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Barnabas Ohoiwutun
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Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral)
ISSN : 28295234     EISSN : 28295250     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion,
Jurnal SERI MITRA didedikasikan untuk menerbitkan artikel-artikel ilmiah berkualitas bagi siapa saja, namun secara khusus bagi para petugas pastoral (imam, katekis, dan para pemimpin jemaat) dalam melaksanakan pelayanan mereka. SERI MITRA mendorong para akademisi, peneliti, praktisi pastoral, dan mahasiswa menerbitkan hasil penelitian dan analisa kritis mereka di bidang filsafat, teologi dan ilmu-ilmu sosial dan refleksi praksis pastoral untuk memajukan reksa pastoral Gereja dan pelayanan Gereja bagi masyarakat. Jurnal SERI MITRA terbit dua (2) kali dalam setahun, yakni bulan Januari dan Juli
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023 Jurnal Seri Mitra Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral" : 5 Documents clear
Kaul Kemiskinan Masa Kini: Makna, Tantangan dan Pembinaannya Ekanisius Dediyanto; Gregorius Hertanto Dwi Wibowo
Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah - Pastoral) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023 Jurnal Seri Mitra Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mitra Skolastikat MSC PinelengINELENG

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There is a difference between consecrated people and people in general in living poverty. In the lives of those who take vows, poverty is taken knowingly and willingly as a way to imitate the life of Jesus, their teacher. Different from world poverty which is often passively accepted, the practice of poverty in consecrated life is seen as an ideal life that is inspired by the practice of Jesus' poverty. The reality of poverty in the world is generally fatalistic, where poverty is often a result of injustice, oppression, colonialism, fraud, and many other manipulative practices. On the other hand, in the vows of poverty, simplicity, and lack of self-sufficiency are deliberately chosen, so that people will not be attached to worldly possessions, both for the sake of getting closer to holiness and so that they can be in solidarity with others. In addition, the vow of poverty is also lived in order to develop the lives of the poor. The question is whether the ideal of poverty can still be lived in today. The world of technology and the advancement of various facilities have penetrated behind the monastery fence. The lifestyles of consecrated people today are also changing. Facilities in the monastery such as buildings, means of transportation, means of communication, money and other facilities appear to be better and fully available. Do all these conveniences not obscure the meaning of the vow of poverty? This article attempts to reveal the practice of living the vows of poverty among today’s young religious men/women, and from there it tries to offer appropriate forms of coaching and mentoring to assist young religious men/women in living the vows of poverty.
Peran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Bagi Pembentukan Civic Virtue Dalam Masyarkat Multikultural Menurut William A. Galston: Sebuah Tinjauan dari Perspektif Filsafat Politik Gabriel Junior Ell
Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah - Pastoral) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023 Jurnal Seri Mitra Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mitra Skolastikat MSC PinelengINELENG

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William Arthur Galston is one of the contemporary political philosophers who pays attention to issues of modern citizenship, specifically the reality of a pluralistic society. His great concern for the reality of a pluralistic society is especially apparent in his writings on multiculturalism. Because Galston's thoughts generally depart from the facts of a pluralistic modern society. That is why he thinks a civic virtue concept  is needed in a multicultural society. Galston understands civic virtue as the ability of each person to develop self-quality but also must be able to work together with others and have priority to support the public interest rather than personal or group interests with the aim that democracy can develop properly. So that every citizen understands and owns civic virtue Education is needed, more precisely citizenship education. That means civics education has an important role because of the means or instruments needed by citizens and members of society to have civic virtues. For that reason, Galston emphasized that Citizenship Education can and even absolutely must be implemented in a liberal democratic country. With the help of the method of description and analysis, this thesis attempts to explain the role of citizenship education in developing civic virtue as an important component in a multicultural society according to Galston. The description is divided into three parts: The first part discusses the course of life Galston. The second part explains the concept of civic virtue according to Galston and the third part explains the role of civics education.  
Kemunculan Media Baru dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Masyarakat Digital : Suatu Tinjauan Kritis Berdasarkan Pemikiran Jean Baudrillard Wilio Joseph Donatius Kalesaran
Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah - Pastoral) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023 Jurnal Seri Mitra Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mitra Skolastikat MSC PinelengINELENG

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Throughout the ages, humans have always created technology that helps their lives. In the field of human communication, new media is present as a consequence of the rapid development of technology. Today, its most obvious manifestation is the internet. According to Jean Baudrillard, postmodern society is a consumer society that continuously consumes objects in the form of signs. In the context of new media, they consume information. Objects are manipulated as signs actively. The process then equates the true reality with signs. This is what Baudrillard calls a simulation. Simulation disguises reality in the form of the meaning of signs. It represents models that approach the facts. Thanks to the presence of the media, we cannot differentiate between simulation and reality. This condition is called Baudrillard as hyperreality or 'beyond reality'. Today, new media simulates itself. It presents the public with a new reality called the virtual world. Communities interact with each other virtually. In this virtual reality, information is continuously being produced as a commodity. As for information, it cannot be destroyed and continues to accumulate. This accumulation of information causes a void or 'implosion'. Fake signs (pseudo sign) glides freely as information and transforms into a beautiful spectacle. Ultimately society can lose its critical power and be led to catastrophe.  
Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Keadilan Sosial: Catatan Tentang Peran Perguruan Tinggi Ohoitimur Johanis; Anselmus Jamlean
Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah - Pastoral) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023 Jurnal Seri Mitra Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mitra Skolastikat MSC PinelengINELENG

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The history of human civilization has never failed to record the reality of poverty and social injustice. The poor and those who are victims of injustice have always been among us. Today there is a new awareness that classic humanitarian problems are inseparable from environmental problems. Destruction of the environment always results in impoverishment and human suffering. And, conversely, socio-economic marginalization often occurs as a result of exclusive control over natural resources. From an ethical perspective, human and environmental issues are essentially a matter of social injustice. This article intends to trace the views of the church's social teaching on the sustainable development and social justice. Some remarks are also given concerning the role and contribution of universities thereof.
Konsep Ahimsa Menurut Mahatma Gandhi dan Relevansinya Dalam Komunikasi Manusia Masa Kini: Sebuah Kajian Filsafat Delviano Gregorius Kapele; Barnabas Ohoiwutun
Jurnal Seri Mitra (Refleksi Ilmiah - Pastoral) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Januari 2023 Jurnal Seri Mitra Refleksi Ilmiah Pastoral
Publisher : Kelompok Studi Mitra Skolastikat MSC PinelengINELENG

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Mahatma Gandhi was a human rights activist from India. Born into a devoted Hindu family, Gandhi believed in ahimsa. Gandhi made ahimsa as a way of life to find the Truth. Current conditions and the thoughts of several figures such as Leo Tolstoy, John Ruskin, and Henry Thoreau helped reinforce Gandhi’s thoughts on ahimsa. Gandhi declared ahimsa to be a spiritual force that surpasses all forces in the world. Gandhi gave a new deeper meaning to ahimsa. Ahimsa was understood as a method of struggle against various practices of violence and injustice in order to gain the truth. Starting from Gandhi’s understanding of ahimsa, it is very relevant if the concept of ahimsa is used in contemporary human communication to prevent and resolve conflicts. The various challenges that confront the practice of ahimsa can be overcome when people turn their backs to himsa and practice ahimsa. Using descriptive and analysis method, this essay attempts to explain Mahatma Gandhi’s concept of ahimsa and its relevance in human communication today.

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