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Journal of Intelligent Software Systems
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Journal of Intelligent Software Systems (JISS) is open access, peer-reviewed international journal that will consider any original scientific article that expands the field of Intelligent Software Systems. The journal publishes articles in all Intelligent Software Systems specialities of interest to Intelligent Software Systems, physicians, and researchers.
Articles 28 Documents
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 3, No 1 (2024): July 2024
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v3i1.1335


In development a information system Intergrated, Architecture planning is the first step must be established. The planning of development in a information system is needed in order to a system can be running according to necessity. The data is used for this research, that is internal data of Biak Technical Academy College and external data of Institution of high education service at IV area in Biak Papua. The main goal of this research is design architecture pipelines data of ATB college. The architecture of pipelines is used for carrying resources of big data from one area to the other area in far distance to be efficiency. The method is used for this research, that is Estract Transform Load (ETL). The process of estract data is needed a special supporting library on apache spark in using library spark session. This spark session is established in order to call data of Biak Technical Academy college with csv extension can be run on apache spark. After the process of estract is established, apache spark will read data with csv extension and establish transform data. The process of transform data csv extension will be loaded in to a frame data as a output of processing ETL The result of research is apache spark technology can be easy for writers in design process information system of Biak Technical Academy and to be one of the best solution in processing Estract Load Transform (ETL) data with the big scale and real-time
Dynamic Bitrate Adjustment in Web-based Video Streaming Applications Using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Mabrur Roh Bintang Jaya; Widyastuti Andriyani; Domy Kristomo; Muhammad Agung Nugroho
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 3, No 1 (2024): July 2024
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v3i1.1344


This research aims to implement Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) in the web-based video streaming application JBTV using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). ABR is a technique that enables automatic adjustment of video bitrate according to user network conditions, while HLS is a streaming protocol that supports adaptive streaming based on HTTP. The research methodology encompasses requirements analysis, system design, implementation, and evaluation. During the requirements analysis phase, the identification of JBTV application requirements and the features needed to implement ABR with HLS were conducted. System design involves the selection of suitable ABR algorithms and the architecture design of the JBTV application that supports HLS. Implementation is carried out by developing the JBTV application capable of generating variant streams with various bitrates and performing adaptive playback according to network conditions
Decision Support System for Determining Character Education Values Wahyu Putri Lestari; Puji Handayani Putri; Setia Wardani
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 2, No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v2i2.1142


The 2013 curriculum is an effort made by the government in improving the curriculum according to the needs of the current generation. This 2013 curriculum is a curriculum that does not only focus on academic competence, but also includes aspects of student character and skills. However, in its implementation, the 2013 curriculum makes teachers feel confused, especially in the assessment of attitudes and character. The assessment carried out with Rubik and observation sheets has indicators that are not appropriate so that character assessment becomes inappropriate. This research will design a system to conduct student character assessment at SDN Butuh 1 Magelang. In this research, a system will be designed to help teachers conduct student character assessment with SPK character assessment in Indonesia. The method applied in this research is the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. The result of this research is a system to support the decision of students' character education value.
Deep Learning Architecture for Stock Price Prediction tri andi; Widyastuti Andriyani; Bambang Purnomosidi D.P
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 3, No 1 (2024): July 2024
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v3i1.1343


Dalam dunia investasi saham, kemampuan memprediksi pergerakan harga saham secara akurat sangatlah penting. Dua permasalahan utama yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini adalah, bagaimana pemodelan N-BEATS dibandingkan LSTM dan ARIMA pada harga saham Bank BCA, dan bagaimana hasil peramalan model N-BEATS, LSTM, dan ARIMA pada harga saham Bank BCA. Data saham Bank BCA. Untuk menjawab hal tersebut, penelitian ini membahas tentang pengembangan dan evaluasi model peramalan time series N-BEATS. Namun hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa model ARIMA menunjukkan kinerja yang unggul, dengan pencapaian MAPE sebesar 0,001% pada data menit, 0,006% pada data jam, dan 0,018% pada data hari. Keunggulan ini signifikan dibandingkan model N-BEATS dan LSTM. Oleh karena itu, model ARIMA menunjukkan potensi besar untuk digunakan dalam peramalan deret waktu keuangan, penilaian risiko, dan pemodelan oleh analis keuangan.
Design of Supply Chain Management in Kasongan Pottery MSMEs Gugum Gumilang Nurcahya; Setia Wardani; Rianto Rianto
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 2, No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v2i2.1160


Post-COVID 19 pandemic raises new challenges for Kasongan Bantul Pottery Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), in addition to significantly changing the economic landscape, MSMEs experience challenges in marketing systems that are not yet optimal and increasingly fierce product competition is a serious obstacle. This is one of the challenges for Kasongan Pottery MSMEs so that the businesses built can succeed and be able to survive, one of which is to use a system that integrates the needs of business actors, consumers (costumers), capital owners, raw material suppliers (suppliers) and collectors without space limits. The purpose of this research focuses on the Supply Chain Management (SCM) model to improve efficiency in the supply chain of Kasongan Pottery MSMEs. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive analysis approach. The population in this study was 303 Kasongan Pottery MSMEs, while the sample taken was 25% of the population, namely 76 MSMEs.
Management Information System for Human Resources at the Operational Bureau of the DIY Regional Police using Agile Development Method Bayu Saputro; Rianto Rianto; Aditya Wahana
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 3, No 1 (2024): July 2024
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v3i1.1208


This research develops Agile Development, particularly Extreme Programming (XP), to create a web-based Human Resource Management Information System for the DIY Regional Police's Operational Bureau. Addressing challenges in personnel data management, the objective is to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. The study involves system needs analysis, design, implementation, and testing. Initial development includes interfaces for employees, administrators, and leaders, featuring personnel data management, leave requests, and announcements. Testing involves White Box, Black Box, and alpha testing by 25 Operational Bureau respondents. Alpha test results reveal high satisfaction with efficiency, data accuracy, and administrative process acceleration. The system effectively reduces human errors in personnel data management. The research concludes that the web-based system is a successful, computerized, organized solution for personnel data management in the Operational Bureau of DIY Regional Police 
Optimizing PPKn Formative Test in Elementary School Level with Digital Food Education Game Aldina Kusuma Dewi; Suryanto Suryanto
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 2, No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v2i2.1140


This research discusses the importance of integrating digital learning media, particularly interactive formative tests based on regional food education games, to enhance the learning outcomes of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) at the Elementary School (SD) level. The main goal of PPKn is to cultivate good character and citizenship in students. In the digital era, the use of technology is considered essential to provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience. This study employs a qualitative method and a case study framework to propose the implementation of interactive formative tests through digital learning media, focusing on the use of regional food education games. The research instruments involve the development and application of interactive formative tests based on food education games for SD students. Data are collected through classroom observations, interviews with teachers, and the analysis of formative test results. The findings indicate that the implementation of interactive formative tests through digital learning media, particularly utilizing regional food education games, positively contributes to the learning outcomes of PPKn for SD students. Educational games not only enhance knowledge of traditional foods but also facilitate discussions on local wisdom, cultural diversity, and a sense of love for the homeland. The effectiveness of interactive formative tests is evident in the increased active participation of students in the learning process. This study suggests that the implementation of interactive formative tests through digital learning media, especially in the form of educational games, can serve as an effective model to improve PPKn learning outcomes at the SD level. Support from schools, teachers, and educational stakeholders is crucial to integrate technology in a relevant and meaningful way into student learning.
DESIGN OF A MOBILE AND WEB-BASED ACADEMIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (Case Study: SD Negeri 02 Pegiringan) Ahsin Apri Aenul Yaqin; Irma Handayani
Journal of Intelligent Software Systems Vol 2, No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : LPPM UTDI (d.h STMIK AKAKOM) Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26798/jiss.v2i2.1137


SD Negeri 02 Pegiringan is one of the elementary schools in Pemalang. Currently, SD Negeri 02 Pegiringan is still using the 2013 elementary school curriculum, and has earned an A accreditation rating in 2022, the problem faced by SD Negeri 02 Pegiringan at this time is that parents cannot always monitor their children's grades, so they are less aware of their development. In addition, the report card data processing process still relies on the use of Excel manually. Based on these problems, this research builds a mobile web-based academic information system application. With this academic information system, it can simplify the process of checking, recording, and reporting student grade data in a computerized manner. The system design in the application utilizes the UML (Unified Modeling Language) methodology, and will be implemented with PHP (Pear Hypertext Preprocessor) as a programming language for web and Dart for Android, MySQL as a database server, with the data processed is student data, teacher data, grade data, class data, grade data, and subject data.

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