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Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability
ISSN : 27768848     EISSN : 27769658     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
The focus and scope of JRGCS are but not limited to Principles and theory of risk assessment and management, Risk assessment policy, standards and regulations, Risk-based decision making and risk management, decision making and decision support systems for risk and disaster management on regional and global scales, Risk perception and communications, Risk assessment and control, Risk characterisation, Dynamic risk assessment, Integration of risk models and quantifications, Advanced concepts and information technologies in risk assessment and management, Integrated, risk assessment and safety management, Integrated risk assessment in developing and rapidly developing countries, Socio-economic, scientific and integrated approaches to sustainable development which consist of covering some issues/topic on: Development and realization of national policies and international treaties for sustainable development, Implementation and monitoring of policies for sustainable development, Changing consumption and production patterns, Developments in cultural diversity, tradition, social systems, globalization, immigration and settlement, and their impact on cultural or social sustainability, Ethical and philosophical aspects of sustainable development Education and awareness of sustainability, Impact of safety, security and disaster management on sustainability, Health-related aspects of sustainability, System analysis methods, including life cycle assessment and management, Sustainable Chemistry, Sustainable utilization of resources such as land, water, atmosphere and other biological resources, New and renewable sources of energy, Sustainable energy preservation and regeneration methods, Quasi-environmental sustainability – short term measures and their long term effects, Effects of global climate change on development and sustainability.
Articles 43 Documents
The Influence of Efficiency on Interest Rate Loan in Indonesia Banking in regards to The Implementation of Expected Credit Losses Syarief Fauzie; Wahyu Sugeng Imam Soeparno; Wahyu Ario Pratomo
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.332 KB) | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v2i1.910


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of efficiency on loan interest rates at banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and their impact before and after the implementation of Expected Credit Losses in Indonesia. The analysis method of this research uses panel data regression with a random effect model to see the effect of efficiency on loan interest rates. The sample of this study uses 22 banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange where the source of research data is from the Bloomberg Finance Lab, Diponegoro University. Efficiency has more influence on loan interest rates before the implementation of expected credit losses than after the implementation. In determining loan interest rates, banks tend to prefer to use credit risk compared to efficiency by looking at the potential profit obtained from looking at the comparison of interbank loan interest rates. These results show that loan interest rates are not easily lowered as a consequence of monetary policy. The results of this study also show that expected credit loss can reduce loan interest rates so that banks are more likely to increase credit risk by increasing loan supply.
Implementation of Work-Life Balance and Work Stress for Job Satisfaction During the Covid-19 Pandemic Marisi Butarbutar; Abdi Kurnia Lubis; Robert Tua Siregar; Supitriyani Supitriyani
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (711.725 KB) | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v2i2.1111


In order to maximize work-life balance, minimize work stress, and utilize teachers as human resources, flexible work arrangements must be implemented. It is intended that the adoption of online learning platforms will lessen stress and boost job satisfaction by requiring teachers to practice work-life balance and flexible scheduling. But in practice, a lot of teachers do not even feel satisfied in their positions. This study aims to examine the relationship between work-life balance, stress at work, and job satisfaction as well as the impact of these factors on job satisfaction. This study focuses on the 168 State High School Civil Servants Teachers in Pematang Siantar City who received their certifications using a proportional random sample technique and normality-based data analysis. The SPSS Statistic version 20 program was used to run the test. The findings demonstrated that the answers met the criteria for job satisfaction, work-life balance, and work stress. The analysis of the correlation coefficient produced strong and favorable results. The results of the hypothesis testing revealed that, during the COVID 19 pandemic, Senior High School Teachers in Pematang Siantar City's work-life balance and work stress have a favorable and significant impact on job satisfaction.
Determining Factors for Sharia Stock Investment Decisions that Have An Impact on Value Recovery Companies During A Pandemic Supitriyani Supitriyani; Musa Fernando Silaen; Marto Silalahi
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (810.189 KB) | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v2i2.1161


Due to the company's ongoing global expansion, numerous investors are competing to invest their money in it. The purpose of this is to get ready for the future. The stock prices of numerous companies have fallen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. But this actually causes Islamic stocks to rise gradually until they finally experience an increase in investors each year. In order to help investors who are considering investing in sharia-based companies, this study aims to test the effects of the determinants of the determinants of Sharia stock investment decisions on company value. Purposive sampling with non-probability sampling was used for the sampling technique. The method used for quantitative descriptive analysis in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The conclusions in this study show that investment opportunities, profitability, debt policy and dividend policy have a significant effect on the value of the company simultaneously and partially the investment opportunity, profitability and debt policy have a significant effect on the value of the company while the dividend policy does not have a significant effect on the value of the company in the Jakarta Islamic Index.
Role of Facebook in Covid-19 Crisis Management and Awareness Raising Efforts in Bangladesh: Sentiment And Thematic Analysis Md Ashraful Islam
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): October
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1217.337 KB) | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v2i2.1167


The advent of social media opened up a new window of opportunity for crisis communication. These platforms hold great promise as emergency communication tools. It is essential to understand the potential of these platforms in reaching people during an unknown circumstance like the covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to assess the role of Facebook in COVID-19 awareness-building efforts and its relevance for crisis communication in the public sector of Bangladesh. Posts and comments from the Facebook page of the Directorate General of Health Service (DGHS) were extracted from January 1 to June 8, 2020. Government efforts were classified and categorized by different themes based on the content of the posts made by the DGHS. Citizen response and the effort of the DGHS were evaluated by sentiment analysis on English comments made by Facebook users. The results show that the DGHS actively initiated posts from the first COVID-19 case with a significant increase in citizen engagement over time. Nine significant themes from the content of the DGHS’s post were identified, among which Facebook live bulletin (28%) and awareness and preventive measures (26%) were the most prevalent themes. Sentiment analysis found the prevalence of positive sentiment in over 20% of the comments. The findings suggest that the DGHS significantly draws public attention through the active use of its Facebook page. Through an official source, Facebook played a key role in facilitating emergency communication during the pandemic and delivering awareness campaigns on behalf of the government.
Detecting Earnings Management in The Reporting of Nigerian Banks: The Distribution of Ratios Approach
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April Volume
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v3i1.1196


Earnings management (EM) practice has raised concerns amongst different stakeholders. Analysing financial reports to detect anomalies aims to reduce associated risks to earnings manipulations and safeguard investors’ funds. This study verifies two main issues (a) whether annual reports of the Deposit Money Banks [DMBs] reflect evidence of EM and (b) whether the DMBs engage in more manipulations in periods ‘After’ mandatory adoption of IFRS relative to ‘Prior’ IFRS periods. The study involves all 19 DMBs in Nigeria, but the established selection criteria constrained the final sample to 17 banks. The final sample comprises 319 observations for each bank-ratio form. We compute 14 bank-specific ‘earnings’ ratios for the different years from 2001 to 2020, obtain the distribution of ratios and estimate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics to address two issues. The finding confirms endemic EM but that the manipulations are not consistently a yearly phenomenon. The evidence supposes more EM for the banks' financials prior- relative to the post-IFRS adoption. The evidence supposes implications for banks to attenuate earnings misreporting. We offer those bank supervisory agencies should ensure appropriate monitoring and engagement of officials during the reporting of bank financial records to circumvent opportunistic misreporting.
The Estimation and Power of Alternative Discretionary Accruals Models
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April Volume
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v3i1.1197


Discretionary accruals remain decade’s long measures to detect earnings management in empirical accounting research. The correctness of the specifications and test power of the information content for the models remains unexplored based on samples of most emerging market firms. Yet, country’s-based researchers have increasingly used different Jones-based discretionary accruals to proxy earnings management. The paper aims to evaluate four discretionary accruals models and to decide the most appropriate one for the detection of earnings management. For the aim, we apply regression methods to estimate and evaluate four Jones-type discretionary accruals models – simple Jones, modified Jones, extended Jones cash flow model and working capital accruals – based on evidence of a final sample of 1,852 firm-year of 102 firms in Nigeria during 2001–2020. The results disclose that all models are well-specified such that the likelihood of Type I errors is minimum and below the significance level of 5%. In order to demonstrate the power of the test, the simulations completed identify that the modified Jones model exhibits the highest power capability. The implication of this finding is that the modified Jones model is the most appropriate model to detect earnings management based on the Nigerian sample.
Role of Calamba City Local School Board in Good Governance
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April Volume
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v3i1.1227


This study looked into the lived experiences of seven members of the Calamba Local School Board (LSB) in regard to their role in good governance. A proposal to reformulate the LSB clause in the Local Government Code was proposed as a guide for policymakers to adopt reforms in the body as a result of this study. This study used a qualitative research approach based on phenomenology. The ten superordinate themes identified through thematic analysis were Constituent Needs, External Motivators, Different People Providing Assistance, Various Perceptions on Helpful Inputs, Roles of LSB Members, Good Governance Practices, Positive Feelings, Different Challenges, and Varied Solutions. The first theme explored the role of the LSB members in ensuring transparency and accountability. The second theme showed how the members of the LSB ensured that the needs of the constituents were responded to. As for the third theme, it enumerated what made them motivated in ensuring good governance. The fourth theme elaborated on who helped them in ensuring good governance, meanwhile the fifth theme elaborated on how they perceived their help in ensuring good local governance. The sixth and seventh theme revealed their roles in the LSB in ensuring good and effective governance. The eight theme revealed the positive feelings of the members of the LSB when they were able to provide good governance. The ninth and the tenth theme revealed various challenges faced by the LSB as well as steps taken by its members in solving those challenges.
Legal Protection for Outsourced Workers/Laborers Towards Diploma Detention Policy Committed by The Employer
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April Volume
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v3i1.1378


The massive development in business and the economy has provided new opportunities for the people in Indonesia, especially with the dream of improving careers and wages. However, at the same time, the recruiting system aiming to get the best workers is so complex that even it creates a new system called outsourcing. Unfortunately, this system has a few disadvantages for workers, especially concerning diploma detention cases. This study aims to analyze the legal protection for outsourced workers/laborers in Indonesia. This research uses the normative legal research method. The legal material secondary to this study is literature dealing with research problems. For processing the data, a conceptual approach and a statutory approach are used, and then descriptive research is used to produce a descriptive analysis. Although the issue of diploma detention is not commonly discussed in Indonesia, it can be said that the core of this problem is the minimum knowledge of the law and regulations. Thus, legal protection based on Indonesian Law and Regulation for the outsourced workers/laborers should be openly socialized to all outsourced workers/laborers. To limit the scope of this study, the analysis concerns to analyze the legal protection for outsourced workers/laborers in Indonesia based on the applicable law. The novelty of this research study is to provide a better idea and understand the possibility of criminal sanction for employers as one Legal Protection form for outsourced workers/laborers.
Does Financial Performance Mediate the Impact of Green Accounting and Environmental Performance on Firm Value?
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April Volume
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v3i1.1487


Various environmental problems in the world because business activities are not responsible for their activities and their impact on the environment. The responsibility of companies make by paying for their environmental costs can help reduce future costs. This paper aims to examine whether financial performance mediates the impact of green accounting and environmental performance on firm value. The method used is quantitative with a causality design. The sampling method uses purposive sampling to test the relationship between variables. The data used is panel data with a total of 83 companies during 2016 - 2021. The method of analysis in this study uses path analysis. The authors find that green accounting and environmental performance affect financial performance. While green accounting, environmental and financial performance affect firm value. The relationship between green accounting, environmental performance, and firm value is not mediated by financial performance. It shows that the business is increasing environmental costs and participating in the PROPER award can carry out activities that do not directly harm the environment, and the company is environmentally conscious. This condition fits the legitimacy and stakeholder theory. If the business can focus on environmental management, the community will accept it well, and the company will have a good reputation. High trust and loyalty enhance the company's profits and value. This study varies from other research in that it comprehensively examines the effects of green accounting and environmental performance, both direct and indirect, on financial performance and firm value.
Determining the Illegal Waste Disposal in Coastal Area using Transect Walk Approach
Journal of Governance Risk Management Compliance and Sustainability Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): April Volume
Publisher : Center for Risk Management & Sustainability and RSF Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31098/jgrcs.v3i1.1501


The increasing population and anthropogenic activities in cities/regencies in Indonesia have caused many waste-related problems, which can trigger environmental and human health. In addition to population growth, rapid economic development has resulted in an increasing amount and type of waste. The coastal area is one area that still needs to get adequate solid waste services. There have been many studies on waste management. However, research has yet to examine the amount and composition of waste generation in coastal areas that have not been served by waste management.. This study shows the waste generation and composition trend in coastal areas that must be served in waste management and determines the appropriate waste management strategy. This research method uses a transect walk survey carried out by following a predetermined route in the area. Paths are made randomly by forming circles or straight lines for 10 km. The composition of illegal waste dumps found included leaves (69.02%), plastic (15.24%), branches and twigs (9.93%), paper and cardboard (3.75%), food waste (1.97%), and rubber (0.1%). At least 1.59 tonnes/day of illegal waste is estimated in Sidorejo Village. While this figure increases at the district level, the amount of unaccommodated waste is estimated at 19.85 tonnes/day. Efforts to handle waste that can be done are changing the mindset and paradigm of the community through an educational approach, improving the waste management system by providing waste facilities and reducing the amount of waste collected through a simple program (Reuses, Reduces, Recycle) that involves the community.