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Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Published by Universitas Sriwijaya
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Core Subject : Health, Science,
The aim of this journal is to become the media for publishing original articles, case reports and latest literature reviews in dentistry and its related fields, with the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. This include: Cariology Conservative Dentistry Dental Biomaterial Esthetic Dentistry Endodontics Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Radiology Oral Biosciences and Microbiology Orthodontics Pediatric Dentistry Periodontology Prosthodontics, and Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
Articles 40 Documents
The Potential Antibacterial Power of Ethanol Extract of Durian Peel (Durio zibethinus murr) Against Enterococcus faecalis Aurelia Maulini Rizky; Danica Anastasia; Listia Eka Merdekawati
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.802 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i1.200


Durian (Durio zibethinus murr) is a fruit with the 4th commodity in Indonesia where the skin has antibacterial properties. Durian peel contains active substances in the form of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and triterpenoids which have significant antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria such as Enterococcus faecalis. This study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of durian peel against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. Methods: This was quasi-experimental using post-test only control group design with 4 treatment groups consisting of ethanol extract of durian peel with concentrations of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 2% chlorhexidine as a control group with 6 repetitions. The antibacterial activity was tested using the agar diffusion method Kirby-Bauer discs with Mueller Hinton Agar media. All groups were assessed after 24 hours of incubation period at 37°C. The diameter of the inhibition zone was calculated using a caliper and the data were analyzed using the One Way ANOVA test and the Post Hoc Games Howel test. Results: There was a significant difference in the antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of durian peel against Enterococcus faecalis between all groups except in the concentration groups of 25% and 20% as well as 15% and 10%. The higher concentration of extract formed a larger clear zone. Conclusion: the ethanol extract of durian peel concentrations of 25%, 20%, 15% and 10% have antibacterial power against Enterococcus faecalis bacteria with an average of 1.69 mm, 1.25 mm, 0.78 mm and 0.42 mm which are classified as weak category.
The Difference of Mesiodistal Tooth Size Ratio Using Bolton Analysis for Palembang and Toba Batak Ethnicities Vida Irena Phelia; Arya Prasetya Beumaputra; Indri Seta Septadina
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.81 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i1.201


Introduction. Bolton's analysis is often used to determine discrepancy in tooth size. Mesiodistal size of teeth in each race & ethnicity is different, resulting in a different ratio of mesiodistal teeth size. The mesiodistal tooth size ratio is very important in determining the orthodontic treatment plan so that a good occlusion can be achieved as the end result of treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the ratio of mesiodistal teeth size between Palembang and Batak Toba ethnic according to Bolton's analysis.Methods. This is a cross-sectional analytic study. The number of participants was 60 subjects divided into 2 groups, Palembang and Batak Toba ethnicity (n=30). All samples consisting of the maxilla and mandible study cast from each participant then were measured the mesiodistal size ratio of the teeth using Bolton's analysis with Sliding Caliper. The data were analyzed using an independent T-test. Results. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant difference between the ratio of mesiodistal tooth size according to Bolton's analysis of the ethnic Palembang and Batak Toba both in the anterior ratio and the overall ratio. Only the anterior ratio of the Toba Batak ethnic group has a significant difference with the Bolton anterior ratio.Conclusion. The Bolton overall ratio (91.3) can be used for the Palembang and Toba Batak ethnic groups in Palembang, while the Bolton anterior ratio (77.2) can only be used for the Palembang ethnic group and cannot be used for the Toba Batak ethnic group in Palembang.
Ratio of Inter Canthal Distance to Mesiodistal Width of Upper Anterior Teeth of the Upper Jaw Between Batak and Minangkabau Tribe Dewi Indah Sari; Sri Wahyuningsih Rais; Tri Suciati
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.918 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i1.202


Introduction. Indonesia is rich in diversity of ethnic groups, each of which has its own characteristics, including the Batak and Minangkabau tribes. One of these characteristics can be seen from the intercanthal distance and mesiodistal width of the six maxillary anterior teeth. This research was aimed to determine whether there is a difference in the ratio of the intercanthal distance to the mesiodistal width of the six maxillary anterior teeth between the Batak and Minangkabau tribes.Methods. This research is analytic observational with nonexperimental correlation design. The research subjects were 60 people with the subject inclusion criteria were aged> 17 years. The intercanthal distance was measured from the median angle of the right eye to the left in the study subjects. Mesiodistal width measurements of six maxillary anterior teeth were performed in the study model, measured from the mesial to the widest distal margin of each tooth. Both measurements were carried out using a digital caliper with three repetitions. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test and independent t-test.Results. The results showed a significant (p> 0.05) and strong relationship between the intercanthal distance and mesiodistal width of the maxillary anterior six teeth in both tribes. The results of the independent t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the two tribes (p <0.05) with the mean value of comparison in the Batak tribe 1:1.42 and the Minangkabau tribe 1: 1.45.Conclusion. There was a significant difference in the ratio of the intercanthal distance to the mesiodistal width of the six maxillary anterior teeth between the Batak and the Minangkabau.
Comparison of Time and Sequence of Permanent Tooth Eruptions in Chinese and Arabic Ethnic Groups Afif R. Thabrani; Shanty Chairani; Tyas Hestiningsih
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.274 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i1.203


Introduction. Tooth eruption is a process of moving teeth into the oral cavity through the soft tissue and mucosa that lines the jaw until it comes into contact with the antagonistic teeth and functions in mastication. The timing and sequence of tooth eruptions for each individual varies, which is influenced by several factors, one of which is race and ethnicity. Indonesia is known as a multi-ethnic country, including Chinese and Arabic ethnic groups. The purpose of the study was to compare the timing and sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in ethnic Chinese and Arabs.Methods. This type of research is an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The sample of this study was 327 children consisting of 201 Chinese and 126 Arab ethnicities with an age range of 6-13 years. The eruption of all permanent teeth was examined except for the third molar. The mean time to eruption of permanent teeth was calculated using the Karber method. The data were analyzed statistically using the Mann-Whitney test.Results. The first permanent teeth erupted in the two ethnic groups were the mandibular central incisors around the age of 7 years and the last eruption was the maxillary second molar around the age of 11 years. Significant differences in the eruption time of the permanent teeth between ethnicities were shown in the maxillary central and second molars and lateral incisors and mandibular first molars (p <0.05). The eruption sequence pattern in both ethnicities was almost the same except for the canines and second premolars in the upper and lower jaws.Conclusion. There are differences in the timing and sequence of eruption of permanent teeth between ethnic Chinese and Arabs.
Acute Pseudomembranous Candidiasis in Patients with Hypertension Lisa Triwardhani; Siti Rusdiana Puspa Dewi
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.67 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i1.204


Introduction. Oral candidiasis is an opportunistic infection that is often found in the oral cavity caused by the growth of candida fungi. The calcium channel blocker antihypertensive drug, amlodipine, has a side effect that can reduce the amount of salivary flow, the reduced amount of saliva will cause anti-candida components in saliva such as lysozyme, histatin, lactoferrin, and calprotectin are also reduced, so that candida can easily develop in the oral cavity. This research was aimed to determine the management of cases of acute pseudomembranous candidiasis in hypertensive patients.Case presentation. A woman 16 years old came to the Mohammad Hoesin Hospital in Palembang with a complaint of a yellowish white spot on the upper surface of her tongue which she noticed since 2 weeks ago. The yellowish white patches feel sore when the patient brushes her tongue with a toothbrush. The patient wasuncomfortable with the state of her tongue so she wants her tongue to be treated. The patient had a history of hypertension since 1 year ago. The patient was given the drug nystatin drop. In the first control, 1 week after administration of the drug, white lesions on the tongue began to decrease and appear thinner compared to the previous visit. In the next control, the patient's tongue was clean so that the use of nystatin was stopped. The supporting investigation is a microbiological examination with a type of fungal culture against a tongue swab. The results of the examination indicated that the microscopic results of the yeast cell (+) KOH and the results of the germ culture in the form of Candida sp. The patient was diagnosed with acute pseudomembranous candidiasis and was treated with topical antifungals and was referred to an internal medicine specialist for hypertension control.Conclusion: Management of oral candidiasis is very important to know, and must be followed by controlling hypertension in the patient so that a good oral prognosis is obtained.
Oral Discomfort And Impaired Oral Function In The Fixed Lingual Orthodontic Treatment Akhyar Dyni Zakyah; Intan Sri Fajarwati
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (597.932 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i2.253


Introduction: Aesthetic consideration has become an important component for patients to decide the use of fixed orthodontic appliance, one of which is the fixed lingual orthodontic appliance. However, there are still many complaints about the discomfort felt by the patient that affects their compliance to the treatment. This paper aims to deliver the knowledge regarding oral discomfort and impaired oral function in the fixed lingual orthodontic treatment to be used as operator and patient education material. Materials and Methods: “lingual braces” was the sole keyword used in three journal databases (Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and PubMed) resulted in 11 journals that was used in this paper. Results: complaints were mostly about speech disturbance (6 journals), discomfort on the tongue (5 journals), pain (1 journal), difficulty in cleaning the oral cavity (4 journals), difficulty in chewing and dietary changes (3 journals), and caries (2 journals). Discussion: discomfort arising during treatment was largely associated with the reduced space which was occupied by the tongue at rest. This resulted in the continuous contraction of the tongue muscles. The contraction increases discomfort and resulted in impaired oral functions such as speech and chewing. The use of bracket that is closer to the surface of the teeth can reduce complaints. Conclusion: the lingual orthodontic bracket position and type of the system used in the treatment affects the patient's comfort. Most of the discomfort appeared in the first 3 months of treatment and decreased with time.
Comparison Of The Effect Of Acid Type Of Cuko Pempek On The Surface Hardness Of Mycrohybrid And Nanohybrid Composite Resin Aisyah Azzahra; Maya Hudiyati; Rinda Yuliati
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.97 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i2.254


Abstract often used nowadays because of the combination of filler with good aesthetic and mechanical strength. Various factors in the oral cavity such as acid solution can affect the surface hardness of composite resin. Cuko pempek is an additional sauce that served which has acidic pH. This study aimed to compare the effect of acid type of cuko pempekhardness of microhybrid and nanohybrid composite. Materials and Methods:Thirty-six samples of microhybrid (n=18) and nanohybrid composite (n=18) with 5 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness were immersed in three different solutions: artificial saliva (control), cuko pempek using vinegar, and cuko pempekSurface hardness was measured before and after immersion using Vickers Hardness Tester. Resultsshowed a significant difference on the surface hardness of composite resin before and after ardness of microhybrid and nanohybrid composites after (p<0,0167) showed statistically significant differences, while there were no cuko pempek using vinegar and tamarind (p>0,0167). This study alsothat there were significant differences on the surface hardness of microhybrid and nanohybrid composite after cuko pempek using vinegar, and cuko pempek using tamarind (p<0,05). face hardness of nanohybrid composite was lower than microhybrid composite after using vinegar and tamarind. composite resin, surface hardness.
The Effect of Vitamin C 1000 mg Beverages on Surface Roughness of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin Almita Rifqi Destyarinta; Sri Wahyuningsih Rais; Martha Mozartha
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (978.564 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i2.255


Introduction: Consumption of vitamin C 1000 mg beverages regularly can increased surface roughness of heat cured acrylic resin which caused by chemical reaction between acids in the beverages and heat cured acrylic resin. This caused by the acidic state in oral cavity and affect the surface roughness of heat cured acrylic resin. Objective: To determine the effect of vitamin C 1000 mg beverage on surface roughness of heat cured acrylic resin. Methods: Forty-four samples of heat cured acrylic resin sized 2 cm x 2 cm x 3 mm were divided into 4 groups. Samples were tested using surface roughness tester (Handysurf, Japan). Afterwards, group I immersed in You C1000 lemon, group II in You C1000 orange, group III in You C1000 apple, and control group in aquadest. Immersion was carried out for 3 days in a 37oC incubator with solutions replacement every 24 hours. Then, carried out the last measurement of surface roughness (post-test) of resin acrylic heat cured. Statistical test used in this study were paired t-test and one way ANOVA. Results: Paired t-test on group I, II and III showed that there were significant increase on surface roughness. One way ANOVA welch showed that there was asignificant difference. Post hoc Games-Howell showed that there was a significant difference on control group compared to group I, II and III. Conclusion: There was an effect of vitamin C 1000 mg beverage on surface roughness of heat cured acrylic resin
Relationship Between Work Stress And Temporomandibular Disorders Risk In Productive Age (Study On Dental Clinical Students Of Sriwijaya University) Rani Purba; Ashrinda Dita Mutiara; Pudji Handayani
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.907 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i2.256


Introduction: It is known that stress is one of the risk factors for Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) occurrence. Dental education programs are universally known to be demanding and can cause stress among dental students particularly dental clinical students. The study of the relationship between stress in dental clinical students and TMD risk has not been done yet. This study aimed to assess the relationship between work stress and TMD risk in productive age (study on dental clinical students of UNSRI Palembang). Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed towards 80 dental clinical students of Sriwijaya University (UNSRI) aged 21-28. The subjects were instructed to fill two kinds of questionnaire, the first one was Dental Environment Stress (DES) to examine the level of dental clinical student’ stress, the other was TMD Diagnostic Index (TMD-DI) to assess the TMD risk. Correlation hypothesis test analysis was carried out between the work stress level of dental clinic students and the risk of TMD. Results: Pearson's correlation test showed a significant correlation between stress in dental clinic students and the risk of TMD. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was 0,724. Conclusion:There was a significant relationship between stress in dental clinical students and the risk of TMD.
Minimum Inhibitory and Fungicidal Concentration Tests Of Snakehead Fish (Channa Striata) Oil Extracts Against Candida Albicans: An In Vitro Study Nabila; Ade Puspa Sari; Trisnawaty K
Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Sriwijaya Journal of Dentistry
Publisher : Dentistry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sriwijaya 

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (421.468 KB) | DOI: 10.32539/sjd.v1i2.258


Introduction: Candida albicans (C. Albicans) is an oral cavity commensal organism that can shift into a pathogenic form under certain conditions. Nowadays, natural substances used as an alternative for a new antifungal agent. Snakehead fish oil extracts have been reported to have antifungal effect i.e; unsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antifungal activity of snakehead fish oil extracts against C. Albicans. Materials and Methods: An in vitro laboratory study with a posttest control group design was established. To produce the snakehead fish oil extracts, wet rendering method was used. The snakehead fish oil extracts then tested with microdilution method to determine Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) against C. Albicans. An 0,062-32 μl/ml concentrations used for the microdilution test and 2-32 μl/ml for the disc-diffusion test. Nystatin (100 μg/ml) was used as the positive control. Results: There were visible growths and no inhibition zone in all concentrations of snakehead fish oil extracts. Conclusion: 0.062-32 μl/ml concentrations of Snakehead fish oil extracts did not have the abilities to decrease the growth of C. albicans.

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