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Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi
ISSN : 28083598     EISSN : 2808277X     DOI :
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi (B : JKB), focus to bridge the gap between research and practice, providing information, ideas and opinion, in addition to critical examinations of advances in biology research, teaching, and learning. Through the coverage of policy and curriculum developments, the latest results of research into the teaching, learning and assessment of biology are brought to the fore. Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi (B : JKB), receiving and publishing article in the form of research and review (scientific article) in the field of biology education and utilization of biological research in teaching and learning. Each article must be linked to the theme "21st century skills in biology education" and / or "Efforts to support the achievements of the goals set forth in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through biology education". All articles are published in English and under go a peer-review process. The scope of Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi (B : JKB), is focused on biology education research/review both in topics covered as well as disciplinary perspective : 1) Biology teaching and learning materials at all education levels; 2) Pure Research of Biology developed or studied to the sources, materials, or instructional media Biology (using the Research and Development paradigm/R&D); 3) Curriculum of Biology Education at all education levels; 4) Quasi-experiment, Class Action Research (CAR), and Lesson Study in Biology teaching and learning; 5) Other Qualitative Research of Biology Education; 6) Biology Learning Evaluation/Assessment; 7) Teacher Professional Issues/Trends in Biology Education; and 8) Environmental education.
Articles 7 Documents
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Identifikasi Tanaman Penghasil Resin dan Polen di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Sekarbela Kota Mataram Sri Nopita Primawati; Husnul Jannah
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian (LP3) Kamandanu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.105 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/bjkb.v2i1.35


Indonesia is a tropical country that has abundant natural wealth in the form of flora and fauna. One of the fauna that is beneficial to humans is the honey bee. An influential factor in the success of honey bee cultivation is the availability of bee feed in the form of flowering plants. The flowers of these plants contain nectar, pollen, or nectar and pollen which is very influential in honey production. The availability of a 500 m wide yard at the Nurul Islam Sekarbela Islamic Boarding School, Mataram City, is currently only used as a living pharmacy planted with medicinal plants and ornamental plants, such as several types of flowers and there are several large trees such as mango trees as shade trees. Almost all types of flowering plants are a source of bee food, because flowers are pollen producers. This study uses an exploratory method with purposive sampling technique. After determining the sampling point, then the process of identifying what plants were found in the Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School Area was carried out. This identification uses the key to the determination of resin and pollen-producing plants, and is based on related scientific journals. The results of the research that have been carried out obtained 16 types of resin-producing plants, namely: four o'clock flowers, red shoots, sunflowers, turi, purslane, palm, kastuba, miana, longan, mango, rambutan, lime, banana, guava, avocado, and jackfruit. So it can be concluded that the grounds of the Nurul Islam Islamic Boarding School can be used as a beekeeping by placing bee stubs in tall trees, away from disturbances from students or the surrounding community.
Pengaruh Variasi Pupuk terhadap Pertumbuhan Benih Terung Hijau (Solanum melongena L.) Yuni Suwarni Putri; Septiana Dwi Utami; Herdiyana Fitriani
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian (LP3) Kamandanu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (322.472 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/bjkb.v2i1.37


Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is a garden plant grown for its fruit. Some green eggplant farmers in West Lombok, use NPK fertilizer as the main choice to produce quality fruit, they never use organic fertilizer when planting green eggplant for fear that the size of the fruit produced is not as big as the fruit grown using NPK. Low quality green eggplants are rarely in demand by the public, so it will have an impact on decreasing selling prices in the market. This study aims to determine the effect of fertilizer variation on the growth of green eggplant (Solanum melongena L). This research is a true experiment that wants to see the growth of green eggplant plants given a variety of fertilizers. In this study using 3 treatments, namely PA (chicken manure + soil in a ratio of 2:1), PK (goat manure + soil in a ratio of 2:1), PN (NPK fertilizer 20 g given to each polybag size 2 kg). The results of the analysis from the table and the average diagram, the application of fertilizer variations showed that there were differences in the growth of green eggplant plants on the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, number of flowers and number of fruit. The results of the ANOVA statistical test showed that there was an effect of fertilizer variation on the parameters of the number of leaves and the number of branches, but it was not significant on the parameters of plant height, number of flowers and number of green eggplant (Solanum melongena L.).
Peran Vitamin D terhadap Pertumbuhan Tulang pada Balita Sazali Febrianto; Apriadi Bahari
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian (LP3) Kamandanu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.118 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/bjkb.v2i1.42


Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and contains a steroidal molecular structure that is needed for various metabolic processes in the body. There are two sources of vitamin D, namely through manufacture in the skin and the impact of food intake. Vitamin D is divided into 2 forms, namely vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin D is also actively involved in bone formation,   resorption,   mineralization,   and   maintenance   of   neuromuscular function. Vitamin D deficiency has been widely known to affect linear growth from infants, toddlers to adults. The design of this research is the literature of research  articles  collected  by  means  of  computer  searches  through  google schoolar and repository. Screening can be monitored so that bone growth in toddlers can be optimized properly and correctly.
Pemanfaatan Vitamin C Alami sebagai Antioksidan pada Tubuh Manusia Safnowandi Safnowandi
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian (LP3) Kamandanu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.043 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/bjkb.v2i1.43


Vitamin C is an organic substance needed by the human body in small amounts, to maintain metabolic functions and also acts as an antioxidant for the human body, to ward off free radicals. The design of this research is a literature review of research articles collected by means of computer searches through google schoolar and repository. The search step is to enter the keyword Natural Vitamin C Antioxidant, Dosage and source of intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is a water-soluble antioxidant (Aqueous Antioxidant). Vitamin C is part of the body's defense system against reactive oxygen compounds in plasma and cells. Vitamin C deficiency and excess will have an effect on our health. Lemons contain about 85 milligrams of vitamin C, guava has a high vitamin C content of 86 mg/100g, 1 pineapple or a plate of longan fruit (about 100 grams) contains about 80 milligrams of vitamin C, and in a bowl of spinach (about 30 grams) contains 8.5 mg of vitamin C.
Efektivitas Penggunaan Limbah Cair Tahu sebagai Bahan Substitusi Pencampuran Media Tanam dalam Percepatan Pertumbuhan Miselium Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) Dina Kholida; Nofisulastri Nofisulastri; Baiq Muli Harisanti
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian (LP3) Kamandanu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.916 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/bjkb.v2i1.44


Tofu liquid waste with protein content is one of the wastes that has economic value, because the content of organic compounds and nutrients contained in it is still relatively high. Oyster mushroom is a type of wood mushroom that has a higher nutritional content than other types of wood mushrooms. Market demand for oyster mushrooms continues to increase. The need for oyster mushrooms is still relatively high and its fulfillment is still limited, therefore it is necessary to add nutrients from the outside, where tofu liquid waste can be used as an alternative growing medium for oyster mushrooms. This study aims to determine the extent to which tofu liquid waste has the potential as a substitute for mixing planting media in accelerating the growth of mycelium of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). This type of research is a pure experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) using 4 treatments (0% concentration, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) and 5 replications. Parameters observed were the increase in length, thickness and color of the mycelium. Data were analyzed using 5% ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) with the help of SPPS for windows program. The results of the value analysis based on the increase in length, thickness and color of the mycelium were 1.737 cm (t-count = 2.911 > t-table = 0.094); thick (t-count = 0.688 > t-table = 0.411) and white (t-count = 1.219 > t-table = 0.001).
Kebutuhan Vitamin E dengan Kadar Hemoglobin sebagai Nutrisi pada Ibu Hamil Nurul Amalia; Dini Haerani
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian (LP3) Kamandanu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.234 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/bjkb.v2i1.45


Anemia in pregnancy is the condition of the mother with Hb <11g%. Anemia occurs in almost half of pregnant women. One of the causes of anemia is a micronutrient deficiency, namely Vitamin E. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between vitamin E intake and hemoglobin levels in pregnant women at the Long Mesengat Health Center, Long Mesengat District, East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province in 2019. This study using an analytic observational design with a cross sectional. The research sample consisted of 36 respondents who were collected through simple random sampling and met the criteria. Data were analyzed by univariate test and bivariate test (Spearman). The results showed that 12 (33.33%) pregnant women with anemia and 19 (52.8%) pregnant women with insufficient vitamin E intake. The results of this study showed that there was no relationship between vitamin E intake and hemoglobin levels in pregnant women at the Long Mesengat Health Center in 2019 (p = 0.25).
Penggunaan Larutan Biji Buah Pinang (Areca catechu L.) terhadap Lama Penyimpanan dan Kualitas Telur Bebek (Marginae sp.) Iwan Doddy Dharmawibawa
Biocaster : Jurnal Kajian Biologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian (LP3) Kamandanu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (197.603 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/bjkb.v2i1.46


Eggs as a staple food for the community are increasingly in demand because they are very easy to obtain, easy to process and have high protein content. Duck eggs stored at room temperature can only last 10-14 days, after which the eggs have decreased in quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using betel nut seed solution as a preservative on the storage time and quality of duck eggs. This type of research is a True-experimental study with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), two factorial, consisting of concentration treatments (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, and 60%) and storage time treatments (14 days, 21 days, and 28 days) with 3 replicates. Chemical and physical test data were analyzed using the ANOVA test (5%) using SPSS for Windows version 20.0. The interaction of betel nut seed solution concentration and storage time gave no significant effect on the pH value (Fhit = 1.125 < Ftab = 1.375), Yolk Index (Fhit = 1.002 < Ftab = 1.454), and Weight Loss (Fhit = 0.614 < Ftab = 0.638). However, the length of storage of duck eggs had a significant effect on the yolk index (Fhit = 21.821 > Ftab = 21) and weight loss (Fhit = 12,569 > Ftab = 12.001).

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