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Aswin Lim
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Indonesian Geotechnical Journal
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As all geotechnical engineers are aware of, soil behaviour can vary significantly from places to places. Design methodologies available in existing literature, especially on correlations of soil investigation and soil parameters, may not apply to local conditions. It is necessary to tailor well-established knowledge to the geotechnical problems related to Indonesia. The Indonesian Geotechnical Journal aims to address this problem by providing an open-access peer-reviewed journal. This journal provides a platform for authors to publish their state-of-the-art knowledge for practicing engineers as well as the academic society. Although the Indonesian Geotechnical Journal is intended to provide an outlet for Indonesia geotechnical research, suitable contributions from other countries will be most welcomed. Indonesia has a very complex geology, a meeting point of two continental plates and two oceanic plates. This means that the soil conditions in different part of Indonesia can vary greatly. Being at the meeting point of tectonic plates also mean that Indonesia, in addition to earthquake prone, has hilly and mountainous terrains. Further aggravating the conditions, Indonesia has a tropical climate, meaning high rainfall. Hilly terrain with high rainfall and earthquake is a recipe for slope failures. Mitigation of slope failure is something sought throughout Indonesia. Indonesia also has significant soft soil problems, with the fast-paced development of infrastructure in the recent years, various ground improvement techniques were adopted. The success and not so successful stories can be shared through the Indonesian Geotechnical Journal. Allowing exchange of knowledge and experience to enable engineers to build a better Indonesia. The scopes of topics include soil and rock mechanics, material properties and fundamental behaviour, site characterization, foundations, excavations, tunnels, dams and embankments, slopes, landslides, geological and rock engineering, ground improvement, bio-geotechnics, Geotechnical earthquake engineering, liquefactions, waste management, geosynthetics, offshore engineering, risk and reliability applications, physical and numerical modelling, and case-history.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Vol.1 , No.1, April 2022" : 5 Documents clear
Parametric study of tunnel analysis in clay shale on short term and long-term conditions using finite element method Danang Setiya Raharja; I Wayan Sengara; Imam Achmad Sadisun
Indonesian Geotechnical Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Vol.1 , No.1, April 2022
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (920.499 KB) | DOI: 10.56144/igj.v1i1.4


This study aims to determine the characteristics and classification of clay shale in West Java and their implications for tunnel stability under short and long-term conditions using the finite element method. Data were collected from projects in West Java containing clay shale spread over four rock formations, namely Cihoe (Tpc), Subang (Tms), Cantayan (Mtts/Mttc), and Jatiluhur (Tmj). Each formation has varying mechanical and engineering properties. The value of SPT from Cihoe formation can be categorized in three conditions, SPT < 40, SPT 40-60, and SPT > 60 for fully, highly to moderately, and slightly weathered, respectively. Meanwhile, the value of SPT of Subang formation can be categorized in two conditions, SPT < 60 and SPT >60 for fully and highly weathered, respectively. The data collected were analyzed to determine the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) and Hardening Soil (HS) parameters for Plaxis modeling. The model applied three variations of overburden thickness between 3 times, 6 times, and 9 times the tunnel diameter (3d, 6d, and 9d respectively). The greater the overburden thickness, the lower the surface deformation. The HS model gives better results than the MC model because it considers non-linearity. The minimum effective parameters needed to support tunnel during construction to meet the allowable deformation for 3d overburden conditions and the particular reinforcement system are c' 53kPa, ϕ' 28°, and E'50ref 30,000 kPa. Long-term conditions possess lower stability than short-term, while prolonged deformations increase after construction and provide a rise in tunnel lining stress that needs to be considered in the design stage. The application of 2D tunnel modeling needs to be carefully analyzed, thereby representing the behavior of a continuous or 3D tunnel structure.
Interpolation method for spatial distribution of clay content within residual soil Alfrendo Satyanaga; Aswin Lim; Nurly Gofar
Indonesian Geotechnical Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Vol.1 , No.1, April 2022
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (679.507 KB) | DOI: 10.56144/igj.v1i1.5


Residual soil is covering some parts of the tropical country such as Singapore. It is commonly known that residual soil is associated with variability either horizontally or vertically. As a result, it is necessary to have a method to determine the distribution of soil properties to minimize the need to have an excessive amount of boreholes before the commencement of the construction project. This paper presents the suitable interpolation method for the spatial distribution of clay content across Singapore island. The common term related to the spatial distribution of soil properties is called digital soil map. The selection of the best method to generate this map depends on different factors. Therefore, each case requires a thorough evaluation and comparison based on the interpolation results. Singapore's digital elevation model and its boundary were utilized in this study. A digital soil map was developed using ArcGIS software based on two interpolation methods such as ordinary kriging, and the inverse distance weighted method. These two methods were cross-validated and compared based on the regression analysis of the analyses results. Cross-validation was performed to verify the correctness of the mentioned interpolation methods. In order to validate the interpolation results, the mean error and the root mean square error were used. The results suggest that ordinary kriging could be used as a suitable method to generate the spatial distribution of clay content obtained from boreholes in Singapore.
The site characterization of central jakarta soft soil using CPTu and laboratory test Andrianto Muliawan Permana; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo
Indonesian Geotechnical Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Vol.1 , No.1, April 2022
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1424.223 KB) | DOI: 10.56144/igj.v1i1.6


Construction activities has been named as one of the contributing factors to Jakarta’s alarming rate of land subsidence, which ranges between 1 to 15 cm annually, and up to 28 cm in some locations. This problem is commonly known as settlement, and the affected soft soil is usually attributed to under-consolidating soil (UC). In regards to that matter, this study aims to characterize the soft soil layer in Central Jakarta using the Cone Penetration Test with pore pressure measurement (CPTu) and laboratory assessment. In addition, Undrained Shear Strength () and Pore Pressure Ratio (and ) methods were used to estimate the over-consolidation Ratio (OCR) values. The data collected from 94 boreholes and 30 CPTu showed the soft soil layers in Central Jakarta, which was dominated by high-plasticity silty clay (CH) and clayey silt (MH). The layers are detected between the depth of 0 – 25 m and are characterized by high natural moisture content, void ratio, liquidity index, and compression index values. Within this layer of under consolidated soils, the indication of relatively low dry unit weight was also present. Furthermore, the laboratory tests showed several correlations related to under-consolidating soil, i.e. void ratio to in-situ effective stress, void ratio to compression index, and compression index to natural moisture content. The CPTu test interpretations returned a number of under-consolidation soil layer samples in Central Jakarta. Moreover, the result also indicates the presence of under-consolidating properties, as well as normally consolidated and lightly over-consolidated.
The analysis of pile-pile cap behavior under static loading test using distributed fiber optic sensor Tanti Muliati; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo; Bondan Widi Anggoro; Ricky Setiawan
Indonesian Geotechnical Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Vol.1 , No.1, April 2022
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1187.673 KB) | DOI: 10.56144/igj.v1i1.7


Pile-Pile cap behavior was investigated in this study through the utilization of fiber optic sensors to continuously transmit information along the bored pile at a reading interval of 40 mm during each cycle of the static loading test. It is important to note that the fiber optic cables were installed on the two sides of the bored pile connected up to the pile cap to monitor the stress distribution beneath the pile cap while fiber optic sensors were installed under the pile cap. The ultimate axial bearing capacity expected to be achieved using the pile-pile cap configuration was 190 tons x 250% but failure occurred when the load used was increased to 190% of the design load. Therefore, the strain measurement obtained from the Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor Technology was analyzed to obtain information on the load transfer, pile shortening, mobilized unit skin friction, and mobilized end bearing at the pile-pile cap. The load portion carried out by pile cap was approximated at 6% to 23% from the actual top load applied. It was also discovered that the fiber optic sensors initially installed were able to record the strain caused to the soil by the load on the pile cap. The strain measurements on the soil made the zone of influence due to the loading of the foundation to reach two times the length of the pile while the biggest zone of influence lies at the end of the foundation. From recorded strain, show higher strain from one side compared to the other, this may indicate eccentricity of the load.
Making PGA hazard curve in big cities of bengkulu by using USGS PSHA modified Chintya Meidina Azwar; Arifan Jaya Syahbana; Anggun Mayang Sari; Muhammad Asrurifak; Hendriyawan Hendriyawan; Masyhur Irsyam
Indonesian Geotechnical Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Vol.1 , No.1, April 2022
Publisher : Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (743.501 KB) | DOI: 10.56144/igj.v1i1.8


The tectonic plate movement that limits the Indonesian territory causes frequent earthquakes because the plates have dynamic rocks properties with varying strengths. The collision of the plates causes fault zones, such as in Bengkulu, a region traversed by the Sumatran fault with a record of many earthquakes. The rapid growth and development of technology could support increased infrastructure development by considering earthquakes a major global hazard. Therefore, this study aimed to create a PGA hazard curve useful in improving infrastructure development in Bengkulu's big cities. Data were sourced from the Book of Indonesian Earthquake Hazard and Source 2017. The United States Geological States Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (USGS PSHA) software was modified regarding the Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) database. The GMPE used in this study are (1) BC Hydro (2012) updated for subduction source; (2) Campbel Bozorgnia (2014), Boore Atkinson (2014) and Chiou Young (2014) for shallow crustal source, and (3) Zhao et al. (2006) and Abrahamson et al. (2018) for intraslab, with 500, 1,000, 2,500, 5,000, and 10,000 years return periods. The results obtained using the new GMPE showed a change in the maximum acceleration. The Hazard Curve (HC) and PGA map showed that the Kepahiang and Lebong Districts have the highest PGA values of 1.8070 and 1.8433 g, respectively, for the 10,000 year return period. The lowest value was 0.297g recorded in Rejang Lebong for 500 year return period.

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