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Millah: Journal of Religious Studies
ISSN : 14120992     EISSN : 2527922X     DOI : 10.20885/millah
Core Subject : Religion,
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies (E-ISSN: 2527-922X) is an international double-blind peer-review journal focusing on original research articles related to religious studies. The journal welcomes contributions on the following topics: Religious studies Islamic studies Christian studies Hindu studies Buddhist studies other relevant religious studies.
Articles 13 Documents
Search results for , issue "Edisi Khusus Desember 2010 Studi Islam dalam Multiperspektif" : 13 Documents clear
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Edisi Khusus Desember 2010 Studi Islam dalam Multiperspektif
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.ed.khus.art11


Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) is a customer self-help groups as an economic institution of the people who seek to develop productive enterprises and investment with the system of profit and loss sharing to enhance the quality of small economies. BMT combines two different activities in nature (profit and nonprofit) in one institution. BMT existence is expected to contribute significantly in developing a real economy sector, especially for business activities which do not meet all the requirements to obtain financing from the Islamic banking institution in general. Currently, BMT has triggered the development of small business better. The existence of BMT is helpful undercapitalized small businesses with financing facilities and financing facilities resulting in increased revenue. Behind this success BMT harbored a matter of emergency to get a solution. Therefore, in this paper, described how the operational BMT and common constraints it faces, and most importantly is the solution to the fore. BMT as Islamic microfinance institutions have had time to improve itself to meet the needs of the community will fund the development of micro-enterprise activities. The presence of BMT is one contribution to the success of the development process, so that slowly but surely to erode or reduce the number of poor in Indonesia.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Edisi Khusus Desember 2010 Studi Islam dalam Multiperspektif
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.ed.khus.art12


Evaluation is the one of several important activities to increase the quality of education. The national examination is the technique in evaluate education process. Today, debating about pro and contra national examination still in progress. Some experts, like teacher and politician doubt the effectiveness of national examination, but on the other side many experts believe the national examination is the best solution for increasing the quality of education. Despite the weakness especially in practice, the national examination was good solution for many problem to increase the quality of education, and in conceptual’s context the national examination was the effective way for increasing quality. Besides that, the national examination was a mandate from constitution (UU No. 20/2003 and PP No. 19/2005). So, it is unfair if national examination must be cancelled only based on several doubt from some expert without give chance to government for reduction the weakness.
Millah: Journal of Religious Studies Edisi Khusus Desember 2010 Studi Islam dalam Multiperspektif
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Agama Islam Program Magister, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/millah.ed.khus.art13


Keberanian mengungkap sisi kelam sejarah (politik) Islam telah menyeretnya ke gigir takdir. Farag Fouda rebah bersimbah darah setelah serentetan tembakan dua anggota Jamaah Islamiyah di siang yang naas, 8 Juni 1992, menerjang tubuhnya. Seketika Fouda meregang nyawa.

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