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Established as an academic reference in the field of Islamic education, the International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education offers a multicultural approach. This journal is committed to the international board by inviting contributors to address issues in the scope of Islamic education, including theoretical aspects in the field. Published by Departement of Islamic Education, Postgraduate Program, State Institute on Islamic Islamic Studies Palu, the journal is published twice a year in the online and printed version.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 4 No 1 (2022)" : 6 Documents clear
The Educational Impact of Al-Azhar University in South Western Nigeria: A Case Study of Arabic-Islamic Schools in Yorubaland Yunus Olatoke Abdus Salam; Saud Bin Mohammad
Publisher : Department of Islamic Education, Postgraduate Program State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (809.521 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/ijcied.Vol4.Iss1.27


Pursuing education in Arab countries generates a controversy among indigenous and home-made scholars in Nigeria. Some believe that it is enough to pursue religious education within the country, while some others uphold the standpoint that Muslim students should pursue their studies in Arab countries like Al-Azhar. Hence, there is a lot of confusion and controversy about the impact of Al-Azhar University in Nigeria. However, this study aims to investigate the impact of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt on Arabic-Islamic schools in the Yorubaland, Nigeria. This is done through investigation of its curriculum, scholarship, and sending of Al-Azhar's delegates to teach in Arabic-Islamic schools in Yorubaland, Nigeria. It discusses Islamic religious affairs and the role played by the Nigerian Muslim scholars in general and in the South Western Nigeria in particular. Furthermore, it addresses the argument bothering on the need to pursue religious education within and outside the country. This study also examines the difference between Al-Azhar educational system and the Nigerian Arabic- Islamic educational system and investigates the need for continuation or otherwise of Al-Azhar’s venture in the Nigerian Arabic- Islamic Schools. This study is both historical and analytical in nature. It used data gathered via primary and secondary sources and utilizes both qualitative and quantitative methods. Findings from this study revealed the suitability of Al-Azhar educational system for Nigeria. It also showed the continuous need to pursue Al-Azhar education by Nigerians. The need to introduce some Western courses into Al-Azhar educational curriculum to facilitate easy fitting of the graduates into Nigerian educational system also emanated from this study. The study recommends the completion of secondary education in Nigeria by intending Nigerians seeking Al-Azhar education in order to facilitate their usefulness in the Nigerian western-oriented educational system upon their return.
Aqidah Akhlak Contributors People Voice and Builders Akhlakulkarimah M Zainul Umam
Publisher : Department of Islamic Education, Postgraduate Program State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (721.698 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/ijcied.Vol4.Iss1.43


The implementation of aqidah akhlak education can be seen as a forum to foster and shape the behavior of students in developing knowledge (cognitive), attitude (affective) and habituation (psychomotor). Aqidah akhlak education should push all these aspects towards achieving the perfection of life based on Islamic values. The formation of karimah character among madrasah aliyah students through the learning of aqidah akhlak. The purpose of aqidah akhlak education is to instill and improve the faith of students and raise awareness to akhlakulkarimah. Learning activities are an effort to create a pedagogical and anthrogic atmosphere that is conducive to the situation and conditions to achieve a more effective, efficient and enjoyable standard of moral competence. The influence of aqidah akhlak education in life and bring changes to the behavior of students who are better and responsible, especially in the implementation of Islamic teachings in everyday life. A teacher is expected to master learning methods that can encourage students to be active in the classroom. The lecture method is very important, but if it is not balanced with other methods or strategies it will become very boring. The inhibition factor in the formation of akhlakulkarimah character, especially through the learning of aqidah akhlak in madrasah aliyah is: the basic ability of the students who follow the lessons of moral aqidah is very diverse. The lack of attention of students to moral problems, learning materials aqidah akhlak emphasize more cognitive aspects, control of students outside the lesson is quite difficult.
Islamic Religious Teachers Innovation in Improving Students Learning Outcomes During Covid-19 Pandemic Sagaf S. Pettalongi; Abbas Abbas; Sitti Hasnah
Publisher : Department of Islamic Education, Postgraduate Program State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (775.823 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/ijcied.Vol4.Iss1.45


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning innovation of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Improving Student Learning Outcomes during the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP Negeri 1 Sirenja, Donggala Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection was done by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that the innovation used by the teacher in the learning process was the implementation of online learning. The media used in online learning is by utilizing WhatsApp, Google Classroom, or Zoom media. Barriers faced by teachers in carrying out learning innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic are limited facilities, internet quotas, and networks. The results achieved from the learning innovations of Islamic religious education teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic did not show significant educational developments. This fact can be seen from the results of students' scores, which have decreased compared to learning outcomes before the COVID-19 pandemic. The implication of this research is that the learning innovation of Islamic religious education teachers in improving student learning outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 1 Sirenja district has been carried out by teachers.
Online Islamic Religious Education Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Nurdin Nurdin; Nurliana Nurliana; Saepudin Mashuri
Publisher : Department of Islamic Education, Postgraduate Program State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (809.878 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/ijcied.Vol4.Iss1.46


The Covid-19 pandemic has forced schools to carry out online learning. This study aims to determine the implementation of online learning and the challenges for teachers, students, and parents. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and written document studies. The data were analyzed using data reduction techniques, presentation, and verification. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of online learning at State Junior High School 1 Pasangkayu is less effective. The learning media used is the WhatsApp application with the assignment method in photos, documents, videos, and links. The problems faced by teachers in online learning are students' low interest in learning and lack of mastery of Information Technology. Meanwhile, the problem for students is that they cannot afford the internet quota and do not have an internet quota. They are bored, and their learning concentration is disturbed, they do not understand the material, the internet network is not stable. Problems for parents are low economic ability and low education level. The implication of this research is the need to apply online learning creatively and innovatively in presenting learning materials. In addition, it is also necessary to combine online and offline learning so that students who do not have an Android cellphone and a stable network can participate in learning during the pandemic.
Morals of Faith Teaching at Madrasah Aliyah Daru al Da'wah wa al Irsyad (DDI) Salumbia Dondo District Tolitoli Regency Kamaruddin Kamaruddin; Ulil Amri; Askar Askar
Publisher : Department of Islamic Education, Postgraduate Program State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.848 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/ijcied.Vol4.Iss1.47


Implementation of morals of faith Learning is the central pillar in shaping the character of good students so that schools have their value in implementing educational programs. This study aims to determine the entire series of implementation of morals of faith learning in madrasas. The study used qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation, in-depth interviews and written documents. Based on the results of data analysis using Behavioristic learning theory, it shows that the learning of morals of faith is carried out by reinforcing the form of advice before and after the learning is carried out. Then students are given a stimulus in the form of awards when learning is carried out well and given guidance again if students have not achieved the learning objectives well. Furthermore, the teacher adapts according to the learning conditions faced in the classroom. This study also shows that learning morals of faith is to instil a strong belief in students in Allah SWT. This form of learning is carried out through direct face-to-face and online learning (E-Learning). Morals of faith learning is also carried out in a combination between lectures, question and answer discussions and exemplary methods.
Islamic Religious Teachers Roles in Drug Misuse Prevention Among Students at State Junior High Schools in Palu Adawiyah Pettalongi; Nur Atika; Rusdin Rusdin
Publisher : Department of Islamic Education, Postgraduate Program State Institute for Islamic Studies Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.82 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/ijcied.Vol4.Iss1.48


The focus of this research is the roles of Islamic teachers in the prevention of drug misuse by students of a state junior high school in Palu city, central Sulawesi. This study aims to determine what approaches and methods have been carried out by schools, especially Islamic religious education teachers, to prevent drug misuse by the students of the school. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and document studies. The data obtained was then analyzed through the data reduction and presentation techniques. The study found that the level of drug misuse by the students was relatively high. It was said that the school is a red zone. There were approximately 60 students exposed to drug abuse at the school in 2019. As for the prevention strategies, the school implemented several policies and programs such as conducting basic leadership training, full-day programs at school, religious coaching, and other positive activities. The approaches taken by Islamic religious education teachers in preventing drug abuse are pedagogic, cultural, personality psychology approaches, family involvement, emotional approaches, Islamic guidance, counseling approaches, and religiosity approaches.

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