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Indonesian Journal of Physics (IJP)
ISSN : 23018151     EISSN : 29870828     DOI :
Indonesian Journal of Physics welcomes full research articles in the area of Sciences and Engineering from the following subject areas: Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Mechanical Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Science, Environmental Science, Materials Science, and Earth-Surface Processes. Authors are invited to submit articles that have not been published previously and are not under consideration elsewhere.
Articles 313 Documents
A Thermodynamic Equilibrium Of Nitrogen Plasma Species Reaction At Atmospheric Pressure: An Application for Afterglow Saktioto Saktioto
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Before producing nitrogen plasma at atmospheric pressure in experiment, a simulation is carried out to show the equilibrium processes by chemical kinetic reaction. Nitrogen species density is guided by continuity equation where chemical processes and Arrhenius form are used to follow the change of density over the time. Those formula are integrated to obtain density and the reaction rate of each reaction. This result show that the equilibrium can be reached and generally agree with the Saha Boltzmann calculation. An afterglow application is also shown in this model where the electron is dominant in collision and cooling time is in millisecond.
Pengembangan Metode Komputasi dan Simulasi Siti Nurul Khotimah; The Houw Liong
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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In general natural laws, such as Newton's laws, Maxwell's equations, and Schrodinger equation, can be formulated into differential equations. These equations can be modified to be finite difference equation so that they can be solved numerically. Natural laws can also be formulated in the form of least action or Hamiltonian principal then they are solved using finite element method. However, these methods can not be used to solve all of the problems. Scientists developed new computation methods based on the concepts of cellular automata. Each automaton in its internal state will behave as a processor that receives inputs, processes the inputs, determines the next internal state and its outputs. By applying statistical mechanics into cellular automata, this method can simulate earthquake, the process of fluid flows, the process of erosion and sedimentation, and the others. If we look in detail, a nerve cell is an automaton. Therefore the computation method based on artificial neural network can also included as cellular automata method. This means reasoning process, identifying pattern, associative memory, generalisation, and self organising can be simulated using cellular automata method. The computation method based on fuzzy logic also its combination with neural network that is called as Neuro-Fuzzy method can also be viewed as cellular automata method.
Analisis Numerik Propagasi Soliton Dalam Serat Optik Freddy P. Zen; Wahyu Hidayat; Ridwan Shiddiq
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Soliton propagation and some related parameters are considered by using Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation (NLS) with fiber loss and higher order dispersion term as dynamical representation in optical fibers. By using the Split-Step Fourier Method we showed that nonlinear parameter, fiber loss, higher order dispersion term influence the soliton propagation behavior in optical fibers. From simulation result yields that dispersion effect and nonlinearity compensate each other if dispersion and nonlinear length scales nearly equal. Whereas fiber loss reduced intensity and higher order dispersion term influence symmetry profile of the pulses as long as propagation.
Pemanfaatan MATLAB dalam Penentuan Koefisien Prediksi Frekuensi f0F2 Budiyanto Budiyanto
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Coefficients of empirical relation between f0F2 frequency of the ionospheric layer and the sunspot number R for an observatory at (ϕ,λ) can be easily and quickly determined by using MATLAB.
Pemanfaatan Spreadsheet Sebagai Sarana yang Mudah Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika B. Suprapto Brotosiswojo
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Perhaps it never enter into our mind that spreadsheet like Excel can be used as an effective media for learning physics. This paper presents samples of the author teaching experience during the past three consecutive semesters for second and third year students in ITB. Topics like mechanics, wave and electricity can easily be simulated. Solving differential equation can be carried out by simple copy and paste on cells in the spreadsheet. The availability of rich mathematical functions for cells, graphics presentation, and programming through macro, creates an ideal learning environment. Students would not only learn how to write computer programs, but they also learn from hands on experience what they are actually doing.
Perubahan Pola Belajar dan Mengajar dengan Alat Bantu Komputer R. Soegeng
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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This paper compares the system of learning and teaching forty years ago and at present. At that time in the classroom lecturers used chalk and blackboard, and students went to the library to read some books suggested by their lecturers. At present, some lecturers not only use chalk and blackboard but also computer softwares. These softwares are very helpful for the students because most of them are equiped with visualizations. Therefore, students not only listen to the explanations given by their lecturers, but also see its visualizations. Serious students not only go to the library, but also visit some websites. Many of the articles are equiped with visualizations which can be downloaded.
Bantuan Sistem Komputasi Aljabar Bagi Pembelajaran Fisika Terapan di Politeknik Sardjito Sardjito
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Applied Physics Teaching in Polytechnics as a part of professional education should have orientation towards dailly practical problems. Usually such problems need more complicated calculations for solving than ideal problems. We can not use simple analytical calculations to solve the problems. The aid of a Computational Algebra System in those cases will be helpful. One kind computational algebra system which is used in Polytechnics is an application software called Derive for Windows. Derive is a mathematical computer program, which can do both symbolic and numeric computations. These can also be visualized with graphics capabilities. This program eliminates the drudgery of long mathematical calculations thus giving students the chance of interpreting and analyzing the problems more intensively. The examples about parabolic motion and damped vibration are described in this paper
Perkiraan Wujud Komputer Cerdas Masa Depan Melalui Penerapan Kecerdasan Buatan The Houw Liong
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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The development of Artificial Intelligence shows that the future computer should be able to imitate the abilities of human brain such as to make logical inferences , pattern recognition, generalization, selforganize, associative memory, etc. To realize such abilities scientists are studying the mechanism and architecture of the brain. Based on this knowledge they build mathematical model of neurons and their architectures, so that they are able to imitate pattern recognition, generalization, self organized, etc. The brain function can be simulated and it is known as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Besides software, scientists can build neural chips and neural cards that can be plug on computers to function as coprocessors to solve problems that needs intelligent solutions. Logical inferences can be imitated by building inference engine and knowledge based or fuzzy rules based. Further development indicates that these can be map into ANN. The development makes it possible to build computers based on ANN. To imitate human brain it needs 1011 neurodes (artificial neurons) and 1015 synapses, and to realize it we needs to develop photonics and optical computers. The other development is the development of quantum computers which have greater abilities to simulate natures. Fuzzy logic which is used by a human being can be processed naturally by quantum bits (qubits) which can be superposed to represent fuzzy states or fuzzy statements.
Dampak Perkembangan Komputer pada Perluasan Arena Garapan Ilmu Fisika B.Suprapto Brotosiswojo
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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The dramatic progress in computer technology has inspired physicists to broaden their field of research into several areas. Computing is no longer considered as just a fast, accurate and efficient calculating machine, but also as a thinking tool in their effort to describe and understand the way nature behaves. With its fast logical-inference processing, and its capability to accommodate very large amount of data and memories, physicists are no longer afraid of dealing with complex systems and phenomena, which were usually avoided in the past. On computing itself another concern has surfaced, i.e. an anticipation that the basic elemental processing will have to be carried out on an atomic or subatomic scale. To give an illustration, this article exposes just two examples of progress, namely “Quantum Dot Cellular Automata” and “Quantum Teleportation”. The first example indicates an alternative way of classical computing using quantum dots with a size in the order of hundreds of atomic scale. The second example goes deeply into a real quantum computing, where strange behavior which looks ‘counter intuitive’ actually takes place in nature.
Aplikasi Teknologi Sistem Informasi Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air Atika Lubis
Indonesian Journal of Physics Vol 13 No 2 (2002): Vol. 13 No.2, April 2002
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Manual and conventional information provider nowadays, seems to be insufficient compared to the acceleration of information technology development. The use of information system technology directly supports the development activities, especially in planning and managing the water resources. Water resources belong to the natural resources and the existence tends to be limited. This evidence can be proved in some big cities in Indonesia, such as Java, Bali, are now in critical conditions. If these conditions are conducted continuously without the effort to manage, in the future will occur water deficiency conditions. Application of integrated information system, continuously, the effort of updating data and data compilation of data and water carrying capacity, is effective solution, and the cost is relatively cheaper in planning and managing the water resources.

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