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Artificial Neural Network Model for Prediction of Bearing Capacity of Driven Pile Maizir, Harnedi; Gofar, Nurly; Kassim, Khairul Anuar
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 22, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (883.895 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2015.22.1.6


Abstract. This paper presents the development of ANN model for prediction of axial capacity of a driven pile based on Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) test data. As many as 300 sets of high quality test data from dynamic load test performed at several construction projects in Indonesia and Malaysia were selected for this study.Input considered in the modeling are pile characteristics (diameter, length as well as compression and tension capacity), pile set, and hammer characteristics (ram weight, drop height, and energy transferred).An ANN model (named: ANN-HM) was developed in this study using a computerized intelligent system for predicting the total pile capacity as well as shaft resistance and end bearing capacity for various pile and hammer characteristics. The results show that the ANN-HM serves as a reliable prediction tool to predict the resistance of the driven pile with coefficient of correlation (R) values close to 0.9 and mean squared error (MSE) less than 1% after 15,000 number of iteration process. Abstrak. Makalah ini menyajikan pengembangan model ANN untuk prediksi kapasitas daya dukung axial tiang pancang berdasarkan data uji Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA). Sebanyak 300 set data uji dari uji beban dinamis yang dilakukan pada beberapa proyek konstruksi di Indonesia dan Malaysia dipilih untuk penelitian ini. Variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah karakteristik tiang pancang (diameter, panjang serta kapasitas tekan dan tarik), set, dan karakteristik palu penumbuk tiang (berat palu, tinggi jatuh dan energi yang ditransfer). Model ANN (yang dinamakan: ANN-HM) dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan intelligent system dalam ANN untuk memprediksi daya dukung tiang total yang didistribusikan kepada tahanan ujung dan tahanan sisi untuk berbagai jenis tiang dan palu penumbuk tiang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ANN-HM dapat diandalkan untuk memprediksi daya dukung tiang pancang dengan koefisien korelasi (R) mendekati 0,9 dan rata-rata kesalahan kuadrat (MSE) kurang dari 1 % setelah 15.000 kali proses iterasi.
Pengaruh Penambahan Lempung Terhadap Kuat Geser dan Kerapatan Pasir Desmarita Tarjudin; Nurly Gofar
Borneo Engineering : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/be.v1i1.2477


 In soil mechanics, soil is generally categorized as sand and clay. The term sand represents a cohesionless coarse-grained while clay is a fine-grained soil with shear strength mainly derived from cohesion. In loose conditions the sand has low shear strength and is prone to shear failure. Many studies have been carried out to study the strength properties of sand and clay mixtures. In this case, the effect of clay content on the angle of repose is studied and also on the shear strength of the sand tested through direct shear testing. In addition, sand density testing was performed to identify the mechanism of shear strength increase when the sand is mixed with clay. That the angle of repose of the sand used in this study was 30o. The angle increased liniearly with the addition of clay because the clay which has finer grain characteristics can fill the void of sand resulting in a more stable mound with steeper angle.  From the direct shear test results, it was found that the addition of clay resulted in an increase in the internal shear angle. The soil cohesion increases with the addition of clay up to 20% and then decreases. The same results were obtained from the results of the soil density test where the maximum sand density was obtained at the clay content of 20%-25%. 
JURNAL REKAYASA Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Jurnal REKAYASA
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan. Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37037/jrftsp.v11i1.98


Kombinasi Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) dan pembebanan awal dengan menggunakan tekanan vakum telah banyak digunakan untuk menstabilkan tanah lunak sebagai pondasi Jalan bebas hambatan (jalan tol) di Sumatera Selatan. Pemilihan metode tersebut didasarkan pada hasil penyelidikan tanah di lapangan. Pemantauan diperlukan untuk memastikan metode tersebut dapat memperbaiki kinerja tanah secara efektif. Makalah ini menyajikan studi kasus timbunan jalan tol di atas tanah yang diperbaiki dengan PVD dan tekanan vakum di sepanjang ruas Kayu Agung – Palembang. Karakteristik tanah dan konfigurasi PVD serta data tahap pembebanan, tekanan vakum, penurunan, dan tekanan air pori dikumpulkan di zona 3 STA 44+660 – 44+780. Data penurunan yang dibaca dari settlement plate dianalisis menggunakan metode Asaoka dan Hiperbolik untuk mendapatkan penurunan akhir dan derajat konsolidasi. Derajat konsolidasi yang diperoleh dari perhitungan menggunakan metode Asaoka dan Hiperbolik kemudian dibandingkan dengan data tekanan air pori yang didapatkan oleh piezometer. Hasilnya menunjukkan kecocokan yang baik antara prediksi penurunan menggunakan metode Asaoka dan Hiperbolik. Data tekanan air pori menunjukkan bahwa tanah telah mencapai konsolidasi 100% pada saat tekanan vakum dan pengamatan dihentikan untuk pelaksaan tahapan konstruksi selanjutnya. Pengujian sondir yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah perbaikan tanah menunjukkan peningkatan daya dukung tanah.
Pengaruh Penambahan Pasir Terhadap Daya Dukung Subgrade Jalan Yudha Fardyansah; Nurly Gofar
Cantilever: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Bidang Teknik Sipil Vol 9 No 2 (2020): Cantilever
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Sriwijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (980.674 KB) | DOI: 10.35139/cantilever.v9i2.42


The performance of flexible pavement is highly influenced by the quality of subgrade material. In Palembang, the foundation soil is usually consisted of clay which is sensitive to change in water content caused by rainfall as well as inundation. This paper presents results of laboratory study on the effect of adding sand to clay to be used as subgrade material for urban roads. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values were used as indication of strength improvement of the subgrade in unsoaked and soaked conditions. The suitability of the stabilized soil for use as subgrade of pavement construction in response to normal and inundated conditions was further assessed through field verification using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer. Results of both laboratory and field studies indicated that addition of 21% sand by dry weight give the most improvement in terms of CBR value. In this case, the CBR unsoaked increased from 8% to 18% while the CBR soaked increased from less than 3% to 8%. Field verification showed that the CBR of compacted natural soil decreased from 8% to 2% after rainfall while the CBR of the sand stabilized soil decreased from 17% to 8%. Thus the sand stabilized clay is expected to perform adequately even after subjected to rainfall and inundation.
Artificial Neural Network Model for Prediction of Bearing Capacity of Driven Pile Harnedi Maizir; Nurly Gofar; Khairul Anuar Kassim
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 22 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2015.22.1.6


Abstract. This paper presents the development of ANN model for prediction of axial capacity of a driven pile based on Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) test data. As many as 300 sets of high quality test data from dynamic load test performed at several construction projects in Indonesia and Malaysia were selected for this study.Input considered in the modeling are pile characteristics (diameter, length as well as compression and tension capacity), pile set, and hammer characteristics (ram weight, drop height, and energy transferred).An ANN model (named: ANN-HM) was developed in this study using a computerized intelligent system for predicting the total pile capacity as well as shaft resistance and end bearing capacity for various pile and hammer characteristics. The results show that the ANN-HM serves as a reliable prediction tool to predict the resistance of the driven pile with coefficient of correlation (R) values close to 0.9 and mean squared error (MSE) less than 1% after 15,000 number of iteration process. Abstrak. Makalah ini menyajikan pengembangan model ANN untuk prediksi kapasitas daya dukung axial tiang pancang berdasarkan data uji Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA). Sebanyak 300 set data uji dari uji beban dinamis yang dilakukan pada beberapa proyek konstruksi di Indonesia dan Malaysia dipilih untuk penelitian ini. Variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah karakteristik tiang pancang (diameter, panjang serta kapasitas tekan dan tarik), set, dan karakteristik palu penumbuk tiang (berat palu, tinggi jatuh dan energi yang ditransfer). Model ANN (yang dinamakan: ANN-HM) dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan intelligent system dalam ANN untuk memprediksi daya dukung tiang total yang didistribusikan kepada tahanan ujung dan tahanan sisi untuk berbagai jenis tiang dan palu penumbuk tiang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ANN-HM dapat diandalkan untuk memprediksi daya dukung tiang pancang dengan koefisien korelasi (R) mendekati 0,9 dan rata-rata kesalahan kuadrat (MSE) kurang dari 1 % setelah 15.000 kali proses iterasi.
Risk Management Analysis on Infrastructure Construction Projects with Lumpsum System and Price Unit Contract System Saeman Saeman; Nurly Gofar
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.4816


This study aims to identify risks in various construction projects and what risk factors have the mostinfluence on each type of project at each stage, to find out which types of contracts have a high level of cost risk, higher time and quality between the two types of contracts based on the results of the analysis using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, analyzing risk on projects with lumpsum contracts and unit price, risk factors that influence these projects and which is more risky between the two contracts based on the results of the risk level analysis, conducting risk analysis on various construction projects based on the project owner and which is more risky between private or government project owners based on the results of the risk level analysis, developing a lump sum contract model and unit price whether m Indeed, there are different ways of handling risk for projects based on empirical data obtained from respondents. This implementation was carried out at the Jambi UIN STS Campus which is located at Jalan Jambi – Muara Bulian, Sungai Duren, Jambi Outer City District, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi 36657. This study uses Survey method using questionnaires and interviews (Interview). The data obtained were then processed and analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Respondents in this study were contractors who had experience working on projects with lump sum contracts and unit price contracts. The number of respondents (sample) used is 32 respondents. The results of the analysis using the AHP method showed that in the construction project at the UIN STS Jambi Campus, the risk factor for the use of unit price contracts was higher than the lump sum contract with a ratio of 57.87%: 42.13%. From these results, it is recommended that contractors pay more attention to the dominant risk factors identified before participating in the tender process or before signing the contract as consideration for anticipating risks and avoiding project cost overruns, project completion time delays and the resulting project quality so as not to cause losses which is getting bigger.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 18 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jts.v18i1.3933


The construction of Levee or river embankment is one method adopted for flood control in Palembang. The stability of the embankment is affected by water seepage inside the embankment due to several factors including rainfall as well as the repeated rise and fall of water surface in the sea due to gravity of moon and sun. Palembang is located 106 km from the east coast of Sumatra, thus the free water surface in Musi river and its tributaries is affected by the sea level. The stability of the levee is affected by the repeated change in the water level which induces changing seepage direction. This paper discusses the stability of levees constructed along Sungai Lacak, one of Musi river tributaries. In this case the stability of the existing levees was evaluated for different conditions of free water level i.e. normal, low tide and high tide. Analysis was also conducted for the case when the levee was constructed following the guidance in Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI 1724-2015) and Guidelines of Public Work Department (2017). Improvement on the stability was obtained if the embankment was to be rebuilt according to the specification given in the standard. The presence of riprap protects the embankment from the effect of changing seepage direction due to the rise and fall of water level, thus increased the safety factor of the ideal levee during high tide from 1.270 to 2.325.
TEKNIKA: Jurnal Teknik Vol 9 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas IBA Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35449/teknika.v9i1.206


Pembangunan ruas jalan tol di Sumatra Selatan menghadapi dua permasalahan. Pertama sebagian besar ruas jalan dibangun di atas deposit tanah lunak sehingga tanah dasar harus diperbaiki untuk mempercepat proses konsolidasi dan mendapatkan daya dukung yang memadai. Kedua, timbunan yang diperlukan untuk mencapai elevasi rencana jalan tol cukup tinggi sehingga diperlukan perkuatan untuk memperbaiki kestabilan lereng. Paper ini memuat hasil kajian mengenai pengaruh perbaikan tanah dasar menggunakan PVD dan tekanan vakum, pemasanngan lapisan geoteksil dan pemasakan cerucuk di kaki lereng timbunan terhadap stabilitas timbunan jalan tol. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan data yang didapat dari pembangunan ruas jalan tol Kayu Agung – Palembang Seksi 1A, termasuk data geometri, stratifikasi tanah, dan konfigurasi pemasangan PVD dan perkuatan tanah. Data beban jalan di dapatkan dari ketentuan SNI. Analiis stabilitas lereng dilakukan dengan metode Bischop yang terintegrasi dalam program SLOPE/W. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tinggi timbunan yang aman untuk kondisi tanah asal adalah 3,5m. Sedangkan untuk tinggi timbunan 6 m di atas tanah yang telah diperbaiki dengan PVD dan tekanan vakum, didapatkan FK sebesar 1,432. Adanya lapisan geotekstil dan cecuruk di kaki lereng meningkatkan FK menjadi 2,244. Lereng masih daalm kondisi aman dengan sebesar FK 1,619 setelah penambahan beban jalan dan beban trafik sebesar 35 kPa.
Sainstek (e-Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This paper deals with the prediction of shaft resistance of single driven pile based on Meyerhoff formulation and empirical method based on SPT test. The accuracy of these predictions was evaluated by comparing the results with static load test (SLT ) and dynamic loading test analyzed by Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA ) and Case Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP )programs. The data for this study was collected from University Riau Hospital Project in Pekanbaru. The result of static and dynamic pile load test shows that only a small capacity of end resistance was mobilized due to insufficient pile deformation.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 18 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28932/jts.v18i2.4613


The construction of toll roads in South Sumatra faces two problems. First, most of the road sections are built on soft soil deposits, so the soil must be improved to speed up consolidation process and to improve bearing capacity. Second, the embankment required to reach the design elevation of the toll road is quite high so that reinforcement is needed to improve slope stability. This paper contains the results of a study on the effect of soil improvement using PVD and vacuum pressure, installation of geotextile layers and pile at the toe of embankment slopes, on the stability of the embankment.  The analysis were carried out using data obtained from the construction of the Kayu Agung – Palembang toll road Section 1A, including geometry data, soil stratification, and configuration of PVD installation and soil reinforcement. Slope stability analysis was carried out using the Morgenstern & Price method which is integrated in SLOPE/W program. The results of the analysis show that the safe embankment height for the original soil condition is 3.5 m while the required height of embankment was 6 m. Analysis made for the 6 m high embankment using soil properties after ground improvement with PVD and vacuum pressure shows the FoS is still below 1.5. The presence of geotextile layers and pile improved the performance of the embankment and increased the FoS to 2.410. The slope is still in a safe condition with FoS of 1.762 after the construction of toll road and traffic load which induces a combined load of 35 kPa.