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Articles 4 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 8, No 3 (2021): Juni 2021" : 4 Documents clear
Perancangan Electronic Kanban Menggunakan Metode Constant Quantity Withdrawal System Untuk Mengurangi Keterlambatan Pada Assembly Junction Di Pt Dirgantara Indonesia Puput Nidaul Choiriyah; Denny Sukma Eka Atmaja; Widia Juliani
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak PT Dirgantara Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan milik Negara yang bergerak dalam bidang kedirgantaraan. Saat ini perusahaan sedang mengalami permasalahan pada keterlambatan dalam pengiriman Tailboom. Tailboom merupakan ekor dari helicopter. Permasalahan ini disebabkan karena keterlambatan pada salah satu komponen Tailboom yaitu Junction. Komponen Junction mengalami keterlambatan pada proses assembly dikarenakan kekurangan part di assembly line. Kekurangan part disebabkan karena tidak lengkapnya work package yang dikirimkan dari fabrikasi. Untuk mengatasi keterlambatan pada assembly Junction dibutuhkan sistem kontrol produksi yang berupa Kanban. Kanban merupakan tools dari Just In Time untuk sistem produksi tarik atau pull system. Dengan menggunakan kanban dapat mengontrol aliran produksi sesuai quantity yang dibutuhkan dan waktu yang tepat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan sistem Electronic Kanban menggunakan metode constant quantity withdrawal system yang diimplementasikan di area fabrikasi, assembly store dan assembly line. Hasil simulasi dengan menggunakan electronic kanban pada assembly Junction mampu mengurangi keterlambatan sebesar 56% yang disebabkan karena factor part. Hal ini disebabkan karena level stock di departemen assembly store dapat terjaga, kemudian material dan kapasitas pada fabrikasi memenuhi.Selain itu, electronic kanban memberikan informasi antar departemen saling terintegrasi sehingga mudah diketahui kesalahan yang terjadi secara realtime. Dengan demikian production control dapat mengambil kebijakan terkait permasalahan yang dideteksi. Electronic kanban dapat menginformasikan apa, berapa, dan kapan harus memproduksi part atau komponen. Kata kunci : Constant Quantity, Electronic Kanban, Junction, Keterlambatan, Tailboom Abstract PT Dirgantara Indonesia is a state-owned company engaged in the field of aerospace. Today company has a problem on delivery Tailboom. Tailboom cannot delivery on time. Tailboom is a tail of helicopter. This problem occurs because late on Tailboom component, Junction. Junction component was late on assembly process due to lack of part on assembly line. This caused by uncomplete work package that delivered from fabrication. To reduce lateness in assembly Junction, kanban is needed as production control system. Kanban is a tools of Just In Time for pull production system. Using kanban system can control the production according to the quantity needed and in the right time. The results of this study is design Electronic Kanban system using constant quantity withdrawal system method which is implemented in fabrication, assembly store and assembly line. Constant quantity withdrawal system method is used to calculate the required kanban. The result from simulation using electronic kanban in assembly Junction can reduce lateness for 56% that caused by part faktor. It caused level stock in assembly store is maintained, material and capacity in fabrication is available. In other that, electronic kanban give the information flow between department is integrated with each other so it easy to know what errors that occur in real time. Based on that reason, production control can make a decision related on that problem. Electronic kanban can inform what, how, and when to produce parts or component. Keywords: Constant Quantity, Electronic Kanban, Junction, Lateness, Tailboom
Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Tanaman Hidroponik Terintegrasi Iot Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Muhamad Ramadhan; Muhammad Ary Murti; Casi Setianingsih
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Aplikasi sistem pakar hidroponik dengan metode pengambil keputusan forward chaining dan certainty factor, menjadi alat bantu pegiat hidroponik yang dapat dibawa kemanapun yang hanya bermodalkan Internet dan Smartphone android. Sistem pakar yang dibangun dapat melakukan monitoring, serta pengendalian alat kontrol nutrisi hidroponik yang terintegrasi (Internet of Things). Data sensor ph dan tds akan diproses menggunakan metode pengambil keputusan forward chaining dan penentu kepastian Certainty Factor untuk melakukan klasifikasi dan penangan solusi masalah larutan hidroponik. Sistem pakar dibuat menggunakan aplikasi android studio yang memiliki akurasi pengambilan keputusan yang telah di validasi pakar sebesar 100%, dan memiliki interval waktu rata-rata pengiriman data ke alat selama 39,2 detik. Alpha testing has been carried out on the application system with 100% accuracy, pengujian beta dengan aspek usability > 80%, pengujian validitas dengan ke-6 pertanyaan memiliki nilai > rtabel dinyakan valid, Uji reliabilitas memiliki nilai Alpha = 0.8105 > 0.6 (nilai pembanding) maka dinyatakan reliable. Kata Kunci : Hidroponik, Sistem Pakar, Forward Chaining, Certainty Factor Abstract The hydroponic expert system application with the forward chaining decision-making method and certainty factors, becomes a tool for hydroponic activists that can be carried anywhere with only the Internet and an Android Smartphone. The expert system that is built can monitor and control an integrated hydroponic nutrition control device (Internet of Things). The ph and tds sensor data will be processed using the forward chaining decision-making method and the Certainty Factor determinant to classify and handle hydroponic solution problems. The expert system is made using the android studio application which has an accuracy of decision making that has been validated by experts at 100%, and has an average time interval of sending data to the tool for 39.2 seconds. Alpha testing has been carried out on the application system with 100% accuracy, beta testing with usability aspects> 80%, validity testing with all 6 questions having a value> rtabel declared valid, reliability test having Alpha value = 0.8105> 0.6 (comparable value ) then declared reliable. Keyword : Hydroponic, Expert System, Forward Chaining, Certainty Factor
The Analysis Of Online Learning Tools Based On Students Survey Due To Covid-19 Pandemic Siti Fitria Yonalia; Putu Harry Gunawan
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic situation that occurred in 2021 has made changes to a fast pattern in various sectors, one of which is education. There are various methods used to secure teaching and learning activities by minimizing physical contact in order to reduce the increase in the viral transmission curve. Changing the method from offline to online at a rapid pace raises a new problem that reduces the effectiveness of learning activities for students. Some of these things are caused by the quality of the internet network that is not optimal, constraints in the habituation of using online learning methods and differences in understanding of the material through the use of the video conference application. This study will provide a comprehensive explanation of the level of effectiveness of online learning in the long and short term with nonparametric statistical analysis on categorical data analysis through the Chi-Square test with a research sample of 150 students spread across the University of Jakarta and Bandung. Keywords: Covid-19, Effectivity, Online Learning, Video Conference Application.
Perancangan Dan Implementasi Produk S- Lucy (smart Lighting Ultimate Control By Website) Untuk Smart Switch Berbasis Internet Of Things (iot) Almyra Rosedyana; Rendy Munadi; Nyoman Bogi Aditya K
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 8, No 3 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Lampu merupakan salah satu barang elektronik yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kebanyakan dari masyarakat, menggunakan lampu disaat malam hari. Namun, ada juga yang tetap menyalakan sampai saat pagi hari, ataupun tanpa berhenti. Contohnya disaat ingin bepergian banyak masyarakat yang tetap menyalakan lampu hingga saat kembali ke rumahnya. Dengan itu, Smart Switch dipilih sebagai salah satu produk dari S-LUCY. Kegunaan Smart Switch ini sangat membantu dalam permasalahan ini, user dapat mengatur timer pada fitting lamp yang ada pada rumah user sesuai dengan keinginan pengguna, sehingga dapat menghemat listrik secara efektif. Kinerja Smart Switch menerapkan sistem Internet of Things (IoT) agar lebih lebih efektif dan maksimal. Dengan menggabungkan konsep IoT, produk Smart Switch serta bantuan dari media website, dapat mempermudah user untuk mengendalikan atau mengatur dimanapun dan kapanpun dengan syarat harus terhubung ke koneksi internet. Produk S-LUCY Smart Switch ini sudah dapat dinyatakan berhasil setelah melakukan pengujian akurasi alat, pengujian utility serta pengujian Quality of Service (QoS), yaitu delay dan throughput. Hasil dari pengujian delay mempunyai rata-rata sebesar 58,19 ms, dan 1058,3 bps untuk nilai throughput. Kata kunci : Internet of Things , Smart Switch, Relay. Abstract Lights are one of the most important electronic items in everyday life. Most of the people, use lights at night. However, there are also those that keep it on until morning, or without stopping. For example, when they want to travel, many people keep their lights on until they return to their homes. With that, the Smart Switch was chosen as one of the products from S-LUCY. The use of this Smart Switch is very helpful in this problem, the user can set the timer on the lamp fittings in the user's home according to the user's wishes, so that they can save electricity effectively. Smart Switch performance applies the Internet of Things (IoT) system to make it more effective and maximized. By combining the concept of IoT, Smart Switch products and assistance from media websites, it can make it easier for users to control or manage anywhere and anytime with the condition that they have to be connected to an internet connection. This S-LUCY Smart Switch product can be declared successful after testing the accuracy of the tool, testing utility and testing Quality of Service (QoS), namely delay and throughput. The results of the delay test have an average of 58.19 ms and 1058.3 bps for the value throughput. Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart Switch, Relay.

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