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Islam & Contemporary Issues
Published by Medan Resource Center
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27983307     DOI : 10.57251
Islam & Contemporary Issues is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Medan Resource Center. The journal aims to facilitate academic articles and scholarly writings on empirical research in the field of Islamic studies. It is open to academics, students, researchers, and practitioners interested in contributing their thoughts, particularly in Islamic studies and humanities perspectives. The journal is published biannually in March and September and accepts articles in both Indonesian and English.
Articles 40 Documents
Implementasi Akhlak terhadap Keluarga, Tetangga dan Lingkungan Ira Suryani; Hasan Ma’tsum; Gumilang Wibowo; Ali Sabri; Rika Mahrisa
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i1.1


The position of morals in human life occupies an important place, both as individuals and as part of members of society and the nation, because the ups and downs of a society depend on how moral it is. As Muslims we already have examples and role models in Islamic morality, the Prophet Muhammad, who was sent by Allah to perfect human morals, is an example for the Islamic ummah in their behavior. Rasulullah Saw guided mankind in their behavior through their actions and words which reflected the morals of a Muslim. If humans are able to follow all the actions of the Prophet, be it actions, traits or characters, then it will be certain that all living things will live in a noble world and in the hereafter.
Ekonomisasi Agama di Jember: Studi Warung dengan Gelar Haji di Kota Jember Bagus Prayogi; Litza Fauziyah; Cikal Maryam Oktaviani
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i1.2


Ekonomi merupakan aspek penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Seluruh kegiatan sehari-hari masyarakat tidak akan pernah lepas dari ekonomi. Ekonmi memiliki cakupan yang begitu luas dalam kehidupan dan tidak bisa lepas dari masyarakat. Islam membawa ekonomi yang ramah kepada masyarakat yang tentunya memberikan kebutuhan dan manfaat bagi setiap orang. Bisnis menjadi salah satu cakupan dari ekonomi, tentunya bisnis yang dilakukan haruslah berdasarkan aturan yang ada, selain motivasi untuk mencari sebuah keuntungan tetapi juga memperhatikan mashlahah di dalam suatu bisnis tersebut. banyak bisnis dan perusahaan berkembang saat ini seperti bisnis makanan ataupun restaurant dan warung di pinggir jalan. Variasi pemilihan makanan pun semakin banyak, selain itu ada keresahan masyarakat mengenai makanan yang dijajakan. Kebersihan menjadi tuntutan khusus dari masyarakat dan juga halalan toyyiban, namun saat ini tidak semua restorant atau rumah makan memiliki sertifikasi halal. walaupun demikian masyarkat management dari restorant atau warung tidak habis akal untuk mempengaruhi minat daya beli masyarakat. salah satunya ialah dengan membawa agama sebagai daya upaya untuk mempengaruhi konsumen untuk membeli makanan. maka dari itu paper ini mengangkat tema : Ekonomisasi Agama Di Jember: Studi Warung Dengan Gelar Haji di Kota Jember. Ada tiga pertanyaan yang terdapat dalam paper ini pertama, bagaimana konsep dari ekonomisasi agama?. Kedua, bagaimana strategi management warung dengan gelar Haji di Jember?. Ketiga, bagaimana dampak dari ekonomisasi agama dari warung dengan menggunakan gelar haji?. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menjalaskan konsep ekonomisasi agama. phenomenology sosiohistoris untuk menjelaskan strategi warung H Slamet dan H dullah serta dampak dari ekonomisasi agama. tujuan paper ini yaitu pertama mengetahui konsep dari ekonomisasi agama. Kedua, mengetahui startegi warung H Slamet dan H dullah untuk menggaet pelanggan. Ketiga, mengetahui dampak dari ekonomisasi agama dari warung H Slamet dan H dullah.
Karakteristik Akhlak Islam dan Metode Pembinaan Akhlak dalam Pemikiran Al-Ghazali Ira Suryani; Hasan Ma’tsum; Sri Suharti; Dewi Lestari; Akublan Siregar
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i1.3


One of the main missions of Islam is to perfect human morals. With this mission, humans are expected to become moral beings, namely creatures who are fully responsible for all their actions. Akhlak al Karimah which is taught in Islam is the ultimate goal that must be adhered to by every Muslim. Someone who wants to get true happiness, should make morals as a basis for acting and behaving. On the other hand, people who do not care about moral development are people who have no purpose in life.
Peta Konsep Terminologi Teologi dan Ruang Lingkup Studi Akidah Akhlak Ira Suryani; Hasan Ma’tsum; Mery Fittria; Muhammad Tarmizi
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i1.4


The creed is the basis, the foundation for building a building. The higher the building to be erected, the stronger the foundation must be. If the foundation is weak the building will quickly collapse. There is no building without a foundation. Akidah is the most fundamental problem in Islamic teachings, because it is the basis of the conception of the whole Islamic teachings. So that whether the deeds of humans or Muslims are accepted or not, in the sight of Allah it really depends on the creed itself. Akidah is a religious teaching about belief or belief in God. All divine religions teach about faith as the basis and principle of monotheism, so that from an early age the material of faith is taught to students. The creed that is deeply ingrained for its adherents cannot be bought or exchanged for any object. Humans cannot escape from belief and belief. Without trust and belief, it is impossible for humans to live. People will not dare to eat and drink until they are sure and believe that these foods and drinks do not harm themselves. Likewise all other human activities related to life and life. Everything is inseparable from the elements of belief and belief.
Studi Akidah Akhlak Tentang Nilai Baik dan Buruk Ira Suryani; Hasan Ma’tsum; Sri Baniah; Supriadi Supriadi
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

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Akidah is an element - a basic element of human belief as a belief system that describes the essence and source of religion. Meanwhile, morals are part of an ethical system that describes the direction and goals that religion wants to achieve. A good Muslim is one who has a straight and strong aqidah that guides him to carry out the Shari'a which is only aimed solely at Allah so that a commendable piety is reflected in him. Akidah and morals are closely related. Aqidah that is strong and true is reflected in the praiseworthy character he has and vice versa. In the conception of Islam, akidah morality is not only a medium that includes human relations with Allah SWT, but also includes relationships with humans and others or with their natural surroundings because Islam is truly Rahmatan lil 'aalamin. If these relationships can be implemented in harmony then that is what is meant by the true implementation of morals in a life that makes the world and the hereafter happy. Islam will reward those who have good morals and reward them with good rewards. Adorning oneself with good morals and piety will enter a person into heaven, because piety will benefit the servant and his master, while good morals will benefit between servants and fellow humans.
Rukun Iman dalam Pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak Ira Suryani; Hasan Ma’tsum; Nora Santi; Murali Manik
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i1.7


Faith is one of the important points that must be attached to every Muslim, it is not enough for a person to be only Islam but there is no faith attached to him. Faith is meant to believe in the existence of Allah SWT, angels, messengers, books, the last day and good luck and bad luck. Good in heart, word and deed. Regarding faith in Allah, it is not strange that as Muslims we are required to be able to learn and understand what faith in Allah means. In writing this paper, we will try to describe the meaning of faith in Allah, as well as how the omniscience of Allah that we have always believed is the nature of Allah SWT. I think it is not enough just a lip statement about the oneness or attributes of Allah.
Konsep Pemikiran Tasawuf Falsafi (Ittihad, Hulul Dan Wihdatul Wujud) Devi Umi Solehah
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i2.53


Falsafi Sufism is a concept of Sufism teaching that knows God (ma'rifat) with a ratio of philosophical approaches to a higher level, not only knowing God (ma'rifatullah) but higher than that is wihdatul embodiment (the unitary form of creatures). It can also be said that Falsafi Sufism is a Sufism that is rich in philosophical thought. Philosophical Sufism is an interesting topic to discuss. In this paper, we will discuss the formation and development of philosophical thought (Falsafi Sufism) which consists of: the understanding of philosophical Sufism, the background of philosophical Sufism, the historical development of philosophical Sufism, the figures of philosophical Sufism, the characteristics of philosophical Sufism, and the main teachings of philosophical Sufism.
Pemikiran Al-Ghazali Dalam Konsep Pendidikan Tasawuf Suhardi
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i2.57


Tasawuf sebagai suatu Ilmu yang mempelajari cara dan jalan bagaimana seorang Muslim berada sedekat mungkin dengan Allah, dapat dibedakan kepada tasawuf Amali/Akhlaqi dan tasawuf Falsafi. Dari pengelompokan ini tergambar adanya unsur-unsur ke filsafatan dalam ajaran tasawuf, seperti penggunaan logika dalam menjelaskan maqomat (al-fana-al-baqa, ittihad, hulul, wahdat al-wujud). Objek tasawuf pada dasarnya mengenal Allah, baik dengan jalan ibadah maupun melalui ilaham dan intuisi. Karena itu sufi disebut disebut juga al-ubbad (ahli ibadat) dan al-zuhhdad (ahli zuhud). Dengan menempuh jalan mujahadah (pengekangan hawa nafsu) dan musyahadah (pandangna batin), serta berbicara dengan bahasa intuisi dan pengalaman batin, Allah kemudian menancapkan kedalam jiwa manusia ketika bersih prihal ma’rifah dan hakikat-hakikat maujud. Tasawuf merupakan sisi batin dari ajaran Islam, sementara sisi lahirnya adalah syariah, yang mengandung hukum-hukum keagamaan formal, mengenai apa yang harus apa yang harus dilakukan oleh seseorang (wajibat), serta apa yang seharusnya tidak dilakukan (nahiyat). Tasawuf selain mengisi sisi batiniah dari syariah juga memberikan makna tentang bagaimana hidup bertuhan dengan benar. Dalam konteks ini, tasawuf meberikan penegasan bahwa hidup tanpa memiliki hubungan yang yang harmonis dengan tuhan, adalah hidup yang kosong dan hampa.
Peradaban Dan Pemikiran Islam Pada Masa Dinasti Fathimiyah Himmatul Fitriah
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i2.58


History hasirecorded how theiexistence of the Fatimididynasty to today holdsimany very interestingistories. Not onlyithat, Islamic cultureiis growing rapidly. Theiproof can be seen from theiestablishment of the Al-AzhariMosque which servesias a center for Islamic studies andiscience.The progressiof the scientific field ofithe Fatimid dynasty canialso be proven throughithe existence of DaruliHikam or Darul Ilmu alsoicontributed greatly toithe development ofiIslamic civilization andiintellectuals. Not onlyiscience, the Fatimididynasty also achievediiprosperity in theinfields ofiipolitics, education, economiciiscience and technology, trade, socialiand religiousiaffairs. Therefore, thisiarticle will Trying toire-discover the earlyihistory of the emergenceiof the Fatimididynasty, the Caliphs ofithe Fatimid dynasty, theiperiod of progressiand decline of the Fatimididynasty and theiinfrastructure of theiFatimid dynasty.
Moderasi Beragama Antara Umat Muslim dan Kristen di Desa Sigara-Gara Kecamatan Patumbak Muhammad Alvridho Prayoga; M. Ikhsan Ramadhan; Sabda Hafiz Fakar; Rahmad Daim Harahap; Abdul Ghaffar
Islam & Contemporary Issues Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Medan Resource Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57251/ici.v1i2.77


With its diversity, the Indonesian nation is a society with a diverse range of cultures. Culture, religion, race, language, ethnicity, tradition, and other factors all contribute to diversity. Tensions and conflicts between religious groups are common in such a multi-religious community, and they have an impact on life's peace. In order to achieve the Indonesian nation's peace, religion must be moderated in its diversity. They promote mutual knowledge and awareness of religion in terms of appreciating diversity, pluralism, and a readiness to deal equitably with everyone in social situations. An attitude is required in the form of acknowledging the other party's existence, being tolerant, respecting differences of opinion, and not imposing one's will through violence. The government, community leaders, and religious educators must work together to socialize and promote religious moderation in the community in order to achieve harmony and peace, especially in Sigara-Gara Village, Patumbak District, North Sumatra. The method used is library research.

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