subjects. Meanwhile, extracurricular activities include English Specialization Class and Arabic Specialization Class. The IT competency establishment program is also divided into three types of activities. Co-curricular for Class X in the form of Microsoft Office Training and 2D & 3D Design Training for Class XI. Intra-curricular is filled with learning Multimedia: Graphic Design & Video Editing for Class X and Mobile Programming learning for Class XI. IT Specialization Class is an extracurricular activity in the field of Information Technology. In addition, students also take part in workshops and competitions according to their interests. Students have mastered each competency as evidenced by portfolio results in the form of pamphlet designs, photography results, short video editing and foreign language learning videos, and also participated in a speech contest
Application of Stad Type Cooperative Learning to Improve Learning Activities and Learning Outcomes Yhasinta Agustyarini; Elmi Zuvia Zahro
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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The background of this study is the low student activity which has an impact on the learning outcomes of class V students in mathematics subjects. The purpose of this study is to improve learning activities and mathematics learning outcomes of class V MI Pancasila Gondang students through a cooperative learning model of the Student Teams Achievement (STAD) type. This study used a Classroom Action Research (PTK) design consisting of two cycles. Research data in the form of student learning activities is obtained through observation during learning, while student learning outcomes are obtained through tests at the end of each cycle. The results showed that student activity in cycle I was 56% then in cycle II increased to 85%, classical student learning outcomes in cycle I were 52% with an average student score of 66, then increased to 86% with an average student score of 76 in cycle II. It was concluded that using a Cooperative Learning Model type of Student Teams Achievement (STAD) can increase the activities and learning outcomes of class V students in the material building materials at MI Pancasila Gondang.
The Strategy of The Head of Madrasah in Improving Teacher Professionalism Khoirudin; Abu Darim; Muhammad Husnur Rofiq
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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A madrasah head must be able to develop a strategy by analyzing several things, including analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In this case, there is a link between teacher professionalism and the madrasa head. A madrasa principal needs the right and correct and effective strategy in carrying out his duties as a leader in an educational institution. The purpose of the research is the strategy for planning, implementing, supervising the head of the madrasa in increasing teacher professionalism at MA NU Sunan Ampel Baujeng Beji, Pasuruan Regency as well as the obstacles and completion of the headmaster's management strategy in increasing teacher professionalism in the school. The researcher used a qualitative type of research to describe the field and its relevance to the management strategy of the madrasa principal at MA NU Sunan Ampel Baujeng Beji, Pasuruan Regency.The results of the research above explain the context of efforts to improve teacher professionalism at MA NU Sunan Ampel Baujeng, concepts and strategic plans are needed to develop quality madrasas. Is a response to the need for quality Islamic educational institutions a struggle. The strategic plan carried out by MA NU Sunan Ampel Baujeng is by increasing teacher human resources such as participating in seminars, training, KKG, improving teacher welfare, providing supporting facilities such as the internet assisted by the deputy head of the madrasah and all elements in the madrasah.
Ngemong Tradition In Madrasah Leadership Management in Madrasah Muhamad Busro; Akhmad Sirojuddin; Abu Darim; Dewi Afiatul Qutsiyah
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the leadership of the head of Madrasah based on the management function that conceptualizes the tradition of ngemong in MA Taqwal IIah Tunggu Meteseh Tembalang Semarang. This type of research uses a qualitative case study approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions. To check the validity of the data, the researchers used credibility and triangulation tests. The results of this study found that 1. The planning of the tradition of ngemong in the leadership of the Kamad at the Taqwal IIah Waiting for Meteseh Tembalang Semarang, a) The type of leadership of the head of the madrasah is a charismatic leadership type., b) Planning of the head of the madrasa begins by determining the medium-term plan and the long-term plan for the madrasa year. Then the plan was followed up with a madrasa work meeting. 2. Organizing the tradition of ngemong in the leadership of the Kamad at MA Taqwal IIah Waiting for Meteseh Tembalang Semarang, a) The way of organizing the head of the madrasa begins with carrying out work meetings related to the discussion of the madrasa program which is contained in the medium-term and long-term plans for the madrasa year., b) The headmaster Madrasah mandates the waka of curriculum and waka of student affairs to accommodate all madrasa activities or programs in accordance with their respective jobdesk. 3. Implementation of the tradition of ngemong in the leadership of Kamad at MA Taqwal IIahWait for Meteseh Tembalang Semarang, a) The head of the madrasah provides direction and primarily motivation to all madrasah residents, be it the teacher council, education staff, or to the students themselves., b) The madrasa head supervises and evaluate both those relating to the performance of teachers and education personnel, as well as all activities that have been and will be carried out by the madrasah.
Student Management In Developing Students' Emotional Intelligence Muhammad Ashifudin; Ainur Rofiq
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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The focus of this research is such as (1) The planning of new students’ acceptance in the development of emotional intelligence of students at Kediri MTs. Ma’murotul Husna Middle School, (2) Classification of students in developing emotional intelligence of students at Kediri MTs. Ma’murotul Husna Middle School, (3) Implementation of student coaching in the development emotional intelligence of students at Kediri MTs. Ma’murotul Husna Middle School. This research if viewed from the sources of data, this study used primary and secondary data. While the type of data, the approach used includes qualitative research that produced the descriptive explanation. The technique of data collection in this study used three techniques, namely in-depth interview, participant observation, and study documentation. The data that has been collected is then analyzed in a parent's manner with three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion.The result of this research included: (1) Planning for admission of new students in the development of emotional intelligence in MTs. Ma’murotul Husna Middle  School produces  a plan for developing emotional intelligence  of students, namely by having a policy regarding the acceptance of all prospective students who register either normal or children with especiality necessary. (2) The grouping of students in the development of emotional intelligence produced several parts which include class grouping based on the result of test that include children's learning abilitiy such as diagnostic test and IQ test, then there are extracurricular grouping based on talent and interest that exist in each student , and grouping learning to learn the method of Yanbu'a that are tailored to the ability of students. (3) The implementation of coaching there are three categories, namely disciplinary coaching that madethe students have emotional condition such as responsibility, academic coaching and non-academic coaching, each coaching is able to develop emotional students such as activities inside or outside classroom such as motivate themselves and responsible for carrying out these activities. Not only responsibility but also confidence, honesty, have empathy and foster good relations between the teachers and the fellow students..
Transformational Leadership of The School Principle in Building Organizational Culture Fajar Arifin; Ainur Rofiq; Muhammad Husnur Rofiq
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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This study aims to describe the transformational leadership of the principal in establishing organizational culture at MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri. The purpose of this research was to describe: (1) Transformational leadership of headmaster in improving organizational culture at MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri. (2) The transformational leadership of the principal overcomes the obstacles in establishing organizational culture at MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri. (3) Factors that support and obstruct the transformational leadership of headmaster in developing organization culture at MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri. The method used is qualitative method, with data collection technique: interview, documentation and observation. The step of analyzing data is by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data and then concluding. To examine the validity of the data is carried out tests of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The findings ware: (1) Transformational Headmaster Leadership in establishing organizational culture at MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri, Principal could build culture well. The principal organizes certain programs that could build a culture at the MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri. In deciding on programs that can be implemented in the School, the Principal involved all stakeholders in the School. (2) In establishing an organizational culture at MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri, the Principal is a good example for all residents in the School, so that the application of good organizational culture in MA NU Hasan Muchyi Kapurejo Pagu Kediri worked well. (3) As a leader, the Head of Madrasah always provides motivation to all teachers' councils, both orally and in writing and in general or in particular. The principal builds self-awareness on the teacher and communicates well so that the Principal's social relationships could go well
Strategi Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Budaya Literasi di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bajuri Bajuri; Barnoto
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning (CJoTL) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

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The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the madrasah head in increasing literacy culture at MTs Sunan Ampel KumpuIrejo Parengan Tuban, to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors in increasing the iteration culture at MTs Sunan Ampel KumpuIrejo Parengan Tuban, to find out the strategy for increasing literacy culture in increasing interest in reading at MTs Sunan Ampel Kumpulrejo Parengan Tuban. This study uses a qualitative approach in which this approach produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The role of the madrasa head is as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, and motivator. 2) There are several supporting and inhibiting factors in developing a literacy culture. Supporting factors include The active role of madrasa residents, Support from parents of students. In addition, there are several inhibiting factors, namely: limited collection, and the influence of technology. 3) In developing a literacy culture, the head of MTs Sunan Ampel has several strategies used including Developing a library, Providing fiction, non-fiction, and reference books. Development of reading areas, 15-minute reading program, Development of literacy-themed madrasah activity programs.
Strategi Flipped Classroom Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Kandungan Al-Qur’an Dan Hadits Siti Fatima Z; Rahmat; Dewi Afiatul Qutsiyah; Juli Amaliya Nasucha; Mahmud Manan
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/cjotl.v2i2.321


Research data is all information obtained to support the running of the research. The data in the study is divided into two forms, namely primary data (principal) and secondary data (supporting). The data source in the study is the subject from which the data was obtained. The primary data sources in qualitative research are words and actions, the rest are additional data such as documents and others. The results of this study found several aspects, namely consisting of; First, from the aspect of implementing flipped classroom mode learning, it is concluded into three groups; 1) Flipped Classroom learning planning, 2) Implementation of Blended Learning, and 3) Assessment. Second, from the aspect of Implications, several impacts were found on Flipped Classroom learning, including; 1) Learning motivation, 2) Independence, and 3) the Development of Qur'an and Hadith Learning. Then the Ketiga is an inhibitory aspect that includes 14 among others; 1) Assessment Online, 2) Evidence of Student Process, 3) Student Memory, 4) Parental Support, 5) Parents' Fair Play, 6) Parental Saturation, 7) Student Slowness, 8) Student Trust, 9) Shame, 10) Facilities and Infrastructure, 11) Teacher HR, 12) Parents' HR, 13) Parent Spirit, and 14) Student Spirit. The efforts to overcome the obstacles are parent counselling and exploring innovations and potential teachers' abilities for technology and information.
Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengawasan Kinerja Guru Dan Proses Pembelajaran Anang Yuswanto; Afif Zamroni; Hasyim Asy’ari
Chalim Journal of Teaching and Learning Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Program S3 Pendidikan Islam Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim Pacet Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31538/cjotl.v2i2.357


Data collection techniques used in this study include structured interviews, observation and documentation with the data subject of the MI Madrasah principal Alhikmah Ngareskidul Gedeg Mojokerto. Data analysis was carried out during data collection, and after collection within a certain period. As a test of the validity of the data, a credibility test is used or a trust test for the data presented by the research results. The results of the study indicate that supervision has been carried out in teacher performance and the learning process at MI Alhikmah Ngareskidul Gedeg Mojokerto supervision of attendance discipline, learning planning discipline, learning implementation discipline, and learning outcomes assessment discipline. In addition, the principal has also carried out supervision in the completeness of teacher administration and the ability of teachers to master the use of information technology. Supervision of the learning process includes monitoring the planning, implementation and assessment of learning. As a suggestion, school principals are expected to play a more active role in Madrasah Working Groups (KKM) and motivate teachers to be more active in participating in KKG (Teacher Working Group) activities.

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